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12 Gulf Times

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


he Kyrgyz Republic inau-
gurated its pavilion in the
International Zone at Expo
2023 Doha, showcasing the coun-
try’s top tourist attractions and
prominent sustainability and cli-
mate change initiatives.
Expo 2023 commissioner-gen-
eral Badr bin Omar al-Dafa partic- It showcases its growing eco- most notably the yurt, which is
Cyprus president visits Expo 2023 Doha ipated in the opening ceremony, in
the presence of a number of heads
nomic potential and the approach
it takes to benefit from innovation
representative of the heritage of
Kyrgyzstan and the nomadic life of

yprus President Nikos Christodoulides vis- a number of ministers from the Cyprus delegation of diplomatic missions, ambassa- and knowledge that enhance sus- the people.
ited the Expo 2023 Doha Horticultural Exhi- along with senior officials. dors accredited to the State, gov- tainability as an engine for devel- The pavilion also showcases the
bition and was taken on a tour of its facilities Christodoulides signed the register of VIP visi- ernment officials, those interested opment, and its efforts to develop manufacture of ceramic vases, en-
and activities. tors and planted a tree in the International Zone at in environmental affairs, and Kyr- and promote its vital sectors such graving techniques, and drawings
During the visit, he was accompanied by HE the the expo as a symbol of co-operation and friendship gyz community members. as agriculture, tourism and energy. of ancient architectural landmarks
Minister of Municipality and Chairman of the Na- between the two countries. The pavilion offers visitors the Visitors can also learn about the on them, as well as images of cit-
tional Committee for Hosting the Expo 2023 Doha He and the accompanying delegation also visited opportunity to learn about the new landmarks that express the his- ies, men’s and women’s clothing
Dr Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Turki al-Subaie, and the Qatar pavilion. – QNA paths that Kyrgyzstan is adopting tory of the Kyrgyz people, their that reflects the traditional dress
to build the future. traditions and cultural heritage, in Kyrgyzstan. – QNA

Admiration for
Qatar’s sharing
of spaces, culture ceptance of diversity: “My artwork
By Joey Aguilar
Staff Reporter being showcased here represents
freedom, everybody deserves free-

he World Wide Walls About the location for the festi-
(WWW), formerly known val and his piece, the artist shines
as Pow! Wow!, international a spotlight on the cultural fusion
mural festival paints a positive im- within his creation: “For me, this
age of Qatar and the Arab world, artwork is the best for this loca-
demonstrating openness in shar- tion, adding to the culture. I put
ing spaces and culture with the African elements in my work that
global community, according to a have a culture of Arabian or Middle
participating artist from Ghana. East influence.”
The event, which began on No- He said that residents and visi-
vember 26 and runs until Decem- tors will see “a lot of vibrant col-
ber 2 at the Old Doha Port in the ours” at the Mina District once
Mina District, features artists from they finish the murals.
around the world, including re- “Today’s the second day of
nowned Ghanaian artist Mohamed painting, and everybody is putting
Awudu. up a good energy,” Awudu said,
Speaking to Gulf Times yester- adding: “For me, I just finished the
day, Awudu expressed admiration sketch and it’s just 1 o’clock, so it’s
for Qatar’s cultural inclusivity and good for me, I can continue paint-
its role as a hub for art. ing.” Awudu’s artwork carries a powerful message about freedom, cultural expression, and the
“This is a very good image for The World Wide Walls festi- acceptance of diversity. PICTURES: Joey Aguilar
the Arab world, especially Qatar, val, organised by Qatar Museums
opening its spaces for Arab peo- (QM), aims to bring together local, Left: Awudu engaged in artistic creation at the Mina District yesterday.
ple to share what they have, so for regional, and international artists
me, this is a big step for everybody to beautify the walls in and around and contribute to the city’s aes- This year’s edition features 13 Kong/Belgium), Sofles (Austral- Culture initiative, WWW has also
to adopt each other from different the Old Doha Port. thetics. artists, including local talents like ia), Ettoja (Lithuania), Lula Goce invited Indonesian artist Herzven
spaces,” he said. This initiative, which Awudu The QM, known for its commit- Noura al-Mansoori, Ghada al-Su- (Spain), Adry del Rocio (Mexico), to commemorate the Qatar-Indo-
Awudu said his artwork carries a described as a “World Cup for art- ment to public art initiatives, hosts waidi, and Abdulla Alsallat, as well Hood (Oman) and Belal Khaled nesia 2023 Year of Culture.
powerful message about freedom, ists”, provides a platform for di- the World Wide Walls festival bi- as international artists like Awudu, (Palestine). The festival is open to the public
cultural expression, and the ac- verse talents to showcase their art annually. Kevin Lyons (US), Caratoes (Hong In partnership with the Years of from 8am to 10pm.

QF students’ artwork tells tales of Palestine

atar Foundation (QF) is hosting
a student-led exhibition of more
than 100 art pieces that aim to
highlight Palestine’s cultural heritage.
From the iconic flag to the Dome of the
Rock, the artworks capture the essence of
the Palestinian narrative.
Created by students from QF Pre-Uni-
versity Education and Virginia Common-
wealth University School of the Arts in
Qatar (VCUarts Qatar), the exhibition is
currently on display at Multaqa and will A group of students with their exhibits.
run until November 30.
One of the student contributors, Hamad serves to have a safe place to live.” encompassing the ongoing tragedy in Pal-
Salem Hamad al-Marri, said: “Each paint- VCUarts Qatar student Moza Moham- estine, and weaving together a tapestry of
ing, vibrant with resolve, mirrors the un- Some of the artwork on display. ed’s artwork, A Second Before, encapsu- beauty and pain,” she said. “The plight of
shakeable essence of a people whose spirit lates a moment of interrupted innocence the children, the innocent victims most
refuses to be quenched.” Leadership Academy said. on in Palestine, so that everyone knows we – the piece portrays a mother playing with ravaged by the occupation, that is what I
“The enduring hardship that our Pal- Students from Awsaj Academy also all should have a place where we can laugh her child while a looming missile disrupts sought to capture.”
estinian brothers endure wrenches our showcased their artwork, which was cre- and play – just like me and my friends.” the scene in the background. There is a Qatar Charity donation box
souls; the injustice they face is a blemish ated under the guidance of their teacher. Fatima Abdullah, nine, said: “I support “This piece is more than a painting; it’s at the exhibition, and all proceeds will go
on humanity that cannot be overlooked,” Eight-year-old Lulwa Mohamed al-Su- Palestine, I want people to see what’s hap- a narrative of our Palestinian brethren towards supporting relief efforts in Gaza.
the 18-year-old student from the Qatar laiti said: “I drew this to show what’s going pening and to remember that everyone de- that has been ingrained in us since birth,

Al Bidda Park
now open for
early morning
fitness activities
Expo 2023 Doha venue Al Bidda Park is
now open for visitors from 6am-9am for a
variety of activities to promote a healthy
lifestyle. With the longest continuous
cycling path resembling an Olympic
track, designated running and walking
paths, and a range of sports facilities, the
park is a haven for fitness enthusiasts. Al
Bidda Park also has sport facilities such as
soccer pitches and spaces for individual

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