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1) Couple of months ago – a few or two months ago

2) Fascinating – be very attractive or interesting to somebody

3) Magnificent – excellent
4) Delicious - tasting or smelling very pleasant
5) Nature lover – somebody who likes the flora and fauna
6) For a bargain – something that you buy cheaply
7) Assure – make certain
8) Bulletin board – notice board
9) Close to my heart – something you likes to do
10) Conserve – to avoid wasting
11) Experience – the things that you have done in your life
12) Express view – beautiful view
13) Attractive – that pleases or interest you
14) Submit – to give a paln, document
15) Colourful past – a lot of interesting things happened in there
16) Steeped - many historical things happened
17) Preserved by time – keep something safe or in good condition
18) Reign – rule a country as a king or queen
19) Invasion – attacking and entering a country
20) Brutal – serious fight
21) Ensued – followed in a order
22) Conquered – military invasion
23) Collapsed – destroy
24) Retreated – behind
25) Burned fiercely – very angry
26) Spearheaded – a person who is the leader
27) Battleground – a place to fight
28) Strong hold – who is on control
29) Intervention – to become involved in a situation
30) Intriguing – to make somebody very interested and wanting to know more
31) Perched – to sit on top
32) Ruins – to damage something so badly that it loses all its value
33) Intact – not damage
34) Executioners – a person who jobs is to execute criminals
35) Behead – to cut off people head as punishment
36) Execute – to kill somebody as an official punishment
37) Traitors – a person who is not loyal to their country
38) Mausoleum – a magnificent tomb
39) Ceremonially – a formal public or religious event
40) Drapped – to put a piece of cloth
41) Orchard – a piece of land on which fruit trees are ground
42) Disagreed – to have a different opinion from something
43) Coaxing – to persuade somebody gently
44) Gave in – accepted
45) Cheerfully – feeling happy
46) Entered – to come or go into a place
47) Demanded – a strong request or order that must be obeyed
48) Confessed – to admit that you have done something bad or wrong
49) Panic – a sudden feeling of fear that cannot be controlled
50) Misbehaving – to behave badly
51) Dishonest – cannot be trusted
52) Trash – unwanted things
53) Manufacturing – a process of making something
54) Large extent – large area
55) Benefits – an advantages or useful effect
56) Via – going through
57) Requirements – what you need
58) Ecological – relationship between living things and their surrounding
59) Propagate – the produce new plants from a parent plant
60) Resort – to do something badly
61) Emissions – gas release
62) Biodegradable – taken back into the earth and not harmful
63) Bizarre – very strange
64) Landfills - a place where rubbish is buried
65) Globally – worldwide
66) Separate – not joined to anything
67) Exhausted – very tired
68) Relieved – pleased because your fear or worry has been taken away
69) Physical exertion – using your body in a way that takes a lot of effort
70) Exhaled – to breath out the air
71) Excessive – too much
72) Severe – causing somebody to suffer
73) Immense – very big or great
74) Unconscious – not aware of what is happening
75) Reenergizes – the ability to do a lot of work without getting tired
76) Prone – likely to suffer from something
77) Optimal – maximum
78) Illness – sick
79) Suggested – give opinion
80) Maintain – to make something continue at the same level
81) Arguing – quarrel
82) Take turn – one by one
83) Looking after – making sure is something taken care of
84) Excited – very happy \ joyous
85) Primates – animals which can walk on four or two legs
86) Retiring – go back
87) Ferocious – fierce
88) Harassed – annoy & trouble constantly
89) Valiantly – brave or courageous
90) Close knit – close relationship
91) Juveniles – young & below 18 years old
92) Nomadic – move from one place to another place
93) Foliage – green leaves
94) Gallop – move like horse
95) Mock – like practice & simulation
96) Spiced up – to add excitement or interest to something

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