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CHCADV002 Provide advocacy and representation services

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from any person or source.

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*If Student is Not Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible
Satisfactory assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Signature: ________________________
Yes No Date: ______/_______/___________


Instructions to the Candidates

 This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given below in this document.
 Should you not answer the tasks correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and gaps in knowledge. You
will be entitled to one (1) resubmit in showing your competence with this unit.
 If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
 Please refer to the College re-submission and re-sit policy for more information.
 If you have questions and other concerns that may affect your performance in the Assessment, please inform the
assessor immediately.
 Please read the Tasks carefully then complete all Tasks.
 To be deemed competent for this unit you must achieve a satisfactory result with tasks of this Assessment along
with a satisfactory result for another Assessment.
 This is an Open book assessment which you will do in your own time but complete in the time designated by your
assessor. Remember, that it must be your own work and if you use other sources then you must reference these
 Submitted document must follow the given criteria. Font must be Times New Roman, Font size need to be 12, line
spacing has to be Single line.
 This is Individual Assessments.
 Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own. Any Plagiarism will result in a mark of Not
Satisfactory. ACIC uses Safe Assign Plagiarism Checker to check the originality of the student assessment. Student
must be aware of and understand the ACIC’s policy on plagiarism and certify that this assignment is their own work,
except where, indicated by referencing, and that student have followed the good academic practices noted above.

CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised support | 2

CHCADV002 Provide advocacy and representation services


Welcome to the Student Assessment Tasks for CHCADV002 Provide advocacy and representation
services. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that
you have learnt during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also
follow the advice provided in the Community Services Works Student User Guide. The Student
User Guide provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must correctly answer all questions.

 Assessment Task 2: Portfolio – You must complete your portfolio document to demonstrate
that you provided formal advocacy and representation services to two individual clients or
client groups and evaluated the effectiveness of these services.

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CHCADV002 Provide advocacy and representation services

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have
acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Community
Services Works Student User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

i Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in
Appendix A of the Community Services Works Student User Guide. Refer to the
appendix for information on:

 where this task should be completed

 the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task

 whether or not this task is open-book.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

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CHCADV002 Provide advocacy and representation services

Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Answer the questions in the table regarding legal and ethical considerations.

Explain the term power of attorney. A power of attorney, or POA for short, is an instrument
of law that appoints someone as the "agent" or
"attorney-in-fact" to make decisions or handle particular
matters on behalf of another person (the "principal").
The principle may provide the representative with
specific authority to manage funds, make healthcare
choices, or handle legal issues. According to the exact
conditions stated in the authority of attorney form, the
scope of the rights conferred may be extensive or
constrained. A power of attorney enables somebody to
make judgments on behalf of a different individual,
particularly when the principal is incapable of doing so
because of a mental or physical condition. Establishing a
power of attorney while the principle is still healthy is
crucial to guarantee that their desires are honoured and
to make decision-making easier should they become

Explain the term guardianship. An individual who is designated by the legal system to
make choices and care for someone who lacks the
capacity to handle their private or economic affairs is
said to be in a parenting relationship. Custody is often
formed for kids, people with limitations, or grown people
whom are found unable to serve because of mental or
physical illnesses. The guardian is in charge of making
choices for the ward's welfare, including those regarding
their living circumstances, schooling, medical care, and
financial management. To make sure the person in
charge is acting in the ward's best interests, the court
constantly tracks their every move. Guardian is a serious
legal obligation that entails standing up for the ward's
rights, offering essential assistance, and making choices
in line mitigating the ward's preferences.

Outline the legal status of parents To have the ability to provide for and execute choices on
and guardians of people under the their own behalf for the kids, parents & legal
age of 18. representatives of people beneath the age of 18 are
given specific obligations and privileges. According on
the jurisdiction, these legal entitlements and obligations
may differ, although certain elements are universal:

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CHCADV002 Provide advocacy and representation services

Taking significant decisions about the development of a

kid, such as those involving schooling, medical
treatments, and religious childhood, rests with the child's
parents or the court-appointed guardians.
Monetary responsibilities: the parent or legal guardian
are normally in charge of paying for their kid's basic
needs, such as clothes, food, and housing.
Legal representation; these are guardians and parents
may speak on their own behalf for a kid in situations
involving court appearances or completing of legal
papers. This is significant to remember that a number of
circumstances, including separation and divorce,
custody agreements, or situations when the authorities’
steps in to ensure the wellbeing of the child, may have
an impact on the legal status and privileges of the
guardian and parents. This is important to reference the
particular rules of the appropriate country for complete
details because rules regulating obligations and rights of
parents may vary between countries.

List three examples of basic human Everyone is endowed with certain essential entitlements
rights. just for being alive. These rights are known as basic
rights for people. These are many different rights
related to humans, but here are three categories:
entitled to life A basic human right, the fundamental right
to life affirms each person's inalienable right to life and
safeguards them against wilful deprived of it. Authorities
are required to take action to safeguard citizens against
wrongful deaths, as well as to look into and hold those
accountable for such crimes accountable. This
fundamental freedom serves as the cornerstone for the
rest of human rights. The liberty to communicate one's
views, beliefs, and beliefs sans hindrance or concern for
repercussions is guaranteed under the right to freedom
of speech. The rights to freedom of opinion, press,
gathering, and organisation are all included in this right,
enabling people to engage in public conversation and
raise their voices.

Outcome Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


2. Explain each of the following types of advocacy.

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CHCADV002 Provide advocacy and representation services

Self People who are self-advocates stand up for one another,

make their needs known, demand their freedoms, and take
charge of their own life. It entails giving people the freedom
to express themselves, take part in making decisions, and
claim their own independence. Self-advocacy is especially
important for people with impairments, oppressed groups, or
anybody having trouble obtaining their legal or financial
rights. It strives to encourage inclusiveness, increase
independence, and make sure that people actively
participate in creating the lifestyles they want.

Individual Individual advocacy is the act of speaking up on behalf to a

particular person to deal with their particular needs, worries,
or interests. A person's advocate serves as the individual or
group they are fighting for representation, ally, or mentor.
Knowledge may be given, systems and amenities may be
used for navigation, communications may be facilitated, and
assets or assistance may be accessed with their help.
Individual advocacy is frequently used when a person is the
target of prejudice, finds obstacles to receiving products and
services, or needs help navigating complicated systems like
those in the medical, educational, or social assistance

Systems To tackle systemic problems and advance equitable

treatment and justice, organizations advocating focuses on
arguing for enhancements or modifications in broader
systems, regulations, or organizations. By confronting and
changing the mechanisms that support injustice or exclude
particular people, it seeks to have a long-lasting influence.
As a means of swaying the general public and influencing
changes in the systems champions may try to enact new
laws, amend existing ones, launch education initiatives,
organize local communities, or participate in public debate.
Any field where comprehensive reform is required, including
human rights, social justice, healthcare, education, and the
justice system as a whole, can be addressed through
systems advocacy.

Citizen Citizens' advocacy refers to people or organizations

promoting the rights, welfare, and desires of a specific
neighborhood, belonging, thus or society at large. It
highlights the value of participating in civic life and working
together to overcome social issues and advance the
common good. Advocates for people may take part in
endeavors including movement building, advocacy, civic
engagement, education campaigns, and public
consciousness raising. Thus work to articulate the opinions

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CHCADV002 Provide advocacy and representation services

and issues of the group they are representing, along with

hold policymakers responsible for respecting the freedoms
and well-being of constituents.

Family advocacy Family advocacy is concerned with standing up for the

interests and rights of households, especially in relation to
things like the healthcare, legal, educational, and social
frameworks. Family supporters make it their mission to
make sure that households have the assistance, resources,
and morale they need to succeed and overcoming obstacles.
They could offer advice, assistance, and psychological
assistance to households, help homes and vendors of
services communicate, and promote laws and procedures
that enhance family. Parents serve a crucial role in
campaigning for those they cherish in an assortment of
circumstances, including special education, child welfare,
disabilities, and healthcare systems.

Outcome Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


3. Explain each of the following advocacy functions.

Raising awareness Raising awareness is a crucial component of lobbying work

that entails enlightening and enlightening people, groups, or
members of the public about certain problems, difficulties, or
abuses. The objective is to improve awareness and
comprehension, foster sympathy and assistance, and inspire
actions. Advocates use a variety of techniques to spread
understanding, including outdoor advertising, social media,
neighbourhood gatherings, and educational programs.
Increasing awareness helps provide the groundwork for larger
advocacy activities by emphasizing the significance of a
problem, expressing personal experiences, and disseminating
pertinent information. It also motivates people to get involved
with the problem at hand.

Acting Advocacy work requires engaging in action directly or

participating in initiatives that aim to affect changes or deal with
a specific issue. This might be planning strikes, meetings, or
marches to raise awareness of a cause, pleading with
legislators or other elected officials to modify legislation, or
using unlawful action to protest unfair laws or procedures.
Being an advocate frequently entails organizing people,
groups, or organizations to work together to promote specific
goals. Advocates show their dedication to the issue and work
to make lasting improvements by actively participating in

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Writing Writing persuasive stories, policy papers, reports, letters, or

op-eds to express significant points of view, support
contentions, and persuade individuals or others is an essential
lobbying activity. Literature is a tool used by advocates to
explain the importance of a topic, offer fact-based analysis,
suggest legislative changes, or share intimate accounts that
connect with those reading it. Writing that is successful has a
critical role in influencing public sentiment, bringing about
modifications to legislation, and recording advocacy activities.
It also serves to enlighten, convince, and motivate

Outcome Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


4. Complete the following table about community consultation and decision making.

List three list three ways of consulting Surveys and questionnaires: Asking members of the
with the community. public for thoughts and ideas via polls or
questionnaires is a widespread practice. In order to get
feedback on suggested measures or regulations,
supporters might create surveys that address specific
topics or concerns. Electronic or physical distribution
options for surveys enable a diverse portrayal of local
voices. The information gathered can help advocate
methods and show the viewpoints of the community.

Meetings at the community or municipal halls:

Hosting gatherings or social events offers a forum for
open discussion and involvement with community
people. These occasions can be set up as open
discussion boards, roundtable talks, or participatory
seminars, giving people in the community the chance
to voice their opinions, pose queries, and provide
suggestions on subjects important to the advocacy
activities. This face-to-face communication increases
community involvement of the process of decision-
making, connections, and a feeling of inclusion. Focus
group discussions are tiny mediated conversations
with individuals of the neighbourhood who have similar
traits or backgrounds. By choosing volunteers from a
variety of population groupings, educational levels, or
interest organizations, campaigners may assemble a
wide spectrum of viewpoints. Discussion groups
enable comprehensive debate of certain subjects,
giving supporters a better understanding of the
requires, worries, and interests of the people they
serve. The data acquired can influence lobbying

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tactics and procedures for making decisions.

By integrating the many viewpoints, situations, and

How does community consultation
requirements of those who live there into the
assist with decision making? procedure, input from the community serves a crucial
role in choices. These are a few ways that decision-
making is aided by public discussion: Community
consultation makes guarantee that decision-making
procedures are fair and open. Decision-makers may
include an extensive spectrum of opinions, especially
those who could be disadvantaged or underutilized, by
actively asking for feedback from those in the
community. Since choices are taken with the
assistance and involvement of people who are going to
be personally affected by them in their final days this
inclusion generates a feeling of control and legality.
Enhanced grasp: Decision-makers' grasp of the
requirements, issues, and ambitions of the
neighbourhood is increased as a result of stakeholder
engagement. Decision-makers get perspectives into
the daily lives, difficulties, and goals of individuals in
the community via direct interaction and discourse.
Decision-makers are able to meet the particular
requirements of their constituents by making more
educated and culturally relevant decisions thanks to
this insight.

Finding Diverse Solutions: Engaging fellow citizens in

the development of concepts and remedies increases
diversity. Participating in the process of decision-
making allows for the inclusion of many viewpoints,
areas of knowledge, and life lessons. This variety of
viewpoints can result in creative and comprehensive
approaches that would not have been conceived of
differently. The variety of viable alternatives is
widened through feedback from the public, which also
aids in the selection of those that are most efficient and
long-lasting options by executives.
Building Trust and Relationships: Participating in
consultation with the community helps individuals and
members of the public develop trust. People are more
likely to feel trusted and legitimate in the process of
making choices when they believe that their opinions
are valued and acknowledged. For effective
leadership and cooperation, faith is essential.
Community involvement may help individuals build
ties, advance openness, and establish credibility,
increasing acceptance and backing for the chosen
course of action.

Outcome Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


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5. Explain why as an advocate that it is important to be aware of industry and government

processes and culture.

Understanding business, governmental, and cultural practices is essential for a representative

for various causes:

Successful Advocacy Strategy: Advocates can create successful advocacy strategies by

comprehending business and governmental procedures. It assists them in navigating
administrative systems, locating important those making decisions, and comprehending the
processes and channels used to make choices. Knowing the processes allows advocates to
carefully organize their political campaigns, focus on the right stakeholders, and select the best
ways to affect change. For instance, knowing about legislative procedures and the functions of
different groups and politicians enables promotes to influence the manner in which decisions
are made by effectively timing how they participate, providing appropriate details, and
communicating their argument.

Decision-Making Influences: Particular customs, cultures, and standards frequently have an

impact on business and governmental processes. Advocates may craft their statements and
reasoning to appeal to individuals through being mindful of these aspects. Activists may
structure their advocacy in a way that is more probable to be comprehended, approved, and
taken properly by business executives and elected officials by comprehending the social
context in which choices are made. For example, when promoting environmental initiatives,
knowing what is important to the majority of decision-makers in the public and private sectors
can help promotes present their cases in an approach that highlights the financial gains or is
consistent with goals for sustainability, expanding the possibility that their cause will be

Industry and governmental procedures are frequently complicated, and being knowledgeable of
them aids advocates in identifying future difficulties and possibilities. Advocates can see
possible obstacles like administrative barriers, partisanship, or corporate opposition and create
plans of action to get through them. The ability to recognize moments of chances, including
policy assessments, meetings with the public, or parliamentary cycles, when their lobbying
activities may have a stronger influence is another benefit from comprehending the procedures
and environment.

Supporters may effectively achieve their political aims by anticipating potential obstacles and
taking advantage of advantageous situations.

Building Credibility and competence: Advocates increase their trustworthiness and competence
by showcasing their familiarity with business and governmental procedures. When individuals
and other participants are aware of the subtleties and complexities of the mechanisms at play,
they will be more inclined to take champions carefully. Advocates are more credible sources of
data and trustworthy making decisions partners when they are knowledgeable with industry
rules, laws and regulations, and processes implemented by governments. Advocacy may
participate in productive debates, offer reliable data, and put-up workable ideas when they have
a thorough awareness of the pertinent regulations, legislation, as well as business practices.

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With decision-makers' trust increased, their lobbying activities are more likely to be taken

Outcome Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


6. List three key points to consider when negotiating for a client to support them.

Client's Interests and Objectives: Identifying and coordinating with your customer's desires and
goals should be your first concern. Spend some time getting to know your customer so you
can understand their fundamental requirements, objectives, and objectives. What results do
they hope the talks will produce? We may speak up on the side of the customer and bargain in
a way that aligns with their particular needs and goals if you have a clear grasp of their
priorities. For instance, if you're discussing a commercial agreement, knowing the customer's
economic and tactical objectives will make it easier for you to concentrate on obtaining
advantageous conditions, such price, payment conditions, or performance assurances that
support their business objectives. Information and preparation: To negotiate successfully with
the help of the customer, you must be well-prepared. assemble all pertinent data and facts
concerning the deal. Recognizing the stance, objectives, and possible challenges of the other
side is part of this. Evaluate market trends, do research, and acquire any supporting
information that can help your customer's case. By becoming adequately prepared, you can
foresee possible problems, create compelling evidence, and react to situations during the
negotiating process. The competence and skill displayed at this level of readiness might
increase the confidence of your consumers in your abilities to help them. Win-Win Solutions
and Creativity: It's critical to enter discussions with the goal of locating solutions that benefit
everyone in mind. Aim for solutions that satisfy the customer's demands as well as the desires
of the other party. Search for points of agreement and potential compromises that will be
advantageous to all sides. Partnership may be facilitated and deadlocks can be resolved by
using creativity and flexibility to explore new ideas. Explore alternatives like compromising,

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coming up with inventive solutions, or looking at other agreement structures. One may assist
your customer's objectives while establishing connection and maintaining fruitful relationships
that last through remaining open to creative ideas and displaying a willingness to create
positive results.

Outcome Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


7. Explain the function of the community services and health industry.

The promotion of the social security, assistance, and happiness of people and their
neighbourhoods is made possible in large part by the community activities and medical
company operations. Its mission is to offer a variety of services, initiatives, and solutions to
meet the many needs and difficulties that individuals and groups encounter across the fields of
wellness, social stability, and growth in the community. These are some of the major jobs that
the neighbourhood services and healthcare sector perform:

Development of well-being and the avoidance of diseases and injuries in neighbourhoods are
two of the business's main responsibilities. This entails activities including medical education
programs, outreach initiatives that immunizations, examinations, other lifestyle changes. The
sector seeks to better the health of the community generally, lessen the strain on medical
facilities, as well as enhance people's quality of life by emphasizing preventive. Service
Delivery: In order to meet the various needs of people and their communities, the public
services and health sector offers a wide range of services. Mainstream healthcare, emotional
support, elderly care, services for those with disabilities, welfare for kids, psychotherapy,
treatment, and assistance for people with disabilities may all fall under this category. Advocacy
and Policy Development: The community activities and health sector frequently act as a
spokesperson for individuals and neighbourhoods, seeking to change laws and other structures
that have an effect on the well-being and health of people. Recognizing social challenges,

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emphasizing economic shortages, and promoting change at the regional, state, and federal
levels are all part of this. In order to support regulations that advance fairness, equality, and
improved medical results, the health care sector conducts research, analyses data, and
develops legislation.

Community Development and Empowerment: Communities growth and empowerment is an

additional essential function played by the sector. To discover community requirements, assets,
and assets, it entails collaborating with community individuals, organizations, and partners.
The sector backs social inclusion campaigns, building capacities applications, and community-
led projects that provide individuals and groups with the power to take control of their own
health and well-being.

Outcome Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


8. List at least four different sectors of the community services and health industry.

The community services and medical sector is broad and includes a number of industries that
collaborate to promote the wellbeing of individuals and their neighbourhoods. Four distinct areas of
the community services and health sector are listed below:

Healthcare Sector: The community services and health business include a large portion of the
healthcare sector. It consists of an extensive variety of healthcare facilities, including hospitals,
skilled nursing facilities, clinics, and physician's offices. To provide people who require medical
evaluations, medication, and medical services, medical personnel including healthcare
providers, nurses, health care workers, and engineers operate in this industry.

Sector of Social Services: The sector of social assistance is focused on giving individuals and
neighbourhoods societal assistance, welfare, and help. It comprises companies and groups
that provide services including those in the fields of family and paediatric welfare, elder care,
assistance for people with disabilities, psychological offerings, psychotherapy, emergency
response, and initiatives for community development. Amongst those who are employed in this
field are community service providers, psychological psychologists, case administrators, and
others. Non-profit and Volunteer Groups: The human services and healthcare industries greatly
benefit from the work of charity and volunteer groups. These organisations' objectives are to

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serve disadvantaged groups and respond to certain particular needs in society. They could
concentrate on issues including training, lobbying, empowering communities, violence against
women, being without a home and unemployment. NGOs, neighbourhood centres,
associations for advocacy, and community groups are a few instances.

Government Agencies: Local, state, and federal governments at all levels make a considerable
contribution to the community services and healthcare sectors. These organizations create and
carry out laws, rules, and plans meant to enhance social welfare, community welfare, and
general well-being. They frequently collaborate with other groups to meet community needs,
and they may offer funding, supervision, and coordination of services across sectors.

Outcome Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


9. Explain how representation and advocacy differs to decision-making on behalf of a client or a

service provider.

In terms of their goals and functions inside the framework of the community service and health
business, lobbying and advocacy are distinct from making decisions on their behalf for a client
or a service provider. Here is a description of the variations: Working on the behalf of an
individual or a group to protect their objectives, worries, and liberties is known as lobbying. It is
the act representing speaking or performing on behalf of another group, promoting their
interests and goals. A spokesperson or champion often functions as a voice for individuals or
neighbourhoods who might have obstacles or difficulties in communicating their individual
interests in the neighbourhood services or healthcare sector.

Focus: The main goal of representative is to make ensuring that both the client's or the
organization being representer’s worries, liberties, and objectives are properly articulated and
taken into account. The point of contact serves as a conduit among the client and those who
make decisions bodies, expressing the client's viewpoints and promoting the client's preferred

The representative's job is to comprehend and communicate the requirements, preferences,

and objectives of the consumer or group. They discuss their customers or those who they
represent as they acquire data, have conversations, and come to choices. They want to make
certain that clients' opinions are heard and taken into account when making decisions.

Advocacy: On the opposite hand, advocacy entails proactively advancing the rights, desires,
and welfare of individuals or communities. In order to improve the lives of the individuals they
represent, advocates fight to confront unjust customs, solve persistent issues, and bring about

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good change. They work to provide individuals and communities with the power to speak up,
express their freedoms, and get the help and resources they need.

Focus: The goal of campaigning is to eliminate structural impediments, inequality, and larger
societal problems. It tries to have an impact on laws, procedures, and practices that have an
impact on people's rights and general welfare. The goal of advocacy work is to improve the
circumstances and results for the individuals for whom it is being done.

Role: Advocates proactively Endeavor to advance the cause of social justice, increase the
public's understanding, gather funding, and take part in initiatives that combat prejudice and
advance inclusion. To promote change and further the interests of the people or communities
they serve, they could take part in activities like campaigning, grassroots organizing, outreach
campaigns, or legal proceedings.

Making Decisions on a Client's or Service Provider's Behalf: Making judgments on the part of a
client or provider of services, on the other hand, entails doing so in a way that best serves the
customer's or the company's interests. Experts, executives, or executives in the neighbourhood
services and healthcare sector can take up this decision-making position.

Determining the best course of action while taking into account variables like client demands,
policies regarding distribution of resources, and moral or legal concerns is the main goal of
making choices on behalf of a client or supplier of services.

Role: Those in charge of making conclusions for the benefit of the customer or supplier collect
knowledge, evaluate possibilities, and reach judgments that are in the consumer's or the
company's best interest. They could take into account things like the resources at hand, the
expert's skills, the personal tastes of the clients, and pertinent rules or norms.

Outcome Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

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10. Outline a simple step by step process that can be followed for both individual advocacy and
group advocacy.

Process of individual advocacy:

Beginning by recognizing the particular problem or difficulty the person you are supporting is facing.
They may have had their rights violated, been denied the use of services, or received unjust
treatment. Recognize their issues and objectives with clarity.

Obtain Information Gather pertinent data and facts about the problem. Investigate any relevant laws,
rules, or regulations. Recognize the person's rights and the choices at your disposal to resolve the

Identify Options: Consider several solutions and approaches to the problem. Think about each
choice's possible influence, practicality, and legality. Engage the person in discussion and the
decision-making process.

Create a plan of action: Make a thorough action plan stating the measures to be performed to
represent the person. Establish the main points, the intended audience, and the precise actions to
be performed. Timelines and goals should be reasonable.

Process for Group Advocacy:

Create a coalition by finding compatible people, businesses, or neighbourhood associations that

have a similar mission or purpose. Create a coalition or group and work together to promote

Define the objectives and goals: The advocacy group's aims and objectives must be made very
clear. Establish your target audience or the decision-makers you want to influence, as well as the
precise results you wish to attain.

Study and Support: Gather information and data to back up your advocacy efforts. Gather facts,
figures, and tales that illustrate the necessity for and effects of change.

Creating a Strategy Make a strategic plan outlining the group's intended messages, actions, and
activities. Set a timetable for implementation and assign tasks and duties to the group.

Create Alliances and Relationships: Make contact with community people, decision-makers, and key
stakeholders who can help your cause. To increase the impact of your advocacy activities, establish
connections, network, and work together with other groups or organizations.

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Outcome Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


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CHCADV002 Provide advocacy and representation services

Assessment Task 1: Checklist

Student’s name:

Did the student provide a Completed successfully?

sufficient and clear answer
that addresses the Yes No
suggested answer for the

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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CHCADV002 Provide advocacy and representation services

Assessment Task 2: Project

Information for students

In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by providing formal
advocacy and representation services to two individual clients or client groups and evaluating the
effectiveness of these service. You will complete and submit a Project Portfolio.
You will need access to:

 two individual clients or client groups

 your learning resources and other information for reference

 Portfolio template

 Simulation Pack.

Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Community
Services Works Student User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

i Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in
Appendix A of the Community Services Works Student User Guide. Refer to the
appendix for information on:

 where this task should be completed

 the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task

 whether or not this task is open-book.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

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CHCADV002 Provide advocacy and representation services

Complete the following activities:

1. Carefully read the following information.

This assessment task requires you to provide advocacy and representation

services to individual clients or client groups. You can base the assessment on real
individuals or client groups that you come across at work or during a work
placement. However, the assessment tasks that you will complete will be
completed as a simulated assessment.
Carefully review the CHCADV002 Simulation Pack for guidance. Speak to your
assessor to get approval for the individuals or client groups that you have decided
to base your assessment on.
Read through the requirements of Section 1 and 2 of your Project Portfolio.

2. Advocacy and representation services preparation.

In this first part of the assessment, you are to prepare to provide advocacy and
representation services to your chosen clients/groups. This involves meeting with
individuals and key groups (a small group of students) who you will consult with to
establish the overall strategy for advocacy and representation services you will
provide, as well as roles in providing advocacy and representation services and
The individuals and key groups will be other students from your group who have
chosen clients or client groups that align with the ones you have chosen and who
you can form strategic alliances with, as well as cooperate with in regards to
committees/board of management. Carefully review the Simulation Pack for these
details. Your assessor will provide you with a date and time on which you will
complete this meeting.
Prepare for the meeting by documenting your proposed role and processes in
relation to each individual client or group, as well as your ideas on strategic
alliances.. Work on Section 1 of your Portfolio, answering the detailed questions
about preparing for the representative role and processes, as well as strategic

Get ready for the next activity step which will be to meet with the small group of
students to present your work and to brainstorm ideas for strategic alliances. During
this meeting the other students in your group will also present their work on
representative roles and processes so make sure you input into this too.

3. Advocacy and representation services meeting.

You are now to meet with the students you have identified and present the work
that you completed in the previous activity. You are to seek fellow student’s support
for the representative roles and processes you are recommending, as well as

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CHCADV002 Provide advocacy and representation services

brainstorm ideas for strategic alliances.

Complete Section 1 of your Portfolio by documenting the feedback and ideas from
your meeting in Section 1 of your Portfolio.

4. Advocacy and representation services.

In this part of the assessment you will work on providing advocacy and services as
per your preparation. This will be in the form of a presentation about all of the
issues and concerns your selected services users are facing. You are to assume
your presentation is for decision makers and that you are seeking their input and
Develop your presentation as per the detailed instructions in your Portfolio. In the
next activity step you will provide your presentation to decision makers (who will be
another small group of students – different to the other group you worked with so as
to be “independent decision makers”).
Remember as part of this work to identify potential areas of conflict and strategies
that you can use to address this as you will need to use these at the presentation.

Work on Section 2 of your Portfolio.

5. Advocacy and representation services presentation.

You are now to present the work that you completed in the previous activity,
seeking the input and support of decision makers.
Following your presentation you are to evaluate the effectiveness of the
presentation you provided, as well as any adjustments you need to make moving
forward. This will involve reviewing all the work you have completed, as well as
assessing the information included in your Simulation Pack.

Complete Section 2 of your Portfolio.

6. Submit your completed Project Portfolio.

Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all
questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and
grammar as necessary. Remember to submit all necessary attachments as

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CHCADV002 Provide advocacy and representation services

Assessment Task 2: Checklist

Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Provided formal advocacy and

representation services to 2 individual
clients or client groups?

For each client or client group, identify

and report on:

 the overall strategy for the

advocacy and representation

 own role and others’ role including

committees and management board

 processes for advocacy and

representation services

 conditions of representation?

Consult with individuals and key groups

on overall strategy, roles, processes and
conditions of representation for each
client or client group?

Identify and seek the support of key

people and develop strategic alliances?

Determine and implement requirements

for reporting, accountability and
evaluation as relevant to advocacy and
representation services?

Identify relevant interests and concerns

to be pursued as per the organisation’s
objectives and priorities?

Undertake work to provide a framework

for pursuing promotion of relevant

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CHCADV002 Provide advocacy and representation services

Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

interests for each client or client group?

Create and respond to opportunities to

reflect, promote and represent identified
interests of each client or client group?

Determine the potential impact

developments and decisions will have on
objectives and priorities and how
success will be measured?

Provide progress and other reports and

feedback to key people as per
requirements indicated?

Communicate and promote purpose and

objectives of representation and
advocacy services?

Promote and facilitate collaborative

planning and action?

Identify potential areas of conflict that

can arise and identify and implement
strategies to address them?

Evaluated the effectiveness of strategies

used, including analysing actual work
outcomes against agreed objectives and
priorities and reporting on these?

Implement adjustments to strategy

according to the evaluation?

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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CHCADV002 Provide advocacy and representation services

Student Overall Assessment Record Sheet

This form is to be completed by the assessor and used a final record of student competency.

All student submissions including any associated checklists (outlined below) are to be attached to this cover sheet before
placing on the student’s file.

Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed and attached to
this form.

Qualification Code and Title

Student Name:

Student ID No:

Final Completion Date:

Unit Code and Title

Term Year Date Assessed

Please attach the following documentation to this form Result

Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions S NYS DNS

Assessment 2 S NYS DNS
Observation Checklist

Final Assessment Result for this unit C NYC

C=Competent NYC= Not Yet Competent S= Satisfactory NYS= Not Yet Satisfactory DNS= Did Not Submit


Any Adjustment Made to The Assessment:

Student Declaration: I declare that this work has been completed by me

honestly and with integrity and that I have been assessed in a fair and Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair,
flexible manner. I understand that the Institute’s Student Assessment, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment with this student, and I
Reassessment and Repeating Units of Competency Guidelines apply to have provided appropriate feedback.
these assessment tasks.
Name: _________________________________
Name: ____________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________
Signature: _________________________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____
Date: ____/_____/_____

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