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Project Title

The Effectivity of Using Dried Yellow Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris)

Leaves, Agar-agar ( as the Main Component in Making Bioplastic

Statement of the
Is there a significant difference between the commercial bioplastic
and the developed bioplastic using dried yellow bamboo leaves?

1.) Is the developed bioplastic effective for carrying objects
weighing X kilograms?

- The developed bioplastic is effective for carrying

objects weighing 10 kilograms. The hypothesis states
that the developed bioplastic is effective for carrying
objects weighing 10 kilograms. This implies that the
bioplastic material has been designed, tested, and
validated to have the necessary strength, durability, and
load-bearing capacity to safely support and carry
objects weighing up to 10 kilograms. The effectiveness
of the bioplastic in carrying objects of this specific
weight can be evaluated through various methods such
as conducting load tests, analyzing the material's
structural properties, and assessing its performance in
real-world scenarios. If the hypothesis holds, it
suggests that the bioplastic is suitable for applications
wherein carrying objects weighing around 10 kilograms
is required.

2.) Does the developed bioplastic hold/carry liquids for a

longer duration than commercial bioplastic?
- The developed Bioplastic can hold/carry liquids for a
longer duration compared to commercial bioplastics.
The theory contends that when compared to
commercial bioplastics, the produced bioplastic is better
able to hold or transport liquids for a longer period.
According to this theory, the developed bioplastic has
undergone particular modifications or improvements
that improve its ability to hold liquids, such as increased
impermeability, improved resistance to degradation
when in contact with liquids, or improved structural
integrity when exposed to moisture. Experiments can
be done to evaluate the performance of the generated
bioplastic and commercial bioplastics in terms of liquid
retention to test this idea. This might entail examining
the materials' absorption rates, assessing their
resistance to leakage or seepage, and assessing their
capacity to sustain the appropriate liquid content over a
specific time frame.

3.) Does the developed bioplastic maintain its original state

without deformation at temperatures of X degrees Celsius?
- The developed bioplastic can maintain its original state
without deformation at the temperature of 50-70
degrees Celsius. Temperature resistance: The
temperature ranges at which various bioplastics
maintain their structural integrity vary. Some bioplastics
might have improved thermal stability or higher melting
points, which would enable them to resist higher
temperatures without deforming. The particular
temperature resistance will depend on the chemical
makeup of the bio plastic and the manufacturing
processes employed to create it. The thermal
characteristics of the bioplastic can be greatly
influenced by the production process. The ability of the
material to maintain its shape at high temperatures can
be impacted by elements including cooling rate,
annealing, and post-processing procedures. In terms of
thermal stability, different processing conditions may
produce varied outcomes. Bioplastics can be altered to
improve their thermal properties by adding
reinforcements or additives.

4.) Does the developed bioplastic fulfill its purpose of

decaying completely when thrown in a landfill?

- The developed bioplastic can fulfill its purpose of

decaying completely when thrown in a landfill. The most
important details are Temperature resistance,
processing conditions, additives and reinforcement,
environmental conditions, and experimental testing.
Temperature resistance is determined by bioplastic
chemical composition and processing techniques, while
additives and reinforcement can enhance thermal
properties. Experimental testing is essential to validate
or refute the hypothesis.

5.) Does the use of this bioplastic result in cost savings

compared to traditional plastic materials?
- The use of the result of this developed bioplastic can
cost savings compared to traditional plastic materials.
The hypothesis suggests that bioplastics are more cost-
effective and readily available than traditional plastics,
leading to potential cost savings. They are also more
energy-efficient and less complex than traditional
plastics, reducing energy consumption and overall
production costs. Additionally, bioplastics can help
companies avoid penalties and compliance costs
associated with traditional plastics due to their negative
environmental impact.

6.) Does the developed bioplastic demonstrate water

resistance comparable to petroleum-based plastics?
- The developed bioplastic demonstrates water
resistance for the reason that the bioplastic's
composition includes hydrophobic elements that repel
water, resulting in its water resistance. Preliminary tests
indicate a high-water contact angle and durability and
stability when exposed to water. Controlled laboratory
tests show that the bioplastic effectively restricts the
passage of water, comparable to petroleum-based

Sauce Pan: The saucepan is used to heat and mix the bioplastic
ingredients namely. It's where you'll combine and cook the
components to create the bioplastic mixture.

Silicon Molder: Silicon molders are used to shape the bioplastic

into desired forms or shapes as it cools and solidifies. They make
it easier to create specific bioplastic products.
Measuring Spoon and Measuring Cup: These are essential for
precisely measuring the ingredients for your bioplastic. Accurate
measurements are crucial for the proper formulation and
consistency of the bioplastic.

Stove: The stove is where you'll apply heat to cook the bioplastic
mixture in the saucepan. It's necessary for heating and blending
the ingredients.

Plastic Cups: Plastic cups can be used to hold and store

ingredients before mixing them in the saucepan. They help with
the organization and easy pouring of measured components.
Baking Paper: Baking paper can be used as a non-stick surface
when working with bioplastic. It can be placed on surfaces where
you plan to cool and shape the bioplastic to prevent sticking.

Background of the
Plastics are widely used in various aspects of life due to their
variety of superior properties. However, they harm the
environment, which leads to the search for an alternative solution
such as the production of bioplastics as biodegradable plastics.

In the ongoing global endeavor to mitigate the environmental

impact of plastic waste, the development of bioplastics has
emerged as a promising solution. Bioplastics, derived from
renewable resources, hold the potential to address the ecological
challenges posed by conventional petroleum-based plastics. This
study focuses on the innovative approach of producing bioplastics
using dried bamboo leaves as a fundamental ingredient,
harnessing the inherent properties of bamboo for the creation of
sustainable, biodegradable plastics.

As stated by Sparkoncept (2022), bioplastics can be as cheap

as plastic, and because of this, adoption will become even more
widespread. Now, the cost of bioplastics is not cheaper than
conventional plastic. In terms of cost potential, it could match the
cost per barrel of crude oil and people should expect a growing
availability of bioplastics in the future.
In addition, prices are expected to align with conventional
plastics with increased adoption, the price range of bioplastics is
typically $2-$7 per kilogram; currently, bioplastics hold a small 1%
share of the global plastics market. Overcoming resistance to
bioplastic adoption creates challenges in normalization. In line
with this, manufacturers are concerned and often prioritize cost
and quality.

According to the Global Landscapes Forum. (2021, April 2),

bamboo forests are a valuable natural resource with ecological
and economic significance. The reported 35 million hectares of
bamboo forests are likely an underestimate, with the actual
coverage potentially being larger. INBAR's ongoing efforts to
produce a more comprehensive database will contribute to a
better understanding and sustainable management of bamboo
resources worldwide. Accurate data is essential for harnessing
the full potential of bamboo for environmental and economic

In its most recent assessment, the Food and Agriculture

Organization reported there were 35 million hectares of bamboo
around the world, growing in isolated patches, as part of mixed
forests, or in wide swathes of pure bamboo forest. 35 million
hectares is likely an underestimate, given several major bamboo-
growing countries did not report, or underreported, data. INBAR
estimates that bamboo forests may cover as much as 50 million
hectares of land, and is looking to produce a more comprehensive
database through its ongoing Global Assessment of Bamboo and

According to Jang Jeong., Lee Jeong., & Jeong Jong.

(2017), biopolymers offer sustainable solutions for improving the
soil, controlling erosion, remediating pollution, and other
environmental challenges; these solutions make them valuable
tools for protecting and enhancing soil quality. The effectiveness
of these solutions can be realized when users of bioplastics
dispose of them in landfills, as this aligns with the potential
benefits and applications of biopolymers in soil-related
environmental issues.

According to Dilkes-Hoffman, L., et al., (2019), A study entitled

"Public attitudes towards bioplastics – knowledge, perception and

end-of-life management" looked at what regular people in

Australia think about biodegradable plastics. They asked 2518

Australians in a survey. Not many people knew much about

biodegradable plastics, but most thought they were good for the

environment. They even thought they were better than regular or

easily recyclable plastics. About half of the people weren't sure if

biodegradable plastics could harm the environment. 68% of the

people said they'd like to use more biodegradable plastic items. If

this happens, there will be more bioplastics in recycling. About

62% said they'd put bioplastic items in the recycling bin. This

study shows that there might be some problems with using more

biodegradable plastics. It suggests that the government and local

councils should make rules and labels to manage these new

materials better.

Moreover, the study entitled "Consumers Attitudes and

Concerns in Bioplastics Use: An International Study" by Filho, W.
L., et al., (2022). examines how people around the world feel
about using bioplastics. People worldwide generally have a
positive view of bioplastics, envisioning them as potential
replacements for traditional plastics, especially in food containers
and packaging. The study also highlights the importance of
affordability, as respondents express uncertainty about choosing
biodegradable products if they are expensive. However, many
respondents are hesitant to buy pricier bio-based and
biodegradable products, despite their overall positive attitude
toward bioplastics.

In the sight of inventors' cleverality, historically in the year
1907, Belgian chemist Leo Baekeland introduced the first fully
synthetic plastic. However, manufacturing non-degradable
plastics has become one of the environmental problems that have
been occurring since then, producing over nine billion tons of
plastic since the 1950s. According to Cho, R. (2022), 165 million
tons of it have trashed our oceans, with almost 9 million more
tons entering the oceans each year. Since only about 9 percent of
plastic gets recycled, much of the rest pollutes the environment or
sits in landfills, where it can take up to 500 years to decompose
while leaching toxic chemicals into the ground.

To address this, researchers are proving the effectiveness of

using dried yellow bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris) leaves as the
main component of making bioplastics to simultaneously solve
these 2 environmental problems. This is due to the nonstop
production of plastics, and human activities counteracting
environmental progress especially the open burning of fallen dried

Extraction of Bamboo Leaves


- 1/3 cup of salt

- 2 cups of water for 1st boiling
- 2 cups of water for 2nd boiling
- Dried Yellow Bamboo Leaves

1) Selection and Cleaning: Begin by selecting 40 dried yellow

bamboo leaves. Thoroughly wash the bamboo leaves to
remove any dirt.
2) Blanching: Briefly blanch the leaves by immersing them in
boiling water. Add 1/3 cup of salt to the boiling water while
blanching to preserve the leaves.
3) Cooling: Transfer the blanched bamboo leaves to a
container filled with 36 ice cubes and 200 ml ice-cold water.
Allow the leaves to cool in the cold water. This step helps
maintain their vibrant green color and stops the cooking
4) Infusion: Add 2 cups of fresh water to the container with
bamboo leaves. This is essential for further extraction and
flavor infusion.
5) Boiling: Retrieve the bamboo leaves from the water and
place them in a cooking pot. Boil the leaves in the freshwater
for precisely 7 minutes. This duration ensures optimal
content extraction without overcooking.
6) Rinsing: After boiling, replace the water in the pot with a
fresh supply of water.
7) Straining: Strain the bamboo leaves extract using a mixing

NOTE: According to Ryan (2023), shredded or whole bamboo

leaves used to get their extract can be used as mulch in the
garden. Mulching helps retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and
regulate soil temperature.



- 2 cups of Yellow Bamboo Leaf Extract

- 10 g of Agar-agar
- 5 ml of Glycerin

1) Measuring Extract: First, measure 2 cups of yellow bamboo

leaves extract.
2) Mixing Ingredients: In a mixing bowl, combine 10 grams of
agar-agar, and 5 ml of glycerin with the dried bamboo yellow
leaves extract.
3) Dissolving Ingredients: Mix continuously in a circular motion
using an electric mixer until the agar-agar, cornstarch, and
gelatin are fully dissolved.
4) Straining Mixture: Strain the mixture using a strainer.
5) Heating: Place the saucepan on a stovetop over medium
heat. Once the saucepan is heated, reduce the heat to
6) Pouring and Timing: Place the strainer on top of the
saucepan and pour the mixture. Set the timer for three
minutes, then turn off the stove after 3 minutes.



- Bioplastic mixture (10 g of agar-agar, 2 cups of bamboo

leaves extract, 5 ml of glycerin)
- Silicon Molder

1) Molding: Place the strainer on top of the silicon molder and

gradually pour the bioplastic mixture.
2) Drying: Wait for at least 3 days for the bioplastic to dry.
3) Demolding: Gently remove the bioplastic from the mold after
it has dried.



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Biodegradation of Hemicellulose-Cellulose-Starch-Based
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Brandy. (2020, May 28). Bonding Bioplastics Using Adhesives

(TrēvaTM) » Plastics Decorating. Plastics Decorating.

Cho, R. (2022). The truth about bioplastics. State of the Planet.

Dilkes-Hoffman, L., Ashworth, P., Laycock, B., Pratt, S., & Lant,

P. (2019). Public attitudes towards bioplastics – knowledge,

perception, and end-of-life management. Resources

Conservation and Recycling, 151, 104479.

EARTHDAY.ORG. (2023, August 2). End Plastics - Earth Day.

Earth Day.


Filho, W. L., Barbir, J., Abubakar, I. R., Paço, A. D., Stasiškienė,

Ž., Hornbogen, M., Fendt, M. T. C., Voronova, V., & Klõga,

M. (2022). Consumer attitudes and concerns with bioplastics

use: An international study. PLOS ONE, 17(4), e0266918.

Global Landscapes Forum. (2021, April 20). A nature-based

solution? Five facts you didn’t know about bamboo forests.

Landscape News.


Jang Jeong., Lee Jeong., & Jeong Jong. (2017). Characterization

of AGAR for soil remediation. Han-


Nanda, S., Patra, B. R., Patel, R. M., Bakos, J., & Dalai, A. K.
(2021). Innovations in applications and prospects of
bioplastics and biopolymers: a review. Environmental
Chemistry Letters, 20(1), 379–395.

Notaro, S., Lovera, E., & Paletto, A. (2022). Consumers’

preferences for bioplastic products: A discrete choice
experiment with a focus on purchase drivers. Journal of
Cleaner Production, 330, 129870.
Plastic Pollution | The Ecologist. (n.d.).

Ryan. (2023). The benefits of using bamboo leaves as mulch.



Sparkoncept. (2022, November 7). Bioplastic Vs. Plastic Price:

What are the Factors to Affect Their Cost? | Sparkoncept |
Biodegradable. Sparkoncept | Biodegradable plastic

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