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1. Ahead of the curve A.

To start something over and go back to the

2. At stake planning stage.
3. Back to square one
4. Back to the drawing board B. To do something without someone’s
5. Backroom deal knowledge and in an unfair way.
6. Ballpark number/figure C. To be more advanced than the competition.
7. Behind someone’s back
8. Behind the scenes D. To start something (a project, for example).
9. Big picture E. Everything that is involved with a particular
10. By the book situation.
11. Call it a day
12. Catch someone off guard F. To surprise someone by doing something
13. Get the ball rolling that he or she was not expecting.
14. Get/be on the good side of someone
G. To stop working for the day.
H. An agreement or decision made without
the public knowing about it.
I. A very inexact estimate.
J. To do things according to company policy or
the law.
K. What happens in secret or not in front of
the general public.
L. To follow the rules 100%.
M. If someone likes you, you are "on the good
side" of that person.
N. At risk.
O. To start something over again.

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