Mwa 3 Reflection

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What is the purpose of the project you created and how do you think the
piece achieves its purpose?

The purpose of this project was to show what a discourse community is and one that I
was a part of. I think it achieved its purpose because I did learn a lot, not only my peers
but about myself. I didn't think that the game i played was really considered one but
after researching , I realized that it was and that was really exciting.
2. Who is the audience? How did this impact your choice of medium? In other
words, why is the medium (the video or the sound project) the best choice for
your audience AND purpose?
The audience was anyone that wanted to play. It impacted my choice because I made
use of it to give clear information about how and why the game was so fun.I think that
having a sound would have been nice. However, my interviewer did not want to be on
camera and I gotta respect that. I think that the interview gives a really good perspective
on what other people think about the game.
3. What were your impressions of the technology you chose to compose with for
this project?
My impressions of technology were not good at all. I couldn't get any of the voice things
to work and the voice box kept crashing down on me. I really was wanting to make it
sound very professional. But it was hard for me to really figure everything out.
4. What rhetorical decisions impacted your decision to choose this technology?
I had to just record on my phone and then go back and edit it into the doc. I know
i will lose points but i couldn't figure out how to get the things in needed to done.
5. What were the challenges with technology that you faced in this project? How
did you overcome these challenges? What was easiest about using this
technology and what did you like?
As I mentioned before, the hardest thing for me was getting the voice over to was really stressing me out. I couldn't figure out and it made me mad
because i really wanted this MWA to be good.
6. What else would you want your instructor to know about the project and your
choices that will help her give you feedback?
I want to let you know that I understand I'm going to get a few points marked off for not
having a sound and I take full accountability. I hope that you do like the game if you
decided to play lol.

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