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Prescott’s Info Pad Profile

Your Mission
Create a profile of an influential person from your state for Prescott to upload to the
RFO’s info pad. Prescott loves stories of fascinating people and how they impacted
society. He can add your info pad profile to his records of important people. Model your
profile after the RFO’s info pad profiles.

© 2012 Connections Education LLC. All rights reserved.

Info Pad Profile

Identify an influential person from your state. Include
an image.

Identify his or her occupation.

Identify where he or she is from as well as a birth and
death date (if applicable).

Describe at least three of his or her accomplishments.
Remember Prescott is interested in influential people
whose actions have affected your state.

In 3–5 sentences, explain why you chose this
influential person. How did he or she impact your state?
Why do you feel that this person is someone that Prescott
should know about?

© 2012 Connections Education LLC. All rights reserved.

Prescott’s Info Pad Profile

Criteria Points Earned Points Possible

You complete the following accurately: 3 points

• Identify an influential person.
• Identify his or her occupation.
• Include an image.

You identify where he or she is from. 3 points

You identify a birth and death date (if


You describe at least three of his or her 3 points (1 point for

accomplishments. each accomplishment)

You explain how he or she impacted the 3 points

state, and why you selected this person.

Total 12 points


© 2012 Connections Education LLC. All rights reserved.

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