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READ THIS FIRST LOCATING OR CONFIGURING A SUITABLE HOST MACHINE The AR-32A programming unit, to function properly, must be connected to an industry standard DB-25 = (25 pin) parallel por interface, parallel port ear, docking station or adapter. The pace inerfuce oxgi- —) SSSR nates directly on the processor bus and therefore allows the the sytem to work with or without Windows as the dstbution CD includes its own operating sytem. You may boot the host mackine direty fram the CD or you may crete a bootable USB drive. (See page 3 ofthe blue user manual for additional information.) A suitable host machine is any machine (eskiop, laptop or notebook) which includes a paalel por (usually colored purple) or 10 which a parallel por can be added (NOTE: Ifa machine has only USB ports, you will ned to locate an altemate platform as USB to parallel port adapters do not ‘work, The only requirements fr the system host i an X86 processor and a parallel interface, Specd, memory sie, drive capacity and the operating system will not matter. The softwate may be installed under all versions of Windows (32 bit) including Windows 10. (Ifthe host machine is running 64 bit windows, you may run the system software from the CD or a USB drive.) Instalaion is easily accomplished using the SETUP program on the CD. For software installation instructions sce below then ref to te back of this document. NOTE: I you have any questions regarding the setup of your host machine please contact us if you need assistance SUITABLE HOST MACHINES (Notebooks) - Customers have requested that we provide a shor list of suitable notebook host ‘machines. The following lst sa small faction ofthe many machines which wil serve asa suitable platform: IBM/Lenovo Think- pds with builtin por (model): R50, R50e, RSOp, RSI, RSe, RS2, 120, T21, T22, T30, T40, TA, T42, T42p, 143, T43p, X31 ‘Also HP, Del, Gateway, Acer, Toshiba, Sony, Fujitsu plus others also manufactured machines with builtin por. Ifyou are look- ing for avery rugged, extended life notebook we suongly suggest Panasonic Toughbooks. Models with a builtin por are: CF-25, CF-27, CF-28, C¥-29* (recommended) (*CF-29 ports: parallel, serial, USB, PCMCIA). Models to which you can adda port in- clude: CF-18, 19, 30, 31, 52, 53 and CF-CI ADDING A PARALLEL PORT ‘You may add a parallel por to a host machine with a plug-in card, adapter or docking station. For notebooks tis will require either a PCMCIA or ExpressCard to parallel port adapter. Newer notebook machines will have an ExpressCard slot older machines will have & PCMCIA (CARDBUS) slot. Some machines have both. Look eareflly at your machine fora slot marked EC or EX. This is where an ExpressCard is inserted, Fora desktop this will require either a PCI or PCI Express (PCL-E) pall port card depending on the backplane design ofthe motherboard. NOTE: For desktop machines any card will work. (The interface options shown below are general examples of products availabe from Amazon, Ebay, Newegg plus others) Ing i De ee Bae —— POMCIA ExpressCard CARD SiartechsRCIPECES INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE ON YOUR HARD DRIVE ‘The system software can be installed on the hard drive of your computer by following these step: 1. Boot the host machine to Windows and install the CD into the CD/DVD rom drive, Double-click the CD/DVD drive to open. 2, Locate the file called setup.exe and double click. This starts the installation program. Read each dialog then press NEXT to con- tinue, At the SETTINGS dialog choose your operating system plus any install options you wish then click NEXT. This will install the programming system files on your computers hard drive in a folder called EPROM plus the USERPORT driver. 3. Aller the EPROM files and USERPORT driver ate installed the next dialog provides instructions for configuring and enabling the USERPORT driver. You must perform this procedure or your system wil not work as USERPORT links the EPROM# soft- ‘ware to the parallel port hardware, NOTEI: The USERPORT configuration steps are on the baek of this page, The information files ean also be found in the eprom folder aftr installation. They are standard text (tx) files called WINXP and WINT. NOTE2: Instructions are also provided to set the host machine with a built in parallel port to the best compatible mode. 4, The software installation will automatically place an EPROM shortcut on your desktop. Once the USERPORT driver is config- tured and the system is tested you will double-click this icon to start the software. NOTE: If your machine does not have an optical drive, you can use setup.exe on the USB drive under Windows to install CREATING A BOOTABLE USB DRIVE The distribution CD contains its oivn operating system. This allows you to boot the host machine without Windows, Using infor- ‘mation and data on the CD you may create a bootable USB drive which works just like the bootable CD. A bootable USB drive al- lows you to not only use the programmer, but also to save files on the USB drive itself. Thus you can create a single package with the operating system, the progammer software plus whatever files you wish to load or archive, To create a bootable USB drive perform these steps: 1. Locate a USB drive you wish to make bootable. Note: All files will be erased during the procedure, 2. Boot the host machine to Windows (32 or 64 bit ean be used), Insert the distribution CD into the CD/DVD drive and insert the USB drive into a USB port on the host machine. Be sure the USB drive is recognized by Windows before proceeding to step 3. 3. Navigate to the CD and open the “extras” folder. You will se a folder called “makeusb”. Open this folder and double click the file HOW2DOIT.TXT. Read the procedure instructions, 4. The procedure will guide you through cach step. Read cach step carefully and type exactly what is required 5, When the procedure completes, use Windows to stop the USB drive and then remove it. The drive is now bootable, IMPORTANT: Take time fo read BOOT and GO (blue user manual page 3) for a description of the various STARTUP options. (Card for Desk Top Machine bockiNe PCL Express (PCI-E) STATION SETTING THE PARALLEL PORT TO A COMPATIBLE MODE ost machine wth builtin pra! pot wil hve several opeting ines which can te st. The operating mode is éctermined by the syst BIOS sting and mast he compas wit the AR-32 The BIOS ecting ls NOT sseesed though in dows tis acest before windows boots by pressing oping 2 specif key on the computer Keyboard, When ou a tum on your compe th eee shold ‘wey dpa a mesa iadcatng which kay shouldbe presed to eter the BIOS soup ene cornmon Ley ar- DELLIPANASONIC = F2, HP -F10 TBM EN- TER, a er thers the DELETE (DEL) key. Tap the appropiate Ley before window bots. When the erpotr enters the BIOS sup program flow he des- ons he batiom of te scree, Look dough th esings until you find someting sch as INTEGRATED tr ON BOARD PERIPHERALS. There ay Be oes names. Locate PARALLEL PORT. Fllowing he onsreen crcoas, cot ht the pat is et he best compatible mode (see PORT MODES bel). fe or sno: se tothe proper mode, changeit math he best eongulon. Do 90! change the port ADDRESS or IRQ, These wl ot mater fra bain parallel ost. Also be ate the pot is ENABLED (ai AUTO or OFF). One the mo eth decton o SAVE apd EXIT, PORT MODES - The actus mods ames ae determined by he computer manfter however tey will be oe ofthese four eager |L-STANDARD PRINTER PORT: This isthe onginal mos as dead by IBM inthe Tit PC. Iti the mst spl ad the best me supp the AR-32A (SELECT THIS MODE), COMMON NaMES FOR THIS MODE_ARE! NORMAL, UNIDIRECTIONAL, STANDARD. OUTPUT ONLY, AT, 2 EPP: Enanced Pal Port ~ This mode provides ational features beyond the tga TBM design. Tis mode usually works wth he AR-S2A, 3 ECP: Entanced Contel Part - This mode provides enhanced conta fete to he EPP desig, Ths soe sully work i the AR-S2A, 4 BIDIRECTIONAL oc PS2~ Tis mode fret the pall po to afer nformaton in wo dstons whi eles a spec ives DO NOT SELECT THIS MODE! (snot compatible with te operon ef the ARIZA progumning tad wil ol work lly. [As the EPROM softwares insted you must configure the USERPORT driver acted inte EPROM elder Choos the comet posse Bl Based one ‘ptating sytem inal on your host machine, The USERPORT diver inks the nerfs pt othe stem suftvate and is equ Tor succesful operation WINDOWS xr your computer ha built-in pel por (not an an cad) parton sly stops 69,9 and IGA at USERPORT ts preconfigured or dad pots, STEP I Locsta suitable paral port card and itll aecoring othe am factrers irons. ese the cad inal corel with o eres or prob ten, STEP 2- CLICK START > SETTINGS > CONTROL. PANEL > SYSTEM Sclctthe HARDWARE ta ad cick “Device Manager’ STEP 3 In he ist find "Ports (COM & LPTY". Click" wo expand STE 4 Locate the paral por card enty and double ik 10 open STEP $. Locate and ick the RESOURCES tb Find the UO range and wete down te fst 10 range you see wil appear a two ous of HEX ys parted by a hyphen, EXAMPLE: FFFS:FFFF) This is where Windows has ‘mapped the paall cad ito you yams UO range. STEP 6 Clos all Coro Pancl windows. Navigt oa open the EPROM ‘older. (STEP 64) Loe the USERPORT ion (jellow and ack Radio Active symbol) and dbl clk STEP 7-The USERPORT concut pant will open Click the tp srindow under “Eater Gat Inter” a pe the VO range uta apes in the DEVICE [MANAGER inclating te hyphen, The ADD baton wil Beoome ave when you gn ping STEP 8. Once te U0 range hs been entered lick ADD. The new ade rage vl apoar inte GRANT LIST. Click the UPDATE baton, STEP 9 Click the START baton ota the diver, Clk EXIT to lo, STEP 10 - Davo click he EPROM shai onthe DESKTOP. Bese the rognming wit is conesod 1 e computer and powered (gee eon). STEP 11 The programing system software wl sot however il play “PROGRAMMING UNIT IS NOT RESPONDING TO PORT COMMUNICA THON’ STEP 12 -Atthe SELECT OPTION © prom pres "Mt then ype oly the fst val ofthe UO range athe “ENTER NEW PORT BASE ADDRESS >" prom snd press ENTER. (EXAMPLE: FPPI) The sofware should strand i= Play te DEVICE SELECTION TABLE. Type 2716 apd press ENTER. NOTE: (¢ Tae ofiaredoos at sat afer you enter the por sek eer the wer man- sal APPENDIX to determine an reste the problem [STEP 13 - The min sewen is dplyed withthe COMMAND LIST. Pres to clea the swith seg dupa SSTRP 14 Pres 0 (EXIT PROGRAM) then 0 (OPTIONS), The EDIISAVE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FILE fills are played, Pres {ALT-U] (Pes [ALT +U) The seting he system icantly “Using ae file 903 wth tease a sein TAB tothe field and BACKSPACE fo emave. Dent ease PORT ‘al. Ifyou fev the stings unchanged the 2746 and EPROM folder wl be ‘wed amomataly when the system sans, Read user mama for CONFIG FILE ‘nf, STEP 15 - ress [ALTS] tsa the coniguation fe STEP 16 Pres thea ¥ to ent (STEP 164) Double click he desiop [BPROM shortet a conf ta the system sare (WIN XP - RUNNING THE SOFTWARE FULL SCREEN, You can run the EPROM+ software in “FULL SCREEN” mode by pressing (ALT + ENTER]. To retum tothe small window press ALT® ENTER again, NOTE: The ALT + ENTER option WINDOWS 7 and UP (32 BIT ONLY) It you compte has bun paral or (tan add-on a) peor ‘only pe GA, 9 and 16A ae USERDORT ts prconigred for sana poms STEP 1 Locate suitable parallel port cad and inal scoring the manuftcets inscton, Be ure the card nels comet wi 20 crore robles STEP 2 CLICK START > CONTROL PANEL > HARDWARE & SOUND “DEVICE MANAGER (under Devices and Pines) [STEP 3- Inthe lst find "Ports (COM & LPT)" Double eck 0 expand STEP 4- Lacie he parle! pst card entry and double click open, [STEP 5 Locte an chek the RESOURCES tb, Find the VO range and write own the fire aes ange you se wil appear ae to group of HEX vase Separated bya hyphen. (EXAMPLE. FFFS-FFFF) Thi swore ‘Windows has mapped te psa ad ino your syste I rane. STEP 6 Cote all Control Pael window, Navigate o and open the EPROM folder. (STEP 6A) Locate te USERPORT ior (yellow and Back Ra Active symbol and right chick rom th popup menu select "Ren ans 0 jc te USERPORT contol patel.” Windows rogues confirmation ck "YES" to proces STEP 7-"The USERPORT contol panel will ope, Click the tp window ude "Ente Grant Itral and ype the UO rane ut it appeared nthe DEVICE MANAGER incl the hyphen. The ADD baton wil become active when you bein ing STEP 8. Once the Orange hasbeen entered cick ADD. The sew aes range wil appear inthe GRANT EIST, Clk the UPDATE buiton STEP 9- Cick the START btn oa the river. Click EXIT ooo, STEP 10 - Doub clok the EPROM? sorteu on the DESKTOP. Be sre he progamming unit is coneted wo the computer and powered (gree edo). STEP I1= Te programming rytam software wil start homer il day "PROGRAMMING UNIT Is NOT RESPONDING TO PORT COMMUNICA. THON” STEP 12 - At the SELECT OPTION > peor es Mth pe ly he Sst ‘ale ofthe UO rans a he "ENTER NEW PORT DASE ADDRESS >" prompt snd press ENTER. (EXAMPLE: FFFS) The sofrare shold sat and dis ‘ly the DEVICE SELECTION TABLE. Type 2716 and press ENTER, NOTE: Ite software doc ot sat ater you eur the po adie ree tothe ‘er minsal APPENDIX to determine and reaalve the problem. [STEP 13 - The main sren is played wih he COMMAND LIST. ess ESPACE in len he sth sete tape. STEP 14- Press 0 (EXIT PROGRAM then O (OPTIONS). The EDITISAVE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FILE fl sre dpsyed ress [ALT-U}, (ree [ALTHU) The stings the tem seme “Using” ae ile. It you wi 0 ree sting TAB to the ld and BACKSPACE to rave, Don ene PORT “alu Ifyou ave the sting unchanged the 2716 and EPROM folder will be ‘ed tomate when he system sts, Read user mamal for CONFIG FILE. ‘nf, STEP 15 - Press [ALTS] 1 save the configuration il STEP 16. Pree then ¥ fo exit, (TEP 16A) Double lk the desktop [EPROM shot o confi hatte stem star [HOW T0 IMPROVE THE APPEARANCE OF THE EPROM [SOFTWARE DISPLAY ON A WINDOWS 7 AND UP SYSTEM. You can incase hese of the EPROM window a follows 1. Right cick the EPROM desktp src and Stet Propet, may not workin Windows 7 and up. USING THE KLS-1 AUTOMOTIVE LOCKSMITH KIT UNDERSTANDING VEHICLE IMMOBILIZERS, ECUS, REFLASHING AND “EEPROM WORK”. ‘Todays automotive locksmith must be capable of addressing the Iatest in vehicle immobilizer and transponder key creation tech- nology. Cloning a transponder key can now be accomplished using a key cloning product however many cloning produits also provide advanced features and capabilities, These advanced features include the ability to create a replacement key or add a key di- rectly from the information contained in the immobilizer ot ECU eeprom memory part, The KLS-I kit provides you with two ea- pobilities: 1. Reprogram a Toyota, Lexus or Honda immobilizer toa virgin state where new keys can be learned, This is called RE- FLASHING. 2. Extract immobilizer data by attaching directly to the immobilizer or ECU eeprom and reading the information Once the information is read, i is passed to a transponder programmer or key cloner which then directly cteates a replacement key This technique eliminates the need to use factory tools to marry a replacement immobilizer to the vehicle when new keys are cre- ated. Since the immobilizer data is not changed, the vehicle is not aware that a new key has been created as it matches the data hich is already present in the existing module. This is called EEPROM WORK. HOW IT WORKS - A SIMPLE EXPLANATION Before a vehicle which is equipped with a transponder based ignition system will star, the information which is stored in the key transponder must match the information which is stored in the vehicle immobilizer. The information, depending on the transponder, is a string of bytes. These bytes exist in both the eeprom ofthe immobilizer or ECU and the transponder assembly inside the key. When the key is brought into close proximity with the ignition switch inductive ring, the immobilizer sends « challenge request to the key using the inductive ring to facilitate the exchange. When the key response is received, itis compared to the existing re sponse sequence in the immobilizer. Ifthe sequence matches, the vehicle will star. Based on this explanation you can sce that if you are able to read the information from the immobilizer eeprom, you can then program the proper response information into a blank key. In addition to creating a key many transponder programmers can also add & key by creating a new file which is then programmed back into the immobilizer allowing it to recognize a second key. The KLS-1 also allows you to program an updated file ack into the immobilizer. WHAT'S INCLUDED IN THE KLS-1 KIT HARDWARE ‘The KLS-I kit includes the following items: 1 - EPROM* programming system, 2 - ASERSMIA surface mount serial eeprom adapter, 3 - Surface mount clip with eable and plug (#ASOICS), 4 - Surface mount probe set with cable and plug (#SMP8), Clonable Honda RED and BLACK keys required to reflash a RED key Honda, 6 - RESYNCHRONIZATION BLOCK required 10 synchronize a reflashed Toyota or Lexus small black box immobilizer to the vehicle ECU. DOCUMENTATION 1- SERIAL EEPROM TUTORIAL - 93C56 (AUTOMOTIVE VERSION) This tutorial (directed at automotive applicetions) describes how to use the system by providing a series of hands-on exercises using an actual 93C56 serial eeprom. Although this ‘tutorial covers more than just locksmith applications, it will teach you to use the additional capabilities of your KLS-1 package IMPORTANT: Perform the exercises in this tutorial before you begin working with any modules, 2 USING THE ASERSMIA SERIAL EEPROM IN-CIRCUIT INTERFACE ADAPTER This document describes how to use the ASERSMIA adapter, including how the plug is attached and the purpose of the voltage selection slide switchs. IMPORTANT: Read this document and become familiar with the purpose ofthe slide switchs as i will allow you to work suc cessfully with most parts in-creuit and confirm a *GOOD READ” of eeprom data, Also note the position of the black cable plug ‘when installed on the adapter: The BROWN wie is always on the right, below the arrow. 3- EPROM+ PROGRAMMING SYSTEM USER MANUAL This isthe operation and user manual provided with the standard EPROM system. Read this manual for installation and use information, WORKING WITH 8 PIN SERIAL EEPROMS ‘The most common memory part found in immabilizers and ECUs are 8 pin serial eeproms (see below). You can identify a serial eprom by the part number printed on the package. There are many different part numbers; here are a few examples: 93C56, 98080, LS6R, C46, 24C02, 25020, 93LC66A. You must identify the part number before you can begin your work. The first re quest made by the EPROM* software before access to the system commands is granted is to ENTER DEVICE TYPE. At this point you must provide the part number. Identifying the part number is not difficult however it will take practice as in some cases only a fragment of the actual number is printed on the part. EXAMPLE: A 93C46 part may be C46 when printed on the actual 8 a = ~~ ATTACHING THE CLIP OR PROBES Install the adapter (ASERSMIA) according to the adapter bre packaoe SURFACE HOUNT sort) Package addendum, Attach the clip ar probe set cable toto the crime 1s 007) Piel Ts DOTORSLANTED SIDE) ‘adapter and then connect the clip oF probes tothe serial sevotfe Presey aw cn yopoRy eeprom part. NOTE: The part leads must be clean, Mod- RED) bento Reba Io ules are usually coated in a humidity resistant sealant. ORNS) DieeLu Vaan S)eRN This must be removed from the part leads to insure @ yeu AN positive electsical contact. If the part leads are not clean you will not be able to read the data. There are a variety ‘of chemical cleaners which will remove the sealant, however we have found that solder flux remover (flux cleaner) and a short, stiff bristle brush works very well. You may also scrape the leads with a sharp tool such as a knife blade or abrasive material. Do rot serape the leads with such force as to create metal filings. Only to the point where bright metal is revealed. Also, if possible, clean between the leads with a dental pick or other sharp object to remove any sealant. This will allow the clip or probe to com- pletely close around the chip or lead ‘When you attach the clip or probes be sure that you have identified PIN 1 of the part. PIN 1 is identified by a small dimple in the part package or a slanted side. The RED DOT on the clip is PIN 1. When ataching the probe set PIN 1 is the BROWN(1) probe followed by RED(2), ORANGEG), YELLOW(4), GREEN(S), BLUE(6), VIOLET(7) and GREY(8). Note thatthe colors wrap around the package where the GREY probe will be opposite the BROWN. Once the clip or probes are attached you are ready to proceed to the system commands. LOCKSMITH KIT DOCUMENTATION The Locksmith kit documentation is provided in a specific directory or folder called LOCKSMTH. Entries in this directory provide comprehensive information and files specific to automotive locksmiths, To access this information press P (SET DRIVE/PATH) from the main command lst Inthe top pane you will sce the name LOCKSMTH. Using the arrow keys lite the name and press ALT-L (hold down the ALT key and press L). This will open the system librarian and display a screen similar to the one below. Each entry in the top pane allows you to access an infOrma- any ap caiocanrn tion entry or execute a reflash operation. The entries are ti- [“Sattat" “BUES™"" Scror ioe ior yoamaer acim] ted to reflect the content ‘Etim onesie toveta Toke Ubon” ee BAUSTART (BEFORE YOU START) - This entry de- scribes how to attach to the chip and confirm that you have a positive connection. It also describes how to confirm that you can read data reliably from the part before you proceed | M0 = HOHE _unla HE = Cen ‘with your work. TOYOTA, LEXUS and HONDA - These enties describe the specific procedures required to perform the reflash opera- tions for the desired vehicle, Instructions are provided in the first few lines of the bottom pane, EXAMPLE: To reflash the immobilizer in a 2002 LEXUS ES 300 first open the ECU and locate 1C900, The partis a 93CS6 eeprom, Clean the humidity sealant from the chip pins. With the programming system setup, attach the blue clip such that the red dot aligns withthe dimple on the 93C56 part. Be sure the clip fully grips the chip, Now press the TAB key. A cursor appears onthe first line of text in the lower pane. Using the arrow keys move the cursor until it under the E in the BS 300 [02-03] line. (If you look to the right an the same line you will see in curley brackets (32BIT.CDB:93C36). This isthe reflash filename and the eeprom chip number which is used by the librarian “exccute embeded data” function.) With the cursor in position press F6, This selects the chip and prepares the file for loading. Now press F3. This invokes the program function and prompts you to press P to program. Press P. The system programs the reflash file (32BIT.CDE) into the 93C56 eeprom in the Lexus ECU and should report PROGRAMMING COMPLETE - DATA VERIFICATION IS CORRECT. Remove the clip and install the ECU cover. Reinstall the ECU into the vehicle. The veehicle is now ready to learn new keys. UR_DONE (YOU ARE DONE) - This entry describes how to have the reflashed ECU or immobilizer learn the new keys plus hhow to resynchronize a stand alone immobilizer (small black box) to the vehicle ECU. HOW2SAVE and HOW2PRGM - These entries describe how to save the contents of an eeprom to a file plus how to program a file back into an immobilizer eeprom. These entries are important for non-reflash eeprom work, Other entries provide information regarding where key and pin numbers are located in an eoprom data field, SERIAL EEPROM TUTORIAL - 93C56 (AUTOMOTIVE VERSION) ‘The purpose ofthis tutorial isto teach you about the operation of the EPROM programming system when used with a serial ee ‘rom in automotive applications. Serial eeproms ate found in a variety of automotive modules including airbags, immobbizers, ECUs and digital clusters. This tatorial uses an actual 93C56 serial eeprom. As the tutorial progresses you will perform reading and programming on the contents of the part. This is exactly the same as if the part was attached ta the citcut board of a real module. NOTE: For this tutorial the 93C6 serial eeprom is programmed with the file CARTUTOR.BIN, This file can be found ‘on the distribution CD in the EXTRAS folder. NOTE: Device, chip and part are all terms used to reference the 93C56 eeprom, GETTING STARTED This tutorial requires the following items: 1 - EPROM programming system programming unit (#AR-32A) running version 6.0E or later software, 1 ~ Serial eeprom adapter (HASERSMIA) with a clip or probe set which connects to the 93C56 part, Before we begin confirm that the EPROM# system is connected to a hast computer and powered on (green LED lit). Be sure that the ASERSMIA adapter is installed in the AR-32A socket fully lef justified. Confirm thatthe clip! probe cable is securely attached to the left group of header pins (93XX) withthe brown wire om the right. The adapter VOLTAGE switch (BLACK) can be set to cither the LV or SV setting. The 4 position dip switch on the adapter should be set to all open. Start the software, wait forthe program to load and display the DEVICE SE- LECTION TABLE. At the bottom left you will see ENTER DEVICE TYPE ->. Type 93C56 and press ENTE! ‘This configures the system to work with the 93C36 par MAIN SCREEN AND SWITCH SETTINGS ‘You are now viewing the main screen with the COMMAND LIST. Note that afer you selec the part, the system displays the switch sting forthe prograroming unit (lower fe) plus information about the adapter. Be sure the programming unit 8 postion switch is se a shown inthe diagram. Also noe thatthe position ofthe part o in this ease the pl is also indicated "You may recall this information whenever you wih by | 2-2 pressing the § kay at the SELECT COMMAND prompt. Pres any key | E SUE gM nae to clear this information. The system now displays SELECT COM- | fae qo one MAND >. For every high level systom command, this is where you star. Commands ae selestd by pressing a Key, ether a numb o et tex, Before we procecd o actual exercises let’ start with a simple ex- ample; the buffer editor, Since you will be doing most of your work in the buffer editor choose this mode now. Note that the bute eitor is § inthe COMMAND LIST. Press the $ key. You are now viewing the buffer editor screen. ‘The buffer editor is a separate operating mode of the EPROM+ software, It is intended to provide a tool kit of functions which allow you to work directly with data at the byte level ABOUT THE BUFFER detacict ‘Te buffer is a block of memory bytes used by the EPROM* systom software to hold data. Although vital to the operation of the EPROM+ system, the buffer is very easy to understand, You can think of the buffer as a group of post office boxes. Just as each post office box holds mail, each buffer location holds one byte of information, Just as each post office box represents a specific mail address cach buffer location is also defined by a specific number called an address. Look at the buffer editor screen on your computer. The sercen shows 256 bytes of data This is the big block of FF's in the middle of the screen, ‘We are now going to jump right in and use the editor MODIFY command to illustrate the concept of addresses and bytes. First look at the lower left comer ofthe editor sereen, It says ENTER EDITOR COMMAND. Press M and note thatthe lower commer now says MODIFY BUFFER (ESC TO EXIT), ESC is the “Escape” key usually labeled “Ese”, Just to make the point press the Ese key and note that the ENTER EDITOR COMMAND prompt returns, This is important, pressing Ese always exits tothe pre vious command level. Press M again then press 0 (zero not the letter 0) then press the ENTER koy. What you have done is in voked the “Modify command. The modify command lets you modify the contents of the buffer. Since the buffer editor has to know which address in the data field you wish to modify you followed the M with O which is buffer address 0. isthe very first ‘address in the buifer. You then pressed ENTER which tells the editor to execute the command, [Notice that the editor sereen has changed. In the upper left comer (edit window) there is a turquois O followed by a white FF- and & ‘cursor. The 0 is the address, the FF is the data byte contained at that address. The cursor is waiting for you to enter a new date byte ‘which will replace the FF at buffer address 0. Now look at the first byte (FF) atthe far left side ofthe fst line. Notice that a block ccusor appears over the FF, This fist positon in the first line is address 0 ofthe 256 byte screen block. The turquiose murnbers in the far left column indicate the starting address ofthe frst byte in that specific row. Press the down arrow key. Note that the block ‘cursor moves down one line and the edit window address has changed from 0 to 10. Press the up arrow key to move the block cur sor back to address 0. Now press the right arrow key. The block cursor moves one byte to the right and the address changes to. Using the arrow keys move the block cursor about in the 256 byte window to become familiar with block cursor movement and the byte addresses. Note that wherever you move the block cursor the edit window shows the current buffer adress, CHANGING DATA "Now that you are familiar with moving about in the buffer data using the arrow keys, move the black cursor to address 80. Press 835. Note that as you enter the 55 it appears in the edit window and replaces the FF after the second 5 is pressed. The block cursor then moves to address 81. Press AA. AA has replaced the FF in address 81. Now use the arrow keys and move the block cursor ‘back to address 80. Note thatthe edit window now shows the 55. Now move the block cursor to address 82 and press 9, You have now replaced three bytes of buffer data which were initially FF and changed each toa different value (55, AA, C9). You also ‘may have noticed that on the far right of the 256 byte block isa smaller block of 256 dots or periods. Note that there is a single dot for each byte of FF and there is also a single block cursor which moves with the main data block cursor. Also note that on the same line as address 80 where the data is $5 there isa corresponding “U" character in the smaller block, This is the ASCII display block and is covered on next page. ENTRY BASE = HEX - What does it mean? Ifyou already understand the hexadecimal number system, ASCII and binary you ean skip this part of the ttorial. If not, this will provide the foundation for most of your future work. All computers, whether large or small, work with binary numbers. Binary ‘means two so a binary digit (called « bit) can only have one of two values, 0 or 1. A group of eight bits is called a byte and a group of four bits is called a nibble while sixteen bits is called a word. Remember that each group of FF represents a single byte. That ‘means that FF must represent eight bits. The eight bits represented by FF is 11111111 (eight 1's). So why is FF equal to 111111117 The reason is that FF is a different number base, Humans normally use the decimal (base 10) nurmber system, This number system has ten unique characters which are used to represent numbers. The characters are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7,8 and 9 ‘There is no single character for ten so we use twa characters to represent 10. The same applies to the hexadecimal number system (base 16). The only difference is tht you need sixteen characters instead of ten. To address the extra characters requires we use the first six leters of the alphabet (A, B, C, D, E and F). Therefore base 16, which is also known as HEX, uses these sixteen charac- ters: 0,1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, A, B,C, D, Eand F. The letters A, B, C, D, E and F represent the decimal numbers 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, So what does this have to do with binary? Well if you want to show the number nine in desimal you only need to use one character; 9, However if you want to show the number 10 you will need two characters, 1 and 0. If you want to show the number 100 you will need three characters. Remember that each character position is a place holder. For 10 the 1 means one inthe tens place and. the 0 means 0 in the ones place. For 100 the 1 means 1 in the hundreds place, 0 in the tens place and 0 in the ones place. Each po- sition is a place holder. Each decimal place holder is ten times greater than the preceeding place holder, Binary works the same ‘way except that each place holder is two times greater than the preceeding place holder. Lets look at the binary namber 1101. Just like a decimal number the digit on the far right isthe least significant digit also known as the least significant bit or LSB, The digit ‘on the far left isthe most significant bit or MSB. Each characteris a place holder but unlike decimal (base 10) where each place holder is a multiple of 10 (1000, 100, 10, etc.) with binary each place holder is a multiple of 2. Let's use the decimal example 24. ‘This number represents 2 X 100 plus 4 X 10 plus 5 X 1, Remember in the binary number system you only have two characters, 0 and | therefore the place holder values are smaller. For a four digit binary number beginning with the MSB on the lef, the place holder values ate 8, 4,2 and 1. Therefore the binary number 1101 represents 1 X 8 plus 1 X 4 plus 0 X 2 plus 1. Ifyou add up the result (8#4+01) the decimal answer is 13 however the hexadecimal answer is the leer D. Remember in HEX we represent num- bers greater than 9 using letters. So why do we uso HEX? Its the easiest way to represent four bit binary numbers. In other words you can represent one binary byte (8 bits) with two hex characters. Here's an example. Assume you have an eight bit (one byte) binary number which is 11001001. If you speak the number in binary you have to say one, one, 2er0, Zer0, one, 20, 2870, One. However if you speak the number in hex you simply say C9, Just to make it clear lets break it apart. The frst four bits of the number are 1100. This is 8444040 which is 12 decimal, In hex 12 decimal isthe letter C. The second four bits of the number are 100). This is 8+0+0+1 which is 9 decimal and isthe same in hex. Let’s take a 16 bit binary sumber and convert it to hex. The ‘number is 1011001100011111. First break it into groups of 4 bits. 1011 - 0011 - 0001 - 1111. Now use the binary bit value for each place holder of each group of four, 101] is 810+2+1=11 decimal or B in hex, 0011 is 0+0+2+1=3 in decimal and hex, 0001 is 01010411 decimal and hex. 1111 is 8+4#2+1=15 decimal or Fin hex. Now when you combine the hex characters the binary number 1011001100111 11 is B3IF in hex. Sixteen binary bits compressed to four hex characters At this point you should understand HEX and why it has become the standard way to represent binary number in @ compact, human readable form, The next piece of information which is required to build your foundation is to understand ASCII (pronounced "ASK KEY"). ASCII is the abreviation for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange”, ASCII - A BRIEF HISTORY LESSON In the early days of compaters, late 1950’s to mid 1960’s, companies that manufactured computers also manufactured the printers and display terminals that operators used to interface to the machines. Although the display terminals and printers would display ‘english leters, numbers and punctuation, you could not plug a display terminal manufactured by General Electric into a computer ‘manufactured by UNIVAC. The machines and the peripherals all had to come from the same manufacturer in order forthe com- puter system to work, Since all computers work in binary, the engineers at the computer company would decide which binary ‘number would represent a corresponding english letter. For example let's say that the General Electric engineer decided that the binary number 10010101 (95 hex) would represent an uppercase “A”, Whenever this number was received by a display terminal an ‘A would appear on the sereen. The UNIVAC engineer could choose any binary number he wanted to use when a UNIVAC tenmi- nal was sent the letter A. There was no standard for the codes that would be used to display english characters on a display ten nal screen or printer. This was not a problem until computers began to be linked together. At that point it became clear that & standard format was needed to allow the exchange of information between machines as well asthe peripherals, The result was the creation of the ASCII standard. ASCII defines which english characters are represented by which binary numbers, Here are a few ‘examples of english characters and their corresponding ASCTI codes. A~41 hex or 01000001 in binary. B=42 hex or 01000010 in binary. All english characters, both upper and lower case, numbers and punctuation are defined, Once the ASCII codes were de- fined and integrated into the computer hardware and software, any display terminal or printer could be used with any computer. ‘THE ASCII BLOCK Back to the tutorial. At address 80 through 82 you have the hex codes 55, AA and C9. Ifyou look atthe lower right comer you will see “ENTRY BASE = HEX”. This tells you that the number base you are using to enter data into the buffer is HEX. Now press the TAB key. Note that the entry base changes to ASCIL. Using the arrow keys move the block cursor to address 90. Now type these letters - ASCIT. Note that in the main data block the hex codes 41, $3, 43, 49 and 49 appeared while in the ASCII block the letters ASCII appeared. This is because with the entry mode set to ASCTI you ean directly enter the ASCII character codes into the buffer simply by pressing the desired key. NOTE: The ASCII area will only display printable characters. IF the hex code does not correspond to @ printable character the location in the ASCII block will display a dot or period (). This is why the entire ASCIL block is filled with dots when the software starts. The system initializes the buffer data to FF and there is no printable character represented by that hex code. Press Ese to retum to ENTER EDITOR COMMAND. AL this point you should be familiar withthe buffer, buffer data, moving about in the buffer plus entering data in both hex and ASCH, Be sure that the 93C56 chip is securely attached. We will now read the contents of the 93CS6 into the buffer. To do this we will use buffer editor COMMAND 3 - READ AT BUFFER START (ADDRESS 0). Press 3 then Y. Note that the SOCKET POWER (yellow) lod lights briefly while the data is read from the part. The data from the part now ap- ‘pears in the buffer and should match the figure on the right. This data was pro- grammed into the test chip specifically for use with this tutorial The 93C6 serial eeprom holds 256 bytes of data in its internal memory array. In hex this is 0 to FF. (See DEVICE SIZE in upper right comer ) When the chip is read each byte from the eeprom memory aray re- places the corresponding byte in the buffer. The byte from chip address O replaces the byte at buffer address 0 and continues until all bytes from the 93C56 memory array are transferred into the buffer. The eeprom memory array is unchanged as the bytes are copied from the chip and placed into the buffer. Upon completion of the read the buffer is an exact duplicate of the data in the chip. ‘We will now use several buffer editor commands fo learn more about the system. Press € then 1, This is the buffer CLEAR ‘command. The data from the chip has been erased from the buffer and the buffer contents have been reset to FE. So why read the chip and then clear the data? ‘To show another way to read the chip while in the buffer editor, Press R, Note the response READ DEVICE INTO BUFFER and also ENTER BUFFER STARTING ADDRESS->. You will usually read data from a part into the buffer starting at address 0, however with this command you may specify a different buffer stating address if you wish. Just to show you type 80 and press ENTER. Press ¥ to confirm that you indeed wish to read the part. Note that the data appears stating at address 80, not address 0. Press the down arrow key to see the rest ofthe data if you wish then press the HOME key to return to the bufler beginning. Now clear the buffer again (C then 1). Now read the chip into the buffer using the R command. Press R then 0 then ENTER then Y. The 93C56 data again appears beginning at address 0 We are now going to change the data in the buffer, but not in the device (93C56). ‘You use the M command as before except now \we will change the hex codes which represent the Word BYTES to BIKES, Press M then 50 then ENTER. Note the position of the block cursors, both HEX and ASCII Using the right arrow key move the ASCII block cursor until itis over the ¥ chaeacter. This is address 59 (look in the edit window - top lef). Press TAB to change the data entry mode to ACI. Now simply press I and K. ‘You have changed the word ftom BYTES to BIKES, Press Ese to exit the M command. The data has been changed in the buffer but not in the 93C56 chip. Tt stil has the codes for BYTES. Since this isthe case the buffer and the chip data do not match. ‘The system has @ command (Command 8) which allows you to compare the data in the buffer to the data which isin the chip. Press 8 (compare from buffer start), Command 8 starts at buffer address 0 so just confirm that you wish to compare by pressing Y. Note the result on the right. You should see COMPARISON COMPLETE:000002 ERROR(S). There are two errors because you changed two bytes in the buffer and they no longer match the bytes in the chip. Now examine which bytes don’t match, At the EXAMINE ERRORS?-> prompt press Y. The system shows you the data at buffer address 000059 which is now 49 plus the device data atthe memory chip address 000059, Note that the buffer address is what you changed (49) while the device addtess is the original value (59) which is still in the chip. Press C to continue. Note the next comparison error is at address 00005A with the buffer data 4B and device data $4. Now let's change the data at buffer address 00005A back to 48, Press Ese. Press M then SA then ENTER, Press TAB to change the entry mode to HEX. Note that the block cursor is already at address SA. and shows that the data is 4B. To change the data back to match the data in the chip press $4, The data in the buffer has now been changed back (also note the ASCII window where the K has changed to a T). Now the number of errors should be I. Lets check, Press Ese then 8 then Y. As expected, one error. Press ¥ fo examine the error. Note that only ane byte in the buffer (address 000089) does not match the same byte inthe chip. Press Ese to terminate, This is how you locate data differences between two chips ora chip and any data in the buffer ‘THE QUICK VIEW COMMAND - A fast way to check for data ‘The QUICK VIEW command has one purpose. Tt allows you to quickly determine ifthe part is connected properly and also con tains data. Operation of the command is simple; connect the part and press Q. The system wil read the part and display the fst [-anernwe sae oo 256 bytes onthe screen. ‘Thete are no other parameters or options. TEESE SES SEREEES == Note thatthe BUFER END = message is replaced with DE- Ae VICE CONTENTS. The data will remain until another key is : an pressed. One problem when comiecting to «paris confiminga | 2 8888 Positive conection on each pin when the clip is atached. Use the | BEEBE Q command to confinn a postive connection tothe part. Just BUGSEE press Q and lok at the sreen I'he sreen is bank (FF) recon- | & BBREE nect the clip and press Q again, To test the QUICK VIEW eon. | BH EEGGE ‘mand first clear the buffer. Press C then 1. Now attach the clip to the 93C36 and press Q. The chip contents are displayed on the soreen. Press any key to exit the command (including Q), COMMAND G - “GET” VALID DATA - Confirming that data read from a chip is valid When you work with eeproms in automotive modules the parts are usually coated with a humidity resistant sealant. This is done to prevent corrosion on the component leads. It also has another effect; it can prevent good electtical contact from occuring when you attach to the part itself with the clip or probe(s). Even after cleaning the sealant from the part leads, a good electrical connection is still not always assured. Most problems related to reading data from a part are due to connection issues. The most effective techin- que for determining ifthe data read from a part is indced valid is to se a two step procedure. The data from the partis fits read into the buffer (step 1). Once data from the part is in the buffer the memory array of the partis then compared to the data in the buffer (step 2), This, in essence, is a read (Command 3) followed by a compare (Command 8). If the result ofthe read and compare is zero (0) errors, it means that all byles in the buffer match all bytes in the part. If this is the case, the data in the butfer can be considered valid. Try it yourself First be sure the buffer is clea; press € then 1, Now with the clip connected to the chip press 3 then ¥. The data ftom the chip appears in the buffer. Now press 8 then ¥. The system compares the data in the buffer with the mem- ‘ory array in the chip. You will see COMPARISON COMPLETE - | _=#ti# tant = sae [wn rer [wer an + @= (000000 ERROR(S). This indicates thatthe data in the buer SRRERReaaESouRSes | Set snatch the same bytes located inthe chip memory array. The S88 |: Ee: buffer editor includes a command (G) which will automatically Be: perform the same function as command 3 followed by command 328 8. This is done by pressing G (GET VALID DATA). In addition gee to reading the data into the buffer and then comparing the buffer BES | vasa data with the part memory aray, the command wil also conten Recerca gan | that the clip or probe(s) ae connected to the pat and the parts RERSREE ERE | Seige responding with data. To use the command simply connect to the Pa a ee part and press G. Before you try it clear the buffer (C then 1) ‘Once the buffer is clear, press G. The command will execute and ‘you will see PART AND BUFFER MATCH | *** DATA INDICATES VALID *** in GREEN (green is good). Ir the data in the buffer and the part data did net match you would see PART AND BUFFER _“"mit st DO NOT MATCH in RED (red is bad) followed by INVALID DATA WILL BE DISCARDED. Ifthe partis not responding you will see ATTENTION! PART NOT RESPONDING | POSSIBLE INCOR- wall UR BE RECT OR NO CONNECTION | CHECK - ADIUST - RETRY. Try it. Remove the clip and press G. ON TO PROGRAMMING Up to this point you have leamed to work withthe data in the buffer, read the contents of the chip and use the compare, duick view and get valid data commands. It is now time to actually program new data into the 93C56, Since the 93CS6 already has data pro- grammed, lets stat by saving a copy of the data in the chip at a buffer address other than 0. This feature of the buffer editor allows Yyou fo use the buffer as a seratch-pad for temporary data storage. The chip data has alrcady been read into the buffer beginning at address 0, Since the size of the 93C56 chip is 256 bytes, the data starts at 0 and ends at FF. Ifyou look at the upper right hand ‘window you wil see thatthe device size is displayed (DEVICE SIZE = 0 - FF). Press the DOWN ARROW key, Note thatthe bot tom line start address is 100 in magenta. (A magenta address indicates device size boundry.) Press the DOWN ARROW key un- til address line 100 isthe first lin in the display. You see the chip data move off the sereen as you move Forward in the buffer address space. Now press the PgDn key. Note thatthe first line address is now 200 (also magenta). Page Down (PgDn) advances the buffer display 256 bytes or one screen. We will now read the chip again except the data will be placed into the buffer starting at address 200, Press R then 200 then ENTER then ¥. The chip data appears on the display. Now press the PgUp key tvice. The first press moves you back in the buffer 256 bytes (one page) then one more page back to the buffer start. We will now change the buffer data and program the chip. Press M then 32 then ENTER. Now press TAB (changes entry mode to ASCII) and type RI FLASH FILE. Note that it replaced TEST FILE in the buffer. Press Ese then 2 then Y. The system programs the changed buffer data into the part and confirms proper programming. You see PROGRAMMING COMPLETE - DATA VERIFICATION IS CORRECT. Press N since you will not be programming another part. Now let's see ifthe data is indeed in the chip. Use the Quick view command. Press Q. The chip data with the changes you made appears. Press any Key. Now let's change it back, Press the PgDn key twice. ‘There is the original data from the chip at address 200, Now we will se an editor command to pro- gram the original data back into the part. The original data is located in the buffer beginning at address 200. We will use the PROGRAM DEVICE FROM BUFFER command. Press P then 200 then ENTER then 2FF then ENTER then P. The system programs the data from buffer address 200 to buffer address 2FF and then confirms proper programming. Let's confirm the pro- gramming again with the buffer editor VERIFY command. This command is similar to command 8 exept you can specify the butfer starting address forthe compare. Press V then 200 then ENTER. Press Y to perform the compare. The system indicates COMPARISON COMPLETE - 000000 ERROR(S). This confirms the buffer data from 200 to 2FF matchs the part data THE WRITE COMMAND - Before we move on, here is a command which you will find useful for small data changes. ts the WRITE command. The Write command allows you to write (program) small amounts of data into a chip without programming the entire part. To use the Write command you first specify the address range in the device where you want the data from the bufler placed, and then the starting address in the buffer where the data will start, Here's how it works, At this time the buffer has RE FLASH FILE between addresses 32 through 3D. ‘The 93C36 chip has TEST FILE stored at addresses 32 through 3D. Press Q to quickly view TEST FILE in the 93C56. See it? Press to terminate, (=SPACE BAR) Now we are going to write FLASH FILE into the 93C6 overwriting TEST FILE, Press W then 32 then then 3D then then 32 then ENTER, ‘Watch as the Write command works. The data is written and then correct programming is verified. The message remains briefly then terminates. Lets review what you did. The three address values you entered after you pressed W instructed the system which device (93C56) addresses to use to define the start and end range (32 to 3D). The third value informs the system at which butler address you wish to start (where the data will come from that you are putting into the chip). In this case it was butler address 32 Lets check the chip. Press Q. TEST FILE has been replaced by REFLASH FILE, Press Ese, Now let's replace REFLASH FILE with TEST FILE. Press the PgDn key twice. There is the original data from the chip at address 200, TEST FILE begins at ad- dress 232 so press W then 32 3D 232 then ENTER. The system writes the data beginning at buffer address 232 into the 93C56 beginning at address 32 and ending at address 3D. Let's check it. Press Q. TEST FILE. has replaced REFLASH FIL ‘The Write command gives you the capability to place any data you wish from the buffer into any locations in your chip. Press Ese then HOME then Ese to return to the COMMAND LIST WORKING WITH FILES ‘This part of the tutorial describes working with files, You will eam to locate a file on the drive of your computer, program chip fiom the data in the file plus save data in the buffer to a file. Let’s begin. The first concept you need to understand is how the system organizes drives, directories (folders) and files. Since you are running this tutorial on your computer, we obviously don’t ‘know the configuration. You may be running under Windows or from the bootable CD. The first step isto return to the command list. Press Ese until the command list is displayed. Now press P. This is the PATH command, It allows you to view directories and locate drives on your computer. When the PATH command opens it displays the directories (Microsoft calls them folders) on the current drive. Remember drives are specified by letters followed by a colon (C:), The lowest level directory on a drive is called the ROOT. We like to keep things simple so we suggest that if you are going to save files on a drive, use ot make a new directory inthe root. If you installed the software using the SETUP program, it will create a directory called EPROM with the proper files ‘The path would look like this C:\EPROM. Since we don't know what your PATH command displays, let's scan for drives. Look at the lower left part of the display. Note the second line from the bottom (F2=VIEW FILES | FS“SCAN FOR DRIVES | F1-HELP), Press FS (function key F5). The system will scan your computer for drives. When the scan completes you will see AVATLABL DRIVES = followed by the drive letters. (Note: If you are running from the bootable CD the drive letters may not be the same ss those assigned by Windows, If you boot from the CD the CD drive is A.) Choose a drive letter you wish to use. Be sure it is a drive that will allow you to save files, not a CD or DVD. In order to proceed with the tutorial we assume you will use your computers hard drive, From the AVAILABLE DRIVES list press € (chooses drive C:) then use the atrow keys to place the lite ber (reverse video cursor) over the EPROM directory. Now let’s look at the files in the EPROM directory. Press F2. Files in the EPROM directory are displayed. Pressing F2 also sets the EPROM di- reetory as the CURRENT PATH for the system. Ifthe directory is empty you will see NO FILES. In the lower left comer of the display you will sce ENTER FILENAME TO RECALL >. Type REFLASH.BIN and press ENTER, The RECALL FILENAME is a name you can use in the future for any file operation; both reading and programming. The system returns to the command lst SAVE BUFFER TO DISK FILE - Saving data in the buffer to a disk file is a common operation you will perform when working with automotive modules, In most cases you will wish to save the contents ofa part which has been read into the buffer. We will now save the contents of the 93CS6 to a disk file. Press § then C then 1. This clears the buffer. With the chip attached press G. This reads the data from the 93CS6 into the buffer. Press Ese to retum to the command list, Press A (SAVE BUFFER TO DISK FILE). At the lower left comer of the display you see CURRENT PATH = C:\EPROM, This isthe directory (folder) where the file will be saved. Below CURRENT PATH you will see ENTER FILENAME ->. At this point you can type a filename (8 characters ‘max plus a3 character extension) and press ENTER. For the tutorial we will use the RECALL FILENAME you previously set. Press the Ins (Insert) key. The REFLASH.BIN filename appears. Press ENTER. You will sce SAVE DEFINED BUFFER RANGE (Y/N(OPTIONS) ->. The DEFINED RANGE is shown on the right. Note that the range is 0 to FF which isthe size of the 93C36 part. Press ¥ to save. The system will automatically save a file (REFLASH.BIN) of the correct size (number of bytes) in the EPROM directory which is the current path (C:\EPROM). When the save operation is complete you are retumed to the con mand list. Lets be sure the file is there. Press D. You should sce the filename (REFLASH.BIN) on the sereen, The D (Directory of files) command shows you the files in the directory. Remember it because you will use it in the future. Press Kse to retur to the command list. NOTE: When using COMMAND A the system knows how many bytes to save because you read the contents of a part into the buffer. IF you do not reed a part into the buffer COMMAND A will not know how many bytes t9 save. In this ease you will be prompted to enter the buffer starting and ending addresses which define the range you wish to save, Let’s see it work. Press 5 then C then 1. The buffer is now clear. No data from a part has been read. Press Ksc. Press A. Pross Ins to cause the RECALL FILENAME (REFLASH.BIN) to appear. Press ENTER, The system responds with FILE EXISTS - OVERWRITE?. Press Y. Note that SAVE DEFINED RANGE does not appear. Instead you are prompted to ENTER BUFFER STARTING ADDRESS. Enter the buffer staring address where the save isto start. Press O then ENTER. Now enter the buffer ending address (the last byte to save) Press FF (remember device size is 0 to FF) and press ENTER. Now press ¥ to confirm you wish to save. You have just saved a 256 byte blank file (all FF) called REFLASH.BIN to the EPROM directory. This is how you can save buffer data to a disk file if the data did not come from a part. You don’t need to leave a blank file so let's use a command to remove it, Press D (DIREC- TORY OF FILES). You will sec REFLASHBIN on the screen, Hilite the name and press ALT-R. You will see REMOVE FILE NOW? Press Y. The file is removed. To continue the tutorial we need a good REFLASH BIN file. Press Ese. Press 5 then G to read the 93C56 into the buffer. Press Ese then Ese. Now press A then Ins then ENTER then Y, Good REFLASH.BIN file saved. PROGRAMMING FROM A DISK FILE. ‘You now know how to save data to a disk file using Command A. Programming a part from a disk file is also very easy. Before wwe begin lets clear the buffer and program the 93C56 with FF. This will erase the part. Press § then C then 1. The buffer is set to all FR. Press 2 then ¥. The 93C56 is now filled with FF. Press N to terminate the command. Let’s be sure the partis blank, Press Ese. Press 6 (VERIFY DEVICE IS ERASED) then Y. You will sce *** DEVICE IS ERASED ***, Press N to terminate (Note: The ERASE test confirms that a pat is completely programmed with the FF value.) Now let's reprogram or reflash the 93C56. This isthe same operation that you will use to program any file to vehicle module. First find the file that we wish to program into the 93CS6, Press D and locate the REFLASH.BIN filename on the display. Use the arrow keys to position the lite bar over the name, Now look in the lower right earner ofthe display. You will see (FILENAME: F3 TO PROGRAM |F4 TO LOAD). Press F3. The system will exit the directory command and enter command | (PROGRAM DE- VICE FROM DISK FILE). With the file loaded you may PROGRAM or SKIP. Press P, The system programs the chip and con firms correct programming. (Note: If you only wanted to load the file into the buffer you would press F4.) Press N to terminate Now let's check the part. Press 6 then Y. You will see - DEVICE NOT ERASED - go there is data other than FF in the 93CS6, Press N to terminate then press § then Q. You see that the 93CS6 has been programmed with the REFLASH.BIN file We're almost done withthe basic tutorial. As a last exereise press Kse then Esc to return to the command list, Press D then locate the CARTUTOR BIN filename and place the lite bar over the name. Press F4, The system loads the file and shows a summary of | where the file data was loaded. Press Ese then §. CARTUTOR BIN has been loaded into the buffer. Now press 2 then ¥. The system programs the CARTUTOR.BIN data into the 93C56 which restores the chip to its original condition, Press N then Ese. ‘You'se now at the command list and finished withthe basie tutorial. AUTOMOTIVE EXERCISES AND THE LIBRARIAN - The second part ofthe tutorial continues with specific automotive exercises plus introduces the system librarian (COMMAND L). Continue to learn by moving to the following page. AUTOMOTIVE EXERCISES This part of the tutorial uses data extracted from actual automotive module eeproms, There are six examples: a digital cluster (oileage), Vehicle Identification’ Number (VIN), finding an immobilizer PIN code, copying data from one ECU to another, clear- ing sirbag crash data and reflashing vehicle BB i tate i te settee en i eto te eee immobitizers. Although there are many differ 52 91 OF RE of of ee ent modules with different data arrangements, & Sree ae a8 | awias . the purpose ofthese exaraple fs to ee real Wegetrarte sr tte tene nn erepanee | Mo ata in the exercises. To begin exercises 1, 2 rd SH ne Sh GS Fr FF FF EPP a and 3 attach the 93CS6 tutorial eeprom to the programmer and read the data into the buffer using command G. ach exercise uses data at specific addresses in the tutorial eeprom data field. Bach group of addresses is marked on the illustration with the etter A, B, C ot D. EXAMPLE 1 - DIGITAL CLUSTER REPLACEMENT In this example the requirement is to replace a defective digital cluster with a cluster acquired from a salvage yard, The goal is to locate wirere the mileage is stored in the defective digital cluster eeprom and then update the mileage value in the salvage yard clus. ter, The mileage in the defective cluster is 248940.8. Mileage is usualy stored as a binary integer soto determine the hex bytes ‘which represent the decimal mileage we convert the decimal number to hex. This is done using the “H” command, Press H. The system prompis with HEX:DECIMAL OR DECIMAL:HEX CONVERSION - H-HEX TO DEC : D=DEC TO HEX > Press D to select decimal to hex conversion. Now enter the decimal mileage including tenths (2489408) without the decimal point and press ENTER. You see HEX RESULT = ‘25FC40. This is the hex value for the decimal ‘mileage. Look at the data. You will see that the hex values occur at three different places in ee cto = srrere ]_Oeetce Shae = 6 FF the dta (oe above seas nmied A) Ths 3 SRSRSSRSESauEaS | coees Gone to avoid lasing the milage inthe event gees Deen: ofan eectonic malfunction or pra eta a Folate compton, Not the ess foreach gop acc ee oftnee a eve wl be wed to pant AaRS aa4 ce tahage sul cist eprom, The edeses Eine oie are 80, 81 and 86 then 8C, 8D and 92 then 98, sect 99 and 9E. Now pretend that you have at- ee of 96 95 00 39 00 | abdaa... tached the slvage yd cht and rad the See eee | asia: data om the eeprom inf the bu. The salvage yard cluster mileage will be different EMER bectnn wncue ce mas sensoeog ea || aan vs a vo ome cach address to represent the hex value of the original cluster mileage. Once the hex values have been changed press 2 then ¥ to program the altered values into the replacement cluster. The salvage yerd cluster mileage will now be the same as the original cluster. To complete the exercise let's change the mileage in the data to 275000.0, Press Ese, Ese. Press HT then D then enter 2750000 and press ENTER, The hex value is 29F630, Press Ese then Ese then M then 80 then ENTER Enter 29 then 6 then use the arrow keys to move the cursor to address 86 and enter 30. Repeat at addresses 8C, 8D and 92 then at 98, 99 and 9E, A¢ this point you have updated the data in the buffer but not programmed the ehanges into the eeprom. Let's save a copy of the original eeprom data before we do the update, Press Ese to exit the M command then press R then 100 then ENTER then Y. This reads the eeprom and places the data at buffer address 100. If you want to see it press PgDn. Now press PgUp to return to the altered buffer data. Press 2 then Y. The new values are programmed into the eeprom. To confirm press N then use the Inspect command. Press I then 0 then then 100 then ENTER, Note that only the mileage bytes do not match be- tween the eeprom and the original data copy we saved at address 100, Now lets restore the original data fo the eeprom. Press Ese to exit the Inspect command then press P then 100 then ENTER then FF then ENTER. Press P then N then HOME. ‘The or nal data has been restored to the eeprom. Press G and note that the mileage values have changed back. NOTE: If you wish to clone the data from one cluster to another (identical), attach to the source cluster part and press G. After the data is read, attach to the target cluster part and press 2 then Y. All data from the source cluster is transferred to the target. NOTE2: The mileage example is based on a GM cluster. Not all clusters use the GM data format, There are software products called MILEAGE CALCULATORS which will calculate the mileage for many other vehicles. Search the internet using “mileage calculator”. A mileage calculator will provide the proper hex information to update the values in the cluster memory pat. EXAMPLE 2 - VIN NUMBER This example illustrates how a VIN (Vehicle [den- tification Number) appears in the data field. There are two numbers shown. The first (marked with B) is from a GM digital cluster. The second (marked with C) is from a VW immobilizer. VIN numbers are usually stored in ASCII form which allows you to view human readable lees and numbers. If you are working with a salvage vehicle module and the VIN number must be changed to match the current ‘vehicle, use the M command with the system in ASCII entry mode, ‘Assume that the VIN number in the data field rep- resents the salvage vehicle. ‘The number is clearly visible starting at address B84 and ending at address (C4. The VIN number you wish to enter into the salvage module is IGHC34727B336955, To change the VIN number press M then B4 then ENTER, Note the ENTRY BASE = HEX (lower right cor- net), Press TAB. The ENTRY BASE now becomes ASCII. View the ASCII BLOCK at the right of the sereen, Using the arrow keys move the block cursor to the number 2 which is after the letter C. Now type 347298336985. The VIN number is changed in the buffer data field. To program the new number into the eeprom press Ese then 2 then ¥ then N. NOTE: The VW VIN number starts at address EI and ends at address Ei EXAMPLE 3 - IMMOBILIZER PIN NUMBER This example illustrates how the system is used to identify the PIN number stored in a vehicle immobilizer. You need the decimal PIN number in order to program replacement keys for the vehicle. You know where the PIN number is stored but you don’t know the decimal number. The PIN aumber is stored at addresses Fl and F2 with a backup at F3 and F4 Look at the data field. The hex values at a dresses F3 and F4 are 03 and FO. To convert the hex value to decimal use the H command. Press H then Hand enter the hex value 03F0. Press ENTER. The decimal result is 1008. Use this umber to ereate the replacement keys Ifyou know the decimal PIN number and you ‘wish to modify the HEX value in the immobilizer you also use the H command. Press H then D. Type the decimal PIN number 1008 and press ENTER. The hex result is 3FO (03F0), O3F0 is clearly visible in the data field. If you wish to ‘modify the hex value of the PIN number use the Hi command to convert a new decimal number to hex. Let's assume the new number is 7250. Press Tr then D then type 7250 and press ENTER. The hex result is 152, To change the hex PIN value use the M command. Press M then FL then EN- ‘TER, Enter 1C then $2 then 1C then $2, The new values have been chariged in the data field Press Ese. To program the new values into the eeprom press 2 then Y. SAB TSEUNEAOAT, Suigusaaueszezes USING THE SYSTEM LIBRARIAN WITH AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS ‘The librarian is a combination database and text editor built into the system software, It allows you to create and link a descriptive information file to a corresponding datafile It also allows application specific datasets to be ereated which integrate programming functions to librarian text line information. The following examples illustrate use ofthe librarian with three specific applications; ECU data copying, airbag crash data removal end immobilizer reflashing EXAMPLE 4 - COPY DATA FROM ONE ECU TO ANOTHER Ifthe ECU in an automobile fils (injector driver, etc) itis possible to move all vehicle specific data (VIN number, ete) from the defective unit to a re- placement ECU obtained from a salvage vehicle, This example will use the 93C56 eeprom as both the source ECU and target ECU. Before we begin we vill first program the 93C56 with a simulated ECU source file, From the command list press D (Directory of files), locate and hilite ECOM.BIN. Press F3 then P to program the file into the chip. Confirm correct programming then press N. Press § then C then 1. This clears the buffer to FF, Press G. This reads the ECU source example file into the buffer (IMustration 1), Press Ese. We will now ereate a RECALL FILENAME to use with command A and the librarian, Press D. At ENTER FILENAME FOR RECALL > type ECU_SRC.BIN and press ENTER. The recall filename is saved. We will now save the buffer contents which represents the ECU data toa file plus fp dazseea make a librarian entry. Press A (Save butfer to disk file). At the ENTER FILENAME prompt press the Ins key. ECU_SRC.BIN appears (Illustration 2), Press ENTER. Since you read the 93C6 into the buffer, command A will prompt with SAVE DEFINED BUFFER RANGE (Illustration 3) Press ¥ to save the buffer data and retum to the command list, Now press L to enter the aa i | librarian, The librarian opens with a lst of library entries from the EPROM directory in the upper pane. You will now create a new library entry for the ECU_SRC.BIN data file, Press ALT-C. The librarian enters the VIEW EDIT one nue wa ‘mode (Mustration 4) and is awaiting you to type a description of your data file in the lower pane. Type This is the source file for the ECU data copy ing tutorial example. Now press ALT-S. The librarian STATUS line (be- ‘tween upper and lower panes prompts with ENTER FILENAME ->, Note the “(Press Ins TO RECALL FILENAME)”. Press Ins. The ECU_SRC name ap- pears (Illustration 5). Note thatthe .BIN extension is not shown, This is be ‘cause the librarian information file will be named ECU_SRC:TXT, Press EN ‘TER. The librarian responds with * INFORMATION FILE SAVED *, Now look at the upper librarian pane (IMlustration 6). You will see the ECU_SRC library entry. Look at the STATUS line. The MODE = BROWSE and the DATA FILE = ECU_SRC.BIN. You may choose from two options: F3 TO PGM | F4 TO LOAD. Before we proceed we will erase the data from the x ere ‘93C56. Press Hse then $ then C then 1. Now press 2 then Y then N, The ‘93C56 has been erased and is prepared to receive the target ECU dats, Press Be then L. You are buck in the librarian. Using the left and right arrow keys ‘move the hilite to a different entry and note that the data changes inthe lower pane. Each library entry isa separate file the contents of which appears when the entry name is selected in the upper pane. Now hilite the ECU_SRC entry in the top pane. Again note the STATUS line. Since the data fle and the li- brarian entry have the same name (but not the same extension) the librarian links and presents the PGM | LOAD option. Press F3. The system exits the librarian and enters the PROGRAM DEVICE FROM DISK FILE command, ‘iam ‘Tift wan Respond to the PROGRAM OR SKIP (P/S) > prompt with P. The ECU_SRC.BIN file has been programmed back into the 93C56, Remember thatthe 93056 now represents the target ECU, Press N. This exercise shows hhow to read the data from a chip into the buffer, save the contents ofthe buffer toa file and then create a library entry to describe the datafile, We will now remove the ECU_SRC.BIN data entry ftom the EPROM directory. Press D. Hilite BCU_SRCBIN. Press ALT-R then Y. The file is deleted. Now enter the librarian directly from the directory command. Press ALT-L. Hilite the ECU_SRC entry. Note that the STATUS line na longer offers the options ‘hich reference the data file since the file has been deleted. Press ALT-R then YY. The librarian removes the ECU_SRC entry. Complete librarian information is in the USER MANUAL. EXAMPLE 5 HOW TO CLEAR AIRBAG CRASH DATA USING LIBRARIAN TEMPLATES. This example explains how to use the librarian template function to clear airbag crash data. The traditional method for clearing crash date isto read data from the eeprom in the airbag module, save the data toa file, send (email) the file to a scrubbing service, ‘wait for the scrubbed file to be returned and then program the file back into the airbag module, Templates work in a diferent mane ret, NOTE: As we add more airbag information to the system, the location and mumber of a directories and templates will gow. If the information referenced below is notin the stated locstion, check the next sequential entry. (EX:TOYOTA3 to TOYOTA) To begin we will program the 93C56 with crash data from a Toyota RAV4, Select and attach the clip to the 93C56, From the command list press P. Hilite the AIRBAGI directory and press 2 to show the files, Hilite the RAV4CRSH.BIN file and press F3 then P. Confirm correct programming then press N. The 98CS6 now contains the RAV4 crash data file. To view the file press § (lustration 1- crash ‘data is outlined), Now press C then 1 to clear the buffer. The 93C56 tepresents the system connected to the airbag module. Press G. Data fiom the 93C56 appears in the buffer just as if you read it from a ‘module. Look carefully at the data field as it will change. Press Esse then L to enter the librarian for the AIRBAG? directory. The vehicle ‘manufacturers are in the upper pane, Hilite the TOYOTA entry and press TAB. The MODE changes to VIEW and a cursor appears on the first line. NOTE: Illustrations may not exactly match system, Using the down arrow key move the cursor down until you find the line with RAV4 | 89170-42080PT | PART=93C56, RAV4 is the Toyota model. 89170-42080PTT is the airbag module ‘model number (usually printed on the module itself), PART=93C56 indicates the part number of the serial eeprom used in the module. When you open the module this is the part to locate. Below this line is a series of values encased in square brackets. These are the tem- plates. Crash data is cleared by replacing areas in the eeprom mem- ony where crash data is stored with precrash data fields. A template consists of three values: crash data starting address; erash data ending address and the data byte which is to replace the crash data, The first, template [11 2F 00] will fill the buffer starting at address 11 and ending at address 2F with 00. Move the cursor to the template line (ilustration 2). Look atthe librarian STATUS line and press Fe, ‘You will see NUMBER OF TEMPLATES PROCESSED = 2, The librarian has executed the ternplates on the line selected with the cur sor. The crash data has been cleared from the busfer. NOTE: If there ate multiple template lines cach must be executed in sequence to completely clear all crash data, Now look at the buffer data, Press Esc then Ese then § (Illustration 3 - cleared data is outlined). Look atthe buffer addresses between 11 and 2F. They are now 00. Now look at the buffer addresses between 30 and A3. They are now FF. ‘The buffer image is now ready to be programmed back into the ait- bag module (93C56). Press 2 then ¥. Confirm correct programming then press N then Ese. The buffer airbag module data field with erash data cleared has been programmed back into the airbag module. At this point the airbag module would be reinstalled in the vehicle, na ADDITIONAL ENTRIES AND INFORMATION IN THE ATRBAGI DIRECTORY ‘The AIRBAG| directory contains two librarian entries which document procedures, Simply open these with the librarian, The frst entry is CLRCRSH which describes how to use librarian templates to clear erash data. Ths is to assist you if you have questions before or during the procedure, The second is MAKE_NEW. This entry describes how to make a new template by sending a pre- formatted datafile to a scrubbing service. Also located in the AIRBAG! directory is a AIR_TEMP.PDF. This is a separate docu- ‘ment which describes the clear data procedure plus how to make a new template. EXAMPLE 6 - USING THE LIBRARIAN TO REFLASH VEHICI LE IMMOBILIZERS ‘This example explains how to use the system librarian to reflash a Toyota or Lexus vehicle immobilizer. NOTE: The illustrations below may not exactly match your current system screens, This is because additional librarian entries have been added, To begin confirm that the 93C56 is selected, the system is properly configured and the clip is attached to the pat. ress P then hilite the LOCKSMTH directory. Press ALT-L to enter the LOCKSMTH directory using the librarian (Mlustration 1) For this exercise we will reflash a 1998 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER, Using the arrow keys hilite the TOYOTA entry and press TAB. A cursor appears. Using the down arrow key move the cursor tothe line with the vehicle model and year (Ilustration 2 and below). 4 RUNNER | 1998-2001 | STANDARD LTD | {16BIT.CDE:93C56) Placing the cursor on this line selects the vehicle reflash information including the reflash file and eeprom part number. Also note that the ‘immobilizer physical location in the vehicle is shows, Press F6. The librarian scans the line, identifies the reflash file and eprom part number. Look at the librarian STATUS line, The MODE = PGM|LOAD, The FILE = 16BIT.CDE, You are prompted with F3 PGM | F4 LOAD. (Illustration 3) Press F3. The system exits the librarian and enters command 1 (PROGRAM DEVICE FROM DISK FILE) (IMlustration 4). You are prompted with PROGRAM OR SKIP (P/S) ->. Press P. ‘The system programs the reflash file (I6BIT.CDE) into the 93C56 ceprom and confirms correct programming. Press N. ‘This reflashes the immobilizer and completes the procedure. ADDITIONAL LIBRARIAN ENTRIES ‘There are additional librarian entries which you will find helpful BAUSTARTT - Describes how fo confiem that the clip i properly tached to the chp. UR_DONE - Describes how to introduce new keys to the vehicle and then close the programming cycle forthe two immobilizer types. HOW2PRGM - Describes the basic librarian reflash procedure. HOW2SAVE.- Describes how to save the immobilizer e=prom be- fote the reflash procedure. NOTE: Read new librarian entries forthe latest system capabilities, This concludes the automotive tutorial. We strongly encourage you to fully acquaint yourself with the capabilities of the EPROM+ system. Each command is fully described in the USER MANUAL. ‘ONE LAST ITEM. ‘While the system is still connceted to the 9356 eeprom let's restore the chip to the original programmed state. Press P and hilite the EPROM directory. Press F2. Hilite CARTUTOR BIN. Press F3 then P. Confirm correct programming then press N. The eriginal CARTUTOR.BIN file has been restored to the 93C56 tutorial chip. ‘You are finished. | BEHIND GLOVE BOX Soe ee SS me Gee SS I WORE PUP & RESEARCH LABS EPROM+ PROGRAMMING SYSTEM USER MANUAL VERSION 6.0 FOR X86 PROCESSOR BASED COMPUTERS COPYRIGHT 2019 Andromeda Research Labs (613) 831-9708 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. BOOT and GO - Running the software from the CD oF USB dtiVe semen PROGRAMMING UNIT SWITCHES AND INDICATORS. MAIN COMMAND SCREEN. INSIDE THE CONTROL PROGRAM. MAIN SCREEN COMMANDS.. SYMBOLS USED THROUGHOUT THIS MANUAL. ” ‘THE "READTHIS" FILE. = SYSTEM CAPABILITIES COMPUTER SYSTEM RLQUIRMANTS SYSTEM OPERATION OPTIONS, S CONNECTING THE PROGRAMMING UNIT TO YOUR COMPUT. po INDICATORS. DIPSWITCH TH: PROGRARAMING VOLTAGE (pe) ‘THE ACCESSORY CONNECTOR. * DATA ENTRY - FORMAT AND SYNTAX. a WORKING WITH FILES. = = nmaietoemcaleaaren SYSTEM ORGANIZATION - THE BUFFER. COMMAND LINE SWITCHES... COMMAND 0 - EXIT PROGRAM/SYSTEM OPTIONS COMMAND 1 - PROGRAM DEVICE FROM DISK FILE a "ABORTING THE PROGRAMMING PROCESS ne - INTEL HEX AND MOTOROLA S-RECORD FILES : COMMAND 2 - PROGRAM DEVICE FROM BUFFER, "THE OVERRIDE OPTION - COMMAND 2. COMMAND 3 - READ DEVICE INTO BUFFER, DEVICE READ OPTIONS ssn USER DEFINED LOAD, READ USER DEFINED ZONE oa eee Ie BIT DATA PATH. mn 32 BIT DATA Par READ SERIES OF DEVICES. COMMAND 4- RE. FILE LOAD SUMMARY/LOAD OPTIONS . NORMAL COAD AT BUFFER BASE... ” USER DEFINED LOAD ADDRESS. USER DEFINED BASE ADDRESS 1632 BIT DATA PATIL SET INITIAL BUHFER VALUE FILE TYPE (BINARY, HEX, SC, RECALL FILE/BUFFER DATA SUNIMARY n= COMMAND 5 - BUFFER EDITOR. ‘COMMAND 6 - VERIFY DEVICE IS ERASED. COMMAND 7 - COPY DEVICE. COMMAND 8 - COMPARE DEVICE WITH BUF ‘COMMAND 9 - CHANGE DEVICE TYPE, COMMAND A - SAVE BUFFER TO DISK FILE SAVE DEFINED BUFFER RANGI SAVING A USER DEFINED RANGE. COMMAND B - SAVE DEVICE TO Disk Fil COMMAND D - DIRECTORY OF FILES. ‘CAPTURING A FILENAME FOR LATER USE, DIRECT COMMAND ACCESS. COMMAND F - SELECTIALTER FAST ALGORITHM. DIP SWITCH SETTING AND DEVICE SIZE . sn COMMAND P - SET DRIVE/PATH . sain ‘UNDERSTANDING THE PATH CONCEPT, PATH COMMAND ~ PATH COMMAND OPiRATION wn. onentatetntaecad SCAN DRIVIS COMMAND L. - SYSTEM LIBRARIAN BROWSE MODE. GREATING & DAT View MODE, EXECUTE SuEDES BATA (BATA HE FRING sl TUACATES SELECTING AND EXUCUTING THE DATA LINE. IEW EDIT MODI SAVE FILE OPTIO} COMMAND V - MANUALLY SET PROGRAMMING VOLTAGE. COMMAND Z - DEVICE OPTIONS THE BUFFER EDITOR... se SELECTING THE BUFLER EDITOR. — BUFFER EDITOR SCREEN ORGANIZATION. sorsoscnsson ~ EDIT WINDOW. BUFFER ENDING ADDRIS, DBVICE SIZ DATA DISPLAY CCOMMANDDATA Eat AREA = ACTIVITYSTATUS AREA 7 Mil: COMMAND PROMPT: EDITOR COMMAND ENTRY AND PRESS Ee 10.GET OU TO EXIT THE EDITOR PRESS He.” EDITOR COMMAND SUMMARY. DATA DISPLAY CONTROL RES. 7 OPERATION OF THE EDITOR COMMANDS Ctrl+A - ARITHMETIC...... B- BYTE/WORD DATA MANIPULATION .. C- CLEAR BUFFER : D - DISPLAY BUFFER RANGE. 10 DISPLAY 256 BYTES. E- DEVICE SINGLE BYTE PROGRAM - FILL BUFFER WITH A CONSTANT. G - GET CONFIRMED DATA... H - HEX TO DECIMAL OR DECIMAL TO HEX CONVERSION - I - INSPECT DEVICE CONTENTS. Q- QUICK VIEW DEVICE CONTENTS. K - GENERATE CHECKSUM COMMAND. L- LOGICAL OPERATIONS COMMAND M- MODIFY BUFFER LOCATIONS . DATA CURSOR MOVEMENT ASCIT CHARACTER ENTRY. N- SELECT DATA ENTRY NUMBER BASE... S - SEARCH/REPLACE HEX OR ASCII STRING. T- TRANSFER BUFFER DATA W- WRITE DATA TO DEVICE Z~READ USER DEFINED ZONE SPECIAL EDITOR-COMMANDS... 2or P - PROGRAM A DEVICE. 3 or R- READ A DEVICE INTO BUFFER. 8 or V - COMPARE DEVICE WITH BUFFER. A. SAVE BUFFER TO DISK FILE, O- SET BYTE/WORD MODE. HOW WORD MODE AFFECTS OTHER COMMANDS. #- BYTHBIT TRANSLATION. = DISPLAY COMMAND SUMMARY SCREEN (HELP) THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FILE. 30 INSERTING THE DEVICE INTO THE SOCKET 30 INSERTING ADAPTERS INTO THE PROGRAMMING UNIT SOCKET . 30 TROUBLESHOOTING THE SYSTEM u ‘PROBLEMS DURING INITIAL INSTALLATION ANI nnn “3 PROBLEMS WHILE OPERATING THE SYSTEM - a 3 APPENDIX LOCATING OR CONFIGURING A HOST MACHINE "UPS 1 TROUBLESHOOT THE AR-32A PROGRAMMING UNIT HARDWARE ASSEMBLY ond SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS, INTRODUCTION ‘The Andromeda Research EPROM+ programming system provides professional features and performance in a rugged yet economical package. The programming system includes a high performance, self-contained programming unit and a full featured yet easy-to-use control program on bootable media, The portable’ programming unit and bootable media allow for extended service life as the system does not require any operating system specific drivers or hardware for operation. The system works equally on a new hardware platform or one from generations past. ‘The programming unit connects to a host computer via a standard parallel port If your machine is not equipped with a parallel port, you may use an add-on card for desktops or a PCMCLA/Express Card adapter for portable machines. This allows the programming unit to be used with any desktop, laptop or notebook machine. Both the connecting cable and power-pack store neatly inside the programming unit case for storage or travel ‘The programming system supports JEDEC standard programmable devices and many non-standard devices with the use ‘of socket adapters. EPROMS supported range from the 2708, first available in the late 1970's, to the latest 8, 16 and 32 megabit UV and FLASH devices available today. Due to the flexible design of the programming unit, the system is ceapable of supporting future devices as they become available. The system also supports EEPROMS, programmable ‘microcontrollers and bipolar proms, ‘The control program supplied with the system may be used on as many machines as necessary. The program provides a full compliment of features and high level commands. The high level commands are simple and intuitive, allowing & non-technical person to operate the system with minimal instruction For the advanced technical user, the program provides a feature rich BUFFER EDITOR. The byte and word level ‘commands allow detailed operations on the buffer maintained by the system, SYMBOLS USED THROUGHOUT THIS MANUAL ‘The 1 symbol indicates the Enter key on your keyboard. ‘The — symbol indicates the Space Bar on your keyboard THE "READTHIS" FILE Included on the software distribution disk is a documentation file called "READTHIS.TXT". This file contains any recent product changes, enhancements or other information of interest to you which became available after this manual ‘was published. To display this file, navigate to the location of the EPROM files on your computer. If you are running under windows, open the file READTHIS.TXT with NOTEPAD or you may use the LIST ulility included on the distribution CD. Type LIST READTHIS, TXT. to view the file. 12 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY - PROGRAMMING UNIT Andromeda Research warrants to the original purchaser of this product that it will be free of manufacturing defects for a period of 12 months following the date of purchase. This warranty does not include damage to the product resulting from accident or misuse. This limited warranty is non-transferable, is contingent upon ‘proper use of the products covered and does not cover products which have been modified or which have ‘been subject to unusual physical or electrical stress. This warranty does not cover any software provided with the system. If the product becomes defective within the warranty period, we will elect to repair or replace it, provided it is delivered at the consumer's expense to Andromeda Research with a valid Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number. No product will be accepted for repair, replacement or return without a valid RMA number. An RMA number will be issued by calling Andromeda Research at (513)831-9708. ‘THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM- ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICU- LAR PURPOSE. ANDROMEDA RESEARCH WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDI- RECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. ‘Andromeda Research EPROM@+ programming system T SYSTEM CAPABILITIES ‘The AR-32A programming unit is capable of reading and programming any bye oriented device which conforms to the JEDEC standard memory site. The base programming uit support 5, 12, 125/125, 21,25 and 36 volt doves. Nonstandard, surface mount, low voltage or devices Targer than 32 pins may be programmed with optional socket apes and aplication specie interfaces. "The con program incorporates high-speed programming. algorthns Wich Use the minimum programming time necssury to achieve relable data retention. Af standard manufutuet Agortims are supported Inciding Quick-Puse and lnelgent The contol program matiains 2 T6 megabyte bullet burmam i no harddrive is avaiable). You are given access to the buffer va msin emu commands Othe BUFFER EDITOR COMPUTER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ‘The programming system software is designed to operate with any X86 based computer with a parallel port or to which parallel port can be added. The distribution CD contains its own operating system and is bootable or you can create a bootable USB drive. Once started, it will automatically establish a working environment on the host machine, If the system is run from bootable media, no residual files or settings are left once the program terminates, This allows for a ttuely portable programming solution as any machine can serve as the host. The software may also be run under Windows NT, 2000, XP, VISTA plus 32 bit Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 on any speed machine. SYSTEM OPERATION OPTIONS You have two options from which to choose when operating the EPROM system. Option 1 i the hard drive of a 32 BIT windows based machine (NT, 2000, XP, VISTA, 7, 8.1 or 10). The program is then invoked from a desktop icon. Option 2 is to run the software outside windows from bootable media (CD or USB drive) This, ‘unique feature of the EPROM system as it allows a truly portable tool not tied to a specific computer. The procedu for installing the software or creating a bootable USB drive are located in the appendix of this manual. See the docu- ‘ment (LOCATING AND CONFIGURING A HOST MACHINE) CONNECTING THE PROGRAMMING UNIT TO YOUR COMPUTER 1. Open the programming unit case and remove the power pack. The cable which connects to the parallel port is rolled up inside. Unroll the cable. Note: Storing the cable in a roll reduces fatigue which would otherwise be caused by creases in the wire. When the programmer is notin use, store the cable in this manner. 2. Connect the cable to the computers parallel port or the parallel port card which has been added to the computer. A. patallel printer port will have a DB-25 female connector. A built-in parallel port is usually color coded purple. Note: If the parallel port is built in, be sure the port on your computer is a standard (unidirectional) type. Your port can be ‘configured via the computers BIOS setup program. NOTE: Do not set the port to bi-directional. 3. Do not insert the powerpack into an AC ola this ime, Extend the powerpack cable and inser the 35mm male piug into the femal jck located inthe pps et contr ofthe propramming unit. The power jack Is marked POWER. UB'VAC). Be sure the pg fly insert and locks into pla Ifthe lug does not lock, it spose thatthe power Pack wil overload and’ fal Connect the power pack AC oitlt the green AC POWER LED on the prowram, hing unit vil ight. WARNINGH = Never insert the 3Smm male plug into the programming unt with the power pack installed in'an AC outlet, Aways insert the 3Smm male pug into the programming wait Mrs 4. The programming unit is now attached to your computer and has power aj ‘complete that you disconnect the power pack from the AC outlet before turn lied. We suggest that when your work is ‘off your computer. 5. You may now start the control program, If you have installed the software on your hard drive double click the EPROM+ desktop icon. If you are running from bootable media, install the CD or insert the USB drive and reboot your ‘machine. When the operating system loads, choose the desired start up option, (see next page) 6. The control program will load and display the opening screen, buffer creation and parallel port assignment followed by the list of supported devices, 7. Select a device from the table by entering the part number and pressing «J. You may also select a devi placing the litebar over the device number and pressing the Ins key. Note that there are multiple page view the next page press the PgDn key or PgUp to move back. umber by the table, To 8. The control program will switch to the main command screen and request that you verify the DIP SWITCH settings for the selected device. After the DIP switch is set, press any key to proceed to the command mode. The message SELECT COMMAND -> is displayed whenever the’ program is waiting for a main menu command to be entered. 9. At this point the system is connected and operational. Before using the system, please read PROGRAMMING UNIT. SWITCHES AND INDICATORS and THE CONTROL PROGRAM. Also review the "READTHIS" file supplied on the distribution disk. “Andromeda Research EPROM+ programming system

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