Carbono Forestal de La Amazonia en Riesgo

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‘04/10/2020 ‘Carbone forestal de fa Amazonia en ri Recruit researchers Join Figura 1- uploaded by Maria A Oliveira. Miranda Content may be subject to copyright. Download | | View publication | | v Carbono forestal de la Amazonia en riesgo. {a) Riesgos (Le., presiones actuals y amenazas en el corto plazo; Tabla $3) para la distribucién de (b) carbono aéreo almacenado en la biomasa lefiosa de los bosques amazénicos tropicales (c) como un porcentaje de la regién amazénica total (ie., 86.120 millones de tons métricas; MtC): Territorios indigenas - 23,380 MIC (27,1%), Areas Naturales Protegidas — 19,116 MIC (22,2%), reas de sobreposicién entre Tl y ANP ~ 4,867 MIC (5.7%), y toda la superficie restante — 39,376 MtC (45.0%) (Table $1). GS, source publication Spanish version of Forest carbon in Amazonia: the unrecognized contribution of indigenous territories and protected natural areas (Futed avaiabie ? Data [ Full-text availabl Feb 2015 hitps iw researchgate.netfgurelFigura-t-Carbono-fresta-de-la-Amazonia-er-riesgo-«-Riesgos-e-presiones-actuals_fig!_271910057 Login 7 oar2020 Carbone frestal de la Amazonia en rssgo. (a) Riesg0s (e., prosiones..| Download Scientife Diagram @W.S. Waker -@ A. Baccini. B ‘Stephan Schwartzman - [..]- > Edwin Vasquez Cite | Download full-text Similar publications Ebriedades na Amazénia Colonial: cosmologias do Rio Negro e as tentativas de coergao no tempo do Diretério (1754- 1802) Thesis [ Full text available Sep 2019 Caué Tanan This research aims to analyze the reason that led to the insertion of articles 13, 14, 28, 40, 41 and 42 in the 18th Century Colonial Directorate dealing with the ebriedades and the aguardente trade with indigenous intending also to understand some of its implications in the daily life of the Negro River natives. For that, this study developed from. View Living in the Model: The Cognit of Time—A Comparative Study Chapter [ Full-text available Sep 2014 Chris Sinha Time is at once familiar and mysterious, its status in the physical universe being uncertain and contested. Time seems to be fundamental to both biology and to the world of human ‘experience. It seems certain that human beings in all cultures experience time, and have ways of linguistically referring to relations between events in time. It has been. View hitps:iwwuzresearchgate.netgurelFigura-t-Carbono-foestal-de-la-Amazonia-er-riesgo-«-Rlesgos-e-presiones-actuals_figt_271910057 218 oar2020 Carbone foestal de la Amazonia en rssgo. (a) Riesgos (e., presiones..| Download Scientife Diagram Us inaigenas na cartograna ga America lusitana Article [ Full-text available Dec 2017 Alanna Souto Resumo Na cartografia realizada a partir da conquista colonial da América lusitana e da Amazénia, foram recorrentes as, representagées indigenas, como forma de reinventar e de localizar os povos nativos. Muitas vezes, essas representagées eram pictéricas, com forte presenca de elementos figurativos e de ornamentos, aspectos View Multi-centric Mythscapes Research | Full-text available May 2015 Robin M Wright» Omar Marin Gonzalez Carlos Xavier Leal In this study, we discuss the narrative traditions of indigenous South American peoples, especially the Northern Arawak-- speaking peoples of Northwest Amazonia, and the themes of pilgrimage and sanctuary, which are understood through the notion of multi-centered mythscapes. Each of the numerous northern 2 Arawak~speaking peoples developed trad... View Jumandy, parentesco e historicidad: las visiones de poder entre los Napo Runa en la Amazonia ecuatoriana: Jumandy, parentesco e historicidad Article [ Full-text available Jun 2016 Michael Uzendoski Este trabajo presenta un andlisis sobre la lucha histérica de las poblaciones nativas del Alto Napo, considerando el rol de las visiones de poder en la memoria, historia y accién social. Mi hipétesis es que la teoria indigena de lucha nacié de las visiones rituales que precedieron al levantamiento de “Jumandy’ (1578) cuando los nativos del Alto Nap. View hitps ww researchgate.netfgurelFigura-t-Carbono-frestal-de-la-Amazonia-er-riesgo-«-Rlesgos-e-presiones-actals_figt_271910057 38 oar2020 Carbone frestal de la Amazonia en rssgo. (a) Riesg0s (e., prosiones..| Download Scientife Diagram Citations Considering the needs of indigenous and local populations. Article [ Full-text available Sep 2017 - Conservat Biol Florent Kohler. Eduardo S Brondizio Local rural and indigenous communities have assumed increasing responsibilty to manage... View Join for free Company ‘Support About us Nows Center ‘© 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. All rights reserved, Terms - Privacy - Copyright - Imprint hitps ww researchgate.netfgurelFigura-t-Carbono-frestal-de-la-Amazonia-er-riesgo-«-Rlesgos-e-presiones-actuals_figt_271910057 aa

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