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Data Structure - Assignment

1. What is an algorithm? What are the characteristics of an algorithm? What do

you mean by efficiency of an algorithm?
2. Write an algorithm and program to create an array of n integer elements and
apply traverse operation on it.
3. Write an algorithm and program to create an array of n integer elements and
apply insert operation on it.
4. Write an algorithm and program to create an array of n integer elements and
apply delete operation on it.
5. Write an algorithm and program to create an array of n integer elements and
search an element through linear search technique.
6. Write an algorithm and program to create an array of n integer elements and
search an element through binary search technique.
7. Write an algorithm and program to sort an array through Bubble Sort
8. Write an algorithm and program to sort an array through Insertion Sort
9. Write an algorithm and program to sort an array through Selection Sort
10.Write an algorithm and program to sort an array through Merge Sort
11.Write an algorithm and program to sort an array through Quick Sort
12.Write an algorithm to sort an array through Radix Sort technique.
13.Write an algorithm to sort an array through Heap Sort technique.
14.Write algorithm and program to perform the operations like - push, pop and
show elements in a stack through array.
15.Write algorithm and program to perform the operations like - push, pop and
show elements in a stack through link list.
16.Write algorithms and programs to perform the operations like - insert, delete
and show elements in a simple queue.
17.Write algorithm and program to implement circular queue.
18.Write algorithms and programs for creating link list and apply operations
such as insert after, insert before, delete after, delete before and delete
particular element in the given link list.
19.Write an algorithm to reverse a single link list.
20.Write an algorithm to sort a link list.
21.Write an algorithm to create a binary search tree and perform operations like
insert elements, in-order, preorder and post-order traversing of binary search
22.Write an algorithm to create a max heap tree with some elements given by
the user.
23. Write an algorithm to perform BFS and DFS on graphs.

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