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15. The ventricle is the cavity in the brain. The mean volume of ventricles in the healthy elderly is 38.

3 cubic
centimetre. We know that the ventricular volume is normally distributed. To inspect the volume of ventricle as a
biomarker for Alzheimer's disease, we collected the ventricular volumes of 25 Alzheimer's disease patients. if
their sample mean was 49.9 cubic centimetre with a sample standard deviation of 25.3 cubic centimetres. can
we conclude that the mean ventricular volume of Alzheimer's disease patients is not equal to 38.3 cubic
centimetres? Use the signi cance level of 5%. { calculation mistake }

14. Can’t understand

13. The number of entrees purchased in a single order at a Noodles & Company restaurant has had a historical
average of 1.60 entrees per order. On a particular Saturday afternoon, a random sample of 40 orders had a mean
number of entrees equal to 1.80 with a standard deviation equal to 1.11. At the 5 percent level of signi cance, does
this sample show that the average number of entrees per order was greater than expected? Calculate the t-statistic.
{calculation mistake }

12. An investigator wishes to determine whether there is a relationship between highest educational level of adults
(grade school, high school, or college) and attitude toward the use of animals in research (pro, neutral, or
against). The appropriate statistical test is a { acceptable }
a) t for population correlation coe cient.
b) one-factor F.
c) two-factor F.
d) two-variable chi-square.

11. The null hypothesis refers to the assumption that there is no di erence between treatment/exposure groups
with regard to the outcome of interest. if the true relative risk is 5 and the estimated relative risk is 2, the
direction of bias would be: { doubtful : further examination required }
a. toward the null
b. away from the null
c. switch over
d. cannot be determined

10. if a pump fails before the vehicle in which it is installed has covered 50,000 miles, federal emission regulation
require that it be replaced at no cost to the vehicle owner. The company's current air pump lasts an average of
63,000 miles with a standard deviation of 10,00miles. The number of miles a pump operates before becoming
ine ective has been found to be normally distributed. { incomplete problem }
9. Calls to a particular centre occur at an average rate of 30 per hour. Find the probability that there are at least two
calls in a given minute. { acceptable these type of questions are mostly solved by poisson }

8. Too complex

1. it is estimated that 5% of emails are spam emails. Some software has been applied to lter these spam emails
before they reach your inbox. A certain brand of software claims that it can detect 99% of spam emails and the
probability for a false positive ( a non-spam email detected as spam ) is 5%. Now if an email is detected as
spam , then what is the probability that it is in fact a non-spam email { answer is for 50% are spam mail :
experts veri ed solution }
2. Suppose we have 3 cards identical in form except that both sides of the rst card are coloured red, both sides
of the second card are coloured black, and one side of the third card is coloured red and the other side is
coloured black. The 3 cards are mixed up in a hat, and 1 card is randomly selected and put down on the
ground. If the upper side of the chosen card is coloured red, what is the probability that the other side is
coloured black? { Expert Answer }
3. In the regression line Y=a+bX+e, b is the intercept of the regression line. True or false?

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