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Report on the Use of Web-Based Resources

Serenity Spada

UIS 350, Fall Semester

Summary of three Web-based Instructional Resources


Plickers is an online website and mobile app that aids teachers and students. Teachers use

Plickers to create quizzes for their students. Teacher can customize their content by using their

Queue feature. Plickers prides itself on having a vast system to enable teachers in the classroom

through technology. While using Plickers, the students are not required to use any device.

Instead, they use fun and creative cards.

Teachers use their Plickers account to scan the answers of their students' cards when they

hold them up in a specific way. Plickers turn the lessons into a fun and engaging game for the

students! All a teacher would need to use Plickers is their device, log on to the Plickers website

or a device with their mobile app, and then the Plickers cards. Teachers might use Plickers to turn

Q&A sessions or comprehension tests into quick, easy games for their students!


Kahoot is an online game platform that empowers teachers and students to create fun

quizzes and tests on any topic. Teachers and students can use any mobile device and download

the app. A teacher can create an account for free and generate tests and quizzes for their students.

Once the students are logged in using the PIN given by their teacher, they are ready to begin.

Students will compete against each other in these, and prizes may be given to the winner if the

teacher chooses.
Kahoot is open and flexible. Both teachers and students can create their own tests and

games. Students may generate practice quizzes for themselves to study with their classmates.

Teachers can also use Kahoot to quiz/test their students, and this helps students engage with their

classmates and develop technological and memory skills.


Nearpod is an online, hybrid learning platform teachers may use to teach in multiple

ways. Nearpod takes digital assessments to the next level using gamification. Teachers using

Nearpod can create fun and interactive slides/PowerPoints for their students. Nearpod also

equips teachers with a library with thousands of interactive lessons, videos, games, and activities

to use in their classrooms.

A teacher using Nearpod can turn their perhaps bland PowerPoints into engaging and

exciting slides from which students can enjoy learning. Nearpod also aids teachers in reviewing

student work and decreases their time with lesson planning. Nearpod is an effective tool for

teachers to use that helps students learn through technological means

Selected Application for Deeper Learning

I selected Kahoot for my quiz/learning activity.

VA Standard of learning

 VUS.14b: The student will apply history and social science skills to analyze America’s

involvement in World War II by examining the causes and events that led to America’s

participation, including the attack on Pearl Harbor, United States’ response with
Executive Order 9066 and the internment of Japanese Americans, and the Supreme Court

case Korematsu v. United States.

(2023 history and social science standards of learning ... - Virginia. (n.d.-a).

Synopsis of the Learning Experience

I decided to create a 10-question quiz on WWII. It took me approximately an hour to

complete. Kahoot’s system was easy to use and free. I can make fun and interactive quizzes that

students can finish using their devices in the future. Because I want to be a history teacher in the

future, another aspect I found helpful was the images; I could match the specific historical

question with a recorded image that helps the students learn visually. I can set up these tests so

they can take them in class as a group, or if I wanted, they could take them anytime, anywhere,

through their devices as homework.

Creating a quiz was rewarding due to the research aspect. It was important to me that my

examinations were historically accurate and exact. Therefore, I felt obligated to refresh my

knowledge of some basic facts regarding WWII. I also feel confident about using Kahoot in the

future because of this activity. Kahoot is a fantastic tool to help teachers create sharp

comprehension activities for their students. Kahoot also benefits students; students can learn,

compete, and have fun using Kahoot in the classroom and at home. I look forward to using this

learning platform as a history teacher!

Evidence of the completed Product:

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