English News Group 12 - 20231204 - 190131 - 0000

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lecture: Azizah Maulina Erzad, S.S., M.Pd.

intensive reading presentation

English News
Presented by Group 12
members of group 12

1. Muhimmatul Auliya (2310510005)

2. Durrotul Munawaroh (2310510026)
3. Bahjata Najwa (2310510032)
What is news?
News is the fastest report of the latest facts or ideas that are true,
interesting or important to a large audience, through a periodic medium
such as newspapers, radio, television or internet media.
News is information about a recently changed situation or a recent event
The purpose of the news itself is to inform and to
educate your readers, listeners or viewers
Brain Storming

topic person setting additional info

A. Listen with full concentration so
you can record broadcast the news.

B. Listen while recording the main

points of the news.
Fill the missing words
Good evening, everyone. I am Chuck Sandy with your news on this warm July evening. There are many
things happening all around the world tonight. First, let's take a look at the election. President Slump is
(1)..... across the country. His ratings are (2)..... high right now. On the other (3)....., the Blue Party is
working hard in some of the (4)..... that are close. Do you think President Slump has (5)..... up to his
expectations? Do you think he has done a good job with (6)..... and trade? Many people think there is
still some room for (7)..... with key issues. President Slump has been pulling troops from the (8)..... in
Iceland since his term began. Do you agree with it? The unemployment (9)..... is still not as low as many
people would like. This is a very hot topic for the next (10)..... . The Blue Party has been trying to provide
tax (11)..... and incentives for small to medium sized (12)..... in an attempt to create more jobs. There is
also a lot of debate about raising taxes. Many people are pretty bent out of (13)..... about the pending tax
hike. I'm not a big fan of it, but I think it's (14)..... if we want to eliminate our national debt. Finally, the
Blue Party has taken (15)..... to control pollution and the threat to the environment. In my opinion, this
(16)..... isn't being given the (17)..... that it deserves. More needs to be (18)..... in order to save the (19)..... .
What do you think? Don't forget to cast your vote next (20)......
Question Time

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