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Spending all your money on groceries and bills is too much like real life.

Why make
your Sims start at the bottom when it's way more fun to start at the top? Enter any
of these Sims 4 money cheat keywords into the cheat console to instantly gain
stacks of cash.

kaching: get 1,000 simoleons

rosebud: get 1,000 simoleons (for The Sims veterans who remember it)
motherlode: get 50,000 simoleons
Money [#]: change household simoleons to an exact number
FreeRealEstate [on/off]: enter this in neighborhood or world view to make all lots
household.autopay_bills [true/false]: Turn household bills on and off.
Sims 4 UI cheats
Use these handy UI cheats for The Sims 4 to remove game elements from your view or
add extra utilities:

headlineeffects [on/off]: Enables or disables headline effects like plumbobs and

speech bubbles
hovereffects [on/off]: Disable hover effect when you mouseover a Sim
fullscreenToggle: Makes the game fullscreen/windowed
fps [on/off]: Display the fps on screen
Sims 4 build cheats
These cheats will provide you with some extra freedom while building, so you can
explore your Sims creativity untethered.

bb.moveobjects: the Sims 4 move objects cheat is a vital one for builders, which
allows you to ignore placement rules for objects
bb.showhiddenobjects: the "debug cheat" which shows extra buildable items, often
neighborhood scenery and small clutter, that cannot be bought
bb.showliveeditobjects: unlocks more debug and environment items that you can build
in buy mode, best to use after bb.showhiddenobjects for a total of around 1200 new
objects to build
bb.enablefreebuild: build anywhere, even on locked lots
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement: buy items locked by careers
With an object selected you can also press Shift + [ or Shift + ] to make an object
smaller or larger.


Sims Sessions

(Image credit: EA)

Sims 4 Live Mode cheats
Things have a way of going entirely sideways in The Sims 4 when you lose track of
time. Here are some cheats to get you out of (or into, if that's your thing) sticky

resetsim [firstname lastname]: Resets a stuck Sim.

sims.give_satisfaction_points [#]: Gives a Sim an amount of satisfaction points.
fillmotive motive_[motive]: Fills the specified motive, valid for: Bladder, Energy,
Fun, Hunger, Hygiene, Social.
fillmotive motive_toddler_attention: Specifically for toddlers, refills their
social need which is called "attention".
sims.fill_all_commodities: Fills the motives for all Sims in the household.
aspirations.complete_current_milestone: Completes a Sim's current aspiration goal
and awards the matching points.
Sims 4 Highschool Years cheats
Get your teen Sims through (or kicked out of) school with these cheats for
graduating and getting expelled. These are all handled through the trait system, so
you'll use the cheat traits.equip_trait [trait] with the following, which all do
exactly what they suggest:

Like other traits, you can use traits.remove_trait to get rid of each as well. You
can find more Highschool Years cheats for careers, skills, and personality traits
in the tables below.

Sims 4 Werewolf cheats

Cheats for the werewolf pack are mostly related to traits. To immediately transform
a Sim into a werewolf in the Sims 4: Werewolves pack, use traits.equip_trait
trait_occultwerewolf to add the Werewolf trait. Similarly, to immediately remove
the Werewolf trait, use traits.remove_trait trait_occultwerewolf instead. Find more
werewolf traits in the tables below.

The Werewolves pack also added a series of cheats to add Temperaments to your
werewolves, which are normally unlocked through gameplay and affect the rates at
which your werewolves gain fury and go into rampages. To add a Temperament to your
werewolf, use the cheat traits.equip_trait
trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_[temperament], replacing the bracketed section
with one of the following temperaments:

AntiCapitalistCanine - Adds the 'Anti-Capitalist Canine' temperament

BigBadWolf - Adds the 'Big Bad Wolf' temperament
Carnivore - Adds the 'Carnivore' temperament
EasilyExcitable - Adds the 'Easily Excitable' temperament
FeelsOutcasted - Adds the 'Feels Outcasted' temperament
Frisky - Adds the 'Frisky' temperament
GrumpyWolf - Adds the 'Grumpy Wolf' temperament
HatesBeingWet - Adds the 'Hates Being Wet' temperament
HungryLikeTheWolf - Adds the 'Hungry Like the Wolf' temperament
Lunar_ForestMark - Adds the 'Mark of the Forest' temperament
Lunar_HuntMark - Adds the 'Mark of the Hunt' temperament
Lunar_NightMark - Adds the 'Mark of the Night' temperament
Lunar_WolfMark - Adds the 'Mark of the Wolf' temperament
MustBeClean - Adds the 'Must Be Clean' temperament
NightWolf - Adds the 'Night Wolf' temperament
Prideful - Adds the 'Prideful' temperament
RestlessAnimal - Adds the 'Restless Animal' temperament
SensitiveHearing - Adds the 'Sensitive Hearing' temperament
SurvivalInstincts - Adds the 'Survival Instincts' temperament
Territorial - Adds the 'Territorial' temperament
WolfBrain - Adds the 'Wolf Brain' temperament
WrackedWithGuilt - Adds the 'Wracked With Guilt' temperament
The Sims 4 Werewolves -

(Image credit: Electronic Arts)

Sims 4: Seasons cheats
You can't change the season at will after creating a new world, so you'll have to
use a cheat instead. Or, you know, live through each season in Live Mode but that
would take way too long.

Use seasons.set_season [#] to change it at will. Each season is represented by a

Summer: 0
Fall: 1
Winter: 2
Spring: 3
You can also use seasons.advance_season to go forward in time by just one season.

Sims 4: Get Famous cheats

If you want to climb the fame ladder, you can use the super simple famepoints [#]
which will add the number of fame points to your currently selected Sim.

Sims 4: Eco Lifystyle cheats

One of the first things you might be compelled to do with Eco Lifestyle cheats is
change your neighborhood's Eco Footprint. If you just can't stand starting out with
an industrial neighborhood, use eco_footprint.set_eco_footprint_state [#] with one
of these numbers:

0 - Green Eco Footprint

1 - Neutral Eco Footprint
2 - Industrial Eco Footprint
Sims 4 Batuu cheats
If you want an unlimited supply of Galactic Credits, what you'll need to punch into
the console.

bucks.update_bucks_by_amount 512011000
Note that the "1000" at the end is the amount of Galactic Credits that you're
giving your Sim. You can change that number to whatever, so go crazy with it.

The following clothing cheat will unlock the full catalog of Journey to Batuu
items, but know that you'll have to punch it in either in Create A Sim or the
Dwelling in Batuu.

cas.unlockbytag GP09
Sims 4 decorator clothing cheat
If you'd like to unlock the clothing items that are gated behind career progress,
use cas.unlockbytag GP10

Sims 4 Island Living cheats

On a lot with the "Volcanic Activity" trait, use volcanic_eruption [small/large] to
make lava bombs rain from the sky onto your lot.

Sims 4 Shift+Click cheats

After typing testingCheats true in the cheat console, Shift+Click on Sims and
objects for the following effects:

Sims 4 Shift+Click cheats

Game Pack Target Path Effect
Base Game Sim Cheat need > Make happy Sets all your Sim's motives to full and
mood to Happy
Base Game Sim Cheat need > Disable need decay Allows or stops Sims from
Need changes
Base Game Sim / Object Reset object Works on Sims and objects to reset
their status
Base Game Sim Add to family Adds a Sim to your currently played family.
Base Game Sim Modify in CAS Modify the Sim in Create-a-Sim aside from name
and inherited traits
Base Game Object Make clean/dirty Use on an object to make it dirty or
Base Game Ground Teleport Sim Shift+Click on the ground to teleport a
Sim to that point.
Base Game Object Make head Use on an object to stick it on top of your
Sim's neck like a horrible chimera
Base Game Mailbox Utilities Change the power and water consumption or
production on the lot.
Base Game Mailbox Alter needs Turn off needs for the world or household or
fill all needs.
Pets Animal Give quirk Give a fear or love TV quirk to an animal.
Pets Food bowl Fill Refill your pet's food for free.
Discover University Robotics Table Spawn crafting supplies Gives you 50 of
everything in the current Sim's inventory.
Eco Lifestyle Voting Board/Mailbox Enact/Repeal NAP Instantly enact or
repeal a Neighborhood Action Plan.
Eco Lifestyle Voting Board/Mailbox Give Sim Influence Gain Influence
needed for Neighborhood activities.
Eco Lifestyle Sim/Fabrication Machine Give bucks > Bits/Pieces Get 500 Bits
of Pieces currency
Batuu Sim Batuu Cheats > Give Batuu Items Get Batuu items for free
Batuu Sim Batuu Cheats / Batuu Reputation Set your allegiance with the First
Order or Resistance.
Batuu Sim Batuu Cheats > Faction World States Set world state to First Order or
Batuu Rey / Kylo Ren Add to family Like other Sims, you ccan add Rey or Kyle
Ren to your family.
Cottage Living Animal Cheat relationship > Set max friendship Become
besties with your animals.
Cottage Living Animal Get all Animal Clothes Unlocks all outfits for your
Cottage Living Ground Create animal Spawn in a rabbit, chick, hen, or
Cottage Living Chicken coop / Rabbit home Spawn rabbit/chicken/egg Spawn
in any of those mentioned.
Cottage Living Fridge Animal treats Unlock animal treat recipes.
Growing Together Infant Pack Cheats > Expansion Packs > Growing Together >
Infant Quirks Add or remove infant personality quirks
The Sims 4

(Image credit: EA)


(Image credit: Rockstar Games)

Fallout 4 cheats: Nuclear codes
Minecraft commands: Unblocked
RDR2 cheats: Most wanted
GTA 5 cheats: Phone it in
The Sims 4 cheats: Life hacks
Ark cheats: Expedited evolution

If you're finding that your Sims' difficulty in meeting new people is a little too
relatable, the cheat console code relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others will
instantly introduce your Sim to all their neighbors.

For an even easier icebreaker, relationships.create_friends_for_sim will spawn a

new Sim on the lot who's already friends with yours.

If you need more specific friendship (and romance) control, use the following to
add and subtract from relationships between two Sims:
modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName]
[TargetSimLastName] 100 LTR_Friendship_Main

Substitute "Friendship" for "Romance" to change romantic relationship values.

Positive values will increase a relationship, while using a negative value (ex: -
100) will decrease it.


best Sims 4 expansion

(Image credit: EA)

Kill and un-kill your sims
To save your Sims from death entirely, use death.toggle [true/false]

sims.add_buff Ghostly will turn your sim into a ghost for 4 in-game hours.

In the Sims 4 Vampire expansion, you can kill your fanged sims with stats.set_stat
commodity_Vampire_SunExposure -100.

For all your other deadly designs, use the following trait codes to turn your Sim
into a ghost who has been died in the respective manner with the code:

traits.equip_trait [trait]

traits.equip_trait [trait]
Game Pack Death Type Trait Code
Seasons Overheated Ghost_Overheat
Seasons Freezing Ghost_Frozen
Seasons Lightning strike Ghost_Lightning
Jungle Adventure Poisoned Poison
Paranormal Stuff Become a ghost summoned by Seance trait_Ghost_SeanceTable
Paranormal Stuff Become Guidry the ghost trait_Guidry
Paranormal Stuff Become Temperance the ghost trait_HauntedHouse_Temperance
Vampires Killed by sun traits.equip_trait Vampire_Sun
Killing and un-killing your pets
traits.equip_trait Ghost_OldAge [Pet ID] will turn your pet into a ghost if you are
either an absolute monster or (spoiler alert) attempting an elaborate Sim version
of John Wick. To get your pet's ID (you monster), use sims.get_sim_id_by_name
[PetFirstName] [PetLastName]

You should also be able to resurrect your pets with traits.remove_trait

Ghost_OldAge [Pet ID].


The Sims 4 Snowy Escape

(Image credit: EA)

If you want to max out your Sim's skills or set them to any particular skill level
of your choosing, you can use this list of skill codes.

Use stats.set_skill_level [skill code] [#] to set your Sim's skill to any level you
want. Substitute in the skill code and the skill level you want, which should look
something like: "stats.set_skill_level Major_Writing 10"

For your child Sims, substitute with Skill_Child_[Creativity/Mental/Motor/Social]

all of which also max out at 10.

And for all you horse enthusiasts, before you can modify your ride's skills, you'll
need to find their HorseID with sims.get_sim_id_by_name [HorseFirstName]

Once you have your HorseID, make sure you append it at the end of each skill
command, so it should look like this: stats.set_skill_level Horse_Temperament 10

stats.set_skill_level [skill code] [#]

Game Pack Skill Skill Code Max Level
Base Game Cooking Major_HomestyleCooking 10
Base Game Gourmet Cooking Major_GourmetCooking 10
Base Game Bartending Major_Bartending 10
Base Game Charisma Major_Charisma 10
Base Game Comedy Major_Comedy 10
Base Game Fishing Major_Fishing 10
Base Game Fitness Skill_Fitness 10
Base Game Gardening Major_Gardening 10
Base Game Guitar Major_Guitar 10
Base Game Piano Major_Piano 10
Base Game Violin Major_Violin 10
Base Game Handiness Major_Handiness 10
Base Game Mischief Major_Mischief 10
Base Game Painting Major_Painting 10
Base Game Photography Major_Photography 10
Base Game Programming Major_Programming 10
Base Game Rocket Science Major_RocketScience 10
Base Game Video Gaming Major_VideoGaming 10
Base Game Writing Major_Writing 10
Base Game Toddler statistic_skill_toddler_communication 5
Base Game Toddler statistic_skill_toddler_imagination 5
Base Game Toddler statistic_skill_toddler_movement 5
Base Game Toddler statistic_skill_toddler_thinking 5
Base Game Toddler tatistic_skill_toddler_potty 5
Cats & Dogs Veterinary Major_Vet 10
Cats & Dogs Pet Training skill_Dog 5
Seasons Flower Arranging statistic_skill_AdultMajor_FlowerArranging 10
Seasons Skating Hidden_Skating 5
Get Famous Acting Major_Acting 10
Get Famous Media Production Minor_Media 5
Discover University Robotics Major_Robotics 10
Discover University Debate Major_ResearchDebate 10
Eco Lifestyle Fabrication AdultMajor_Fabrication 10
Eco Lifestyle Juice Fizzing AdultMinor_JuiceFizzing 5
Journey to Batuu Lightsaber skills Skill_Fitness 10
Snowy Escape Rock Climbing Major_RockClimbing 10
Snowy Escape Skiing Major_Skiing 10
Snowy Escape Snowboarding Major_Snowboarding 10
Paranormal Medium Minor_Medium 5
Cottage Living Cross stitch Skill_CrossStitch 5
Highschool Years Entrepreneur adultminor_entrepreneur 5
Horse Ranch Horse Riding AdultMajor_EquestrianSkill 10
Horse Ranch Nectar Making AdultMinor_RanchNectar 5
Horse Ranch Horse Temperament Horse_Temperament 10
Horse Ranch Horse Agility Horse_Agility 10
Horse Ranch Horse Jumping Horse_Jumping 10
Horse Ranch Horse Endurance Horse_Endurance 10
The Sims 4 dream home decorator
(Image credit: Maxis)
After your Sims are all skilled up, you can also give them free promotions or add
new careers.

Use careers.add_career [career] to add careers with their career code in the list

careers.promote [career] and careers.remove [career] work in the same way to get a
promotion or remove your Sim's job. You can also use careers.retire [career] to
quit your job and collect a weekly pension.

careers.add_career [career]
Game Pack Career Career Code
Highschool Years Adult streamer parttime_streamersidehustle
Highschool Years Teen streamer teen_streamersidehustle
Highschool Years Adult simsfluencer parttime_simsfluencersidehustle
Highschool Years Teen simsfluencer teen_simsfluencersidehustle
Cats & Dogs Veterinarian Vet
Seasons Botanist/FLorist Adult_Gardener
Seasons Scout (for teens) Scout
Get Famous Acting Actor
Get Famous Drama club (for kids) DramaClub
Island Living Conservation Conservationist
Island Living Diver PartTime_Diver
Island Living Fishing PartTime_Fisherman
Island Living Lifeguarding PartTime_Lifeguard
Island Living Teen Lifeguard Teen_Lifeguard
Discover University Teacher/Professor Education
Discover University Mechanical/Computer Engineer Engineering
Discover University Judge/Private Attorney Law
Eco Lifestyle Civil Designer careers_Adult_CivilDesigner
Eco Lifestyle Freelance Maker careers_Adult_Freelancer_Agency_Maker
Paranormal Become a Paranormal Investigator
Paranormal Promote your Paranormal Investigator Paranormalinvestigator
Dream Home Decorator Interior Decorator Interior
Dream Home Decorator Interior Decoraton Deco
The Sims 4 seasons - A sim relaxes in a blowup pool

(Image credit: EA, The Sims Studio)

You can pick certain traits for your Sims during the Create-A-Sim process that
control some of their preferences, habits, and how they react to other Sims. One
way to cheat your Sims into having certain traits, especially those in the base
game, is to use the Shift+Click cheats above to edit them in the CAS (Create-A-Sim)

If you want more fine control, or you're trying to add and remove other properties,
here is your list of traits from game packs and expansions that you may want to
give your Sims. A Sim's Lifestyles, which reflect the habits they've developed as
you play them, are also added and removed as traits, as well as Infant traits from
the Growing Together expansion, which determine an infant Sim's personality.

After using the base cheat "testingCheats true" you can use the following cheats to
add and remove all of the cheats on this list with their respective Trait code.

traits.equip_trait [trait]

traits.remove_trait [trait]
traits.[equip/remove]_trait [trait]
Game Pack Trait Code Trait Effect
Growing Together trait_Infant_Cautious Gives an infant Sim a skeptical
Growing Together trait_Infant_Calm Gives an infant Sim a peaceful personality.
Growing Together trait_Infant_Intense Gives an infant Sim intense emotional
Growing Together trait_Infant_Sensitive Makes an infant Sim more reactive to
interaction and environmental factors.
Growing Together trait_Infant_Sunny Gives an infant Sim a social personality.
Growing Together trait_Infant_Wiggly Makes an infant Sim want to move as much
as possible.
Growing Together trait_top_notch_infant Gives a Sim a positive life outlook,
thanks to an fully attentive upbringing as an infant.
Growing Together trait_infant_happy Gives a Sim a better chance at forming
positive relationships, thanks to a generally happy infanthood.
Growing Together trait_infant_unhappy Makes a sim a little more defiant and
headstrong, thanks to a less-than-happy infanthood.
Highschool Years SociallyAwkward Build Charisma skill more slowly and struggle
with social situations.
Highschool Years PartyAnimal Enjoy parties and perform party tricks.
Highschool Years Overachiever Raise skills faster but are harder to get along
with as friends.
Werewolves trait_WerewolfPack_FriendB Become a friend of the Wildfangs pack
Werewolves trait_WerewolfPack_FriendA Become a friend of the Moonwood
Collective pack
Werewolves trait_OccultWerewolf_InitiationBonusTrait Initial relationship boost
when introduced to werewolves.
Werewolves trait_OccultWerewolf_GreaterWolfBlood Enhances werewolf growth.
Werewolves trait_OccultWerewolf_DormantWolf Adds the Dormant Wolf trait
Werewolves trait_occultwerewolf Become (or unbecome) a Werewolf
Cats & Dogs Attraction Relationships with animals begin higher
Seasons Stormchaser Your Sim loves terrifying weather!
Seasons Waterproof Your sim won't get wet, even in the rain
Seasons IceMan Iceproof Sims are not negatively affected by cold
Seasons BurningMan Burn proof Sims love the heat
Seasons HeatAcclimation Sim is less affected by hot conditions
Seasons ColdAcclimation Sim is less affected by cold conditions
Seasons ScoutingAptitude Earn Scouting experience faster
Seasons FatherWinterBaby Your Sim is...Santa's baby?
Get Famous WorldRenownedActor Never fail at an Acting action
Get Famous UnstoppableFame Never experience Fame decay
Island Living trait_BeachBum_LaidBack Never become Tense
Island Living trait_Hidden_IslandAncestor_Elemental Increase the quality of
plants and summon volcanic bombs
Island Living trait_NaturalSpeaker Great at enthusing other Sims
Island Living trait_FriendOfTheSea Become friends with dolphins and
merpeople easier
Island Living trait_OccultMermaid Become a merperson
Island Living trait_OccultMermaid_MermaidForm Toggle a mer tail on land
Eco Lifestyle trait_ChampionOfThePeople Gain Satisfaction when you gain
Eco Lifestyle trait_EcoEngineer Create Eco-Updates faster
Eco Lifestyle trait_MasterMaker Fabricate items at reduced cost
Eco Lifestyle trait_Nature_InfluentialIndividual Other Sims will be more
Influenced by this Sim
Eco Lifestyle trait_eco_master Inspire other Sims to become Eco-conscious
Eco Lifestyle trait_entrepreneur These Sims like taking chances on
Eco Lifestyle trait_Fizzyhead Become focused while using the juice Fizzer
Eco Lifestyle trait_makerNPC Inspire fabrication recipes for other Sims
Snowy Escape Trait_Adventurous These Sims seek out new and unique experiences
Snowy Escape Trait_Proper These Sims tend to disapprove of other Sims'
improper behavior
Snowy Escape Trait_Excursion_Mountaineer_Rank[1/2/3] Higher stages grant
better odds on rockclimbing and excursions
Snowy Escape Trait_CorporateWorker_CharismaticCrooner Get along better with
coworkers, improves singing
Snowy Escape Trait_CorporateWorker_LegendaryStamina Energy will drain more
Snowy Escape Trait_SurvivalInstinct Escape wildlife attacks unwounded, resist
weather, and avoid injuries from outdoor activities
Snowy Escape Trait_WorldlyKnowledge Better at socializing in Social Events,
can negotiate a discount at market stalls
Cottage Living trait_Nature_Country Improves relationship with animals,
causes animals to live longer, more plant yield, free grocery delivery
Cottage Living trait_AnimalEnthusiast Will seek animal company, care for and
improve relationship with animals more easily
Cottage Living trait_LactoseIntolerant Will become sick after eating dairy, will
feel great after avoiding it

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