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use World ;

Q1: What is the country code of the country with name 'Canada'?

Q2: Find the name and population of the country with code "ALB"?

Q3: Find official languages of Bolivia, the code of Boliviais "BOL"?

Q4:Find the name and population of the countries of "Africa" with population more
than 60000000?

Q5: How many different languages are spoken in Australia, the code of Australia is

Q6: How many different languages are spoken in Canada?

Q7: Find the name and the population of the capital of the country with code "LKA"?

Q8: Find the number of countries in the world?

Q9: For each continent, find the number of countries and the average population?

Q10: Find how many countries have "English" as their official language?
The schema of the result should be (numofcountries).

Q11: What is the country with the largest number of spoken languages?

Q12: List all countries in Europe, Oceania, and Antarctica, sorted by continent?

Q13: What is the second most popular language spoken in Italy?

Q14: Find the most popular official languages in the world.

Q15: Find the languages that are spoken by most people in the world
along with the number of speakers.
Report only the languages that are spoken by more than 50M people in a descending
order of popularity?
The schema of the result should be (countrylanguage, numofpeople).

Q16: List the names of all countries where German is spoken as an official language
and the percentage of use of this language?

Q17: List the countries whose names start with either A or B?

Q18: Display countries names with number of non-official languages.

Q19: Display countries names, cities names, along with their official language?

Q20: Which countries have the densest population (population divided by surface
Show the densest at the top.

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