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Diferrent kinds of Govardhana silas

Govardhan shilas as Krishna (on right) and Balaram (on left) - Kanai-balai Thakur.

Some devotees worship Govardhan shilas a expanded energies of Krishna in His lila of playing on and
around, as well as lifting Govardhan Hill. See below for references that Srila Vishvanath Chakravarti
Thakur uses to describe the various kinds of shilas found at Govardhan Hill and Who or what the
various colourations identify Them as being.
Shri Vriti Chintamani by Shrila Vishvanatha Chakravarti Thakur.
......the chapter of Govardhana hill will describe the nectar about the Radha, Balarama, and Shyama
Text 9

kvacic chila nilamani-pravinah

kutrapi ta marakataika-tanah
tah padmaragah sphatikac ca kaccid
govardhan adrau vidhu-keli-kalpah
The rocks of Govardhana Hill are all precious gems. Some are sapphires, some emeralds, some rubies
or sphatika crystals. They provide the perfect backdrop for Lord Shri Krishna's pastimes.
Text 10
jambunada-grava-varan niriksya
krsnagrajo 'ram vrsabhanuja dhih
duram prayati sphatikoccayantat
krsnagrajo 'trety api sapi yatra
If, while walking on Govardhana Hill, Krishna's elder brother Balarama sees a series of golden stones,
He thinks: "....the daughter of King Vrsabhanu must have just now walked before Me," and He
changes course to avoid an awkward situation. In the same way, if She sees a series of crystal stones,
She thinks: "...Balarama must have just now walked before Me," and She changes Her course.
Text 11
krsnas tu jambunada-madhyam eti
muhuh sva-kanta-dyuti-viddha-buddhih
kantapi tasyendramani-cilantam
kanta-bhramac chri-hari-dasa-varye
If, on Govardhana Hill, which is the best of Lord Hari's servants, Sri Krishna sees a golden stone, He
takes it to be His beloved. In the same way, His beloved sees a sapphire (or a blackish blue stone), She
assumes it is Her lover.
Text 12
yasyagga-cobha na vilobhayanti
kam va nikuYjesu daricu drstah
krsnasya kanta-nivahasya hara-
dibhih padalaktaka-carvitadyaih
The gopis' necklaces, ornaments, red foot cosmetic, betelnuts, and other paraphernalia gaze on the
beauty of Govardhana Hill's groves and caves. Who would not become enchanted by the beauty of
Govardhana Hill?

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