2022 - Alzheimer S Dementia - 2022 - Mecca - Synaptic Density and Cognitive Performance in Alzheimer S Disease A PET Imaging

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Received: 8 September 2021 Revised: 23 November 2021 Accepted: 12 December 2021

DOI: 10.1002/alz.12582


Synaptic density and cognitive performance in Alzheimer’s

disease: A PET imaging study with [11C]UCB-J

Adam P. Mecca1,2 Ryan S. O’Dell1,2 Emily S. Sharp1,3 Emmie R. Banks1,2

Hugh H. Bartlett1,2 Wenzhen Zhao1,2 Sylwia Lipior1,2 Nina G. Diepenbrock1,2
Ming-Kai Chen4 Mika Naganawa4 Takuya Toyonaga4 Nabeel B. Nabulsi4
Brent C. Vander Wyk5 Amy F. T. Arnsten1,6 Yiyun Huang5 Richard E. Carson5
Christopher H. van Dyck1,2,3,6
Alzheimer’s Disease Research Unit, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Department of Neurology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Program on Aging, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Department of Neuroscience, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Adam P. Mecca, MD, PhD, Alzheimer’s Dis- Abstract
ease Research Unit, Yale University School of
Medicine, One Church Street, 8th Floor, New
Introduction: For 30 years synapse loss has been referred to as the major pathological
Haven, CT 06510, USA. correlate of cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, this statement
E-mail: adam.mecca@yale.edu
is based on remarkably few patients studied by autopsy or biopsy. With the recent
Funding information advent of synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A (SV2A) positron emission tomography (PET)
The National Institute on Aging, Grant/Award
imaging, we have begun to evaluate the consequences of synaptic alterations in vivo.
Numbers: P30AG066508, P50AG047270,
K23AG057784, R01AG052560, Methods: We examined the relationship between synaptic density measured by
R01AG062276, RF1AG057553,
[11 C]UCB-J PET and neuropsychological test performance in 45 participants with
P30AG021342; The American Brain Foun-
dation; The Dana Foundation; Thomas P. Detre early AD.
Fellowship Award in Translational Neuro-
Results: Global synaptic density showed a significant positive association with global
science Research in Psychiatry; The National
Institute of Mental Health, Grant/Award Num- cognition and performance on five individual cognitive domains in participants with
ber: T32MH019961; National Center for
early AD. Synaptic density was a stronger predictor of cognitive performance than gray
Advancing Translational Science, Grant/Award
Number: UL1TR000142 matter volume.
Conclusion: These results confirm neuropathologic studies demonstrating a significant
association between synaptic density and cognitive performance, and suggest that this
correlation extends to the early stages of AD.

Alzheimer’s disease, cognition, synaptic density, synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A, [11 C]UCB-J

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2022 The Authors. Alzheimer’s & Dementia published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Alzheimer’s Association

Alzheimer’s Dement. 2022;18:2527–2536. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/alz 2527

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2528 MECCA ET AL .

For 30 years, synapse loss has been referred to as the major patholog-
1. Systematic review: Synapse loss has been referred to as
ical correlate of cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease (AD).1–3
the major pathological correlate of cognitive impairment
However, this statement is based on remarkably few patients studied
in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). With the recent advent of
by autopsy or biopsy in limited brain regions, largely at the moderate
synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A (SV2A) positron emis-
to severe stages of disease. The earliest efforts to correlate synapse
sion tomography (PET) imaging, we have begun to evalu-
loss with cognitive impairment in AD came from a single brain biopsy
ate the consequences of synaptic alterations in vivo.
study1 and a single autopsy study,2,3 both conducted primarily in par-
2. Interpretation: In 45 participants with early AD, global
ticipants with moderate to severe dementia. A subsequent clinico-
synaptic density showed a significant positive associa-
pathological investigation incorporated individuals with mild cognitive
tion with global cognition and performance on five indi-
impairment (MCI) and focused on the hippocampus,4 demonstrating
vidual cognitive domains. These results confirm neu-
that synapse number in the dentate gyrus (outer molecular layer) cor-
ropathologic studies, demonstrating a significant associa-
related with ante mortem cognitive performance in a pooled sample,
tion between synaptic density and cognitive performance
including patients with advanced dementia and normal controls. How-
and suggest that this correlation extends to the early
ever, these results derived partially from the inclusion of cognitively
stages of AD.
normal (CN) and neuropathologically confirmed controls and thus may
3. Future directions: These results further support the use
not apply to synapse loss within the AD continuum.
of synaptic imaging as a potential surrogate biomarker
With the recent advent of synaptic positron emission tomogra-
outcome for therapeutic trials that is well-correlated
phy (PET) imaging, we have begun to evaluate synaptic alterations
with clinical measures. Longitudinal studies are needed
in vivo. Synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A (SV2A) is expressed in vir-
to relate change in synaptic density as measured by
tually all synapses and is located in synaptic vesicles at presynap-
[11 C]UCB-J PET with change in cognitive performance.
tic terminals.5 [11 C]UCB-J was recently developed as a PET tracer
for SV2A and advanced for human studies.6 In our recent study of
[11 C]UCB-J PET, we observed widespread reductions of SV2A binding
in medial temporal and neocortical brain regions in early AD compared
to CN participants.7 However, initial attempts using PET imaging to teria for amnestic MCI (aMCI),11 had a CDR-global score of 0.5, and
associate synaptic density with cognitive performance have been hin- a MMSE score of 24 to 30, inclusive. Participants with dementia and
dered by the use of limited cognitive measures.7–9 MCI were required to demonstrate impaired episodic memory, as evi-
In this study, we examined the relationship between synaptic den- denced by a Logical Memory (LM) II score 1.5 standard deviations
sity and cognitive performance in early AD using [11 C]UCB-J PET (SD) below an education-adjusted norm. Older CN participants were
and an extensive neuropsychological test battery. We aimed to test enrolled solely to provide additional normative data for neuropsycho-
the hypothesis that synaptic density, as assessed by [11 C]UCB-J in logical test scores and were required to have a CDR-global score of 0,
brain regions that are typically affected by AD, is associated with neu- a MMSE score of > 26, and a normal education-adjusted LMII score.
ropsychological function globally and in individual cognitive domains. All participants received a PET scan with [11 C]Pittsburgh compound B
We also examined the effects of tissue loss on these associations— ([11 C]PiB) to assess for the accumulated presence of brain amyloid beta
compared to previous clinicopathological studies. Finally, we exam- (Aβ), and a PET scan with [11 C]UCB-J to measure synaptic density. Par-
ined the relationship between gray matter (GM) volume—compared to ticipants with dementia and MCI were required to be Aβ+ and CN par-
synaptic density—and neuropsychological function in this sample. ticipants were required to be Aβ–.7 All participants provided written
informed consent as approved by the Yale University Human Investi-
gation Committee.
2 METHODS Validated neuropsychological tests were administered to assess
performance in five cognitive domains: verbal memory (LMI and II, Rey
Detailed methods are in supporting information (Supplement). Auditory Verbal Learning Test [RAVLT] total words recalled across tri-
als 1–5, RAVLT delayed recall), language (Boston Naming Test, Cat-
egory Fluency), executive function (Stroop Color Word, Trail Making
2.1 Study participants and design Test-Part B, Letter Fluency), processing speed (Stroop Word, Trail Mak-
ing Test-Part A, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale [WAIS]-III Digit Sym-
Participants aged 50 to 85 years were screened for eligibility as pre- bol Substitution), and visuospatial ability (Rey-Osterrieth Complex Fig-
viously described.7 Individuals with dementia met diagnostic criteria ure, WAIS-III Block Design, WAIS-3 Picture Completion). Raw scores
for probable AD dementia,10 had a Clinical Dementia Rating global from each test were converted to z-scores using means and SDs of the
score (CDR-global) of 0.5 to 1.0, and a Mini-Mental State Examina- entire sample (CN and AD). Cognitive domain scores were generated
tion (MMSE) score of ≤ 26. Participants with MCI met diagnostic cri- for each AD participant by averaging the z-scores for the tests in each
15525279, 2022, 12, Downloaded from https://alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alz.12582 by Cochrane Portugal, Wiley Online Library on [07/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
MECCA ET AL . 2529

domain. A global cognition score was generated for each participant by 3 RESULTS
averaging all five cognitive domain scores.
3.1 Participant characteristics

2.2 Brain imaging

The study sample consisted of 64 participants—45 with AD (28 with
mild dementia, 17 with aMCI), and 19 who were CN and provided nor-
T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed to
mative neuropsychological data—whose characteristics are shown in
define regions of interest (ROI) and to perform partial volume cor-
Table 1. The sample had substantial overlap with those of our previous
rection (PVC) using the iterative Yang (IY) approach.12,13 PET scans
reports7,8,24 and included seven additional participants (three aMCI
were performed on the HRRT (207 slices, resolution < 3 mm full width
and four mild dementia). CN and AD groups were balanced for age and
half max).14 List-mode data were reconstructed using the MOLAR
sex, but the CN group had a higher education level. Neuropsychological
algorithm15 with event-by-event motion correction based on an opti-
testing was performed an average of 1.6 (SD 6.5) weeks after synaptic
cal detector (Vicra, NDI Systems).16 Dynamic [11 C]PiB scans were
density PET with a range of 16.1 weeks before to 15.6 weeks after the
acquired for 90 minutes after a bolus of up to 555 MBq of tracer17
PET scan. As expected, the AD group had lower MMSE scores, higher
and dynamic [11 C]UCB-J scans were acquired for 60 or 90 minutes
CDR-global scores, and significantly lower performance on a compos-
after administration of a bolus of up to 740 MBq.18 Software motion
ite of global cognition, as well as in all cognitive domains. As in our pre-
correction was applied to the dynamic PET images using a mutual-
vious analyses of a largely overlapping sample, synaptic density in both
information algorithm (FSL-FLIRT) to perform frame-by-frame regis-
a composite of AD-affected regions, as well as in the hippocampus were
tration to a summed image (0 to 10 minutes). A summed motion-
significantly lower in the AD group.
corrected PET image was registered to each MRI. Cortical reconstruc-
tion and volumetric segmentation was performed using FreeSurfer
(version 6.0).19 Regions defined by the FreeSurfer segmentation were
3.2 Association between synaptic density (DVR)
used for both PET and MRI analyses in native participant space. Brain
and cognition in AD
volume was normalized using estimated total intracranial volume.20
A composite ROI of AD-affected regions (prefrontal, lateral temporal,
The primary analysis investigated the association between global
medial temporal, lateral parietal, anterior cingulate, posterior cingu-
synaptic density (DVR) in a composite of AD-affected regions and
late, precuneus, and lateral occipital) was defined (Table S1 in support-
global cognition within the AD group. A multiple linear regression
ing information).
model with DVR as the predictor and global cognition as the outcome
was significant (F[4, 40] = 6.19, P = 0.001, R2 = 0.38) and synaptic den-

2.3 Tracer kinetic modeling sity was a significant predictor of global cognition (β = 3.21, η2 = 0.29,
P = 0.0001, Figure 1A, Table S2a in supporting information).

For [11 C]PiB image analysis, parametric images of BPND were gener- To investigate the association between synaptic density and perfor-

ated using a simplified reference tissue model-2 step (SRTM2)21 as mance in specific cognitive domains, separate models were fit with per-

previously described.7,17 For [11 C]UCB-J image analysis, parametric formance in each of the five domains (verbal memory, language, exec-

images of BPND were generated using a SRTM2 from 0 to 60 minutes21 utive function, processing speed, and visuospatial ability) as the out-

with the centrum semiovale (CS) as the reference region.22,23 Distribu- come (Table S2b). Each model was significant and synaptic density was

tion volume ratio (DVR) using a whole cerebellum reference was com- a significant predictor of performance in every domain (Table S2b, Fig-

puted as (BPND +1)/(BPND [cerebellum]+1).7 ure 1B-1F).

Additional exploratory analyses assessed the association between
synaptic density in all brain regions and global cognition. Pearson’s r
2.4 Statistical analyses was calculated for the correlation between synaptic density and global
cognition (Figure 2A, Table S3 in supporting information). Synaptic den-
Statistical methods are detailed in supporting information. Group sity had a significant positive association with global cognition across
comparisons were performed using χ2 tests for categorical variables many prefrontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital cortical regions. Sim-
and unpaired t-tests for continuous variables. Multiple variable linear ilar regional patterns were observed for specific cognitive domain
regression analyses used synaptic density or GM volume as the main scores, including language, executive function, processing speed, and
explanatory variables and cognitive scores as outcomes and controlled visuospatial ability (Figure 3). By contrast, associations between synap-
for age, sex, and years of education. The Benjamini-Hochberg proce- tic density and verbal memory performance were more restricted
dure was used to control the false discovery rate (FDR) for multiple within temporal, parietal, and occipital cortical regions. Interestingly,
comparisons (five cognitive domains). Pearson’s r (effect size) maps synaptic density in hippocampus and entorhinal cortex was not signifi-
were created with the voxels in each region set uniformly to the cal- cantly correlated with global cognition (Figure 2A, Table S3) or domain-
culated effect size. P < 0.05 was used as a threshold for significance. specific cognitive performance (Figure 3).
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2530 MECCA ET AL .

TA B L E 1 Participant characteristics

Cognitively normal Alzheimer’s disease P

Participants (n) 19 45 (mild dementia: 28, MCI: 17) –
Sex (M/F) 9/10 23/22 0.78
Age (years) 70.84 (7.78) (59–82) 70.82 (7.48) (50–83) 0.99
Education (years) 17.74 (2.00) (12–20) 16.13 (2.31) (12–20) 0.0093
CDR-global 0 (0) (0) 0.76 (.25) (0.5–1) < 0.00001
CDR-SB 0.00 (0.00) (0) 4.11 (1.81) (0.5–9.0) < 0.00001
MMSE 29.21 (1.06) (27–30) 23.64 (3.37) (14–30) < 0.00001
Global cognition 0.93 (0.25) (0.44–1.25) –0.41 (0.62) (–1.68–0.69) < 0.00001
Executive functions 0.85 (0.40) (0.20–1.71) –0.42 (0.77) (–1.74–1.00) < 0.00001
Processing speed 0.75 (0.28) (0.38–1.41) –0.32 (0.87) (–2.32–1.00) < 0.00001
Language 0.89 (0.32) (0.29–1.90) –0.38 (0.79) (–2.16–0.85) < 0.00001
Visuospatial ability 0.85 (0.41) (–0.15–1.54) –0.37 (0.78) (–2.05–1.07) < 0.00001
Verbal memory 1.29 (0.52) (0.29–2.01) –0.54 (0.42) (–1.19–0.51) < 0.00001
Amyloid ± 0/19 45/0 < 0.00001
Composite synaptic density (DVR) 1.57 (0.08) (1.44–1.73) 1.45 (0.11) (1.27–1.70) 0.00004
Hippocampal synaptic density (DVR) 1.03 (0.08) (0.86–1.20) 0.88 (0.12) (0.66–1.17) < 0.00001
APOE ε4 copy number (n)
2 copies 0 12 (26.7%) –
1 copy 4 (21%) 23 (51.1%) –
0 copies 15 (79%) 10 (22.2%) –

Abbreviations: APOE, apolipoprotein E: CDR-global, Clinical Dementia Rating global score; CDR-SB, Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes; DVR, distribution
volume ratio of [11 C]UCB-J calculated with a whole cerebellum reference region; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; SD, standard deviation.
Notes: Data are mean (SD) (range). Scores for cognitive measures are z-scores. P-values are for unpaired t-tests (continuous variables) or χ2 (categorical

3.3 Association between partial volume corrected 3.4 Association between GM volume
synaptic density (PVC-DVR) and cognition in AD and cognition in AD

Because volume loss related to AD can lead to underestimation of As a comparator to synaptic density, we examined the relationship
synaptic density, we repeated the previous analyses after PVC. A mul- between GM volume and cognition in this sample. A multiple linear
tiple linear regression model with global PVC-DVR as the predictor regression model with GM volume as the predictor and global cog-
and global cognition as the outcome was significant (F[4, 40] = 4.93, nition as the outcome was significant (F[4, 40] = 3.57, P = 0.014,
P = 0.003, R2 = 0.33) and synaptic density was a significant predictor R2 = 0.26) and GM volume was a significant predictor of global cogni-
of global cognition (β = 2.16, η2 = 0.23, P = 0.001, Figure 4A, Table S4a tion (β = 0.012, η2 = 0.17, P = 0.005, Figure S2A, Table S5a in supporting
in supporting information). information).
Separate models were fit with performance on each of the five cog- Separate models were again fit with performance in each of the five
nitive domains as the outcomes (Table S4b). Each model was signifi- cognitive domains as the outcomes (Table S5b). In contrast to synap-
cant, and synaptic density was a significant predictor of performance tic density, GM volume was only a significant predictor of language and
in every domain (Table S4b, Figure 4B-4F). executive function, but not the other cognitive domains (Table S5b). In
The correlation between regional synaptic density (PVC-DVR) and addition, the effect sizes for correlations between GM volume and cog-
global cognition was again assessed (Figure 2B, Table S3). Similar to nition (Figure S2) were generally smaller than the effect sizes for corre-
the analysis without PVC, synaptic density had a significant positive lations between synaptic density and cognition (Figure 1 and Figure 4).
association with global cognition across many prefrontal, temporal, When regional GM volume was correlated with global cognition,
parietal, and occipital cortical regions. Compared to the analysis using there were positive associations (Figure 2C, Table S3), but with fewer
global cognition, similar regional patterns were present with significant significant regions compared to synaptic density (Figure 2A, B). When
positive associations between regional synaptic density and language, regional GM volume was correlated with individual cognitive domains,
executive function, processing speed, and visuospatial ability (Figure similar regional patterns as for global cognition were observed, with
S1 in supporting information). significant positive associations between regional GM volume and
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MECCA ET AL . 2531

F I G U R E 1 Correlation of synaptic density (DVR) and cognition in participants with AD. Global synaptic density in a composite of AD-affected
regions, represented as DVR, was plotted with (A) global cognition, (B) verbal memory, (C) language, (D) executive function, (E) processing speed, or
(F) visuospatial ability. Multiple variable linear regression analysis included predictors of synaptic density, years of education, age, and sex. η is
displayed for the main explanatory variable of synaptic density as it contributes to the overall model (*P < 0.05). Data points and line of best fit
(dotted line) are unadjusted values. AD, Alzheimer’s disease; DVR, distribution volume ratio of [11 C]UCB-J calculated with a whole cerebellum
reference region

language, executive functions, processing speed, and visuospatial abil- resulted from floor effects on the cognitive measures that comprised
ity (Figure S3 in supporting information). this domain. The observed associations between synaptic density and
global cognition remained significant after correction for partial vol-
ume effects, and synaptic density was a stronger predictor of cognitive
4 DISCUSSION performance than GM volume.

In this study we examined the relationship between synaptic density

and cognitive performance in early AD using [11 C]UCB-J PET and an 4.1 Comparison with post mortem and biopsy
extensive neuropsychological test battery. In a multiple linear regres- specimen human studies
sion model controlling for age, sex, and education, global synaptic den-
sity ([11 C]UCB-J DVR) was a significant predictor of global cognitive These results confirm neuropathologic studies demonstrating a sig-
performance in participants with AD. Synaptic density was also a signif- nificant association between synaptic density and cognitive perfor-
icant predictor of performance in all five cognitive domains: language, mance, and suggest that this correlation extends to the mild and pro-
executive function, processing speed, visuospatial ability, and verbal dromal stages of AD. The early evidence for synapse loss as the major
memory. The relatively weak association with verbal memory likely pathological correlate of cognitive impairment in AD1 came from a
15525279, 2022, 12, Downloaded from https://alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alz.12582 by Cochrane Portugal, Wiley Online Library on [07/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
2532 MECCA ET AL .

F I G U R E 2 Correlation maps of synaptic density (DVR) and global cognition in all regions for participants with AD. (A) Pearson’s r was
calculated for the correlation between synaptic density ([11 C]UCB-J DVR) and global cognition in all FreeSurfer regions. A similar analysis was
conducted (B) after PVC of [11 C]UCB-J PET images, and (C) with gray matter volume. Brain maps were created by producing images with the
voxels in each FreeSurfer region set uniformly to the calculated Pearson’s r for that region and overlaid on an MNI template T1 MRI. The color
scale represents Pearson’s r, which is displayed only for regions that had an uncorrected P < 0.05. AD, Alzheimer’s disease; DVR, distribution
volume ratio of [11 C]UCB-J calculated with a whole cerebellum reference region; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; MRI, magnetic resonance
imaging; PET, positron emission tomography; PVC, partial volume correction

single brain biopsy study and a single autopsy study2 both conducted as opposed to the presence or absence of AD. Another limitation of
largely at the moderate to severe stages of disease. DeKosky and that study—as with most post mortem studies—was that the overall AD
Scheff first reported synapse loss in eight individuals with AD who sample had a mean age of 88, and 87 in the MCI group. These indi-
had undergone frontal cortex biopsies.1 They found that in eight AD viduals were likely prodromal for dementia onset in their 90s and per-
patients with MMSE scores ranging from 12 to 20, synapse counts haps similar to very old AD samples, which have been shown to have
correlated with MMSE performance.1 The next year, Terry et al.2 unique characteristics, particularly multiple neuropathologies.25–27
reported on autopsy data from 15 patients with AD and nine neu- Therefore, they are not necessarily representative of the broad sam-
ropathologically confirmed controls and found that within the AD ples of early AD that are studied in vivo.
group (MMSE = 3–20), synapse density in midfrontal and inferior pari-
etal regions was correlated with ante mortem cognitive performance
on the Blessed Information-Memory-Concentration Test, the MMSE, 4.2 Comparison with previous human synaptic
and the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale. Masliah et al. then investi- density imaging studies
gated a subset of the cases in Terry et al. (AD: 9, neuropathologi-
cally normal controls: 4) and demonstrated that the strongest corre- With the recent advent of synaptic PET imaging, we have begun to eval-
lation was between synapse density and Blessed score of cognitive uate synaptic alterations in vivo. However, initial attempts using PET
impairment.3 imaging to associate synaptic density with cognitive performance in
In 2006 Scheff et al. reported for the first time on synaptic data in AD have been hindered by the use of limited cognitive measures. In
the hippocampus4 and found that synapse number in dentate gyrus our preliminary report,8 we observed that hippocampal SV2A-specific
(outer molecular layer) correlated with ante mortem cognitive perfor- binding (BPND ) was correlated with a composite episodic memory score
mance in a pooled sample, including normal controls (MMSE = 8– and a measure of global functioning (CDR-Sum of Boxes [SB]) in a
30). The AD sample included nine with dementia and nine with MCI. pooled sample of participants who had early AD or were cognitively
However, the inclusion of 10 cognitively normal and neuropatholog- normal. In a follow-up study of a larger sample (19 CN and 35 early
ically confirmed controls in the analyses left unclear the extent to AD, a subset of the present sample of 45), in which we demonstrated
which associations were with synapse loss along the AD continuum widespread synaptic loss in AD using a more robust SV2A outcome
15525279, 2022, 12, Downloaded from https://alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alz.12582 by Cochrane Portugal, Wiley Online Library on [07/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
MECCA ET AL . 2533

F I G U R E 3 Correlation maps of synaptic density (DVR) and domain specific cognitive performance in all regions for participants with AD.
Pearson’s r was calculated for the correlation between synaptic density ([11 C]UCB-J DVR) and (A) verbal memory, (B) language, (C) executive
function, (D) processing speed, and (E) visuospatial ability domain scores. Brain maps were created by producing images with the voxels in each
FreeSurfer region set uniformly to the calculated Pearson’s r for that region and overlaid on an MNI template T1 MRI. The color scale represents
Pearson’s r, which is displayed only for regions that had an uncorrected P < 0.05. AD, Alzheimer’s disease; DVR, distribution volume ratio of
[11 C]UCB-J calculated with a whole cerebellum reference region; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging

measure (DVR with cerebellum as reference region), we again exam- We believe that the negative results using more limited cognitive
ined the relationship between synaptic density and clinical measures.7 and clinical measures may relate to at least two factors. The mem-
Specifically, we investigated the association of DVR in either hippocam- ory score is comprised of difficult memory tasks that produce “floor
pus or a composite ROI of AD-affected regions (identical to those in the effects” in the participants with early AD and a lack of dynamic range.
present study) with episodic memory or CDR-SB. In the overall sam- The verbal memory score in the present study incorporated a measure
ple, statistically significant correlations were observed between DVR with more range (the total of trials 1 through 5 on the RAVLT and LMI
in either the hippocampus or the composite region and either episodic [immediate recall], instead of only the delayed recall score). However,
memory or CDR-SB. However, none of these correlations were signifi- the correlation between global SV2A and verbal memory remained the
cant within the AD or CN groups alone. weakest correlation between global SV2A and any cognitive domain.
15525279, 2022, 12, Downloaded from https://alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alz.12582 by Cochrane Portugal, Wiley Online Library on [07/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
2534 MECCA ET AL .

F I G U R E 4 Correlation of synaptic density with PVC (PVC–DVR) and cognition in participants with AD. PVC was applied to [11 C]UCB-J PET
images. Global synaptic density in a composite of AD-affected regions, represented as DVR, was plotted with (A) global cognition, (B) verbal
memory, (C) language, (D) executive function, (E) processing speed, or (F) visuospatial ability. Multiple variable linear regression analysis included
predictors of synaptic density, years of education, age, and sex. η is displayed for the main explanatory variable of synaptic density as it contributes
to the overall model (*P < 0.05). Data points and line of best fit (dotted line) are unadjusted values. AD, Alzheimer’s disease; DVR, distribution
volume ratio of [11 C]UCB-J calculated with a whole cerebellum reference region; PET, positron emission tomography; PVC, partial volume

Moreover, the brain regions that are most likely to correlate with ver- 4.3 Limitations and future directions
bal memory are those that already demonstrate marked degeneration
in early AD, thus yielding a lack of dynamic range in both the memory This study has a number of important limitations. First, we cannot com-
and the SV2A imaging variables. ment on the relative strength or spatial patterns of association with
Apart from our own work, Bastin et al., using a different SV2A lig- different cognitive domains, as these comparisons are limited by test
and ([18 F]UCB-H with partial volume correction), reported in 24 par- selection. Specifically, individual tests may differ in relative difficulty,
ticipants with AD that reduced hippocampal uptake was related to cog- and some may exhibit floor effects, thus hindering our ability to evalu-
nitive decline (MMSE score) and unawareness of memory problems.9 ate associations with PET measures. Second, the cross-sectional nature
Coomans et al. explored cognitive associations and synaptic density in of this study is susceptible to many confounding factors that may result
a small sample of seven AD participants and found that MMSE score in considerable inter-individual variability in synaptic density and neu-
was not associated with a global measure of synaptic density using ropsychological performance. Longitudinal studies will better enable
[11 C]UCB-J BPND but was strongly associated with a global measure us to test directly the hypothesis that synaptic loss is associated with
of tau deposition using [18 F]flortaucipir BPND. 28 a decline in cognitive performance. In particular, longitudinal studies
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MECCA ET AL . 2535

that enroll participants at pre-symptomatic stages of disease may cap- CHvD reports grants for clinical trials from Biogen, Novartis, Eli Lilly,
ture the early emergence of both synaptic loss and cognitive symp- Eisai, Biohaven, and the Alzheimer’s Association outside the submitted
toms. Longitudinal studies—by minimizing inter-individual sources of work. YH, REC, and NBN have a patent for a newer version of the SV2A
variance—will also confer greater statistical power to detect more spe- tracer. MKC reports consulting fees from Eisai and Actinum. AFTA
cific associations between regional synaptic loss and the decline in spe- reports consulting fees from Vallon, Supernus, and Ludbeck. CHvD
cific cognitive domains. If synaptic loss is the major pathological corre- reports consulting fees from Roche, Esai, and Ono Pharmaceuticals.
late of cognitive impairment in AD, then the heterogeneity of decline in APM received honoraria for presentations at University of Connecti-
cognitive domains should be related to the regional patterns of synap- cut and Stanford University. NBN received honoraria for presentations
tic loss. from UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior. AFTA
received honoraria for presentations at McGill University, Killam Insti-
tute, Montreal Neurological Institute, Harvard, Massachusetts General
4.4 Conclusion Hospital, Western Connecticut State University, and the University of
Massachusetts. APM received support from ACTC/ATRI for travel to
These results confirm neuropathologic studies demonstrating a signifi- ACTC/ATRI meetings. TT received travel support from the conference
cant association between synaptic density and cognitive performance, for the 2019 Brain and Brain PET meeting. AFTA received support from
and suggest that this correlation extends to the mild and prodromal the conference for travel to give a presentation at ACNP. APM is a
stages of AD. They further support the use of synaptic imaging as a member of the ISTAART Neuroimaging PIA executive committee. NN
potential surrogate biomarker outcome for therapeutic trials that is receives royalties from MD Anderson Cancer Center. AFTA and Yale
well-correlated with clinical measures. Longitudinal studies are needed receive royalties from Shire/Takada from USA sales of Intuniv. ERB,
to relate change in synaptic density as measured by [11 C]UCB-J PET HHB, WZ, SL, NGD, and MN have nothing to disclose.
with change in cognitive performance.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Dr. Mecca had full access to the data and takes responsibility for the
We wish to thank the research participants for their contributions, integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Study con-
and the staff of the Yale AD Research Unit and PET Center for cept and design: Mecca, Sharp, Chen, O’Dell, Carson, van Dyck. Acqui-
their excellent technical assistance. We also thank UCB for pro- sition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Mecca, Sharp, O’Dell, Banks,
viding the [11 C]UCB-J radiolabeling precursor and the unlabeled Bartlett, Naganawa, Diepenbrock, Lipior, Zhao, Toyonaga, Nabulsi, Arn-
reference standard. This research was supported by the National sten, Huang, Carson, van Dyck. Drafting of the manuscript: Mecca,
Institute on Aging (P30AG066508, P50AG047270, K23AG057784, Sharp, O’Dell, Banks, Bartlett, Arnsten, Carson, van Dyck. Critical
R01AG052560, R01AG062276, RF1AG057553, and P30AG021342), revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Mecca,
The American Brain Foundation (APM), and The Dana Foundation Sharp, O’Dell, Banks, Bartlett, Naganawa, Diepenbrock, Lipior, Zhao,
(MKC), the Thomas P. Detre Fellowship Award in Translational Neu- Toyonaga, Nabulsi, Arnsten, Huang, Carson, van Dyck. Statistical analy-
roscience Research in Psychiatry (RSO), and the Ruth L. Kirschstein sis: Mecca, O’Dell, Banks, Bartlett, Carson, van Dyck. Obtained funding:
National Research Service Award, Clinical Neuroscience Research van Dyck, Carson, Mecca, Chen. Administrative, technical, or material
Training in Psychiatry (T32MH019961). This publication was made support: Mecca, Sharp, O’Dell, Banks, Bartlett, Naganawa, Toyonaga,
possible by CTSA Grant Number UL1TR000142 from the National Diepenbrock, Lipior, Nabulsi, Huang, Chen, Carson, van Dyck. Study
Center for Advancing Translational Science (NCATS), a component of supervision: Mecca, Chen, Carson, van Dyck.
NIH. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not
necessarily represent the official view of NIH. The funders had no role REFERENCES
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