UNIT 6 Words

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Daunting – bauginantis Burned down – sudegė

Ferociously hot – labai karšta Ripped off – apgauti

It‘s a jungle out there – chaotiška Passes for – tinka
Stands you in good stead – duoti šansą Head off – išvykti
Tick-box exercise – žymėjimasis/žaidimas, Pass on – parduoti
kur buvai Fit in with – prisitaikyti prie
Going with the flow – ekspromtu Check on – pasižiūrėti
Soaking up the local atmosphere – mėgautis Bank on – atsiskaityti
tuo, kur esi
BOAT/SHIP: cruise (kruizas), embarkation (įlipti į), pier (prieplauka), quayside (krantinė).
CAR: boot (bagažinė), bypass (aplinkkelis), gear stick (pavarų svirtis), roundabout (žiedas).
PLANE: aisle (praėjimas tarp vietų), gate (vartai), jet lag (nuovargis), overhead locker (daiktadėžės).
TRAIN/UNDERGROUND: buffet car (vagonas restoranas), express (greitasis traukinys), platform
(peronas), sleeper (miegamasis vagonas).

Shimmering – mirguliuoti
Seaside resort – pajūrio kurortas Towering sand dune – aukšta smėlio kopa
Settlements – gyvenvietė Shrouded – apgaubtas
Reefs – rifas Recede – nutolinti
Haunting beauty – užburiantis grožis Clangs – skambėti
Primeval – pirmapradis Slackens – sulėtinti
Weather-beaten – darganų veikiamas Twinkling – šviesti/mirksėti
Tinge – atspalvis

Trundles – rieda
Roamed – klajoti Game drives – medžioklė
Wheeling – sukti ratus Tuck into – godžiai valgyti
Stagger – svirduliuoti Tuck into game – žvėriena
Trotted – žingsniuoti Convergence – susiliejimas
Bound – šuoliuoti Suspended in midair – kybantis/kabantis
Chugging – pukši Hostile – atšiaurus.
Flutters – plazdenti

Words with -ever Phrases with ever

You can form words by adding -ever to who, what,  ever meaning all the time in compound
which, how, where and when. These can be used in expressions: ever- increasing, ever-present,
a number of different ways: ever-larger, etc.
 in questions to give emphasis,  ever so, ever such meaning very in
 to emphasise that the specific time, person, informal English: She's ever so nice. She's
etc. doesn't matter ever such a nice girl.
 in short answers,  as ever meaning as always happens: As
 as an informal and often disrespectful ever, Jack was late
response to say you won't try to change  ever used for emphasis in comparisons: the
someone's mind (only whatever). best ever, wider than ever, etc.
Try it/give it a go
Looked after/kept an eye on
Persuaded/swung it for
Priority/bottom line
Difficult/hard going
Rely on sth/sb = bank on sth/sb
Destroyed by fire = burned down
Investigate sth/sb = check on sth/sb
Is accepted, often wrongly, as sth/sb = passes for sth/sb
Adapt to sth/sb = fit in with
Leave = head off
Communicate = pass on
Charged too much money = ripped off
-able -ful -ing -ive -y
Bearable mindful relative Flappy
Respectful Handy
-able/-ible -ful -ing -ive -y
divisible delightful dwindling competitive Grassy
Variable forceful decisive stony
varying divisive

Accept a situation and not try to change it = go with the flow
Good advice = words of wisdom
It’s loud and busy there = it’s jungle out there
Be useful = stand you in good stead
Sth you do just to say you have done it = tick-box exercise
Enjoy a place by watching it = soaking up the local atmosphere
Very tall = towering
Disappear = recede
Covered = shrouded
Shining = twinkling
Reduces = slackens
Rings = clangs

Play it by ear improvise
Take a dip have a swim
Get away from it all escape your normal routine
Get off the beaten track go where few people go
Travel on a shoestring not spend much money on a trip
Pinch yourself convince yourself sth is real
Roll up arrive
Use your time wisely not waste time
1. We had a great time. I went white-water rafting, bungee-jumping, gliding, and I even learnt how to
2. This is a very popular kind of holiday. Basically, you pay for your flight, hotel accommodation and
airport transfers before you leave, and then all you need to worry about when you get to your chosen
destination are day-to-day expenses. PACKAGE HOLIDAY
3. We found a sheltered spot in the corner of the site and started to set up our tent. Unfortunately, we
discovered that we had left the pegs at home! CAMPING HOLIDAY
4. Our cabin was very cramped, but we didn’t mind too much as we spent most of our time on the deck
and taking advantage of the ship’s restaurants, bars and other facilities. CRUISE
5. We had a beautiful chalet at the foot of the slopes, and it was only a fifteen-minute cable-car journey
to the top of the piste. SKIING HOLIDAY
6. At dusk we came to a watering hole where the animals had gathered to drink. The guide told us to
stay in the jeep for our own safety, and also to prevent us frightening off the animals. SAFARI
7. The youth hostel was basic but clean, as everybody had to take off their boots before going inside. Of
course, after a long day marching over muddy fields, these were absolutely filthy. HIKING
8. We put on some warm clothes and a lifejacket and got onto the yacht. Unfortunately, we didn't get
any further than the harbour as there was no wind! SAILING HOLIDAY
9. We spent a week in London and tried to see as much of it as possible; Buckingham Palace, the
Tower of London, Trafalgar Square, you name it, we saw it. I must have taken hundreds of pictures.
10. We paid £850 for the holiday. That price included flights, transfers, accommodation at a resort,
entertainment and all our food and drinks. ALL-INCLUSIVE HOLIDAY

Slept on the deck – miegoti denyje

On the platform – perone
In the departure-lounge – išvykimo salėje
The coach-station – geležinkelio stotis
The boat left the harbour – laivas išplaukė iš uosto
A buffet on the train – restoranas traukinyje
First-class cabin – pirmos klasės kajutė
Luggage didn’t reach its destination – bagažas nepasiekė tikslo
Queue of cars on the quay – automobilių eilė prieplaukoje
On the runway – ant kilimo/tūpimo tako

Plane was delayed The plane took off

Give the crew a pay-rise I bought a single ticket
Plane has just landed Two weeks/a fortnight
Enjoy your flight Anywhere to stay/accommodation
Their plane was diverted Get lifts in other people’s cars/hitch-hike
Packing my last suitcase Room for two people/double
Fasten your seat belt Private house where you pay to stay and have
Have to check in meals/guest-house
Duty free must be declared Reserve/book
On the plane a stewardess Place to put our tent/camp-site
Free one/vacancy
Place for students to stay/hostel Person who carried our bags in the hotel/porter

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