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2011 CSU Fullerton High School Fall Invitational Congress Bills Bill to Prevent Factory Farming 1.

BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 2. SECTION 1: Gestation crates for pregnant pigs, crates for veal calves, 3. and cages for egg laying hens will be federally prohibited. 4. SECTION 2: the use of sub therapeutic anti-biotic in agriculture 5. and animal farming will be federally prohibited. 6. SECTION 3: The Department of Agriculture will substantially increase 7. subsidized farms with grass-fed animals. 8. SECTION 4: The Department of Agriculture will oversee enforcement. A $1OO,OOO 9. Fine, per animal, will be imposed against any farm found in violation of Sections 1 & 2. 10. The Department of Justice will also prosecute the owner of any farm found in violation 11 of this law for violation of animal cruelty laws 12. SECTION 5: This bill will enter into effect on January j,2012. 13. SECTION 6: All state and federal laws conflict with this new policy shall hereby 14. be declared null and void. Public School Mental Health Screenings Bill 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 2. SECTION 1: All public school children will undergo annual mental health screenings. 3. SECTION 2: The Department of Education in conjunction with the Department of 4. Health and Human Services will enforce and enact the screenings. 5 SECTION 3: This bill will enter into effect after the start of the Fall 2012 school year. 6. SECTION 4: All state and federal laws conflict with this new policy shall hereby 7. be declared null and void. Prison Privatization Bill 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 2. SECTION 1: All state and federally funded prisons should be closed 3. or sold to private, for-profit companies. 4. SECTION 2: The Federal Bureau of Prisons will enforce the bill and be dissolved 5. after the closure of the final prison facility. 6. SECTION 3: All prisons must be sold or closed by January l, 2030.Prisoners must be 7. transferred to private, for-profit facilities by January 1, 2029. 8. SECTION 4: All state and federal laws conflict with this new policy shall hereby 9. be declared null and void.

A Resolution to Encourage Economic and Military Sanctions on Bahrain 1. WHEREAS, the government of Bahrain is an authoritarian regime with 2 no intention of enacting democratic reforms; and 3. WHEREAS, Bahrain is violating the human rights of democratic protesters; and 4. WHEREAS, the population of Bahrain is questioning the US commitment to democracy 5. because the US maintains close ties with the Kalifa family; now, therefore, be it 6. RESOLVED, By the Student Congress here assembled that: 7. The US government should support a United Nations resolution seeking 8. economic sanctions and an arms embargo against Bahrain. A Resolution for Cultivating Religious Tolerance 1. WHEREAS, the founders of the United States were men of faith 2. who recognized the necessity of religion in a free society; and 3. WHEREAS, religion is an essential element of American society; and 4. WHEREAS, religion is an essential element of almost all societies across the globe; and 5. WHEREAS, religions can be a positive force in promoting 6. human culture; now, therefore, be it 7. RESOLVED, By the Student Congress here assembled that: 8. Multicultural religious studies should be a mandatory part of 9. K-l2 curriculum and a l0. general education requirement of all publicly funded universities and colleges.

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