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The Virtues Of Uways Al Qarni

Do you know, who is a youth that missed by heaven? Do you know about misterius character of
uways al qarni forgot in Islamic story and had influence in development islam?
Do you ever heard inspiration story of uways al qarni that told by our prophet Muhammad saw
as an amazing youth?
In this time, I will tell you the virtues of uways al qarni.
In yaman, there lived a youth named uways al qarni? He was from qarn ethnic. He knowed as
pious youth. He was a simple youth and devoted himself to Allah and lived with his beloved
One days, uways’ mother have request that made uways pensive. She said “my son, may be I
have little more time live together. I hope do hajj in Makkah” requested by his mother.
Uways was pensived after he heard a request from his mother. To made his mother request come
be true. He thought “ people go to Makkah use camel but how about me ? Iam poor man and
don’t have camel to bring my mother to do hajj in Makkah.”
After that, uways thought to buying a calf and made a stable in the hill and carried a calf a long
eight month as a try carrying his mother go to Makkah. “ do you crazy uways? Carry a cow to
hill every day” said people around him.
While hajj season come, uways carried his mother in yaman to Makkah. He bring his mother
harders to do his mother request.
Arrive in Makkah, uways carried his mother to wukuf in ka’bah. while he looked at baitullah,
uways prayed to Allah “ Ya allah, forgive my mother’s sins” said uways. After that, his mother
said “ how about your sins, son?” uways answer “ with Allah forgiving you mom, so you will
live in the heaven. Just your ridho that will bring me to heaven.”
By sincerity of uways’ love to his mother, Allah give recovery to uways and only white circle in
his arm as sign to umar and ali recognize uways..
Rasulullah told to umar and ali about the glory of uways. Umar curious to uways and look for
uways to yaman. When umar found him, umar asked uways some question and found special
characteristic. Umar asked his to prayed to Allah in order to forgive him and uways do it.
After some years, uways died. When people organized his corpse. This moment made uproar
yaman society because the foreign people came to yaman, they are angel came to the world only
to organize uways’ corpse.

Thank you for the opportunity I can share this story. I hope this story can be give inspiration for
us. Thank you for your attention. Assalammu’alaikum wr.wb.

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