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Hook is a 1991 American fantasy film directed by Steven Spielberg.

The film star s Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman, Julia Roberts, Bob Hoskins, and features Maggi e Smith, Caroline Goodall, Charlie Korsmo, Amber Scott, and Dante Basco. Hook ac ts as a sequel to Peter Pan's original adventures, focusing on a grown-up Peter who has forgotten his childhood. Now known as "Peter Banning", he is a successfu l corporate lawyer with a wife and two children. Captain Hook kidnaps his two ch ildren, and he must return to Neverland and reclaim his youthful spirit as Peter Pan in order to challenge his old enemy. Spielberg began developing the film in the early-1980s with Walt Disney Producti ons and Paramount Pictures, which would have followed the storyline seen in the 1953 animated film and 1924 silent film. Peter Pan entered pre-production in 198 5, but Spielberg abandoned the project. James V. Hart developed the script with director Nick Castle and TriStar Pictures before Spielberg decided to direct in 1989. Hook was shot entirely on sound stages at Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City, California. Although receiving mixed reviews by critics at the time of its release, it was a success with audiences, grossing over $300 million worldwide, and was nominated for multiple categories at the 64th Academy Awards. It also s pawned merchandise, including video games and comic book adaptations. Contents [hide] * * * * * * * * * * 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 4 Themes 5 Soundtrack 6 Reception 7 See also 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External links

[edit] Plot Peter Banning (Robin Williams) is a mild-mannered corporate attorney whose relat ionship with his family, especially his two young children Jack (Charlie Korsmo) and Maggie (Amber Scott), is strained by continuous absences and broken promise s. His wife, Moira, (Caroline Goodall) struggles to keep them together and grows frustrated at Peter for his callous behavior. The family flies to London to vis it Moira's grandmother, Wendy Darling (Maggie Smith), who helped Peter find a fa mily when he was a young orphan. Upon arrival, they meet Tootles (Arthur Malet), Wendy's first orphan, now an eld erly gentleman who has "lost his marbles". Peter, Moira, and Wendy attend a cere mony for the expansion of Wendy's orphanage. While they are out, the children ar e abducted and a note is left for Peter by a James Hook. Wendy attempts to expla in to Peter that he is in fact Peter Pan and that his old nemesis, Captain Hook (Dustin Hoffman), has returned and taken his children for revenge, but he denies it and attempts to drink the idea away in his bed. Tinker Bell (Julia Roberts) appears before Peter that night and knocks him uncon scious and flies him to a pirate port in Neverland. There, he awakens in disbeli ef, and is discovered by Hook and his second in command Smee (Bob Hoskins), who threaten to harm the children unless he accepts Hook's challenge to a duel. Howe ver, Peter's failure to reach expectations disheartens Hook, who commands the cr ew to kill them all. Tinker Bell intervenes and is granted three days in which t o prepare Peter for a proper duel. Peter is accidentally knocked overboard and e ventually finds his way to the Lost Boys' hideout, now led by Peter's successor, Rufio (Dante Basco). The Lost Boys at first dismiss him as an old man who has n

o hope of regaining his former glory, but through their rigorous training and hi s own sparks of inspiration he begins to relearn the magic of Neverland. Meanwhile, Hook gets an idea from Smee to persuade Peter's children to love him more than Peter, so Hook makes a ploy for Maggie and Jack called "Why Parents Ha te Their Children". Maggie does not fall for the ploy, but Jack does when Hook u ses Jack's frustration over his father's continuous broken promises to steal his affection. Peter is heartbroken when he sees Hook treating Jack like a son, and becomes determined to win his family back. Stumbling upon his childhood home in a tree (destroyed by Hook), he finally remembers his past, learning how to fly by recalling his "happy thought": being a father. Peter regains the leadership o f the Lost Boys and they challenge Hook and his pirates in an all-out battle. Pe ter tries to take Jack back from Hook, but Jack refuses as he now has come to lo ok towards Hook as if he was his father and Hook challenges Peter to a fight. Ho wever, Peter soon regains Jack's love when Jack realizes what Hook is really lik e, after Hook kills Rufio in a fair duel. Peter then saves Maggie from Hook's pi rates. Peter and Hook engage in a climactic sword fight, and Hook is apparently killed when the Crocodile, which Hook has built into a massive clock tower, fall s on him. Jack and Maggie return home as Peter designates the largest member of the Lost Boys, Thud Butt (Raushan Hammond), the only other lost boy besides Rufi o whom Peter grew a connection to, as the new leader of the Lost Boys, and tells them to take care of everybody smaller than them, adding "Thank you for believi ng," as he leaves Neverland. Returning home, Peter finally realizes the love he has for his family and the im portance of having a youthful heart. Tootles is dismayed at missing the adventur e, but discovers pixie dust in his bag of lost marbles and uses it to go flying around London and back to Neverland. Wendy remarks to Peter that his adventures are now over, but Peter says, "To live would be an awfully big adventure." [edit] Cast See also: Characters of Peter Pan * Robin Williams as Peter Banning / Peter Pan: He has forgotten his childhoo d in Neverland, and becomes a successful corporate lawyer with a wife and two ki ds. Captain Hook kidnaps his two children, thus Peter Banning must reclaim his y outhful spirit as Peter Pan in order to challenge Hook. * Ryan Francis as young Peter Pan in Flashbacks * Dustin Hoffman as Captain Hook: A villainous pirate who has had a long ene my-relationship with Peter Pan. Hook's motives over the years after escaping fro m his death include revenge against Peter, by kidnapping his two children. * Julia Roberts as Tinker Bell: A fairy who helps Peter gain memory of his c hildhood and "happy thoughts". She is in love with Peter, but understands why he must continue his relationship with his family. * Charlie Korsmo as Jack Banning: Peter's son who begins to rebel against hi s father by looking towards Captain Hook as a father figure when Hook uses Jack' s frustration of his father's broken promises to turn him against Peter. * Amber Scott as Maggie Banning: Peter's daughter and Jack's younger sister who, after the kidnapping, does not fall under Hook's ploy of "why parents hate their children". * Bob Hoskins as Smee: Hook's henchman who creates the plan of trying to con vince Peter's children to "love" Hook. Hoskins also portrays a garbage sweeper i n Kensington Gardens. * Caroline Goodall as Moira Banning: Wendy's granddaughter, Peter's loving w ife, mother to Jack and Maggie and sister to the unseen Margaret. * Maggie Smith as Wendy Darling: After her adventures with Peter Pan, she be comes well-known for helping orphans. * Gwyneth Paltrow appears as young Wendy Darling in flashbacks. * Dante Basco as Rufio: Leader of the Lost Boys since Peter's departure from Neverland. Rufio is initially resentful of him but soon wishes he had a father like Peter. He is killed by Captain Hook during a duel.

* Arthur Malet as Tootles: A senile old man living with Wendy. A former Lost Boy, Tootles is also Wendy's "first orphan". Peter helps giving him the ability to fly by finding his lost marbles, which he left in Neverland. * Jasen Fisher and James Madio portray Lost Boys. Kelly Rowan makes a cameo appearance as Peter Pan's mother and Genesis vocalist Phil Collins appears brief ly as an English police inspector. More cameos include singers David Crosby and Jimmy Buffett as members of Hook's pirate crew, Nick Tate as a pirate who fights Peter Pan while taking away Maggie, and Glenn Close similarly appears as a male pirate who is punished by Hook. Filmmaker George Lucas and actress Carrie Fishe r appear as the couple accidentally sprinkled with fairy dust as Tinker Bell bri ngs Peter to Neverland. [edit] Production J. M. Barrie considered writing a story in which Peter Pan grew up; his 1920 not es for the latest stage revival of Peter Pan included possible titles for anothe r play: The Man Who Couldn't Grow Up or The Old Age of Peter Pan.[2] The genesis of Hook started when director Steven Spielberg's mother often read him Peter an d Wendy as a bedtime story. Spielberg explained in 1985, "When I was eleven year s old I actually directed the story during a school production. I have always fe lt like Peter Pan. I still feel like Peter Pan. It has been very hard for me to grow up, I'm a victim of the Peter Pan syndrome."[3] In the early 1980s, with Walt Disney Pictures, Spielberg began to develop the fi lm which would have closely followed the storyline of the 1953 animated film and 1924 silent film.[4] He also considered directing Peter Pan as a musical with M ichael Jackson in the lead.[5] The project was taken to Paramount Pictures, wher e James V. Hart wrote the first script with Dustin Hoffman already cast as Capta in Hook.[5] Peter Pan entered pre-production in 1985 for filming to begin at sou nd stages in England. Elliot Scott had been hired as production designer.[4] Wit h the birth of his first son, Max, in 1985, Spielberg decided to drop out. "I de cided not to make Peter Pan when I had my first child," Spielberg commented. "I didn't want to go to London and have seven kids on wires in front of blue screen s. I wanted to be home as a dad."[5] Around this time, Spielberg considered dire cting Big, which carried similar motifs and themes with Peter Pan.[5] In 1987, S pielberg "permanently abandoned" Peter Pan, feeling he expressed his childhood a nd adult themes in Empire of the Sun.[6]

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