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Writing a Conclusion for a Report:

1) You must refer back to the ‘Aim’ of the report

“This report will provide (an overview/detailed analysis/examine key aspects of)
(Company Name)…………”

2) Summarise your main points. The following is an example:

Within the Body of the Report: (Detail needed)

“Glanbia have increased their turnover in 2016 to €143.5m from €131.7m in 2015. They
made a net profit of €37.4m compared to €30.4m the previous year. Their Return on
Investment (ROI) has exceeded the expectations of the company primarily due to expansion
within the United States market as follows:

 Opening of 4 manufacturing plants in Dallas, Detroit, San Antonio and Baltimore

 Business links established with Kerry Group and Danone
 Increased share capital following the sale of an additional preferential shares raising
€28m for the company.

It was agreed at the AGM that a dividend be paid out to shareholders at a rate of €19.45 per
share. The current share price of the organisation remains at a healthy €17.09”

Summarise the above within the ‘Conclusion’ (Broad and general)

“Glanbia Plc remains a successful enterprise performing above expectations over the past
year. It has demonstrated growth in all areas i.e. Turnover, Net Profit, Return on Investment
and Market Share with its shares much sought after.”

Other Examples:

Body of Report = Detailed Conclusion – General/Broad Statements

Organisation Structure: Organisational Structure:
Type Structure and what this means (i.e. As a multinational………
theory) As a small local business …..
Identification of levels (type, structure etc is inferred)
Chart/Table of Whose Who
Human Resources: Human Resources:
Description of the Ethos of the organisation (Name of Organisation) invests heavily in
Types of Roles (Skills Levels needed etc) its workforce. With career progression
Salary Scales opportunities and attractive benefits, the
Any additional benefits organisation can attract a highly skilled,
(pension/VHI/Scholarships/internal training modern workforce which enables the
opportunities/career progression etc) organisation to continue to meet its
objectives in a competitive environment.
Evaluation: Is a short paragraph

“The future looks bright for this organisation with a clear mission with regard to where the
organisation is going. While there are challenges to be faced such as the effect of BREXIT,
the effects of which are unknown, and changes in US economic policy such as the reduction
of the corporation tax from 35% to 22%, the organisation has positioned itself, financially
and structurally, to adapt to future demands.

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