TEMA Engleza

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The termination of the law faculty represents a new stage for each student who
passed his threshold.Each of the students who chose to follow this path has taken on more
or more little knowledge that will help them to tailor the way they chose in their
professional life. Career choice is one aspect of a fulfilled and happy life, From both a
professional and a personal point of view.Undoubtedly, a good student will be able to
become a useful person for the society in which he lives as long as he shows an interest in
solving his duties.
On the subject proposed for debate in this essay, which is to consider becoming a
lawyer, in my opinion, This profession is a profession undervalued by people in general
because most of them consider that being a lawyer does not present the difficulty of
knowing the law that is important to defend a client.
As far as I am concerned, there are a considerable number of reasons why I do not
wish to become a lawyer such as the fact that in law, the money speaks. And as I read
recently, when the money speaks, nobody is attentive to the grammar. But while lawyers
are active in one of the best paid legal professions and most of them have higher than
average wages, the situation of lawyers varies dramatically. If the best lawyers in the
world earn sums of six zeroes, there are countless lawyers who drink water from the tap
(and it's not a euphemism)... because they don't have water after drinking. In Romania
alone, there are thousands of unemployed lawyers, their success or failure is not a matter
of competence, but most often a matter of chance: The area in which they practice
(Bucharest, Cluj or... Focsani), the size of the company employing, competition, the level
of experience etc.
Although a profession with significant financial potential, the law can also be a
morgana girl from this point of view. Not to mention the debts you have accumulated
during the Faculty of Law - a non-cheap faculty.Also, everyone expects something from
the lawyer. All cases come with a mental burden and a responsibility toward their
As a lawyer, you try a regret even for the losing cases at the start. Even worse is the
situation where the customer loses when they should win, but the system is hindering
them. Lawyers are a profession where failures get difficult to get into, and to explain to a
client that they will not recover the savings that have been defrauded makes the
psychologist work to look like a bagatelle.of course, lawyers are in a privileged position
to help individuals, groups and organizations, sometimes pro bono, thus contributing to
general well-being. But they also assume, by entering the profession, the status of
"mother of all wounded", a psychically oppressive one.
Law is one of the most stressful occupations on the planet, and lawyers are among
the most likely to be depression and suicides. Although as a lawyer you can theoretically
make your own program, the hours are long (in many cases more than 50 a week), the
chaotic program and often at the border (the English call it work-til-you-drop), and the
atmosphere one of sedentarianism and seclusion - if you are looking for fresh air, you got
wrong, you will only be an air-conditioning lawyer. Customers can be very demanding,
the demadines are the norm, along with the large changes in legislation and the bills that
are collected at the door. Besides, they expect you to keep up to date with developments
in the field, maintain your customer relationships and manage other work-related
activities. Put together, they all make up a recipe for stress, panic attacks/heart attacks
and divorces. Many lawyers complain that the work-life relationship is totally out of
control. And, most likely, a lawyer invented the office cycle:OFFICE - BED - OFFICE .
A revealing statistic about satisfaction in the profession? 40% of lawyers would not
recommend a graduate to become a lawyer.
Like I said earlier Lawyers have a very poor public image. Like I said, people don't
like lawyers, whom they perceive as unscrupulous individuals with dubious interests that
overcharge. On the other hand, a reputable renown remains associated with the profession
of lawyer. For generations in a row, being a lawyer conferred a special status: Intellectual
distinction, generous salaries, authority. Lawyers were - and some of them still are - a
social elite that attracts admiration and symbolizes success.
As a lawyer, you are always learning, either from books or most often from
practice. Apprenticeships, seen by some as the cornerstone of a successful career and by
others as a slavery that should be abolished, remain extremely useful, and the premise of
achieving excellence, which seems to be a man who deliberately practices a 10.000-hour
activity. The fact is that by clapping over the legal precedent, laws and subtleties in
various fields, or (if applicable) through the training provided by the company you work
for, as a lawyer, you always have intellectual challenges. Knowing the law gives you an
ascendancy over ordinary morals, while the various areas of practice in which you work
are as many opportunities for learning and growth - not only as a professional, but also as
a man. Lawyers are "repairers" of problems, analysts, innovators and philosophers, and
lawyers are one of the most intellectual stimulants of the world's trade.
In conclusion, I think I have brought enough arguments to justify that I never want
to become a lawyer. Summing up what I said, although a student can prove a good
knowledge of the law, to become and be a lawyer requires some financial strength and
many sacrifices, especially on a personal level.

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