Motel Massacre

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Motel Massacre

Inspiration: Investigate and Survive

Pat scored a fake ID and said she would drive. An overnight Keg / Pool Party at the Mirage
Motel seemed like a no brainer.

Everyone had a blast, lots of Drinking games and Partying - Norman the Desk Clerk did not
seem to mind and even stayed for a drink.

After a final midnight swim everyone went back to their rooms. Pat and Amber had Room 1 and
everyone else crashed in Room 2.

Then the screaming from Room 1 started.

Amber was found dead - brutally stabbed in the shower and Pat is missing along with her car
keys. Norman the Desk Clerk is nowhere at all and the entire Motel just lost electricity - phones
are dead.

There is a flickering light on at the Old House on The Hill though…

Table Setup : Motel located in table section A corner, with Old House on the Hill in the corner of
table section D. Characters start within 4” of the corner of table section A - aka Bedroom of
Room 2.

1 Fright Token in the middle of Areas B, C, & D

Points of Interest:

1 in the Kitchen of the Old House.

1 in the 2nd Floor Bedroom (source of light).
1 in the Belfry.

When a Character successfully investigates a point of interest token, roll on the table below, and
add 2 to the roll for each token already investigated. Last token will automatically be 10.

1-3 Nothing Interesting. Dusty household objects.

4-6 Roll on the Item table.

7 You find Pat alive with a twisted ankle. Character that found Pat is -1 movement for the rest of
the plot. Character possesses car keys. Add a Fright Token to the middle of table section A.
8-9 You find Pat alive! Character possesses car keys.

10 You find what is left of Pat. All Characters gain 1 Terror. Add a Fright Token to table section

Number of Turns:14

Special Rules.

No Adults! Ranger Sandy and Dr. Grange are not invited to the Party.

1st Turn Group Move - Since all Characters start in the same Motel room, No Jump Scares on
turn 1.

No electricity means no Light source at The Motel at all.

Must use stairs to approach the house. However if running away, may run down the hill as a
quick action, they will trip and take 1 injury - cannot stand up this turn.

Cel Phones:
Must be on the Hill to get any signal to make a call.

Help is on the way - Player may place a Supporting Character in table section A on turn 7.

Objective - Find Pat with Keys. Must have Keys and get 3 characters back to the car.

Themed Kill: Mrs B.

Those nasty sluts better leave my boy alone!

M.O.- Stalking
Visage - Familiar
Traits - Armed and Dangerous, Violent

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