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Faculty Manual 2020 Edition

Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition


S t. Dominic Savio College started as a dream of

the founders. Dr. Nestor V. Dela Cruz and his wife Dr.
Myra R. dela Cruz, which became a reality as the years
passed by since it first operated in 1993. From a Pre-school
and Elementary school in a modest two-storey residential
house it grew into what it is now St. Dominic Savio College
which now offers Pre-School, Grade School, Junior High
School, Senior High School, College, and Graduate School.

W ith the tremendous growth of the school it

is important that a faculty manual be made in order for the
faculty members to know the policies, rules and regulations,
faculty deportment, as well as their compensation and

T his manual will serve as a guide for the faculty

members of St. Dominic Savio College which they can
browse in order for them to be acquainted with the
policies, rules and regulations as well as their compensation
and benefits.
ii 94
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
Below are the lists of tests situations, rank the tests that corresponds
to those used by the teacher under appraisal. TABLE OF CONTENTS
( ) Identification ( ) Problem Solving ( ) Short Answer Test
( ) Enumeration ( ) Individual Test ( ) Essay CONTENTS PAGE
( ) Matching Type ( ) Performance Test ( ) Process Evaluation Preface ..................................................................................... i
( ) Multiple Choice ( ) Role Playing ( ) Stimulation
( ) True or False ( ) Field experience Table of Contents .................................................................... ii
St. Dominic Savio: His Memoirs............................................. 1
4. Interpersonal Skills
The History of St. Dominic Savio College .............................. 5
a. Integrates Christian values in lesson 1 2 3 4
b. Uses refined and appropriate language 1 2 3 4 The Legacy .............................................................................. 12
c. Accepts/ Uses ideas of students 1 2 3 4 SDSC Today ............................................................................ 12
d. Praises/ encourages the student
positive action or behavior 1 2 3 4 Vision Statement ..................................................................... 13
e. Gives negative feedback appropriately 1 2 3 4 Mission Statement ................................................................... 13
f. Gives direction/ instruction clearly 1 2 3 4
g. Accepts and clarifies the feeling of the SDSC General Goals .............................................................. 14
student in a non – threatening manner 1 2 3 4 Quality Policy and Educational Philosophy ............................ 15
h. Shows willingness to assists students Core Values ............................................................................. 16
outside of class hours 1 2 3 4
i. Is calm, even-tempered and has pleasant 1 2 3 4 St. Dominic Savio College Logo ............................................. 17
disposition St. Dominic Savio College Official Mascot: The Unicorn ...... 18
j. Handles discipline problem with
fairness and understanding 1 2 3 4 St. Dominic Savio College Hymn ........................................... 19
k. Respects the students and does Prayer to St. Dominic Savio .................................................... 20
not embarrass publicly 1 2 3 4
St. Dominic Savio College Organizational Structure ......... 21
l. Is friendly and approachable 1 2 3 4
Policies on Faculty, Admission, Classification,
Ranking and Promotion ........................................................
Section 1: Faculty Admission..................................... 24
Section 2: Faculty Classification ................................ 26
Section 3. Academic Classification Ranking and Pro-
Policies in Rights, Function and Responsibilities
on the Faculty Members .......................................................
Section 1: Faculty Rights............................................ 40
Section 2: Function and Responsibilities
of the Faculty Members ..............................................
93 iii
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
f. Uses effective question – asking procedures. 1 2 3 4
TABLE OF CONTENTS g. Encourage the students to ask questions 1 2 3 4
h. Answers student’s question with expertise 1 2 3 4
i. Asks more “how” questions. 1 2 3 4
CONTENTS PAGE j. Asks more “why” questions. 1 2 3 4
Academic Policies, Rules and Regulations .......................... 44 k. Leads students in summarizing ideas presented 1 2 3 4
l. Makes favorable comments when answers are 1 2 3 4
Section 1: Faculty Decorum ...................................... 45 correct
Section 2: Office Hours ............................................. 45 m. Encourages the students to think for themselves and
express their own opinions 1 2 3 4
Section 3: Attendance and Punctuality ...................... 45
n. Follows systematic classroom procedures 1 2 3 4
Section 4: Teaching Load .......................................... 48 o. Reminds the students of developing self-confidence 1 2 3 4
Section 5: Class Size ................................................. 49 p. Emphasizes important points of the lesson 1 2 3 4
q. Gives examples and illustration of lessons. 1 2 3 4
Section 6: Meeting ..................................................... 50
Section 7: Registration Assignment .......................... 50 2. Arouses and sustains the interest of the students towards
ideas and the skills presented
Section 8: Summer Session Training ........................ 51
Section 9: Classroom Procedure and Management ... 51 a. Relates stories or incidents relevant to
the lesson or topic 1 2 3 4
Section 10: Class Observations ................................. 52
b. Cites current/ relevant information to
Section 11: Guest Lectures / Resource Persons.......... 52 supplement the lesson 1 2 3 4
Section 12: Students Decorum ................................... 52 c. Uses audio/ visual aids like: 1 2 3 4

Section 13: Textbook.................................................. 52 ( ) films ( ) Models ( ) specimen

Section 14: Use of Facilities ....................................... 53 ( ) charts ( ) specific/ concrete examples ( ) transparencies
( ) films ( ) equipment ( ) others
Section 15: Scheduling of Co-curricular Activities .... 53
Section 16: Tutoring Students .................................... 53 d. Has a pleasant and well-modulated voice 1 2 3 4
e. Has good command of the language of 1 2 3 4
Section 17: Examination Policies and Procedures ..... 54
Section 18: Grades and Grading System .................... 57
Section 19: Requirements for Faculty Clearance ....... 60 3. Uses an appropriate strategy for assessment and
evaluation. Gives students challenging assignment / problems.
Faculty Relations ................................................................... 61
Section 1: faculty Relation with Students .................. 61 a. Returns checked/ corrected papers, quizzes, 1 2 3 4
Section 2: Faculty Relations with Colleagues ............ 62
b. Gives immediate feedback on standard
Section 3: Faculty Relations with Administration...... 62 performance assessment 1 2 3 4
Section 4: Faculty Relations with Parents ................. 63 c. Samples a wide range of test situations to
assess student performance 1 2 3 4

iv 92
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
Appendix C
Teacher’s Performance Appraisal Form TABLE OF CONTENTS
Evaluation of Teacher’s Performance by Students

NAME OF FACULTY: ____________________DATE: _________ CONTENTS PAGE

SUBJECT: _______________________________TIME: __________ Faculty Compensation and Benefits 64
This evaluation is designed to measure the present instruction system Section 1: Compensation Policies 65
in terms of: Section 2: Faculty Benefits 66
1. Effective use of Curriculum Instructional Guide
Faculty Deportment 74
2. Effective Instruction
3. Valid assessment of learning activities Section 1: Definition 74
4. Interpersonal Skills Section 2: Summary of Possible Offenses 74
The evaluation is to be accomplished by the students using this Section 3: Grievance Procedure 77
instrument. Appendices 80

The student shall encircle the number/ check the box that Appendix A. Faculty Ranking and Classification 80
corresponds to the appropriate response option that best Appendix B. Teacher’s Performance Appraisals
describes the performance of the faculty member under appraisal. Form (by the Dean / Asst. Dean / Principal / 87
The descriptions of the response options are as follows: Coordinator / Self)
Appendix C. Teacher’s Performance Appraisal Form
1 Never 2 Seldom 3 Most of the Time 4 Always 91
(by Students)
1. The teacher presents appropriate learning conditions for
the development and attainment of objectives.
a. Starts the lesson/ class on time 1 2 3 4
b. Motivates the students before the lesson proper 1 2 3 4
c. Presents the lesson in a logical order 1 2 3 4
d. Follows the assignments etc. given 1 2 3 4
e. Uses student – centered, activity – oriented approach
in the lesson objectives. 1 2 3 4

The following lists are the activities undertaken by the teachers.

Ranked the items used by the teacher under appraisal according to
( ) Panel Discussion ( ) Demonstration ( ) Role Playing
( ) Reporting ( ) Problem Solving ( ) Seatwork
( ) Film Viewing ( ) Symposia ( ) Projects
( ) Group Work ( ) Workshop ( ) Case Study
( ) Experiments ( ) Resource Speakers
91 v
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition

ST. DOMINIC SAVIO: HIS MEMOIRS c. Extends assistance to professional 1234

groups as consultant/resource person/
coordinator of seminar/workshop/
On June 12, 1954, Pope Pius XII conference
elevated a fifteen-year old boy from a
small town in Italy to the altar of Expresses own values without judging
canonized saints. This lad had shown different values held by others 1234
a shining example for the youth of
today - living an angelic, innocent, and Shows appreciation of the strength of others. 1234
pure life, which is manifestations of
his great regard for Christian virtues. Shows openness of new values 1234

He kept the flame of Christianity by Shows willingness to assist students outside

practicing faith heroically. He was an of class hours 1234
extraordinary lad, well-loved and
Shows initiative in contributing to
commanded a great deal of respect
the attainment of objectives in line
from his friends and teachers. He is St. Dominic Savio. with school mission-vision. 1234
Born in a small town in Murialdo, Italy on April 2, 1842, Shows accountability for another in
Dominic Savio became the sole object of his parent's love, an official relationship 1234
care and attention. His parents, Charles and Brigit, nurtured
him in love especially after the death of his sibling. Moreover, Remains calm in a high stress situation 1234
even though his parents were extremely poor, they were
hardworking and pious peasants for they treasure their COMMENTS:
Christian faith as their ultimate wealth.
St. Dominic Savio, whose first name came from the Latin word ____________________________________________________
‘Dominicus’, which means 'belonging to the Lord' while 'Savio'
means 'wise', values education. This liberated him from the
lure and sins of the materialistic world. (Weaknesses)
For him, LOVE, LEADERSHIP and SERVICE were the ____________________________________________________
FOUNDATIONS OF TRUE CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. ____________________________________________________
However, just like an ordinary boy, he emulates and admires
his teacher who molded him in the direction of the Christian
faith. Thus, St. John Bosco, his teacher, made a mark in his

1 90
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
2.6. Arouses and sustains interest if students towards skill presented. Under the tutelage of St. John Bosco, Dominic Savio was
1. not at all molded to have a strong Christian foundation, thus, he took it
2. utilizes a few students for summary by heart to live his life in holiness. In addition, during his first
3. involves as many students as possible in formulating
communion, he noted some rules that will govern his life,
4. uses students to synthesize/summarize all points and draws thus:
He will go to the confession and communion often;
2.7. Maintains classroom discipline.
1. not at all He will keep the Feast days holy;
2. seldom Jesus and Mary will be his best friends; and
3. most of the time
4. always He will rather die than to commit sin.

3. INSTRUCTIONAL ASSESSMENT He displayed unrelenting faith through deep prayers, fidelity

to Christian duties, diligence in school, zeal in spreading the
3.1 Uses an appropriate assessment instrument 1234 Christian doctrines amongst his fellow youths, and him being
To diagnose learning deficiencies and remediate a peace-maker were as what St. Paul called 'the sweet
fragrance of Christ.
3.2 Interprets test scores on the basis of specific 1234
However, on 1857, the young Dominic contracted
3.3 Samples a wide-range of skills categories 1234 tuberculosis that prompted him to go home to his parents.
during assessments. And after four days of enduring the burden of illness, his
condition worsened. He can no longer bear the weight of
3.4 Submits grading sheet, class cards and
sickness and it was when he repeatedly recited a verse of
test questions on time. 1234
prayer that displayed his undying faith. And even though it
3.5 takes appropriate action of failing the students 1234 pained his parents to see him suffer, his prayers were like
music to their ears.
3.6 uses a standardized grading system 1234
“Lord, take my freedom I give it to thee;
4.PROFESSIONAL COMMITMENT My body and all its strength are thine;
Teacher attends School meeting 1234 All that I have you gave to me;
Co-curricular area related activities 1234 To bow is to thy will be mine.”
Extra-curricular activities 1234
His parents knew that he will be leaving them to be
4.2. Professional Growth
a. Attends seminars sponsored 1234 with his Creator, thus, he recited the lines:
by the school
“When my feet benumbed in death,
b. Pursues professional growth by voluntary 1234 Shall warn me that my mortal hour is drawing to a close…
attendance or participation on job related Merciful gems have mercy on me.”
89 2
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
“Oh, what a beautiful thing I see!” uttered the 15 year-old 2. Instructional Performance
Dominic as he drew his last breath. His hands crossed his
breast as his parents sat beside him stricken by grief. This is on-the-spot evaluation. Encircle the number.
2.1 Presents learning condition to facilitate attainment of objectives
1. does not present learning condition which are inappropriate
The news of his early demise reached his classmates, friends
2. presents learning conditions which are inappropriate
and his mentor, St. John Bosco. His death, however painful it 3. presents learning condition which are appropriate
may be was not in vain. The Church hierarchy paid tribute to 4. presents learning conditions which are appropriate and
his greatness as Pope Pius X said: facilitates the attainment of objectives

“Dominic Savio is a real model of the youth of our times. A boy 2.2. Uses question-making method to facilitate attainment of
who has carried his baptismal innocence with him to the tomb, objectives.
and who has never shown a single defect in his short life is a 1. does not use question-making method at all
truly a saint....” 2. asks questions that require “yes” or “no” response only
3. asks questions that require thought provoking response
The clamor for St. Dominic to be a member of the Altar of rather than “yes” or “no”
Saints had been championed by many especially in his 4. asks questions that require thought provoking response
rather than “yes” or “no” and encourage the students to
hometown in Murialdo.
defend their statements.
Such clamor drew in many supporters who believed in him 2.3. Uses student- centered activity in developing the specific skill
that on July 9, 1933, Pope Pius XI declared that young objectives.
Dominic's virtues were heroic and that his life was worthy of 1. not at all
imitation. Thus, the investigation for the miracles performed 2. uses an inappropriate strategy
by the Boy Saint began. 3. once but appropriate
4. more than once
Until finally, in 1950, two miracles were approved by the
Ecclesiastical Commission in Rome as a part of the Church 2.4. Uses a strategy to diagnose entry-exit cognitive skills level.
Law on the Divine Testimony on the holiness of a candidate 1. not at all
for beatification. Two children, one suffered a hemorrhage 2. uses an inappropriate strategy
3. once but appropriate
and one a fractured bone, were miraculously healed. With
4. more than once
this, Pope Pius XII declared Dominic Savio as Blessed during a
ceremony at St. Peter's Basilica on March 5, 1950. 2.5. Uses effective interpersonal skills to facilitate learning and
development of positive attitudes.
Four years after his beatification, the Catholic Church 1. not at all
approved two more miracles on two women this time--one 2. uses an inappropriate strategy
suffered from hemorrhage and the other one from infected 3. once but appropriate
sinuses. 4. more than once

3 88
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
The miracles were final pre-requisites before for a Blessed
Teacher’s Performance Appraisal Form person is bestowed with full honors as a canonized saint.
(by the Dean/ Asst. Dean/ Principal/Coordinator/ Self) Hence, on June 12, 1954, Pope Pius XII solemnly declared
Dominic Savio a saint and bestowed him all honors of the
FACULTY:_______________________DATE:________ altar. Thus, the date of his death, March 9, was celebrated as
SUBJECT:__________________________________TIME:________ his feast day among the throng of faithful gathered at St.
Peter's Basilica.
This evaluation is designed to:
1. Measure the affectivity of the present system in terms of: Radiating with purity, piety and zeal, these are the springs of
1.1 Instructional planning 15% St. Dominic Savio's strength. His purity, inspired by the Virgin
1.2 instructional Performance 35% Mary is a perfume that pleases the heart of God. His pureness
1.3 Instructional Assessment 25% safeguards him from material lure and other earthly sins and
1.4 Interpersonal Skills 10% this inspired the faithful to emulate him. Aside from this, his
1.5 Professional Commitment 15% reverence to God is on the highest order for he never failed to
religiously adhere to his spiritual and moral obligations. He
2. Determine the areas for reinforcement
3. Provide feedback on the individual performance and adopt measures took it to heart his prayers and not just merely uttered or
for self reinforcement. memorized and his penance and sacrifice were all offered to
4. Provide data for Administration to recognize outstanding God.
His zeal on the other hand, was his flame to help and reach
This instrument is to be used b the Dean, Assistant Dean, the Program other people, may it be in his own age or older. His virtue
Coordinator, and the Faculty himself/herself in assessing performance. never failed him to continuously talk, listen and understand
The students will use a separate instrument for evaluation. those who were around him. From actively joining
catechisms to just merely a boy who showed grace and
The proposed options are as follows: understanding, St. Dominic's life was colorful, meaningful, and
influential to those faithful whose lives he touched.
Not all 2-sometimes 3-most of the times 4-always

1.Instructional Planning Thus, St. Dominic Savio's virtues, leadership and youth can be
1.1 Design appropriate instructional and assessment 1234 exemplified by young boys and girls, for he is their Patron
Tools based on the skill objectives Saint. Hence, his motto is DEATH RATHER THAN SIN.
1.2. states skills objectives that are precise, complete 1234
and understandable to the students.
1.3 shows integration of Christian Values in the CIG 1234
Plan to develop effective domain.
1.4 Includes list of instructional materials to facilitate 1234
Attainment of objective
1.5 Integrates VMG of the Instruction in the CIG 1234

87 4
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
Max Credit Points
It started out as a dream. Then slowly, it became a reality. Job Factors
Pts. Points
Through the years, the reality continues to stand amidst all
1. Academic Growth and Prepara- (100 30
the hardships and trials that had come its way. tion 40
A. Bachelor’s Degree 10
Through the great efforts of Dr. Nestor V. dela Cruz and his Additional Bachelor Degree
wife Dr. Myra R. dela Cruz, St. Dominic Savio College was B. Master’s Degree 60
established in February of 1993. But during that time, SDSC Additional Master’s Degree 15
was first known as St. Dominic Savio School that catered C. Master’s Degree (not in field of 50
only to the grade school and high school levels. Armed with specialization)
its vision – mission of Total Development of a Person, SDSC D. Doctorate Degree 85
opened its doors to students from all walks of life. Doctorate Degree (not in field of 75
Housed in a modest two – storey E. Gov’t Exam/Professional Licensed 5
residential house, SDSC (related) 3
welcomed twenty – three (23) Gov’t Exam/Professional Licensed
students in the pre – school and grade (not related)
school programs at the start of its F. Non-Degree Seminars/(related) 10
operations in 1993. At that time, Mr. attach certificate**(2 points for
Ednel S. Garcia and Ms. Virginia every seminar) 5
Maraguinot were designated as the Non-Degree Seminars/(non-related)
* (1 point for every seminar)
Administrative Officer and Principal, *Maximum is 5 points only
respectively. In its second year of **maximum is 10 points only
operation, the High School Department was opened because G. Units earned in Graduate Studies
of the great support provided by the community. 1. Master’s Units (maximum of 12 12
points; 1 point for every 3 units)*
The enrollment doubled and the Pre-School and Elementary 2. In excess of 36 units (1 point for 5
Department were given recognition by the Department of every six units; not to exceed 5
Education, Culture and Sports (DECS). points* 20
3. Doctorate Units (maximum of 20
points; 1 point for every 3 units)** 5
The need for expansion and improvement 4. In excess of 60 units (1 points for
of its facilities were eminent, thus, SDSC every six units; not to exceed 5
embarked on a long-term development points)**
program. With this, a five storey spacious *For candidates who have bache-
and well – ventilated building was lor’s degree only
constructed to accommodate the growing * for candidates who have master’s
number of enrollees. The construction of
Subtotal 100
5 86
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
a new building was a strong indication that SDSC provides
A. Participation in College Activities to promote quality education and excellence.
Good Relations, especially in co-curricular activi-
ties (25 pts) In less than three years, the dream became a reality. St.
Dominic Savio College continued its noble and humble
As Adviser of a college-wide student organization mission of producing students that embody its vision.
As Adviser/coach for a college team (inter-school
On June 1995, St. Dominic Savio School was renamed as St.
Dominic Savio College. The change in name signified its strong
As a Member of a faculty team and/or an ad hoc commitment of making quality education accessible to all for
committee created by a higher authority
it signaled the entry of the institution in the realms of higher
As a project Officer/committee chair of the or- education.
ganizing committee of the institutional activity
Member of an organizing committee A wide selection of courses ranging from Mass
Communication to Business Administration to Computer
Science greeted the students. The opening of the College
Department made the institution more accessible to the
Subtotal students, from nearby communities and the neighboring
towns and provinces, much more and to foreign students as
Total points earned: ________ well.
Teacher’s Classification: __________________________________
Additional courses were included in response to the
Recommended Academic Rank and Classification: _______________ growing call and demands of students residing in the cities
of Caloocan. Quezon City, San Jose del Monte and nearby
towns of Bulacan.
Rated by: ___________________________ Date: _____________
The following school year, there were new courses offered
(Dean/ Principal)
namely Midwifery, BS Nursing, and Computer Engineering.
Reviewed by: Likewise, the Graduate School also opened with the Master in
_________________________ Date: ____________ Business Administration (MBA) and the Master of Arts in
Education (MAED). Eventually, application for doctorate level
Head – Human Resource Department
immediately followed. The opening of the graduate and the
Approved by: tertiary levels of St. Dominic Savio College is undoubtedly a
vital contribution and stimulus for progress not only for the
individual student but also for the development of the
Dr. Nestor V. dela Cruz country. Appointed Head of the College Department was Dr.
SDSC President Carolina T. Prada, a well-known mentor and administrator in
the field of higher education.

85 6
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
In response to the ever-changing educational landscape, SDSC
further streamlined its personnel wherein coordinators for III. Professional Competence and Dedication 100 30%
the elementary, high school and college departments were (within the last 2 years)
appointed. The appointments to these positions ensured a 1.Effective in Teaching and Personal and Social (70)
more effective administration of the students’ and the Student Evaluation 20
departments’ needs. Dean’s /Principal’s Evaluation 40
Self Evaluation 10
SDSC consistently fulfill its mission­-vision of 2.Attendance in Academic Functions 15
3.Punctuality in Submission of CIG, Grades, 15
Total Development of People. Grading Sheet, Records, and other academic
The first batch of graduates of subtotal 100
the College Department IV. Research and Scholarly/ Creative Outputs
marched and received their (within last 2 years)
diplomas in school year 1998- 1.Nature of Publication
1999. The first batch of a. Research Study
graduating students of the two – b. Article
year Hotel and Restaurant c. Modules
d. Textbook/Books
Management and the Computer 2. Journals
Secretarial courses earned their a. Local/Institutional Journal
degrees and marched into the b. Regional Journal
real world. c. National Journal
d. International Journal
The school year 1999-2000 saw V. Leadership and Community Service (100)
the graduation of more than 30 students from the various A. Professional awards/honors/citations giv-
academic programs. Hence, SDSC continued its quest for en by national organization ( 25 pts)
academic excellence. This year also saw the organization of Professional Organization, Seminars, Symposia,
the varsity program that aimed to develop the youth in the Conference, etc. (25 pts)
field of sports. Resource Person, speaker, facilitator
As official delegate of the college
School year 2000-2001 was a totally different year for SDSC. As an officer in a professional organization
As a member in a professional organization
With a yearning to establish a name in the field of sports,
Local, national and International Conferences
SDSC joined the ever-growing National Capital Region Attended (25 pts)
Athletic Association (NCRAA). The strength of its varsity School
players was tested but most have manage to perform well, Provincial
particularly in the men’s beach volleyball team which placed National
second at the National College for Business and Arts International
competition. Likewise, SDSC made its presence felt in the Institutional Outreach Program (25 pts)
Chair Member Participant
Manila Association of Colleges, Universities Athletic
7 84
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
Part II: Criteria for Classification Tournament (MASCUAT).
SDSC was champion for two consecutive years in the cheering
II. Professional Experience/Practice (100) 15%
Teaching experience (maximum of 40 40 competition and with victories in the basketball and
points) 20 volleyball events.
For every year of full time teaching at 20
SDSC (4 pts) 20
No. of years:_____(max. of 30 pts) 15 Moreover, good things are yet to come for this young
For every year of part time teaching in 10 educational institution as SY 2001 – 2002 saw SDSC shifting
SDSC (2 points for every year) 5
its focus in the field of arts. Selected students of SDSC bested
No. of years:___(max. of 20 pts) 10 students from other schools from all over San Jose del Monte
Teaching experience in other schools (full 5 City by winning the Best in Modern Ethnic dance contest of
-time) (3 pts. for every year)
the San Jose del Monte Against Drug Addiction Committee
No. of years:____(max. of 20 pts.) 5 (SADAC), Moreso, enrollment increased in the nursing
Administrative experience and/or program of the College of Health Related Courses.
professional practice in SDSC (maximum
of 25 points) 25
Asst. Dean/Head The great demands for nurses abroad propelled the
enrolment level to almost three times as compared to last
Class/Club Advisor ship (1 point for every
year; maximum of 10 points) school year’s figures. Notwithstanding with the sudden surge
Administrative Experience and/or profes- in enrollment, SDSC ballooned number of managed to cope
sional practice outside before joining
SDSC (maximum of 10 points)
with the demands of the students in providing education in
Government Service the highest form. With the increase in enrollment, Dr. Nestor
Top level Position in Private Sector V. dela Cruz, SDSC President, foresaw and easily supplied the
Professional Practice (maximum of 25
points) need for young and dynamic administrators who could
(2 points for the first 5 years; 3 points provide fresh insights in the management of the College.
every year thereafter)
Teaching experience in other school
(part-time) (1.5 pts for every
year) The school year 2002 – 2003 is yet another colorful year for
No. of years:___(max. of 5 pts) SDSC. Enrollment continued to increase with the influx of
Subtotal 100 students in the nursing program and other courses such as
Accountancy, Mass Communication, Management, Hotel and
Restaurant Management, Computer Science and Computer

83 8
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
Engineering. Aside from this, SDSC scored another triumph
during the annual Sangbuklod Dance Festival, which was Criteria for Faculty Classification and Ranking:
participated by all the barangays in San Jose Del Monte City. I. Academic Growth and Preparation
SDSC placed 3rd out of more than a hundred groups which
II. Professional Experience / Practice
participated in the street dancing contest.
III. Professional Competence and Dedication (within the last 2 years)
In the June 2003 nursing board examination, SDSC put a IV. Research and Scholarly / Creative Outputs (within last 2 years)
feather in its cap as the said examinations topnotcher, Top 1
Ms. Myrene Villanueva, is a full-bloodied Savian. Moreso,
twelve (12) of its student examinees landed in the top
twenty (20) occupying the 7th, 8th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 15th,
16th, 17th, 19th and 20th places. With much pride, SDSC
ranked third (3rd) among the examinees nationwide with a
94% passing percentage. In December 20033 Board
Examination, SDSC ranked fourth (4th) in the overall with a
passing performance of 93%. During the June 2004 Board
Examination, SDSC was named as one of the performing
schools in Nursing. The December 2005 Board Examination
saw the college ranking 6th overall with a passing
performance of 84.6%. By December 2006, another Savian
made it to the Top 10 of the (December 2006) Nursing Board
Examination in the person of Meliza Alvarado Sotelo
“Notching the fifth (5th) place.

Meanwhile, Savians also did shine as they find themselves

winning positions in the field of management. Savians made it
to the Top three for two consecutive years of the
Inter – School management Quiz Bee sponsored by the
Council of Management Educators and Practitioners
(COMEPP). In the inaugural stage held last January 2006,
SDSC bagged the first place award and then placed second

9 82
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
Research Work Currently Circulated: during the January 2007 competition. Finally, the
Must not be more than three years old; exclusive for SDSC) championship for two consecutive years last January 2008
Nature of Research: __________________________________ and January 2009 was notched.
Title: ____________________________________________
Date published/ circulated: _____________________________ In the field of the arts, the SDSC Dance Troupe continuously
showcases its repertoire of songs and dances via their well
Research Capability: (more than three years old; before or during
acclaimed SM Mall shows. SDSC holds the distinction of
tenure at SDSC)
being the only college in Northern NCR to be invited by the
Type/ Nature Title and Date Published SM Management to hold performances for two consecutive
_____________________ _____________________ years. Last April 2007, SDSC Dance Troupe was declared
_____________________ _____________________ champion at the Biay Festival Street Dancing Competition
held in Subic, Olongapo.
_____________________ _____________________
In 2009, SDSC Dance Troupe joined the prestigious event,
_____________________ _____________________
‘One Philippines' at Seoul in Korea. Spearheaded by the
_____________________ _____________________
Philippine Department of Tourism, the festival held in May 30
Relevant Employment History -31 of that year was a part of the celebration of the 60th
Anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and
Name of Company Title/ Position Inclusive Dates
Philippines 111th Philippine Independence Day and Migrant
_______________ _______________ ___________
_______________ _______________ ___________ Workers Day.
_______________ _______________ ___________
_______________ _______________ ___________
_______________ _______________ ___________ St. Dominic Savio College, in its quest
for Quality and Excellence,
Awards/ Honors Received (specify date and nature of award)
____________________________________________________ received an ISO 9001:2008
____________________________________________________ certification last November 18, 2009.

Academic Rank: ____________________________ Meanwhile, last November 24, 2009, our valiant St. Dominic
Savio College’s High School Boys’ Basketball Team won the
Interschool Basketball –Volleyball League Championship.

81 10
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
Also at this period, Savians once again made it to the Top ten
of the November, 2009 Nursing Board Examination. They
are Perla B. Santiago, Lilia C. Piramide, Nerissa N.
Layag, and Maria Cecilia C. Tejedor. Appendix A.
Faculty Ranking and Classification

These are some of the holistic development SDSC gives to its

Name : ________________________ Date :_______________
students. Throughout the years, St. Dominic Savio College
Current Rank and Classification: _________________
believes that it has consistently fulfilled its vision and
Position: __________________
mission of Total Development of a Person, producing
graduates who are not only academically wise but also have
strong values formation; that is, to be service to others and to Part I: Rank Determination
be responsible leaders of the new millennium. Years of Service in SDSC: ____________Department: __________
Employment Status: ________________ Date Hired: __________

• SDSC Business Management Association in the

Academic Credentials (include course, school and date graduated)
Philippines (BMAP) was awarded as the 1st Hall of Fame
Bachelor’s Degree:
Award – given by the Council of Management Educators
and Practitioners of the Philippines (COMEPP) for being
Required Professional License
the Champion for 3 consecutive years in the National
Inter—School Management Quiz Bee.
(nature and date issued)
• SDSC Dance Troupe recipient of the ALIW AWARD
COMEPP for live performance. Master’s Degree:
• Six (6) collegiate programs are PACUCOA Accredited
(if not yet finished, indicate units earned)
• SDSC is also accredited by FAPE, USVA (US Veterans
Affairs) Doctorate Degree:
(if not yet finished, indicate units earned)

11 80
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
teacher, school authority or a student and instigating,
leading or participating in illegal school strikes, walkouts or THE LEGACY
stoppage of classes; and
The universal need for education has always been man’s
10. Giving away of examination papers and other information primary motivation in order to effectively express himself in society.
confidential to the school; Schools have become the fundamental social institutions that seek to
11. Culpable negligence and failure to work towards the liberate man from unjust and oppressive conditions brought about by
attainment of the avowed vision/mission of the school; poverty and ignorance.
12. Involvement, initiation, endorsement of activities inimical However, a school should transcend from this mere reality and
to the philosophy, goals and objectives of the school; must focus in its vision towards producing men and women who are
13. Grave emotional disturbance on the part of the employee, not only academically competent but above all bearers of authentic
which in the judgment of the employer or his humanism guided by Christian faith.
representative could cause damage to the students and to
With this premise in mind, St. Dominic Savio College was
the school in general. established for the youth to realize the liberating value of education
guided by Christian Humanism.
B. By the Employee
1. Serious by the employer or his representative on the
honor or person of the employee; SDSC TODAY
2. Oppressive treatment accorded by the employer of his After more than twenty years of providing quality education
representative against the person of the employee or any and service to students in the cities of Caloocan, Quezon City, and San
of the immediate members of his family; Jose del Monte and other nearby towns in Municipalities of Bulacan,
3. Other causes analogous to any of the foregoing; SDSC remains resilient amidst the chaos and challenges that come its
4. Gross violation of the terms and conditions of
employment; It remains unique compared to
5. Restraining or coercing employees by the employer in the other nearby colleges for it caters to a
wide variety of courses and adheres to
exercise of their rights guaranteed by the Constitution the holistic development of its students.
(as embodied in the Education Law and the Private School, copyright It never fails in inculcating to its
2002 by Ulpiano P. Sarmiento III, Article 285 of the Labor Code.) students the virtues and values of its
patron saint - St. Dominic Savio.
E. Suspension.
1. Suspension of any school personnel maybe preventive in More so, one can find a close-knit academic community where
nature. students and faculty are like friends yet respect each other with
responsibility and other values remaining intact.
2. Preventive suspension, not to exceed 30 days, may be
imposed pending investigation of the charge against him if
his continued presence poses a serious threat to the
school, its property, to lives of students and other
79 12
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
ST. DOMINIC SAVIO COLLEGE C. Composition of the Grievance Board
The following shall compose the Grievance Board:
Chairman: VP-Academic and Research
The Founder envisions SDSC, in two decades time, as one of Members: Academic Heads (Dean/Principal)
the country’s premier institutions of higher learning in the holistic
development of globally-competitive and conscientious leaders and Head, Human Resource Department
professionals through: President of Faculty Club
1. Definitive excellence in education that meets national Teacher’s Representative
demands and global standards;
N.B. When any of the above members is/are material witness/
2. Social activism for the improvement of the quality of life
witnesses to the investigation or is/are involved in the imposition of a
and general welfare of men;
previous sanction being appealed, he/they shall inhibit himself/
3. Access and equity in scholarly opportunities; and
themselves 111 from proceedings of the board. The VP-AR will
4. Elevation of the institution to university status.
appoint the person/s who will substitute for the said member/s.
D. Grounds for Termination
SDSC seeks to uphold and communicate truth by instilling it in The following are just causes for terminating this contract
the Savian scholar in all his scholarly, personal, and professional
pursuits. either by the employer or the employee:
A. By the employer
SDSC seeks to protect, preserve and promote Filipino culture.
1. The closing, phasing or cessation of a cause or program
Through his healthy understanding of national identity, the Savian
scholar will be the nation’s spokesperson to the global community. 2. A considerable decrease in environment;
3. Serious misconduct, willful, disobedience or
As a College with the global perspective SDSC seeks to insubordination by the employee of the orders of the
prepare the Savian scholar to the rigors and demands of the orders of the employer or her authorized representative
borderless world. that are related to his work;
4. Gross and habitual neglect of duty or gross inefficiency and
SDSC seeks to realize the TOTAL DEVELOPMENT OF
incompetence of the employee;
PERSONS. The college seeks to be a witness to the life and deeds of
its patron saint, St. Dominic Savio, and to be an apostle to the saint’s 5. Malversation of school funds;
philosophy of “Love, Leadership, and Service”. 6. Fraud or willful breach by the employee of the trust given
by his employer or representative;
St. Dominic Savio College professes to seek all these through 7. Gross violation of the rules and regulations of the school;
passionate commitment to excellent teaching, scholarly research and
active community service. 8. Abandonment of job without official leave;
9. Commissions of a crime and such offenses as immorality,
dishonesty, drunkenness, forgery, falsification or tampering
of official records, bribery or extortion, assault of a

13 78
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
a. Possession, use and/or peddling of prohibited drugs. Within the framework of this vision, the school pursues a
b. Malversation of school funds. mission translated into attainable goals. The mission exemplifies the
c. Falsification of records or documents. task of instilling in each and every student the teaching of St. Dominic
d. Theft of property of co-employee or other person in the Savio, the authentic tradition and values as well as the attitudes, habits
and knowledge that will contribute to make him a truly Christian
premises of the school. Filipino.
e. Forging of signatures of administrator/s and other co-
employees. Pursuant to the vision mission and objectives of the Patron Saint of the
f. Theft of school property Youth, St. Dominic Savio College commits itself to - carry out the
g. Soliciting sexual favors with and/or establishing illicit following objectives:
relations to Students and/or co-employees.
1. Produce Total Human Persons with a knowledge an understanding
All other offenses analogous to the above violations will be of dynamic Christian Living by encouraging them to nourish the
sanctioned depending on the gravity of the offenses and extent of practice of honesty, responsibility and chivalry.
materials and/or moral damage done to the school or the individual
2. Develop students with fine tastes and manners and strengthen
concerned. their commitment to preserves the tradition and values of the
Filipino people.
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 3. Provide a learning atmosphere that is vital to the intellectual,
moral, spiritual, and socio-cultural consciousness of the students.
A. Definition 4. Excel in development of the basic academic competence and
Grievance is defined as any difference between the school and potentials of the students, thus, recognizing and appreciating the
the teacher regarding the meaning, interpretation, implementation or values of arts and science for progress and growth of an individual.
application of school policies, rules and regulations. It may also mean
an appeal from the previous sanction given by the Dean/ Principal to a 5. Manifest preparedness for higher level of learning through a
teacher. balanced and adequate instructional program for the students’
learning and mastery of fundamental knowledge, attitudes, habits
and skills that recognizes the value of human and material
B. Authority to Impose Sanctions: resources.
1. The Dean/Principal is empowered to give sanction limited
to categories A and B. Any sanction of suspension must be 6. Develop leadership potentials among individuals who are
vocationally and academically efficient, whose skills and training
approved by the Executive Committee.
would enable them to earn a decent living, render worthy services
2. The Grievance Board shall investigate offenses of serious to the community and contribute to nation building, and above all,
nature and all those sanctions of more than two (2) days a globally competitive person who has a genuine love and pride for
of suspension and/or dismissal. All decisions of the country and its heritage.
Grievance Board need the final approval of the Executive
77 14
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition

We, in SDSC, are committed to produce globally competitive a. Sleeping while on duty or during time of instruction.
graduates in all levels and various disciplines by providing world-class b. Using profane or abusive language and or /threats in
globally recognized education for undergraduate, graduate and basic dealing with superior, co-employees, students, parents, and
education and related services through the competent and able visitors.
leadership of our administrators and educators. c. Insubordination (refusal to obey lawful, reasonable orders
given by superior).
d. AWOL for 2-3 consecutive days.
People shall be empowered to achieve quality objectives e. Refusal or failure to submit to official investigation.
through an environment that promotes factual approach to decision- f. Damaging school facilities, equipment and property,
making, process and system approaches to continually improve willfully or through negligence.
3. Category C
It is the responsibility of every employee to ensure the
fulfillment of our corporate social responsibilities to God, society and a. Breach of confidentiality
the environment. b. Obscene or scandalous behavior in school premises or in
social occasions that will be smirch the integrity of the
c. Abandonment of work.
The educational philosophy of SDSC is exemplified in the d. AWOL for 4-5 consecutive days.
motto of St. Dominic Savio, the Patron Saint of the Youth - CARITAS, e. Reporting to work under the influence of liquor.
DUCTUS, and SERVITUM. f. Transacting tutorials or other business not officially
approved by the administration.
CARITAS - love is the greatest Christian virtue and the
foundation of faith. It is shown not only in words and 4. Category D
manners but above all in deeds and the purity of intention.
The institution believes that education without values is mere a. Gross or habitual insubordination
learning. Hence, the emphasis of knowledge and skills are to b. Giving or presenting false testimonies / evidence during
be imbued with values formation, love for country and self. official investigation.
c. Soliciting gifts or money from students and parents without
DUCTUS - St. Dominic Savio is the shining example of the school permission.
youth. His leadership capabilities, which are full of zeal and d. Social outings/ field trips without seeking approval from
fidelity to duty, are the ingredients of total human administration.
development. e. AWOL for six or more consecutive days.

SERVITUM - The unselfish dedication in the service of 5. Category E

mankind is the hallmark of educational philosophy that is to a. Inflicting bodily injury or assaulting any person in school
be instilled in the minds of the students of St Dominic Savio
b. Defrauding or attempting to defraud the school or co-
15 76
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
Savio College whether in official or unofficial capacity.
4. In cases involving damage/loss of school property, the CORE VALUES
school shall demand payment for said damage/ loss.
5. All offenses are to be reported to the proper authorities. PASSION
B. Sanctions Be competent in your job:
NUMBER OFFENSES Know your job and DO it well.
B WW 1S 3S 5S
C 1S 3S 5S D
D 3S 5S D Be Kind, Understanding,
E 5S D
F D Humble, Tolerant, and

Note: Respectful to others.

VW - Verbal Warning
WW - Written Warning
S - Suspension day/s (within working days) and INTEGRITY
pay Be Honest at all times.
D - Dismissal
Always tell the TRUTH.
C. List of General Violations
1. Category A
a. Creating or contributing to unsanitary condition EXCELLENCE
b. Neglecting the use of proper channels of communication
c. Absent without leave (AWOL) for one day Set and Adhere to High Standard
d. Tardiness
e. Quitting work ahead of official time and DO the right thing.
f. Failure to report defective school installation, equipment
or fixture which may cause accident or damage.
g. Non-submission of requirements and pertinent reports.
h. Failure to attend official activities where attendance is
required. e.g. training, seminars, meetings, convocations
and Graduation Day and the like.

75 16
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
The logo of St. Dominic Savio College carries six main features - SECTION 1
the crown, the knight, the heart, the book, the lights and its rays and DEFINITION
the leaves of laurels.

The Crown symbolizes excellence that shall translate to Deportment is the proper behavior of a teacher within a given
superior quality of education and graduates. social responsibility. Proper decorum is expected of a Savian Teacher
at all times whether inside or outside the school premises. The
The Knight symbolizes the LEADERSHIP CAPABILITIES of following do not constitute proper decorum:
every SAVIAN, full of zeal and fidelity to duty, the ingredients a. Disrespectful and disobedient to members of the
of total human development. administration, staff, fellow employees, unprofessional
dealings with student parents and visitors;
The Heart signifies our LOVE and SERVICE for others.
LOVE, the greatest Christian virtue and foundation of faith, is b. Use of abusive and/or vulgar language;
shown not only in words and manners but above all in deeds c. Non-participation in school activities where attendance is
and in the purity of intention. The unselfish dedication in the SERVICE expected; and
of mankind is the hallmark of the SAVIAN EDUCATIONAL
PHILOSOPHY that must be cultivated in the minds of every child of d. Willful and/or habitual negligence in the performance of
St. Dominic Savio College. official functions.

The Book symbolizes KNOWLEDGE,WISDOM and SECTION 2

enlighten the heart and mind of every SAVIAN. It is a potent
tool that translates to power in a highly competitive society. The In order to facilitate individual-organization relationship and to
Savian who is equipped with skills and competencies can be productive implement a standard behavior for all teaching staff, the school has laid
members of their communities. down listing of possible offenses with reference to Chapter Four:
Faculty relations.
The Light and its Rays represent the erudite YOUNG and
ELDER SAVIANS who in return will be the future leaders of A. Implementing Guidelines
their community. Its serves as a light that guides and leads
every SAVIAN to reach his/her goal. 1. The school reserves the right to impose disciplinary action
for offenses listed in this Manual and for offenses not
The Laurel Leaves represents the achievements and glory officially listed but analogous to any of the infractions
that every young and intelligent SAVIAN has earned and will found herein.
continuously reap in the future. 2. Administration due process shall be observed in the
implementation of the sanctions.
3. The provisions of this Manual shall apply within the
premises of the school; and in all places where the
employee is carrying out his functions or when he is
engaged in any activity that carries the name of St. Dominic
17 74
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3. Instructional Laboratory Services
Audio-visual services are made available to teachers in the
St. Dominic Savio College Official Mascot:
forms of slides, films, filmstrips, records, transparencies and
other instructional materials. Teachers arrange for the use of THE UNICORN
equipment and instructional materials with the Head-Property
and Maintenance. Upon request, the LRC may obtain SDSC has chosen the Unicorn, a mythical
instructional materials not available in the Center for the European creature, to be its official mascot. It
teachers. Teachers can also avail of the services of the Center primarily resembles a horse and has a single horn
in preparation of transparencies and other materials needed for on its forehead.
their classes.
This creature has a white body, a purple
head and blue eyes; on its forehead is a cubit-long
horn colored red at the pointed tip, black in the
middle and white at the base. It is believed that
those who drink from its horn would be
protected from stomach trouble, epilepsy and
poison. This magnificent creature is fast and swift because of its
fleeting feet and is difficult to capture.

Certain poetical passages from the Biblical Old Testament

refer to it as a strong and splendid animal called “re'em." Oftentimes, it
is translated as “unicorn” in many versions of the Bible. “Re'em” was a
Hebrew term for wild ox.

Medieval writers likened the unicorn to Christ who raised up a

horn of salvation for mankind and dwelt in the womb of the Virgin
Mary. The legend also told of the unicorn's miraculous way of purifying
poisoned waters with its horn so that other animals may drink. The
unicorn is said to be invincible and unrivaled for its vitality and energy.
It symbolizes courage, dignity, wisdom, nobility, and justice. Likewise,
it also represents the sun and all the known heroes.

SDSC believes that this creature, being mythical, colorful,

swift, strong, fearless, and compassionate creature, would serve as an
inspiration for every Savian to achieve greater heights and adhere to
its morals and virtues.

73 18
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
M. Holiday Pay
ST. DOMINIC SAVIO COLLEGE HYMN No deduction in pay shall be made from the permanent/full-
time faculty members for all legal and special holidays, and unexpected
suspension of classes.
Beloved St. Dominic Savio College
N. Faculty Identification Cards
To thee we give our hearts
The school provides all faculty members with identification
Love for God, country and self cards. This is to be surrendered upon resignation or withdrawal from
employment. At first issue, the identification card is given free. Reissue
Is the greatest, the greatest of all. due to loss is to be paid for.

O. Death Succor
Beloved St. Dominic Savio College In case of death of a member of the immediate family of the
To thee we give our courage faculty member, the members of the faculty, staff and maintenance
contribute an amount duly agreed upon.
Be a model, leader shining guide
P. Facilities and Services Available to the Faculty Members
From thee we learn to lead.
1. Duplication and Reproduction of class material:
CHORUS: The reproduction of examinations (so long as they are
submitted on time), course outlines, syllabi, handouts and
Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail! other materials may be arranged with the Dean/ Principal
St. Dominic Savio College who, in turn, coordinates with the accounting office.

Long live, long live in harmony (unity) 2. Library Services:

Faculty members are entitled to borrow materials, for their
To love, to lead and to serve. class needs, for a longer period than is allowed to student
except when these materials are in demand. They are covered
by existing library policies and procedures. Faculty members
Beloved St. Dominic Savio College are encouraged to recommend reference books to be
purchased and subscription to periodicals, as often as needed,
To thee we give our helping hands to update library holdings for the course they teach.
Recommendations for library books and materials are coursed
Thy vision, mission be with us through the Dean/ Principal who, in turn, endorses the
recommendation to the Library Head.
In the service of mankind.

19 72
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
Years Coverage Benefit
From To
Below 10 EE Share Only
11 15 EE Share + 25% ER Share
16 20 EE Share + 50% ER Share
21 29 EE Share + 75% ER Share
30 Above EE Share + 100% ER Share


1. Deductions of EE and ER shares shall be made in two (2)

equal payments (every 7th and 22th payroll dates).
2. All shares (EE + ER) collections shall be deposited as a
trust fund (Retirement Fund). St. Dominic Savio
3. Withdrawal of fund shall only be made when retiring
employee/s has/have been approved. Who learned from the school of St. John Bosco,
4. Releasing of Retirement Fee is 60 days after the retiring
date and compliance with all the requirements (clearance). Who grew in holiness,
Terms of Conditions: Help us to follow you,
Aside from stated above, the following shall be included in a
contract agreement; to wit: In your love for Jesus, and Mother Mary
1. In case of total disability of an employee, 100% share shall In your love for others,
be given, depending on the year bracket; and
2. In case of death of an employee, 100% share shall be given.
In your diligence and in fulfilling your duties.
L. Merit Bonus Help us that we, too,
St. Dominic Savio College recognizes exemplary performance
in teaching in school, community involvement, attendance in meetings, By resolving to die rather than offending God,
seminars and other school activities, by way of a merit bonus in cash,
subject to the availability of funds. As a general rule the top ten (10) May come at last to eternal joys of heaven.
percent of the faculty are awarded on an annual basis. Performance
evaluation ratings by the Dean/Principal, Department Heads, students Amen.
and peers are the main bases for granting the merit bonus.

(N.B. Corresponding criteria for the Merit Bonus may be revised regularly.)

71 20
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
J. Study Leave
A Permanent/Full-time faculty member who has served St.
Dominic Savio College continuously for six years may be granted a
leave of absence, without pay, for one year of study in a course
deemed by the President to fall within the priority needs of the school.
Approved study leaves will not be considered a break of
continuous service. Leave duration, however, will not be credited to
the length of service rendered by the recipient.
Application for leave must be filed with the Office of the
President through the Dean/ Principal and the VP-Academic Affairs not
later than a month before the end of the academic year or semester
ST. DOMINIC SAVIO COLLEGE immediately preceding that in which such leave is requested.
No application for study leave shall be considered or
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE withdrawn once classes have started.
A Faculty member on approved leave should signify his/her
intention to return at least thirty (30) calendar days before the end of
such period. Non-appearance after the granted leave of absence may
be considered a valid ground for termination from service if, after the
school has sent a notice of absence, the member fails to report for
work. A faculty member who goes on leave without approval is
considered either resigned or terminated with cause.

K. Retirement Pay Program

As a general rule, any employee may be retired from work

upon reaching the retirement from work upon reaching the retirement
age established in the contract agreement whether optional or
compulsory retirement.

This program is one of the fringe benefits designed by the

employer to all employees in order to have an additional benefits if he/
she feel to discontinue his/her services in this institution. A special
contract agreement stated therein the terms and conditions of the

50% Employee (EE) Share

50% Employee (ER) Share
2% of Basic Salary

21 70
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
semester will be reimbursed to the school by way of salary
3. Leave with pay is granted to permanent/full-time faculty
member, who are invited as a guest speaker, consultant,
accredit of distinguished organizations according to ones
area of specialization. A local invitation merits three (3)
working days with pay; a foreign invitation, seven (7)
calendar days with pay.

H. Maternity Leave/ Paternity Leave

St. Dominic Savio College provides maternity leave in
accordance with law. Maternity leave may be extended beyond the 45
day period upon the request of the faculty member due to illness,
medically certified as arising from pregnancy, delivery, or miscarriage
which renders her unfit to work.
The said leave shall be paid by the college from her unused
vacation and/sick leave credits. In the absence of such leave credits, the
leave shall be without pay.
The maternity leave benefit is limited only to the first (4)
deliveries and/or miscarriage as prescribed by SSS provision.

I. Sabbatical Leave
1. A Permanent/full-time faculty member with the rank of at least
Full-time Professor, who has rendered a minimum of seven (7)
years of continuous full – time service to St. Dominic Savio
College may be granted sabbatical leave for the purpose of
professional growth with pay.
2. Criteria for the granting of sabbatical leave are:
a. Length of service
b. Rank
c. Attendance Record
d. Research Record
e. Above average teaching competence as determined by the
Performance Appraisal
3. The grantee must fulfill the following after the leave:
a. Submission of a written report of the project
b. Rendering at least three (3) continuous years of service
after his return
69 22
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
F. Thesis Writing Assistance
The school grants a thesis allowance of seven thousand pesos
(PhP 7,000.00), given in full, to approved permanent full – time faculty
member recipients expected to finish their thesis within one (1) school
year provided that the thesis must be completed and defended within
said one school year. A grace period of two (2) months is given the
recipient in case of incapability to do so. If, after this period has
lapsed, the thesis remains unfinished and/or undefended, the recipient
will be required to reimburse the school the amount of the thesis
grant extended by way of salary deductions.The faculty member must
apply in writing addressed to the President, enclosing his/her transcript
of records and three (3) copies of his/her approved thesis proposal.

Thesis allowance rate is updated every two years to respond

to economic changes.
PROMOTION 1. Leaves with Pay
A. Sick Leave- One-week (seven calendar days) sick leave
with pay is granted to all teachers on permanent/full-time
status. An additional two-day emergency leave for
contagious disease may be applied for. This may be
granted without reduction in pay but may not be
converted to cash. The sick leave may be applied for
personal injury or illness of parent, parent-in-law, spouse
or child, and other valid reasons. The seven-calendar day
sick leave without salary deductions is provided, after
which corresponding deductions are made. The employee
may be awarded the case equivalent of the unused six –
day sick leave, subject to availability of funds.
2. Permanent/Full-time Faculty members on thesis writing
may be granted one (1) semester leave with pay provided
that their application for leave is approved by the
President. The application should include their transcripts
of records and three (3) copies of their approved thesis
proposal. Recipients are required to render at least two
(2) years of service following the grant. If it remains
unfinished and undefended, this benefit can no longer be
availed of and the amount received as salary for the

23 68
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
Faculty subsidy for graduate studies will be given to permanent FACULTY ADMISSION
full-time faculty members under the following conditions:
1. The recipient has an above average performance rating for
at least three (3) consecutive years prior to the The following are the requirements for those seeking a
application. teaching position in St. Dominic Savio College:
2. The recipient must have served the school for at least five
(5) consecutive years. Qualification Portfolio
3. The recipient must pursue a graduate course in 1. Formal Letter of Application containing basic personal
consonance with his Undergraduate and/or master’s information
degree in order to achieve perfect vertical 2. Bio – data/ Curriculum Vitae/ 2 pcs. 2x2 I.D. pictures, taken
4. A written application must be addressed to the President within the last 6 months prior to the filing of application
justifying the need for the program pursued. 3. Certified photo copy of Transcript of Records and license
of applicants
5. The recipient must render a return service of at least two 4. Certification of studies made beyond Bachelor’s/ Master’s
years after the graduate degree is obtained. Degree
6. The College will extend the subsidy for graduate studies 5. Accomplishment of personalities and work value inventory
only for two (2) years. If, after this period, the graduate test administered by Guidance, Testing and Counseling
degree is not earned, the benefits can no longer be availed Office
of. 6. Certification of good physical health which includes the
most recent x – ray within the last 12 months from date of
7. At the end of the semester, the grantee should submit an application
official copy of grades to the office. Failure to comply will 7. Certification of employment from immediate superior /
mean a suspension of the grant. Failure in any two HRD where she/he had been last employed
subjects will mean termination of the grant. 8. Marriage Certificate (for manila women)
8. In the event that the teacher decides to terminate his 9. Current NBI Clearance
services with the college before he has rendered the two 10. SSS number, Tax Identification Number, and Residence
years of service required, a refund in cash subsidy will be Certificate
required. 11. Teaching Demonstration
12. Personal interview by a panel composed of the dean/
principal / department head / chairmen
E. In-School or Out-of-School Seminars/ Workshops 13. Final Interview by the President
The college shoulders all expenses for seminars organized /
conducted by the school. For an out-of-school seminar, a faculty
member fill up the application form duly endorsed by the Department B. SELECTION CRITERIA
Head and College Dean / Principal and recommended by the HRD to Academic Qualifications
the President for approval. This benefit includes only the payment of 1. For College and Senior High School Faculty, at least a
Master’s Degree Holder and license if applicable.
seminar fees.
2. For High School Faculty, BSE degree with a major or minor

67 24
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
field of specialization. For applicants with AB and other SECTION 2
degrees, at least 24 units of Professional Education which FACULTY BENEFITS
specifically includes Principles and Methods of Teaching, A. Legislated Benefits
Principles of Education with practice teaching or teaching
Permanent/ Full-time Faculty members are covered by all
experience. Must be a licensed teacher and Master’s
benefits specifically mandated by law, examples of which are SSS
3. For Elementary Teacher, BSEd, BEED, BSE. For applicants benefits Phil Health Care, 13th month pay, maternity, etc.
with AB and/or other degrees, at least 24 units of
Professional education which specifically includes Principles B. Tuition Fee Discount for Children
and Methods of Teaching, Principles of Education with
practice teaching and experience. Must be a licensed 1. Permanent/ Full-time Faculty members are granted the following
teacher. discounts on tuition fees if their children pass the entrance
4. Evidence of Professional growth aside from the earned examination and are accepted for enrollment at St. Dominic Savio
degree. College.

2. Tuition Fee Discounts cover the following number of years of

Teaching Experience
1. A minimum of two (2) years teaching experience; or
2. Three (3) years of Professional exposure in the area of a. Grade School Level - K1 to Grade VI
specialization. b. Junior High School Level - Four Years
c. Senior High School Level -
Two Years
Personal Qualification
D. Collegiate Level -Four Years (Bachelor Degree)
Evidence of Christian living, moral integrity, emotional
and discounts covers only the
stability, intellectual maturity, sociability, interest in community
basic load of 18 units.
affairs, health and poise.
3. In Case of re-enrollment of subject(s)/year level due to failure /
change of course, the employee will defray the full tuition fee
1. The dean/ principal / department head obtains advanced
approval from the VP Academic Affairs and Research for an
academic position to be filled. The list of vacancies shall C.TUITION WAIVER FOR FACULTY
be communicated to the HRD for announcement and Years of Service 1st Child 2nd Child 3rd Child
2. The HRD conducts a initial interview and evaluation of 1. One to three (1-3) 25% 15% 10%
records of the applicant. 2. Four to five (4-5) 50% 40% 20%
3. Should he meet the requirements, the HRD will schedule 3. Six and above 100% 50% 35%
him for a teaching demonstration.
4. If the teaching demonstration is favorable, the HRD Permanent faculty members, (after three years of continuous
schedules an interview with the applicant. service) are given 75% full tuition fee waiver, if they take any subject/
5. If recommended by the HRD, a test is administered by the course in the College Department, except for short-term courses and
GTCPO. The GTCPO forwards the test results to the other non-credit courses. Discounts apply to 18 units of load in SDSC.
25 66
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
HRD, who in turn communicates the result to the Dean/
Teaching is a Christian mission. It requires love. The deeper Principal. If the results are within standard, the Department
the affection is, the more joyful and meaningful teaching becomes. It Head schedules an Interview with the panel.
entails sacrifice. 6. If the panel’s recommendation is favorable, the applicant is
asked to submit all the other required documents.
St. Dominic Savio College, in cognizance of faculty material needs
7. The Dean/ Principal sends all the applicant’s records to the
which can be met by material benefits, has designed the faculty
VP-Academic Affairs and Research for final approval. The
program of compensation and benefits to improve faculty morale, to
applicant is scheduled for final interview with the VPAR.
encourage greater cooperation and commitment to the teaching
8. If recommended by the VPAR, then he/she presents to the
profession and to assist them in realizing their personal goals and
President the qualified applicant.
interest in line with those of the school. 9. If hired, the successful applicant signs an appointment
paper and the Dean/Principal/Department Head orients
SECTION 1 the new faculty member on the school’s organizational set
COMPENSATION POLICIES – up, personnel procedures and policies. The faculty rank
is determined by the Committee on faculty rank. Those
A. Bases without teaching experience will have no official
There are two bases in determining the salary of faculty members, classification during the first two years of their probation.
these are: They will be ranked after the second year.
10. New members of the faculty shall be engaged initially on
1. Faculty Rank
term appointment which ends every semester for the
2. Faculty Load college and every school year for the BEIS, subject to
( N.B. The salary scale is periodically reviewed and revised. Thus, renewal at the option of the school.
11. A copy of the approved appointment is kept in the HRD
it is a regularly updated supplement to this manual.)
office and a copy provided to the Dean Principals/
B. Salary Department Heads files.
1. Salary is given twice a month, every 7th and 22nd.
2. Permanent full-time faculty members are compensated on FACULTY CLASSIFICATION
a basis of ten (10) months and enjoy a length of service
and summer vacation bonus based on the rank and the A. ACCORDING TO APPOINTMENT
average regular income during the immediately preceding
semester / school year. (Summer Vacation Bonus is
subject to the availability of funds). I. Probationary – This refers to a faculty member with a term or
3. Salaries paid to faculty members cover actual class hours contractual appointment. The appointment automatically terminates
rendered, researches, student consultations and academic at the end of the semester. The appointment may be renewed upon
advising, faculty development and professional growth, the need of the school but carries no obligation for reappointment.
membership in committees, attendance in meetings and The probationary period should not exceed six (6) consecutive
outreach programs of the school, services during summer, semesters or three (3) consecutive years. However, a lapse of a
semester or more will mean the start of a new probationary period.
and other related activities. A probationary teacher may, at any time within or immediately after
the probationary period, be separated for his failure to meet the
standards required or for another cause.
65 26
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition

He/she is paid monthly for one semester or one school year A

probationary teacher shall not be entitled to the rights enjoyed by
permanent faculty, e.g. educational benefits, study leave, etc.

II. Permanent – This refers to a faculty member who has

satisfactorily completed his/her probationary period upon the
recommendation of the dean/ principal / department head and due
approval of the VP-AR. Appointment is an assurance of the
continuity of employment and is subject to termination only by
retirement, resignation, dismissal for cause, or under conditions
mutually understood and accepted at the time of termination.

A permanent faculty is paid monthly for twelve months. Subject load

assignments are given by semester or by school year in the case of
high school and elementary teachers.

He/she shall observe regular working hours during both the

semester and summer breaks without prejudice, however, to the
benefit of a vacation leave of fifteen days, taken either cumulatively
or for a continuous duration, depending on the discretion of the VP- FACULTY COMPENSATION
AR and the approval of the President. Subject load assignments are
given by semester. AND BENEFITS
III. Lecturer – This refers to a scholar of outstanding experience or a
practitioner in his field of specialization who is contracted for a
period by semester or term on an honorarium basis for classes,
lectures, seminars, or and/or workshops.

A lecturer is not given an academic rank, nor is he considered for

tenure, but is assigned the equivalent rank. He is paid on an hourly
basis and does not enjoy the usual benefits given to permanent
faculty members.

Full – time faculty members are those hired to serve St.
Dominic Savio College on a continuing basis, carrying a regular
teaching load of 24 units/hours and/or other duties with unit
equivalents, and who are expected to devote their full working
day, normally eight (8) hours a day from Monday – Friday and

27 64
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
2. In expressing personal opinions, teachers should indicate on Saturday up to 2:00pm or forty four (44) hours a week to
clearly that they do not speak in the name of the the College and have no other remunerative employment
institution but as independent scholars. requiring regular working hours elsewhere. They are paid on a
3. They should realize that appointments and promotions are regular monthly basis, twice a month.
made only on the basis of merit and in the interest of A full – time faculty member takes it upon him to:
service. A. Conduct research which may take the following forms;
4. They should avoid the use of school resources, equipment basic and or applied research, paper for local and
or labor for personal gain. international conference, articles, modules and books for
publication, and material development;
5. They should show respect for administrative authorities by
B. Devote at least three (3) hours per week for student
observing proper channels and by respecting the ideals and
consultation. Those with teaching loads other than 24 units
tradition which the administration upholds. render the proportionate number of consultation hours
6. They should cooperate at all times with the per week. This shall be posted for the guidance of the
Administration by discharging duties efficiently and students;
punctually and by accepting extra assignments when C. Participated in seminars, workshops, trainings, programs,
needed and feasible. recollections, retreats or any other activities that promote
7. They should strengthen the good public image of the growth in their person, profession, discipline and/or related
school with their professional behavior and competence D. Serve in committees, participate in academic planning,
render service during summer and enrollment period, take
SECTION 4 care of an advisory class and other duties the department
FACULTY RELATIONS WITH PARENTS head may deem fit. They are also expected to attend
college functions such as faculty meetings, commencement
Faculty members are expected to be “partners of parents” in exercises, recognition ceremonies and alumnae home –
the education of St. Dominic Savio College students. The St. Dominic comings, Foundation Days, Feast Days, Retreats and
Recollections. They should also be involved in peer
Savio College faculty members should:
observation when requested.
E. Be involved in the Outreach Programs of the school.
1. Promote and maintain a smooth and cordial relationship with
parents/ guardians;
In meritorious cases, as determined by the President in
2. Encourage the parents/guardians to participate actively in the consultation with the dean/ principal, the faculty residence hours may
school function where their presence are necessary; be reduced by not more than eight (8) hours per week for off –
campus research, graduate studies (normally six (6) units), and official
3. Coordinate with parents/guardians to a reasonable extent in business such as off – campus seminars, professional organization
threshing out personal and academic problem of the students;
meetings, etc.
4. Refrain from accepting material gifts given by parent/s
guardians in consideration of the student’s academic standing. A faculty member may be given an overload of six (6) units of
teaching at the College which is equivalent to the eight – hour
5. Consistently uphold the good name and dignity of St. Dominic reduction in residence mentioned above. Any additional overload will
Savio College in all dealings they may have with parents/ be counted beyond the forty four (44) hour residence requirements. In

63 28
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no more case may the total exceed twenty seven (27) units. SECTION 2
Remuneration for overload is based on an hourly overload
rate computed over 54 hours per semester. Rates for overload pay 1. Faculty members should render assistance to one another in
shall be based on the faculty rank. The overload should not in conflict curricular and co-curricular activities, such as in evaluating and
with other duties. The following criteria shall apply for the assignment updating curricular programs and guides, college and area
of overloads: development plans, taking fair share of the burden of special
faculty committees and such joint faculty responsibilities like
enrollment, academic and other forms of counseling,
a. Above – average teaching performance as examination proctoring, etc.
measured by students, program coordinator
2. They should demonstrate respect for the rights of others and
and dean. hold inviolate all confidential information concerning one
b. Reasonable compliance with the school another unless such information may prejudice the reputation
regulations and administrative of the faculty in general.
requirements such as attendance,
3. They should be imbued with the spirit of professionalism,
punctuality, deadlines for test questions and
loyalty and mutual confidence and faith with one another.
They should be willing and ready to sacrifice for the common
c. Active participation in college and
good and work for an environment that is cheerful and
departmental activities.
d. Acceptable research record. congenial.
e. Length of service in SDSC. 4. They are expected to refrain from meddling with their
colleague’s personal affairs and effects.
1. For permanent College faculty members who opt to be on an
5. They should manifest loyalty to their colleagues in dealing with
hourly based salary scheme, all of the above shall apply except the
required residence hours of 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week. students, administrators, and other sectors of the school.
They carry a maximum teaching load of twenty one (21) units per 6. They are expected to turn over to their successors records
semester and are not normally entitled to overloads. They may be pertinent to the continuity of a function.
allowed to teach outside SDSC for a maximum of 9 hours per 7. They should spend official time on assigned tasks and refrain
week upon the approval of the President. from doing things of personal interest and avoid cheap, idle
2. Qualified High school faculty members who are invited to teach in
college may handle an overload of six hours per week. talk pertaining to other members of the college.
8. They should avoid influencing others in the grading of students.
a. Part – time faculty members are those who are hired for a
specified teaching load on a contractual basis per semester. 1. Members of the faculty are expected to adhere to the school
policies and support activities of the administration. Regardless
b. The usual load for part – time faculty members is twelve (12)
of personal feelings or private opinions, teachers should
hours/units. This load can be increased for meritorious cases upon
faithfully abide by those policies while they are employed by
the approval of the dean if the faculty member meets the following
the institution.
29 62
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
FACULTY RELATIONS • Above – average rating for teaching performance as
evaluated by students, program coordinator, and dean.
SECTION 1 • Reasonable compliance with school regulations and
FACULTY RELATIONS WITH STUDENTS administrative requirements such as attendance, punctuality
and deadlines for grades, test questions, and other
1. Faculty members should bear in mind that they serve as requirements.
models hence, they exercise great influence in shaping
young minds. They must, therefore, try to set high • Active participation in area and college activities.
standards of academic and scholastic excellence and • Length of service with the College.
personal integrity and display the finer values in life.
c. Part – time faculty members given 15 units of load do not
2. When dealing with the students, the faculty member automatically become fulltime unless they have complied with the
should exercise some measure of reserve in showing other requirements for permanency.
concern for and interest in the academic and personal
d. They are in school only for their class hours, the prescribed
welfare of those who come for consultation and advice. consultation hours, and required faculty meeting and other school
3. Faculty members should recognize the fact that students activities.
deserve respect as individuals, and have certain rights that
must be protected. Personal information about the e. They are paid bi-monthly per subject for the equivalent of 54
student, which come to the faculty member’s attention, in hours per semester.
his role as counselor, must be kept confidential. Students f. They are classified according to their educational qualification
must be treated with courtesy in and outside class. upon hiring.
4. Discipline and training should not be punitive, so the g. They are entitled to some fringe benefits offered by the school
teachers must maintain good classroom behavior without equivalent to half the benefits of full-time faculty such as one
the use of threats, insults and raised voices. They should month vacation bonus, and three (3) days sick leave.
create a relaxing atmosphere, while maintaining classroom
h. Contracts of part-time faculty members expire at the end of every
discipline. semester. They are expected to serve the entire term for which
5. They should not take advantage of their influential they were contracted.
classroom role by disallowing the students to give gifts and
do favors for them or borrow money from students or
6. No male faculty member shall give a ride to or escort PROMOTION
female students unless in connection with an official
school function and in the company of a female A. DEFINITION OF TERMS
faculty member or with the expressed permission of the
MA or Ph. D. Candidate - one who is currently in Thesis
student’s parents.
Dissertation Writing (Note: May not exceed 5 years).
Educational Travel - refers to travels outside the Philippines
Board Examination - refers only to examination which are
61 30
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
directly related to one’s present academic function. For the BEIS, the following is the percentage of grades with their
corresponding letter grade equivalent and description for each subject.
Teaching Experience in other schools - refers to teaching
experience prior to employment in St. Dominic Savio College. In case Percentage Letter Grade Description Grade
of simultaneous work load in two different institutions, the service 97-100 O Outstanding
covering the longer period will be considered.
92-96 HS Highly Satisfactory
Authorship of Books and Research Paper - refers to books and 86-91 VS Very Satisfactory
research papers, other than masteral paper, doctoral dissertation,
related to one’s area of specialization. (Note: SDSC reserves the 80-85 S Satisfactory
right to credit or not depending on the nature of the topic and quality 75-79 MS Moderately
of work.) Satisfactory
70-74 NI Needs Improvement
Short Term Courses and Intensive Seminars - maybe counted
toward ranking provided these are credited by the DepEd/ CHED 56-69 NSA Needs Special
with corresponding units; otherwise, these are counted toward Assistance
efficiency and performance rating.

Credit Point/ Rank due to a faculty member will be effective
only upon submission of supporting documents; until such, he/she is 1. Teacher’s Portfolio for all subjects handled.
given the lowest rank/ rate. 2. Students output for all the subjects handled.
3. CIG for all subjects (submitted before the start of classes.
4. Test questions – compiled with answer key, table of
B. ACADEMIC CLASSIFICATION, RANKING AND specification, and rubrics
PROMOTION 5. Class cards
1. Guidelines for Classification, Ranking and Promotion 6. Class records
7. Research output articles written, essay, concept paper
• Upon employment, new faculty members are given a
tentative rank by the VP-AR based on his minimum
academic qualification. The Committee on Academic Rank
and Classification will conduct the formal evaluation of his/
her credentials upon submission of the Faculty
Qualification Portfolio (FQP) together with the supporting
• Old faculty members may apply for re-ranking by
submitting the Faculty Information Sheet together with the
supporting documents on or before the deadline set by
the committee. Failure to meet the deadline would mean
no ranking/ re-ranking for that particular year.
31 60
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
• The Formative Grade involves the prelims, class • An applicant for promotion must have held his present
participation, projects, quizzes, seatwork’s, assignments, rank for at least two years.
etc. • When submitting the FQP, it should be supported by
authentic credentials. Otherwise, the committee will not
• The Summative Grade is taken from the Prelims, midterm assign the requisite points needed for promotion.
and Pre-finals exam. • A faculty member must have taught in SDSC for two
consecutive semesters before he is eligible for re-ranking
in the new academic year.
3. For the College, SDSC adopts the 12-point numerical
• The Committee regularly convenes every two years to
grading system, with the following grade points and their
evaluate all applicants for rank promotion and their
corresponding descriptions:
corresponding salary level.
Grade Point Equivalence Description • Assignment or promotion to an academic rank is
1.00 98-100 Excellent determined by point system as provided for in the
1.25 95-97 Superior Faculty Classification and Ranking Tool (See Appendix A).
1.50 92-94 Very Good The factors cited in the tool are the sources of the ranking
1.75 89-91 Above Average points. These, in turn, become the bases for faculty ranking
2.00 86-88 Good which determines their monthly salary/ rate per hour.
2.25 83-85 Satisfactory
• A faculty may apply for a re-ranking whenever he finishes a
2.50 80-82 Average
graduate or post graduate course that could qualify him for
2.75 77-79 Fair
promotion. In this case, a letter of request for re-ranking,
3.00 75-76 Pass
accompanied by supporting documents should be
4.00 70-74 Conditional Midterm
addressed to the Chair of the Committee on Academic
(as midterm grade)
Classification and Rank. The Chair examines the merit of
5.00 69-below Failing Midterm
the application and convenes the committee if the request
(as midterm grade)
is deemed meritorious. A reassessment is made by the
5.00 74-below Failing Final Grade
committee and the new faculty rank is forwarded to the
(as final grade)
President for approval.
INC - Given when the student has not taken the exams and has not • Teaching competence, adherence to Savian values,
complied with other requirements. progress in graduate studies, research and publication,
community involvement and compliance with school
Failure to complete within the prescribed period (2nd Saturday after
regulations and requirements are among the factors
the opening of classes) means a failing grade in the subject.
considered for promotion.
• Length of service within a particular rank and adequate
DRP - Officially / Voluntarily (Dropped)
performance of regular duties do not, by themselves,
Dropped by the student on or/before the prescribed period and has
not exceeded the number of allowable absences. constitute sufficient bases for promotion.
• A faculty will be ineligible for rank promotion for a
DR - Failed, not officially (Failed) particular ranking year if during the previous years, he (a)
Dropped and incurred excessive absences did not have a teaching load; and, (b) received a disciplinary
59 32
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
action. 5. A grade of 4.0 or conditional maybe given only during mid-
term period. (For college students only).
2. Procedure
• The Committee on Academic Classification shall convene 6. Students in the senior year must not be given a mark of
to set a deadline for submission of all documents during “Incomplete.” They either pass or fail a subject.
the classification and ranking year. 7. “Incomplete” grades must be completed within the
• All applications and documents shall be collected on the deadline set forth by the Registrar’s Office, (2nd Saturday
deadline, failure to meet the deadline shall mean no after the opening of classes). Beyond that, the student is
classification and rank. considered “Failed”. The teacher must state the reason for
giving an incomplete grade to the student.
• The committee convenes for one whole day to assess and
evaluate the merits of the documents submitted. 8. Grades must be submitted to Dean/ Principal not later
than 10 working days after the last day of scheduled
• The committee is given a week to finish their evaluation
examination. The salary of the faculty members shall be
and submit the results to the VP-AA for recommendation
put on hold until they submit the grading sheets and other
to the President. Once approved by the President, the
committee shall disseminate the information to the deans requirements.
and teachers as well as to the HRD and the BAO. 9. Reports on grades submitted to the Registrar’s Office are
official documents which cannot be modified without valid
• For special request for re-ranking and classification outside
of the ranking and classification year, the applicant shall reason.
send a letter addressed to the committee chair.
• Deadline for submission of application, accompanied by B. GRADING SYSTEM
supporting documents, for re-ranking effective first
1. The College observes a two grading period (both having a
semester is March 30; re-ranking effective second
weight of 50%) every semester – the Midterm Period and
semester is September 30. the Finals Period while for the Basic Education School, the
one observed is the tri-period every school year.
3. Faculty Academic Classification and Rank
2. Students’ grades are computed based on the following
3.1 College
a. Instructor
Affective = 10%
A teacher appointed to this rank must be:
Summative = 40%
• Master’s Degree holder with at least two years of college
Formative = 50%.
teaching experience.

• The Affective Grade constitutes the behavior of the

Further classification within this rank is dependent on the credit
students towards his studies, peers and superiors as well
points earned, ranged as follows:
as their attendance.

33 58
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
percent of the collected amount is given to the teacher for Instructor 1 : 1- 17
the inconvenience and extra time in preparing a new set of
2 : 18-34
exam questions.
3 : 35-51

SECTION 18 4 : 52-68

The grading system is a constructive and integral part of the 6 : 86-100

instructional program of the school. It is a means of determining the b. Assistant Professor
extent to which educational, institutional and department objectives A teacher appointed or promoted to this rank must hold:
are achieved. • Master’s Degree with at least three (3) years of teaching in
• Contribution to the Research-Publication of the school.

1. A student’s academic rating in a subject is a symbol of Further classification within this rank is dependent on the credit
what the instructor deems the equivalent of the student’s points earned, ranged as follows:
performance at the time of grading. It is determined by the
combined results of the estimation of the student’s entire Assistant Professor 1 : 1-17
performance during the term/ period, taking into 2 : 18-34
consideration various factors for evaluations like
3 : 35-51
examinations, quizzes, assignments, research papers, class
works, etc. 4 : 52-68
2. Academic grades do not factor the extra-curricular 5 : 69-85
activities. Extracurricular gets a separate rating from the 6 : 86-100
adviser and Dean/ Principal.
c. Associate Professor
3. The faculty member must be able to justify and support
their work by keeping an accurate record of recitations, A teacher appointed or promoted to this rank must be
examinations, quizzes, assignments, reports and other • Doctoral Degree Candidate, (dissertation in progress) with
requirements. Class records must be submitted to the permanent status of at least three years in SDSC and who
Dean/ Principal. has held a key position in any recognized national,
professional or cultural journal or any doctoral degree
4. No grade in any subject shall be given to any student who holder who lacks the other requirements for full
is not officially enrolled and a grade of FA is given to one
who is not actually attending classes. A student whose
name appears in the registrar’s list but have not reported • Appointment or promotion to step 2 requires five years of
to class within the first two weeks of classes should be permanent status in SDSC and must have a contribution to
reported to the Dean/ Principal and attendance marked on the Research-Publication of the School.
the class record.

57 34
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
(Further classification within this rank is dependent on the credit The case shall be reported immediately to the Dean/
points earned, range as follows: Principal for action. A student who is caught and proven
guilty of cheating during any of the quizzes, get a failing
Associate Professor 1 : 1-17 grade for the said quiz. The same procedure applies to any
2 : 18-34 student found guilty of rendering such aid.
3 : 35-51
4 : 52-68
1. College students having a minimum load of 18 academic
5 : 69-85 units may be exempted from the finals if they obtain an
6 : 86-100 average of at least 1.5 computed accordingly.
Announcement of such exemption shall be made only on
the day of examination. Grade School, Junior High School
d. Professor
and Senior High School student should obtain an average
A teacher appointed or promoted to this rank must be of at least 95% computed accordingly in order to qualify
• Doctoral Degree Holder with permanent status of at least for the exemption.
five years in SDSC and who has held a key position in any 2. No student is obliged to take advantage of the exemption
recognized national, professional organization or has privilege. If he chooses to take his finals, the grade he gets
written and published articles of substantial value in will be computed accordingly.
professional or cultural journals.
3. The Dean/ Principal or teacher reserves the right to
• Appointment or promotion to step 2 requires seven require any student qualified for exemption to undergo
consecutive years of teaching experience in SDSC and the usual examinations for reasons deemed proper.
contribution to Research Publication Journal.
4. Faculty members are required to submit to the Dean/
• Promotion to steps 3-6 requires training, must have Principal the names of the students exempted, with their
undertaken a significant research or professional project, corresponding grades, a day before the scheduled
has written and published a number of articles of examinations.
substantial value in professional or cultural journals, has
delivered address in professional organizations.
1. Each member of the faculty is expected to observe the mid
Further classification within this rank is dependent on the credit points -term and final examination or periodical tests schedules.
earned, ranged as follows: 2. In case of absence from either examination, a student
Professor 1 : 1-17 should make arrangements with the Dean/ Principal for
2 : 18-34 special examinations.
3. No special examinations are given except in meritorious
3 : 35-51
cases like serious illness or contagious disease or death of
4 : 52-68 a member of the family.
5 : 69-85 4. The student is charged a specific amount per subject for
every special examination taken out of schedule. Sixty
6 : 86-100
35 56
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
the secretary for reproduction. Note:
2. Faculty members who cannot submit the required copies Faculty members who do not qualify for the rank of instructor
of test question on the deadline shall take care of because of the lack of graduate degree are classified as assistant
reproduction expenses. This practice of having the test instructors. Their appointment has to be renewed at the beginning of
questions reproduced outside the school is violation of each academic year. They may not be granted full-time status until
school policies and should be avoided by all concerned. after having completed their graduate degree.
3. The test papers of the students per subject for the final
examination are likewise submitted to the Dean/
Principal’s Office together with their class records and BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOL
final grade sheet with final grades.
4. Late submission of test questions is counted against Junior Teacher I
efficiency. A teacher appointed to this rank must be a Bachelor’s Degree
holder, has passed the LET with two (2) years of high school
5. The test questionnaires to be submitted to the Dean’s/ teaching experience. Further classification within this rank is
Principal’s Office must include the corresponding answer
dependent on the credit points earned, ranged as follows.
key and table of specification (TOS)
Junior Teacher I 1 : 1-17
1. Proctoring examinations is a very important duty of the 2 : 18-34
teacher. It demands undivided attention. 3 : 35-51
2. Examination permits should be signed by the proctor. 4 : 52-68
3. The teacher must also ensure that the students sign in the 5 : 69-85
monitoring sheet. 6 : 86-100
4. Under no circumstances may a teacher appoint a student
or an outsider to proctor his examinations. Junior Teacher II
5. Students should not be allowed to leave the classroom A teacher appointed or promoted to this rank must have
after the questionnaires have been distributed, except in passed the LET and must be a MA Candidate (thesis in
cases of extreme necessity. progress), with at least two (2) year residence in SDSC.
6. Student who finish ahead of schedule may be allowed to Further classification within this rank is dependent on the
leave the classroom if they so desired. credit points earned, ranged as follows.
7. Cheating should not be tolerated and all efforts should be Junior Teacher II 1 : 1-17
exerted to prevent it. Any student who, in the course of
2 : 18-34
examinations, is caught copying from a book, notes, or
from another’s work, or who by any means received aid 3 : 35-51
from another, or who through indiscretion, places himself
4 : 52-68
under suspicion of cheating shall be subject to the
corresponding disciplinary action. 5 : 69-85
6 : 86-100
55 36
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
Senior Teacher I Classes by special arrangement may be offered only
upon written approval of the Dean/ Principal in consultation with the
A teacher appointed or promoted to this rank must have
Registrar. This is done only in rare cases where graduating students
passed the LET and must be a Master’s Degree holder with a
lack certain subjects which are not offered during the current
permanent status of least three years in SDSC. Promotion to 3
semester. Classes of this category are to be properly processed in the
-6 requires having undertaken a significant research or
professional project or written and published articles of Registrar’s and Accounting Offices.
substantial in profession or cultural journals. Further
classification within this rank is dependent on the credit points SECTION 17
Senior Teacher I 1 : 1-17
2 : 18-34 1. Periodic examinations must be written. Any oral
3 : 35-51 examination must be accompanied with a written exams
4 : 52-68 during major periodical examinations.
2. The schedule of the examinations is prepared by the
5 : 69-85 Registrar in consultation with the Deans/ Principal. The
6 : 86-100 faculty members must check the examination schedule and
ascertain the date and time of their examinations.
3. No test shall be conducted outside the officially scheduled
Senior Teacher II
dates without prior authorization from the Deans/
A teacher appointed or promoted to this rank must be a Principal.
Master’s Degree holder with a permanent status of at least five
(5) years in SDSC. Promotion to step 3 to 6 requires having 4. No request for change of schedule shall be approved if
undertaken a significant research or professional projects or some students will be adversely affected by such change.
has written and published articles of substantial value in 5. Copies of all examination questions are kept on file in the
professional or cultural journals, and in addition, must have Dean’s/ Principal’s Office.
held a key position in any recognized national, professional
organization. For steps 5 to 6, the candidate must have at least 6. The teachers correct all the examinations papers.
seven years of permanent status in SDSC. Further classification Corrected papers are returned to the student except the
within this rank is dependent on the credit points earned, Final Exams or 4th Periodical Examination which are
submitted to the office of the Dean/ Principal, and are kept
ranged as follows:
on file for one semester/ school year.
Senior Teacher II 1 : 1-17 7. Theses/ Feasibility Studies/ Grand Case Presentations are
2 : 18-34 filed in the library.
4 : 52-68 1. The test questionnaires must be photocopied and must be
submitted to the Dean/ Principal’s Office two weeks
5 : 69-85
before the scheduled exam. The Dean/ Principal must
6 : 86-100 evaluate/ check the test questions before giving them to
37 54
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
for the unavailability of a textbook by requesting the Dean’s Office to C. PERMANENCY
mimeograph notes (with due respect to copyright laws) to be made
available to students. Upon the approval of the VP-AA and the 1.General Consideration
approval of the Dean/ Principal, a faculty member may prescribe the • A permanent faculty member is one who has passed the
use of his textbook in his class. The sale of textbooks and other stipulated period of probation as a full time faculty
instructional materials is centralized. The teacher submits the title of member, has been endorsed by the Dean/ Principal to the
the duly approved textbook to the Dean/ Principal before the end of VP-AR who recommends him to the President and has
the semester in preparation for the following semester. The selling of signed a permanent contract with the President.
items, instructional or likewise, in the classroom is strictly prohibited. • A permanent appointment extended to a faculty member
shall remain valid and binding until the faculty member
SECTION 14 reaches the retirement age of 60.
USE OF FACILITIES • The service of the permanent faculty member may not be
terminated except for a valid and serious cause and after
The use of school facilities should be arranged with the person due process.
2. Criteria for Permanency
To carry on research, a faculty member may use SDSC
• Completion of maximum probationary period of three
facilities, apparatus or equipment once the permission of the Property
Custodian is obtained. continuous years or six consecutive semesters.
• Teaching competence is above average as evaluated by
Faculty members should not use space and facilities at such
time or in such a manner as to interfere with instruction. students, Deans/ Principal, and VP-AR.
• Demonstration of values and attitudes reflecting the
SECTION 15 College’s Vision-Mission Statement.
SCHEDULING CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES • Natural aptitude for the teaching profession and for an
academic career.
A faculty member must seek approval from the Dean/ Principal • Completion of a master’s degree and when applicable the
for extra-curricular activities conducted whether inside or outside appropriate professional license in the field of
campus. All fund-raising activities shall be subject to the prior approval
of the VP-Admin and Finance. No faculty member shall take his
students on an educational trip, picnic or excursion without prior • Compliance with college regulations and administrative
written permission from the parents, which must be submitted to the requirements, such as attendance, punctuality and
Dean/ Principal’s Office two days before the scheduled activity. deadlines for submission of grades.
• Demonstrated research capability.
SECTION 16 • Active participation and membership in department and
TUTORING STUDENTS college committees and activities.
Faculty members should not receive any form of compensation • Overall good health attested to by a doctor designated by
for tutoring their own students. Prior written permission shall be the College.
required before any faculty member offers any tutorial or special
53 38
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
3. Procedure for Granting Permanent Appointment SECTION 10
• Before the end of probationary period, the Department
1. Each faculty member must be ready to have his class observed by
Head/ Academic Coordinator recommends the faculty
the Department Head, Dean/ Principal or the VP-AA or his
member concerned to the Dean for a permanent
appointment. 2. Observation of classes may be announced, invitational or
• The Dean reviews and evaluates the documents and unannounced. It may be preceded or followed by an interview with
recommendations of the faculty member concerned and the observer. The observer may or may not give observation notes
makes the appropriate recommendation to the VP-AR, i.e. after the observation. Therefore, the teacher is expected to
for permanent status, extension of probation or non- request the observer for “feedback”.
renewal of contract.
• The VP-AR shall act on the recommendation of the Dean
and when favorable, shall endorse the granting of a SECTION 11
permanent appointment to the President.
• The President issues an appointment for permanency to Teachers may invite resource persons or specialists as guest
the faculty member concerned. lecturers to supplement classroom teaching. Faculty members should
secure approval from the Dean/ Principal at least three working days
before inviting resource speakers for their classes. Should any student
invite an outsider to act as resource person during the class, the
faculty member shall be responsible. The class looks after the gift or
remuneration. However, if the entire college is involved, the school
takes charge of the gifts/ remuneration.


All faculty members should be familiar with the general

regulations regarding student’s conduct as contained in the student
handbook and be responsible for their observance within and outside
the classroom.


The adoption of textbooks maybe proposed by any faculty

member subject to approval by the Dean. Elementary and High School
students are REQUIRED to secure copies of the prescribed textbooks
one week before the start of classes. A faculty member may make-up

39 52
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
Permanent full-time monthly paid members will be given THE FACULTY MEMBERS
priority for load distribution for the annual summer session of six
weeks. Those interested to teach in summer should inform the Dean/
Principal the earliest possible time in the year. FACULTY RIGHTS

SECTION 9 The faculty members of SDSC are expected to show examples of

CLASSROOM PROCEDURES AND MANAGEMENT their teachings inside and outside the campus. They are expected to impart
and personify the Savian values that SDSC stands for.
1. At the first class session in the college and graduate school
department class cards for a particular subject must be filled They are likewise expected to meet the demands of the teaching
up by the students. Students whose names do not appear on profession and observe professional ethics in all relationships inside or
the official list, provided by the Registrar’s Office, shall not be outside the campus at all times.
admitted. They should be referred to the Registrar’s Office.
2. The teacher should have a seat plan and he himself should
The faculty members, aware of their significant role in the
check attendance. He should be faithful in following up
absences. He should submit to the Dean/ Principal the names realization of the SDSC VMG, shall enjoy the following rights:
of the students who have incurred at least four (4) absences.
Furthermore, he is also responsible in finding out the reason
1. Inquire, discover, publish and teach the truth as they believe it
for the frequent absences and/or tardiness, counsels the
in their field or subject control or authority except rational
student and recommends disciplinary action when necessary.
methods by which the truth and conclusions are sought and
The Dean/Principal must be informed of the action taken by
established in their discipline.
the faculty member concerned.
2. Right to free expression or opinion and suggestion to the
3. A reporting absentee must not be admitted in class unless he
appropriate academic and administrative bodies of the college;
has secured an admission slip from the Dean/ Principal.
3. Right to be informed of matters that affect them individually or
4. Faculty members are responsible for the order in the
classroom during their classes. They should be alert regarding collectively;
any student behavior which needs special attention and should 4. Right to a teaching load once he is contracted or hired by the
be referred to the Guidance, Testing and Counseling Office. college;
5. Teachers and students may not be called out of the classroom 5. Right to finish a teaching contract which may not be pre-
unless authorized by the Dean/ Principal and other school terminated except for and just cause and after due process;
6. No class may be disturbed by messages to students or and,
teachers, except those coming from the administration. 6. Right to be the sole authority over his students’ grades except
when he is asked to review his computation due to error or
due to non-compliance of the SDSC grading system.

51 40
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
THE FACULTY MEMBERS The Dean, Principal/ Department Head may call for a faculty
meeting at least once a month to address concerns and plan activities
Faculty members carry a wide range of specific functions and pertaining to the department.
responsibilities for the attainment of the goals and objectives of St.
Dominic Savio College. These functions and responsibilities involve
instructions, professional growth and community service. A. GENERAL FACULTY MEETING
A general faculty meeting is called by the President at
A. INSTRUCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES the opening of classes, at the end of every school year, and
whenever necessary.
Teaching, the primary function of every faculty member, is Faculty meetings are official academic activities. The
understood to mean imparting knowledge and skills to a class with hours covered by the faculty development activities and faculty
authority and direction, geared towards the development of the meetings are counted as part of the 40 hour per week service.
analytical powers and research capabilities of the students. Hence, he Salary deductions for absences from class and faculty meetings
should exert efforts to maintain quality teaching. are made by the accounting office. Repeated absences from
Towards this end, every faculty member in St. Dominic Savio College: faculty meetings are deemed lack of interest in aligning one’s
self with objectives of the school and maybe one of the cause
for termination of services or a low performance rating.
1. Updates the curriculum instructional guide/ syllabus
for every subject that he/ she is assigned to teach
for the semester. The CIG should follow the B. DEPARTMENTAL MEETING
format prescribed by the department.
The College Dean/ Principal may call a faculty meeting at least
once a month to thresh out problems and plan activities pertaining to
This should be submitted one week before the opening of
the department. Repeated absences from such are deemed as a sign of
classes. Among others, the CIG should include the
following: (1) course rationale; (2) course description; (3) disinterest and may be a cause for termination.
course objectives; (4) cognitive/ skills category, statement,
placement, evaluation tool; (5) course outline with time SECTION 7
allotment and bibliography of reading materials. REGISTRATION ASSIGNMENT
2. Prepares the methodical presentation and development of
Faculty members may be requested by the Dean/ Principal /
subject matter through a session design or plan providing
Department Heads to assists at the registration of the students. It is,
means for the linkages of theory and practice like
therefore, expected that faculty members are available during
educational trips, exposures, resource persons, etc. enrollment period and be familiar with the enrollment procedure that
3. Establishes a wholesome psychological climate to foster they may be able to direct and assist students.
learning in the classroom and in the school premises.
4. Develops the students ability to think critically, express
themselves clearly, and aspire for the higher and lasting

41 50
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
laboratory. values in life.
5. In the event that a particular course of study or a field of 5. Leads the students to discover their potentials and develop
specialization is to be phased out, or there is a substantial proper attitudes, habits and aspirations that will enable
decrease in enrollment, the permanent full time monthly paid them to learn by themselves for their own good and that
faculty shall be preferred over the hourly paid faculty. In of the community.
determining who of the faculty members shall be de-loaded,
6. Attends classes faithfully and punctually, and aligns oneself
who shall be retained or separated, the following criteria shall
for academic consultation with individual student and
be applied; parents, substitutes for an absent faculty member, proctors
Points during examination and supervises on and off-campus
25 - Efficiency - The faculty member with the highest activities.
efficiency rating shall be retained. 7. Welcomes the results of evaluation of his/her teaching
25 - Experience - The teaching experience of a performance and uses it as basis for improving himself/
particular faculty member in SDSC herself.
as well other institutions is likewise
25 - Status - Full-time faculty members shall be INSTRUCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES
preferred to part timers. AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM
25 - Commitment - One’s personal commitment to the
vision-mission and goals of SDSC, as The free search for truth demands that there be academic
manifested by his willingness to freedom for those, who by their special competence and learning,
undertake, plan, prepare and realize not only the extent of their ability and knowledge but also their
implement various extra curricular limitations. Academic freedom, like all human freedoms, carries with it
activities of the school shall be not only rights but duties as well. Hence, the teacher is entitled to
taken in consideration. freedom and responsibilities in research and publication of its results.
________________________ Such publication done within the institution should not impede the
100 - Total Score adequate performance of his academic duties and should not
contradict with the objective of St. Dominic Savio College.

CLASS SIZE While recognizing the fact that the teacher is free to teach and
discuss subject in the classroom, he must respect and safeguard the
rights of the students in class and institution where he teaches.
Generally, the maximum number of students per class is 50.
Consequently, he is not free to teach and discuss controversial issues,
Skills classes like Math, Accounting, Science and Communication Arts
official policies or objectives of the school, in a manner contrary or
are set by not more than forty (40) students per class. derogatory to the school’s policies or objectives under the guise of
academic freedom. It is the teacher’s obligation to conduct the
teaching learning process in keeping with spiritual and temporal laws
and principles upon which academic freedom rests.

49 42
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Teaching should always be geared towards the development of D. UNDERTIME
the human person and the achievement of symmetry between and
1. Undertime shall mean abandonment of work before the
among his human values.
specified dismissal time.
2. Undertime also refers to the time lost when a faculty member
B. ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES reports for work late. Like tardiness, under time is a violation
In keeping with the policies of shared ministry in the school, of the working hours.
the faculty member is expected to assume certain administrative
3. Undertime maybe excused or unexcused. It is excused if the
functions and responsibilities in upgrading the quality of instruction and
faculty member concerned has made prior written request to
the general welfare of the faculty and the students and the attainment
work under time and said request is granted by the Dean/
of the vision/ mission goals of St. Dominic Savio College.
4. Unexcused undertime cannot be offset by overtime. The
The Faculty Member: administration reserves the right to deduct from salaries
1. Participates actively in selecting, designing and organizing commensurate the undertime incurred.
curriculum materials and procedures;
For a three (3) hour subjects, a fifteen minute break is given
2. Participates actively in decision-making by providing
pertinent information, opinion, observations, suggestions usually implemented before dismissal.
when they are solicited, or at their own initiative, and by
taking part in various meetings surveys and committee SECTION 4

1. The minimum full-time teaching load of faculty members in any

rank shall be 24 units/ hours per week for college teachers,
and 360 minutes per day for elementary and high school
teachers. The 60% of the extra load should be given to the full-
time teacher of SDSC. (note: there should be provision for
payment of units for excess of 24 units for college full-time
2. Teaching assignments are prepared by the Principal and Deans
and approved by the VP-Academic Affairs. (note: teaching load
units of regular faculty)
3. Class assignment and hours are scheduled by the Registrar in
consultation with the Deans/ Principal and approved by the VP
-AA. Full-time faculty members are expected to be free for any
slot. Class assignment should be given priority over other
4. The load of faculty member who teach laboratory will be
based on three (3) lecture hours for every four (4) hours of

43 48
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7. Habitual unofficial absences which continue, in spite of
written warnings, constitute a cause for dismissal.
8. No faculty members are authorized to cancel, dismiss or
change the schedule and the place of any class or
laboratory period without the explicit permission of the
Dean/ Principal who informs the Registrar of such change.
Should there be any change made, the teachers are to fill-
up the necessary forms and secure the approval of the
Dean/ Principal for any change in the class schedule and
assignment of classroom.
9. Absence from class is deducted on a per hour rate basis

1. Tardiness means reporting for class past the specified
time. After fifteen (15) minutes for one (1) and/or one-
half hours classes or twenty five (25) minutes for three (3)
hours class, the faculty member is marked absent. Three
(3) incidents of tardiness will be made equivalent to one
absence irrespective of minutes.
2. Tardiness will be excused in the following instances:
• When there is a typhoon, extremely bad weather,
transport strike or other calamity affecting the
faculty member.
• If there is a prior approval of the Dean/ Principal/
Department Head.
A faculty member is considered habitually tardy if he incurs
fifteen (15) tardy marks during the semester. Habitual
tardiness is considered a sign of inefficiency, thus, it constitutes
a ground for dismissal.

47 44
Faculty Manual 2020 Edition Faculty Manual 2020 Edition
1. Perfect attendance is imperative for the faculty members
as it is for the students-justice so requires. However, for
Faculty members are looked up to as models for behavior and personal or official reasons, certain absences that cannot
attitudes by students. As such, teachers should set a high standard of be avoided should be properly noted and documented.
excellence, dedication and refinement. These qualities are reflected in language,
2. Personal reasons may be sickness or personal family
dress, and behavior. matters. Official reason means serving as a delegate or
They are expected to integrate their activities so they become representative of the college at seminars or professional
professionally rewarding and spiritually meaningful. They should refrain from meetings approved by the VP-Academic and Research.
any insinuation of gifts, requests for loans, business, sidelines and the like with Absence of official nature does not affect the sick/ personal
students and parents. leave benefit afforded by the school.
3. Faculty members unable to report for work should notify
SECTION 2 the Dean/ Principal/ Department Head five (5) working
OFFICE HOURS days before their expected absence so arrangement may
be made regarding classes. If possible a session plan should
Full-time faculty members are expected to be on campus on an be submitted to guide the substitute.
average of eight hours (8) a day or forty hours a week (40). Time which is not
4. In case of unforeseen absences, the faculty member should
spent in actual teaching should be used for class preparation, academic and
inform the Dean/ principal at least an hour before his class.
other forms of counseling, consultation, research, and other related work. He/
If possible, seatwork or session plan should be sent to
she must also expect to publicize the hours during which he/she will be
guide the substitute. The Department Head should make
regularly available for academic consultation and counseling. At least three
the necessary provisions.
hours (3) a week should be allotted for this purpose.
5. It is presumed that in exceptional cases in which it is
impossible to give due notice, such notification must be
done as soon as the faculty member concerned comes
back to school after the absence. The faculty member fills
up the absence form in duplicate. The Dean/ Principal/
All faculty members are expected to be punctual and regular in starting
Department Head forwards it to the accounting office for
and ending the class, attending to this matter helps inculcate in the student an
proper action. (Blank forms are available at the Dean’s/
appreciation for exactness, punctuality, and conscientiousness. Teachers are
Principal's office.)
required to accomplish their Bio-Matrix’s properly.
6. No make-up classes should be conducted except in
extremely exceptional and necessary cases, to be
A. ATTENDANCE determined by the Dean/ Principal and never on a Sunday.
Three (3) copies of written application for makeup classes
1. Punctuality and attendance are important considerations in deciding on
must be submitted to the Dean/Principal for approval at
granting of promotions and overload. least five (5) school days before the actual dates, stating
2. Checkers are authorized to record attendance. The teachers are given the class, time, place and reason for the make-up class. A
regular feedback. make-up class also requires the consent of the majority of
the class.

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