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Q1) Calculate net value added at factor cost from following data:

(i) Purchase of machinery to be used in the production unit 100

(ii) Sales 200
(iii) Intermediate costs 90
(iv) Indirect taxes 12
(v) Change in stock 10
(vi) Goods and Services Tax 6
(vii) Stock of raw material 5

Q2) Calculate NDPFC :

(i) Subsidies 10
(ii) Sales 800
(iii) Closing stock 25
(iv) Indirect taxes 10
(v) Intermediate consumption 250
(vi) Opening stock 10
(vii) Consumption of fixed capital 30

Q3) Calculate 'Value of Output' from the following data:

(i) Subsidy 15
(ii) Intermediate consumption 180
(iii) Net addition to stocks 15
(iv) Depreciation 30
(v) Goods and Services Tax 20
(vi) Net value added at factor cost 250

Q4) From the following data, calculate the Gross National Product at market price with the
Value - added method:

(i) Value of output in primary sector 1,500

(ii) Net factor income from abroad (-) 30
(iii) Value of output in secondary sector 1,200
(iv) Value of output in tertiary sector 800
(v) Intermediate consumption in primary sector 600
(vi) Intermediate consumption in secondary sector 800
(vii) Intermediate consumption in tertiary sector 300

Q5) Calculate Operating surplus from the following data:

(i) Rent on land 50
(ii) Profit 30
(iii) Interest 20
(iv) Royalty 5

Q6) Calculate operating surplus from the following data:

(i) Rent 200
(ii) Interest 150
(iii) Profit 300
(iv) Dividends 50
(v) Undistributed profits 20

Note: Dividends and undistributed profits are a part of profits, hence, they are already
included in profits.

Q7) Calculate Operating surplus from the following data:

(i) Gross value added at market prices 5,550
(ii) Wages and salaries 1,200
(iii) Employers' contribution to social security 250
(iv) Net indirect taxes 100
(v) Consumption of fixed capital 75
(vi) Mixed income 300

Q8) Calculate Operating surplus from the following data:

(i) Net value added at market price 5,000
(ii) Wages and salaries 1,500
(iii) Free medical facilities 40
(iv) Employers' contribution to social security 100
(v) Net indirect taxes 150
(vi) Mixed income 75

Q9) Find Compensation to employees from the following data:

(i) Net Indirect taxes 15
(ii) Gross value added at market price 125
(iii) Consumption of fixed capital 10
(iv) Operating surplus 50
(v) Mixed income of self – employed 30

Q10) Calculate Compensation to employees from the following data:

(i) Wages and salaries received by the employees 125
(ii) Dearness Allowance 75
(iii) Medical Expenses on Employees 5
(iv) Life Insurance Premium Paid by Employees 2
(v) Contribution to Provident Fund by Employers 10
Q11) Following information are given:
(i) Compensation to employees 7,000
(ii) Rent on the land 600
(iii) Royalty 900
(iv) Dividends 3,000
(v) Undistributed profits 1,200
(vi) Interest 700
(vii) Mixed income of the self-employed 2,400
(viii) Net Indirect taxes 150
(ix) Consumption of fixed capital 200
(x) Net factor income from abroad 400

(a) Net domestic product at factor cost
(b) Net domestic product at market price
(c) Gross domestic product at market price
(d) Net national product at factor cost

Q12) From the following data, calculate the Gross National Product at market price via the
income method:
(i) Wages and salaries 800
(ii) Rent 200
(iii) Depreciation 60
(iv) Net factor income from abroad (-)15
(v) Mixed Income 550
(vi) Subsidies 100
(vii) Profits 500
(viii) Indirect taxes 200
(ix) Employers' contribution to social security schemes 70
(x) Interest 50

Q13) On the basis of following data, calculate:

(a) Compensation to employees
(b) Operating surplus
(e) NNPFC or National income

(i) Wages and salary 2,000
(ii) Free housing facility 150
(iii) Rent 500
(iv) Royalty 200
(v) Subsidy on food to the employees
(vi) Employers' contribution to P.F. 60
(vii) Income from entrepreneurship 700
(viii) Travelling allowance 25
(ix) Employees contribution to Social security Schemes 40
(x) Mixed income 150
(xi) Net indirect taxes 30
(xii) Consumption of fixed capital 45
(xiii) Net factor income from abroad (-) 20

Q14) From the following information, calculate gross national income by (a) income method
(b) expenditure method.

(i) Factor income from abroad 10
(ii) Compensation to employees 150
(iii) Net domestic capital formation 50
(iv) Private final consumption expenditure 220
(v) Factor income to abroad 15
(vi) Change in stock 15
(vii) Employer's contribution to social security schemes 10
(viii) Consumption of fixed capital 15
(ix) Interest 40
(x) Exports 20
(xi) Imports 25
(xii) Indirect taxes 30
(xiii) Subsidies 10
(xiv) Rent 40
(xv) Government final consumption expenditure 85
(xvi) Profit 100

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