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Christmas Prayer Service - 2023

Dear friends, we have gathered here to celebrate Christmas, the
birth of Jesus. The tradition of preparing Christmas crib, with a
manger began in Italy in the year 1223. St. Francis of Assisi
celebrated midnight mass at the hermitage in Greccio, re-enacting
the first Christmas at Bethlehem. Francis, with his companions
and friends, assembled a cast of live animals and people in a cave.
He then exhorted the people to reflect and meditate on the love of
God and the poor life Jesus lived in the Holy family of Nazareth.
Ever since, through the centuries, this custom of preparing crib has
continued. During Christmas, churches, religious communities,
institutions and families, all prepare the Christmas crib and
decorate their surroundings. Thus, the great love of God for
humanity he celebrated, and the birth of Jesus in the poorest living
conditions is recalled. Today, we too are here to reflect upon the
great love of Jesus as for us and his identification with the poor
and unprivileged in society. The birth of Jesus was a turning point
in human history - God becoming human. God became like one
of us, so that we may like God.
An anonymous Franciscan after reading Celano’s account of St.
Francis’ vision for a replica of Christ’s birthplace (His nursery &
first home) for midnight Mass at Greccio, Italy in 1223, I had
several questions. Why was the scene so bare? Where were the
people, especially Mary & St. Joseph? A gentle voice spoke to my
heart, “It contains only the most important elements. The
Stable/Animal Shelter is You/your heart; it is where Jesus wants
to be born. I know you are far from perfect and will provide
minimum shelter from the world outside but My original home
was in a similar state. The openness of the animal shelter was
important – it provided easy access between Me and the world – I
wanted nothing to keep us apart. The Ox represents the everyday
mundane burdens/chores of your life that you carry in your heart.
The Donkey, because he carried Mary & Baby Jesus from
Nazareth to Bethlehem & from there to Egypt, represents the
spiritual/religious portion of your life carried in your heart. I want
so much to be a part of your whole life – not just the
spiritual/religious. The Straw/The Hay, My original bed, provided
food & bedding for the animals & stuffed mattresses and had other
uses for the townsfolk. The bed is empty because I await your
invitation to enter. My great desire/My goal was, and still is, to
provide for all the needs of My people – the mundane, everyday
“stuff” as well as the spiritual/religious portions of your life, and
for the needs of all of creation.” Will you invite Me in? – I can’t
enter without being invited. Will you ask Me to stay with you
every day for the rest of your life? – for this I long. Will you bring
Me to others that I may provide for their needs, too.
Word of God:
Lk 2:8-16
As a response to the Word of God, let us pray the psalm

Ant. Christ is born for us; come, let us adore him.

Sing for joy to God our help;
with exultant voice raise to the Lord God
living and true a shout of joy
Because the Lord is the Most High,
the awesome,
great King over all the earth.
For the most holy father of heaven, our King before all ages,
sent from on high the beloved Son who was born of the Blessed Virgin,
Holy Mary.
He called out to God: You are my Father, and God placed him as the
firstborn, the highest above all earthly kings.
On that day the Lord sent mercy and song in the night.
This is the day the Lord had made; let us rejoice in it and be glad.
For to us is given the beloved child most holy, born for us along the way
and placed in a manger because there was no room for him at the inn.
Glory to the Lord God in the highest and on earth peace to those of good
Let heavens rejoice and earth exult, let the sea and all that is in it roar, let
fields and everything in them sing for joy.
Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth! For the Lord is
great and highly to be praised; more awesome than all gods.
Bring to the Lord, families of nations, bring to the Lord glory and honor,
bring to the Lord the glory due his name.
Cast off the weight of sin and take up the Lord’s holy cross, follow the
Lord’s most holy commands to the very end.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit: As it was in the
beginning, is now and will be forever. Amen.
Ant. Christ is born for us; come, let us adore him.
Christmas is all about that night when God came down into this
dark and sinful world to give himself to us in the form of a tiny
baby- Jesus. “Though he was in the form of God, He did not
regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but
emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human
likeness”. Through Christ, life has entered the world. For, “in him
was life, and the life was the light of all people”. Even as we are
gathered here in prayer, God comes down, to us and knocks on the
door of our hearts to give us His spirit, to give us His love, peace
and joy, and indeed his very self once again. Jesus is God’s gift to
each one of us. Two thousand years ago God sent a gift wrapped
in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. But we will never
experience Christmas joy until we unwrap that gift and personally
receive it. Let us open our hearts to Jesus who comes to us in the
form of a tiny baby from Bethlehem.
Hymn:-We long to see thee so
1.While they were there, in Bethlehem , the time came for her to
deliver her child. And she gave birth to her first born son and
wrapped him in bands of cloth , and laid him in a manger, because
there was no place for them in the inn. Lord, may we make room
for everyone in our lives regardless of who they are. Give us a
compassionate heart that cares for the poor, the needy and the less
privileged in society, for in them you are present
All: May the peace and joy of Christmas overflow to others
through our loving service
2. The Angel said to them. “Do not be afraid . for see. I am
bringing you good news of great joy for all the people. May the
celebration of Christmas bring joy to the world , to our homes and
each one of us.
All: May the peace and joy of Christmas overflow to others
through our loving service
3.And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the
heavenly host praising God and saying , Glory to God in the
highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favours.
Lord peace was your birthday gift and peace was your parting gift
to this troubled world . Make us agents of peace in a world torn
apart by war and violence .
All: May the peace and joy of Christmas overflow to others
through our loving service.
4. God so loved the world that he gave us his only Son, so that
everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have
eternal life. Let our life be filled with the love of the Child Jesus
who has been born for us, and may we be messengers of Gods
love to the people
All: May the peace and joy of Christmas overflow to others
through our loving service.
Candle Lighting:
Dear Friends we light the candle for Christ. Because the world is broken
and the wait is long but Christ is with us through it all. In humble manger
in a backwater town - a baby. On a convict’s cross - a king. in every heart
and every home where hope, peace, joy, and love endure-Christ with us.
“Glory to God in the Highest heaven,” she whispers, “and peace to all on
earth. Let us go forward and light the candles and have a message from
Baby Jesus .
Our Father
Concluding prayer:-Lord God , May the peace of Christ fill our minds and
hearts, may the joy of Christ wipe away all sadness ,and may the love of
Christ enrich us. Let it overflow to others in good measure. We make this
prayer to our heavenly father through Jesus Christ, born for us as our
saviour and Lord by the power of the holy spirit. Amen

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