Assure Model Instructional Plan

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ASSURE Model Instructional Plan

“World History and Geography to 1500 C.E.”

9th Grade
History and Social Science
Lesson length: 60 minutes, or one class period

Analyze Learners
Total Number of Students: 25
Male Students: 12
Female Students: 13
ESL Student: 0
Hearing Impaired: 2
Visual/Spatial Leaners (approximately 1/6 of students)
Kinesthetic Learners (approximately 1/6 of students)
Verbal/Linguistic Learners (one to two students)
Interpersonal Leaners (four to five students)
Logical/Mathematical (two to three students)

State Objectives
WHI. 1 The student will apply history and social science skills to describe the period from the
Paleolithic Era into the Neolithic Era by
a. Describing the archaeological evidence of the first human, and their geographic
b. Explaining the effect that geography had on the emergence and migration of hunter-
gatherer societies.
c. Describing characteristics of hunter-gatherer societies, including their use of tools and
d. Analyzing how technological and social developments gave rise to sedentary
e. Analyzing how archaeological discoverers change current understanding of early

Select Media, Materials, and Methods

5 classroom computers
Google earth
Required Textbooks
Library Books
World Map
Paint brushes
Construction paper

1. Google earth class discussion
2. Group map activity of early earth
 Google earth
 Painting maps

Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods

5 classroom computers–will be used to access google earth, word document, and Kahoot for
student activates.
Google earth—Will be used to find and examine geographic areas discussed in class for review.
PowerPoint/Projector—will be used to show students maps, educational documentaries, and
historic images.
Required Textbooks—Students will learn about the beginning of world history and the
young earth displayed with early world maps.

Library Books—students are required to go to the library to borrow, rent, or buy books to
enhance the learning experience and for them to receive knowledge of the school library
and its resources.

World Map—The teacher will use a world map on the PowerPoint to show students the
changes geographically throughout the years.

Worksheet—comprehension worksheets will be given out by the end of class to check their
understanding of the lecture.

Markers—will be used to color in maps used for colors specific geographic areas discussion
in class.

Scissors—used for activities both group and individual.

Paint—used to paint maps.

Paint brushes—used to paint maps.

Construction paper—used to sketch maps.

Google earth class discussion—the teacher will use google earth in class displayed on the
PowerPoint. This helps the student’s activity see the area they are learning of.

Group map activity of early earth—in week 2 students will be assigned a group in class.
Together students will utilize the class textbook and maps to draw their own map.

Google earth—on week 3 student will utilize google earth on their own by examing a geographic
area selected by the teacher. They will screenshot their work to send as a digital worksheet.

Painting maps—on week 4 students in their assign groups will finish their map with painting,
they are allowed to use class maps as an example.

Require Learner Participation

Google earth class discussion—for week 1 the teacher will separate the 25 students in
groups of five. Each group will be shown via PowerPoint a specific area through google earth
that they have learned either through class discussion and or their required textbook. Then the
teacher will ask if they can identify the land and historical significance.

Group map activity of early earth map drawing—In week 2 students in their assigned group
are given the choice to research and select any early map image to draw form their textbook or
class PowerPoint. Then they will draw/sketch the image. It is the groups decision to pick who
does the research and the drawing.

Google earth—For their homework assigned in week 3 students are now required to use
google earth on their own. They are to find a area that was selected by their teacher and
screenshot it. Then they will write a short historical paper, explain the significance of this
specific area in world history and geography.

Group Activity of early earth map painting—on week 4 students will finish their group
assignments by completing their map by painting it. They will research different colored maps
for inspiration and examples. They will again decide as a group who will research and paint.

Small Group Center Activities:

After class lecture students will be divided into random groups of five to complete a
quick activity, approximately fifteen minutes.
 Q&A—Each group will nominate a student to compete against another student from a
different team. They will be given a buzzer and will be instructed to place their hands
behind their backs. The teacher will then ask a question regarding a historical event just
discussed in their lecture, the first student to hit the buzzer and answer correctly wins a
point for their team. Each team will receive the chance to compete, at the end of the
competition the team with the most point wins. They will receive both extra credit and a
 Group comprehension presentation—groups of five will be given five minutes to prepare
a five-minute presentation of the main topics discussed in class. They are to explain the
topic as if they are telling it to someone who has never learned the subject before. They
are allowed to select what section and what PowerPoints from the teachers lecture they
will use to discuss.
 Group Arts and crafts—students will be given an image of a world map that has been cut
and divided. They are to work together as a team to basically put the pieces back
together, then tape/glue them back into one image.
 Google Earth discovery—during the end of class each group of students will be given
access to the class computer to locate a specific area that is given by the teacher. The
teacher will continue giving these locations the first team to find all ten wins the
competition. The winning team will receive both extra credit and a prize.
These actives are for all students with different learning methods to excel, each student
should have the ability to engage with an activity that is fun and in their comfort zone. They are
also required to participate in actives that may not be something that they are good at, however
this benefits the student by academically challenging them to grow master new skills. The Q&A
and Group presentation will appeal greatly to verbal and linguistic learners. These activities will
help students grow in their communication and teamworking skills. The group arts and crafts
will bring the lesson alive for kinesthetic and visual learners. The arts and crafts will help
students work together and engage in friendship and discussion of the class topic while
competing their crafts. And lastly the logical and mathematical group will find enjoyment
completing the Google earth discovery by using longitude and latitude to finish in a timely

Evaluate and Revise

Student Performance:
The students will be graded on their efficiency to complete each activity correctly and
fully. They should have a deep understanding of the geography of the early earth and the World
History discussed in class and in class textbook. The students ability to work well as a team and
engage with one another in a respectable and kind way is also important.
Instructor Performance:
The teacher is responsible to have an in-depth understanding of th4e topic discussed,
they are to be prepared with PowerPoints and notes. The Teacher will engage with the class to
cause discussion among the students to encourage their independent thinking. The instructor
should be actively aware of the students’ progress in their personal and group actives so they
can help in any way necessary.
Media Performance:
The media used (google earth, documentaries, PowerPoints etc..,) enables the students
to engross themselves visually to their topic of learning. This also empowers them to do outside
research if given the opportunity and desire.

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