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ASTI Ahmedabad Answer key-20

Screeners test paper

Name : ______________ Total marks-60
Designation:_____________ Time 1 Hr
Place of Posting:__________

Q. 1. Expand the following abbreviations.

1. ACI – Airport council international
2. CBD- Chemical Biological device
3. IMS- Ion Mobility Spectrometry
4. PHG- Para hang glider
5. CAPPS- Computer aided passenger profiling system
6. RPAS- remotely Piloted Air system
7. PHS- Physical inspection/hand search
8. UVSM- Under vehicle search mirror
9. ACSO- Aviation security Compliance officer
10. IFALPA- International Federation of Air line pilot association
11. COSAH- Committee of secretaries on Aircraft Hijacking
12. HMX- High Melting explosives
13. UDAN- Ude desh ka aam nagrik
14. HRCM- High risk cargo and mail
15. SMUS- Small Undersized shipments
16. LFSM- Life saving material

Q.2 Write any 8 photo identity cards required by passenger along with his ticket at the time of
entry into terminal building?
a) Passport
b) Aadhar card issued by (UIDAI)
c) PAN card issued by the Income tax department
d) Voter ID card issued by Election Commission of India
e) Driving Licence issued by RTO
f) Student ID card issued by Govt. Institutions/Govt recognised educational Institutions
g) Nationalised Bank pass book with attested photograph
h) Service photo ID card issued by State/Central Govt. Public sector undertakings, local
bodies or public limited companies
i) Pension card/Pension documents having photograph of the passenger
j) Disability photo ID card/Handicapped medical certificate issued by the respective
state/UT Govt. administrations
Q.3 Define the following.
a) Aircraft in flight
An aircraft from the movement when all its external doors are closed following
embarkation until the movement when such doors are opened for disembarkation
b) Explosive Device Detection system
A system or combination of different technologies which has the ability to detect and so
to indicate by means of an alarm, an explosive device by detecting one or more
components of such a device contained in baggage, irrespective of the material from
which the bag is made.

c) Prohibited/Restricted articles
Articles which are in the specific context of aviation security defined as those articles
devices or substance which may be used to commit an act of unlawful interference
against civil aviation or which may endanger the safety of the aircraft and its occupants
or installations and the public.
Q.4 What is the in-built safety protection in X-BIS?
Ans. The x-ray machine has certain inbuilt safety measures so as to ensure that x-rays
generated by the machine do not harm the person operating it or moving in the vicinity. The
inbuilt safety measures in X-Rays are
1. Low x-ray dose
2. Lead curtains
3. Lead shielding
4. Interlock system

Q.5. How many test are there in CTP? Describe each test in briefly?
Ans. Singlewire resolution test- This test is mounted on perplex sheet-A set of uninsulated
copper wires of size 26 SWG, 30 SWG, 35 SWG, 38 SWG, 40 SWG and 42 SWG are placed
on the Perspex sheet. The wires are laid out in S shaped curves. The wires are placed behind
varying thickness of aluminium.
Useful penetration test- This test consists of 03 aluminium step wedges of 3/16, 5/16 & 7/16 and
wires are laid from 26 SWG to 42 SWG.
Requirement is 30 SWG should be seen clearly under the second step wedge 5/16.
Objective is to detect hidden connectivity
Material discrimination test- This tests consists of Sugar and salt is kept in two contained.
Requirement is sugar will appear in Orange coulou and salt will appear in Green colour.
Objective- to distinguish between organic and non-organic material
Simple penetration test- This test consist of 02 MM steel setp wedges areplaced together from
16 mm to 30 mm. A lead strip is placed beneath the steel step wedges. Requirement is lead
strip must be seen clearly beneath 30 MM steal. The objective is to check the penetration level
of X-ray on 30 MM steel step wedge.
Spatial resolution test- The test consists of mounted on square copper plate with 08 horizontal
and vertical gratings. The requirement is all gratings must be seen clearly. The objective is to
distinguish between over lapping and mixed together.
Thin metal imaging- This test consist of 0.5 mm steel strips are placed over each other in a
semantically order. The requirement is to check the penetration level on 0.1 mm steel step strip.
The objective is to check the penetration level of X-ray on a thinnest part of the metal.

Q.6. write down he duties of CASO as per Aircraft Rule 2011?

Ans. Safeguarding of pax, crew, ground personnel and other aerodrome users. b. Enforcement
of access control c. Enforcement of Security measures. d. Screening of pax and their hand
baggage. e. Surveillance within and around aerodrome. f. Supervise the movement of persons
in restricted area. g. Liaison with local police and intelligence agencies

Q.7 What possible actions will you take on finding a bag with confirmed threat (i.e. IED
with X-ray registered baggage)?
a) Stop the conveyor belt
b) Identify the baggage
c) Inform BDDS
d) Notify the supervisor

Q.8 State True or False.

a) It is not mandatory fo airport operator to convene an APSC whenever a high alert is issued
by BCAS. False
b) A criminal released by the court on bail need not to be escorted as and when he travels by
Air. True
c) A pax is not permitted to carry more than number of ammunitions in the hold baggage with
the permission o BCAS. True
d) Refusal room are located only at International airports. True
e) Security of catering is the responsibility of the caterer till the time it is loaded in the aircraft.
f) IED is easy to diffuse because its mechanism is known. False
g) Even for operational reasons, airline staff can’t move from landside to airside without a
security check. True
h) The caterer also signs the aircraft release certificate. TRUE
i) IATA is a world body of airlines only and not of contracting states. True

Q.9. List of recommended technique for physical search of a bag?

a) If possible, search the clothing without removing the item from the bag.
b) Start at the top and work towards bottom.
c) Completely search the left side then centre and then right.
d) If baggage has more than one compartments, search each compartment completely
before moving into the next level.

Q.10 What do you understand by baggage reconciliation and why is it carried out?
Ans. It is the process of tallying the number of bags checked-in and accepted for loading in the
aircraft and tallying the passenger reported for boarding and their respective baggage.
It is compulsory to avoid bad intention to Gate no show passenger and in such case the
baggage of such unreported passenger is to be offloaded
It is carried out either manually (identification) or automatically by the concerned airlines.

Q.11 What are the advantages and disadvantages of Explosive Trace Detectors? (3)
Ans. Advantages
a) Light weight easy to carry
b) Can detect almost all kinds of explosives
c) Quick results
d) Lesser false alarms

a) Costly
b) Not manufactured in our country/ needs to be imported
c) Training required for usage
d) Warm up time very high (about 20 min)

Q.12 What are the emerging threats in Civil Aviation? Name any eights (4)
a) Suicide attack on ground facilities
b) Misuse of aircraft as a weapon of mass destruction
c) Misuse of nuclear and other radioactive substances
d) Threat from Chemical and biological weapons
e) Air to air attack by aircraft or by missile
f) Ground to air attack by missiles
g) Cyber terrorism
h) Attack through electronic systems to misguide the air traffic communications to the
i) Attack by magnetic system
j) Off airport facility attack
k) Unruly passenger
l) Unauthorised transportation of dangerous goods
m) Man portable Air defence system (MANPADs)

Q.13. What are the pre-operation safety checks applicable for X-BIS ? (3)
a) Ensure all connections are plugged in.
b) Check that conveyor belts is not obstructed
c) Open lead curtains to make sure chamber is empty.
d) Make sure lead curtains are not damaged and hang straight down
e) Check exterior machine for loose wires/connections.
f) Ensure all service panels are closed and locked.
g) All emergency off switches must be in the released (out) position.

Q.14 Fill in the blanks.

a) Person who cannot be cleared by the normal screening process should be referred for pat
down search.
b) India is located in Asia Pacific region of ICAO.
c) ICAO headquarters is situated in Montreal, Canada.
d) BCAS was established in 1 April 1987.
e) Passengers making direct connection between two different flights are known as transfer
f) Guarding of deportee/inadmissible passenger in refusal room is the responsibility of ASG.
g) Which is the gighest body in India to deal with hijack situation. (COSAH)
h) Performance of X-BIS machine is tested with the help of CTP .
i) The purpose of screening of pax and their hand baggage is to prevent carriage of prohibited
items in the cabin of the aircraft.
j) Which AvSec circular/Order has defined the exemption from Pre-embarkation security check
at civil airport . A.O. 06/2015

Q.15 What points are to be remember while accepting Diplomatic mail bag. (4)
a) Visible external marks of their character
b) Contain only diplomatic documents or articles intended for official use
c) Name and address of the consignee as well as that of the Foreign Diplomatic
mission/Consular Post a sender
d) If the pouch is booked as cargo/baggage the same will be screened by X-Ray only.
e) In case of doubt, protocol division of external affairs ministry will be approached to clear
the doubt. The Diplomatic mail should not be opened and checked.
f) Till doubt is cleared the diplomatic bag will not be sent for loading.

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