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Chapter 8

1. List and describe the four different ways of modifying behavior.

- Positive Reinforcement - rewards or incentives for good behavior.

- Positive Punishment - administering something aversive after misbehavior.
- Negative Reinforcement – rewards desired behavior by taking away something aversive.
- Negative Punishment - stopping bad behavior by taking away something good.

2. What are the schedules of reinforcement? Provide examples of how to apply each to a
real situation.

- Reinforcement isn’t just about giving a reward; it is also important to give out
reinforcements at certain intervals. This is called a reinforcement schedule
- fixed-ratio reinforcement - example is everytime a a kindergarten student got a star from
the school have a surprise gift from his mother
- fixed interval reinforcement – a Sunday school teacher giving reward to her student
every Sunday they meet.
- Variable interval reinforcement – mother checking her son while the son is doing his
- Variable ratio reinforcement – a person always trying his luck in playing Lotto expecting
to win .

3. Describe the process of classical conditioning and how it applies to everyday life

- If you pair a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus that already triggers an
unconditioned response that neutral stimulus will become a conditioned stimulus
triggering a conditioned response similar to the original unconditioned response.

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