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JOB TITLE: Freelancer


A freelancer is a self-employed person who provides their own labor or

specialized services to a business client. Freelancers typically bill for their services on a
project or task basis rather than an hourly or fixed salary basis. Among the duties and
responsibilities of a freelancer are the creation, editing, and delivery of assignments in
compliance with client specifications and deadlines. In basic terms, freelancers are
independent contractors who offer clients flexible, project-by-project specialized
services. The primary responsibility is to manage various client tasks. The ultimate
objective is to make their lives easier by taking on time-consuming tasks so they can
focus on what matter the most.


A freelancer's work activities can differ greatly based on their industry, projects
they work on, and specialized skills. Nonetheless, the following are some typical tasks
that freelancer could engage in:

Client Communication
 engaging in communication with clients helps understand project needs.
 giving updates on the project and responding to client comments.
 establishing reasonable deadlines and expectations in clear terms.

Skill Application
 utilizing specific skills to finish project tasks, such as writing, designing,
programming, etc.
 enhancing abilities to fit each project's particular needs.

Time management and task planning:

 dividing up work on projects and making a schedule for them.

 effectively managing time to complete tasks by the deadline.

Promotional activities and marketing:

using networking, social media, and internet platforms to promote services.

maintaining a professional online presence and creating a personal brand.

 Desktop/Laptops
 Wifi

Self-employed individuals who perform both long-term and short-term contracts

are known as freelancers. They work in a range of industries, completing tasks and
covering gaps for customers as needed. As the article explains, among the key
competencies that independent contractors use to emphasize their areas of expertise
are communication skills, negotiation skills, industry knowledge, and marketing skills. A
freelancer's skills can be put to use in a variety of fields, including graphic design, web
development, writing, editing, and accounting.


A freelancer skills will be evaluated annually by the Manager using a

performance appraisal system, to see the employees performance against the
established requirement of the job. To receive these the employee should do the

 Quality of Work
 Accomplishing Deadlines
 Communication Skills
 Customer Satisfaction
 Observation of Detail


Salary Grade:
Other Compensable Factors:
 Educational Attainment
 Work Experience


Upon hire, the Freelancer must:

● Bachelor's degree
● 1-2 years of experience as a freelancer
● Excellent communication skills and attention to detail
● Can manage multiple projects at once.
After hire, the Freelancer must:
● Ensuring that all necessary paperwork are acquired and filed properly
● Assure that all tasks given by the client are done perfectly

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