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Creative Writing Activity

Throughout this semester, you have read numerous texts that use literary devices to
convey their messages in a creative way. The imagery in the writing makes it easier to
not only envision what is happening, but also feel and experience everything within
the stories.

For this exercise, you are to practice your own descriptive writing. Choose your
favorite meal, beverage, or dessert and describe it as creatively as possible. Do not state
what the subject is, but allow your reader to figure it out based on how you describe it.

Appeal to as many of the five senses as possible (sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch).
Do not be afraid to use literary devices (simile, metaphor, personification, etc.) to bring
the subject matter to life.

Like a thick river on a foggy morning, your steam rises into the air. It dances
into my nostrils and I am greeted with the warm smell of hazelnut. I close my
eyes and take a brief and bittersweet sip. You immediately jumpstart my
battery dead brain, revving the engine of my soul, and now I am ready for the
mileage of the day.
Creative Writing Activity

For this activity, you are to take the mundane sentence below and expand it into a
more elaborate, descriptive paragraph using figurative language, vivid imagery, and
creative details. Implement your own writing style and have fun with it.

Mundane Sentence: The child watched him leave from the window.
Mundane Sentence: The man walked down the street.

Creative Rewrite: As the man walked down the dark street, the fog crept up on him and
swallowed his figure. The street lamps flickered a fluorescent glow that illuminated the
fog and made the man a mere silhouette. He limped onward, his cane slowly tapping
along the cobblestone, creating a rhythmic sound that echoed through the night.
Tap—tap—tap. And then he was gone—gone like the flicker of a candle, quickly
dissipated with the soft breath of a weary mother. Gone with no trace, leaving only a
gray canvas in the dim light. Gone so quickly that it made you question if he was ever
really there at all. His taps in the hazy distance were all that remained to prove his
existence, yet they grew fainter and fainter.

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