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Sheila Dignen CONTENTS ‘BBC Culture 31 Vocabulary 32 Grammar 3.3 Reoding ond Vocabulary 34 Grommor 35 Listening ond Vocabulary 36 Speoking 37 Witing 38 Seltassessment 39. Selt-check BBC Culture | 42° Grommor 43° Reading and Vocabulary 44 Grommor 435 Listing ond Vocabulary 46 Speaking 47° EnglishinUse 4B Selt-assessment 49 Sel-check BBC Culture 5.1 Vocabulary 52 Geammar 5.3 Reading ond Vocabulary 54 Geammer 5.5 _ Listening and Vocabulary [OM Vocabulary 6 | fue : o— y lal oot : oe : Hee : : : 27° Englshin Use 25 | i : (is Seas 2 | 4. Vocabulary 42 8 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 44 45 46 a7 48 0 50 51 52 54 56 37 58 59 Cioo 56 Speaking 87 Wting 5.8 Selt-ossessment 59 Sol-check BBC Culture 61 Vocabulary 62 Grammar 63 Reading ond Vocabulary 64 Grammar 65 Listening and Vocabulary 64 — Speoking 67 Englshin Use | 68 Selhassessment | 69 Sel-check 8c Culture © 72 Grammar | 73 Reoding ond Vocabulary 74 Grammar 75 Listening ond Vocobulary 76 —Speoking 27° Witing 78 Selvassessment | 19. Selt-check 8C Culture Vocabuicry Grammar 83 Reading and Vocobulary 84 Grommor 85 Ustening and Vocabulary 86 Speoking 87 Englshin Use 88 SelF-ossessment 89 Sef-check BBC Culture Unit 9 91 Vocabulary 92 Grammar 93 Reading and Vocabulary 94 Grammar 95 Listening and Vocabulary 9 — Speoking 97 Witing 98 Self-assessment 99 Self-check BBC Culture Exam time 1 Exam time 2 Exam time 3 Self-checks answer key io maa 6 6 a | 3 ot 66 68 3 7 n n 2 m % 16 8 10 Se Rd 102 | vee ws we we m | me | | 6 Welcome to Woodley Bridge VOCABULARY Activities and interests | Home. ‘and furniture | Jobs | Clothes and ‘accessories | Counties and languages GRAMMAR There is/are with some/any | Possessive ‘adjectives and possessive 's| Present ‘Simple with adverbs of frequency | Present Continuous | was/were; there was/nere | Past Simple: regulor verbs ‘SPEAKING Likes and cstkes | Taking about feelings Activities and interests; Likes and dislikes; Home and furniture; There is/are with some/any; Possessive adjectives and possessive 's 1 Match 1-5 with a-e to make sentences. 1 [e] Idon't like doing a books. 2 [1] We love going b tothe cinema. 3 [) Doyou like listening © nothing it's boring! 4 [) Idont like reading 4 photos, especially family 8 [) Mydad likes taking photos. fe tomusic? 2 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two extra words. [icon cont doesnt dont likes love stond 1 Hove going shopping with my friends, especially when Ihave money to spend. 2 Jake ___ watching films at home, but | prefer going to the cinema, 3 I can't ___ waiting for people. It really annoys me! 4 Mydad mind giving me money. He's really kind! 5 Mybrother stand walking to school. He always gets the bus. 3. Write the correct home and furniture word for each definition. 1 You sit in this to wash yourself. bath You lie on this to sleep. b This is made of glass, so you can see through it. w You eat meals in this room. d r You can see yourself if you look in this. m oan 4 Choose the correct option. 1 Qher83Y There are a big table in the dining room. 2. There's / There are lots of clothes on the floor in my bedroom. 3. There are some / any lovely flowers in the gorden. 4. There aren't some /any towels in the bathroom. 5. There isn't / aren't @ mirror in the dining room. 5 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use possessive adjectives or the possessive 's. 1 These shoes belong to Jack. These are Jack's shoes. 2. This cor belongs to my parents. Thisis car, 3. Does this bag belong to you? Is this bag? 4. This garden belongs to us. This is — garden, 5 That jacket belongs to Laura's dad. That is jacket. Jobs; Present simple with adverbs of frequency 1 Look at the pictures and complete the jobs. 2 Order the words to make sentences. 1 usually /unch / have / | / at one o'clock usually have lunch at one o'clock. 2 always /late / Martha / is 3. go/I/to school / sometimes / by bus 4 Sara / often / tired / is 5. never / Paul / his homework / does 6 cooks / dinner / my dad / usually / for the family 3 Read the dialogue. Choose the correct option. Sam: Where 'you live (6 you TW, Lior? Liam: | live / lives in the city centre ‘My dad $work/ works in a bank. Sam: 4Do/Does your mum have job too? Liam: Yes, she Sdo /does. She's ‘teacher, but she Snot work / doesn't work every day. Sam: She teach / Does she teach at your school? Liam: No, she #doesn't / don't, and I'm. very happy about that! 4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences, 1 usually my homework after dinner. ahove (do ¢ get 2 Doyou shower every morning? a get bgo c have 3. When do you usually ___ your friends? asee bb get c have 4 loften up late at the weekend. ago bget edo 5 We always dinner at eight o'clock. ago b have getup 6 Wedont school on Saturday or Sunday. ago b goat goto starter unit ) cw Clothes and accessories; Present Continuous; Talking about feelings 1 Look at the pictures. Order the letters below and 3 Read the dialogues. Choose the correct write the words for clothes and accessories. option. ba cg . A ‘saljte inrreags lsobeab pac odoieh teow Thier , A; Hi, Matt, What (@7@youdOmBY are you do? 8: 2m playing / | playing @ computer game, but 41 don't doing / I'm not doing very well. Its really difficult. pe Hi, Laura. Where's Mark? Als he /Is sleeping? No, he Saren't /isn't. He's Swatch / watching a film in his bedroom. 1 jacket 2 3) 4 Tare / Do you feeling better today, Cara? Yes, |®do /am, thanks. °/ feeling /m feeling much better. ero How is each person feeling? Choose the correct answers. It’s the first day of my holiday! The weather's lovely and | want to do lots of different things. 1asod — Bjexcited nervous W friends are away this weekend. It's ing outside and there's nothing to do! 2a bored —b shocked excited | don't ike it when my sister wears my clothes. She never asks me first! 3a worried b relaxed —¢ irritated 5 2 Compl dee soniScde wan its PRosobt I've got c Maths test tomorrow, The tests are Gontswilis 36773 OF the verbs in Exact. olways really difficult, so I never do very well 1 Carle is having (have) a shower at the moment. Can you call back in ten minutes? 2 con't talk to you now.|______ (do) my homework. 3. My sisters aren't here this weekend. They )) some friends in London. 4 a nervous b tired © relaxed always go to bed late, so I never get much sleep. | want to sleep now! 5 a excited b shocked tired 4 We (not wear) schoo! uniform today because it’s Saturday! It's Saturday morning and | haven't got any eM (nck lay) fostball ob the homework this weekend! | wonder what's on TV. moment. He (watch) TV. 6 My parents {not work) today. They (GO in the gorden. 6 a relaxed b frightened © annoyed Starter unit Countries and languages; was/were; there was/were; Past Simple: regular verbs 1 Complete the sentences with words for countries and. languages. 1 Jacek is from Poland, so he speaks Polish 2. My cousins live in Germany, so they can speak 3. Anais from + $0 she speaks Italian. 4 Lwant to visit Ching, so 'm learning to speak 5. My aunt lives in Paris, in 80 she can speak French. 6 Maria is from Portugal, so she speaks 7 People speak Turkish in 8 We often go on holiday to Spain, so we're learning to speak 2 Choose the correct answers. 1 lots of people at the party last night - more then fifty! Were (8) There were ¢ There was 2 Jomie at school yesterday. 2 wasn't b were © weren't 3. Ourexams very difficult last term. © was b there werent —¢ were 4 the weather good for your holiday? o Were b Wos there © Was 5 many people in the restaurant last night. Thee wasn't b Thereweren't © Weren't ‘ 8 good film on at the cinema last night? © Wasthere —b Therewasn't —_¢ Were there 3 Find the Past Simple form of the verbs in the word search. Write them next to the verbs. WORKED SMPs EO Rete or TaN DBFLCOOKED RABIANPPIS Lik EDRPLLT I AANRCEAILU ViEKITCDYNOD ENJOYEDEGI DEGBRREDEE PLANNEDEYD 1 work worked 6 enjoy 2 cook 7 study 3 like 8 ploy 4 live 9 stop 5 ty 10 plan 4 Complete the sentences with the Past Simple form of the verbs below. live otenjoy not play not ain study want 1 | didn't enjoy the concert last weekend - it was terrible! 2 My parents inNew York when they were younger. 3. Alex football yesterday because he was ill. 4 Mymum French ct university 5 Myuncle tobe @ pop singer when he was younger. 6 We were lucky because it when we were on holidoy. 5 Make questions and short answers in the Past Simple. 1 you / like / your presents? 7 A: Did you like your presents? B: Yes, did. 2 your parents / help / you / with your homework ?x A B: 3 she / invite / all her friends / to the party? 7 A B: 4 the train / arrive / on time? x A 8: 6 Complete the questions with the phrases below. how did you run whatdid-you-watch when did you visit where did Anna live who did Karl invite why did they play 1 What did you watch at the cinema last night? 2 tennis in the rain? 3 before she moved to London? 4 tohis party? 5 whole marathon? 6 New York? Was it last year? VOCABULARY Lifestyle I can talk about everyday technology. 1 @ Look at the pictures and complete the words. That’s my world! VOCABULARY Lifestyle | Everydoy technology | Adjectives of opinion | Time GRAMMAR Present Simple, Present Continuous ‘ond state verbs | Verb + ~ing / verb + torinfnitive READING Multiple choice LISTENING 5 Listening for gist | Tiue/False SPEAKING ws] Making and responding ré 8 6 to suggestions 2 @@ Write the correct word for each definition. Use the words in WRITING Exercise 1. escreen 1 It's small, flat computer you can hold in your hands. tablet 2 You put this inside a camera or other piece of technology to make (BG cutture it work. Do smartphones make you 3. It's a piece of wire to join things together. smarter? 4 You use this to take a photo of yourself. 5. You use these to listen to music so that no one else can hear. 6 You push this into the wall to connect to the power supply. 7. You use this to put more electricity into your phone. 8 This is the part of a device where the sound comes out. 3 @ BEEZ choose the correct option. 1 @8/make online 4: film /listen « video 2 send/listen to music 5. download / text friends 3. play /read e-books 6 upload /text pictures 4 @@ Complete the sentences with the words below. There is one extra word. chat download games listen make messages online read send shore text upload videos 1 Lusually go online after dinner and with my friends. 2. When | find a song that Ilike,|___it and then to it on my music player. 3. On holiday, | usually e-books or play on my tablet. 4 luse my phone to my friends or send instant tothem, 5 I take a lot of photos, then | Ican them with my friends. 6 love music, so | watch a lot of music “Id like to ‘a video one them so day! 5 @ Find eight adjectives in the word search and write them below. (@maZiN gars WMZAXGSIEN EBIFUNNYRU SABIANOTES OFOSBRKEEE MBRNRCLCCF EZIGOOLHTU FANPWIHEXL DEGBRREOEH AAEVNOISYN 1 amazing 5a e 2 y ob g 3 sll Fee 4n y Bu 1 6 @ Order the letters and complete the words in the sentences. 1. What a great film! t's brilliant (birlinta)! 2. Thank you - these flowers are | y (levy)! 3. I don't want to eat this food ~ it's d 9 (dsigusitgn)! 4 I don't know what this is - it’s very s @ (rasntge) 5 Itisn't anew phone - it's very 0 - d (lod-shfaioend), 6 [hate this music - it's t e (errtileb)! 7 @@ Choose the adjective that does NOT fit in each sentence. 1 don't like that film. think it’s @ terrible (6) exciting 2. E-books are and easy to carry. brilliant © boring because they'e light b perfect ¢ noisy 3. My old phone is but I'd like to get ‘anew one. © awesome b OK © allright 4 Thank you for the present. What o surprise! a nice b disgusting ¢ lovely 5 Ilove your new tablet. I's ! @ awful b amazing ¢ awesome 6 Ilike Sara, but | don't know why she wears such____ clothes. © strange b noisy © old- fashioned 7 He's sucha ‘actor - he always makes me laugh! @ cool b funny —€_useful }® Complete the online profile with one word in each gap. About me I'm really Tinto technology. | always have my tablet with me so | can 2 online whenever | want. I's brilliant for ning 2 music. can songs that I like from the internet, and I've just got some new 3 - $0 can listen on the bus ‘on my way to school. It’s also got « really good camera. | offen take photos and 6 them with my fiends online. I haven't got a7 stick though — | don’t offen take photos of myself. | send lot of instant § to my fiends ‘and | sometimes * ____ games, but not very offen, My brother loves games, but he only likes really modern ones, not ld. ‘ones. Unit 1 rTPA 1 @ Choose the correct option. Then mark the. sentences PS (Present Simple) or PC (Present Continuous). 1. Joe's do A@aing)some tricks on his bike at the moment. PC 2. We aren't /don't often go to the cinema, 3. Sara doesn't / isn't wearing her helmet today. 4. My dad never travels / travelling by bus. —___ 5 Are/ Do you usually do your homework after dinner? 6 What do / are you doing here? 2 @ Match questions 1-6 with answers a-f. 1 [€] Are you enjoying the film? (5) Does your uncle live in London? (JD Do you go online every day? (Are they making a film? (5) Is Jack practising on his skateboard? (1) Do your friends play in a band? Yes, | do. I chat with friends online every evening No, they aren't. They're just taking some photos. Yes, they do, and they're awesome! No, he isn't. He's playing tennis No, he doesn't. He lives in Manchester. sean ca owen 3 @ Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form of the verbs below. [ fee! tow not understand think want know Kate very well - she's my best friend. 2 Im going home because | il 1 what you're saying, Can you repeat it, please? 4 Mybrother____ to buy anew camera. 5 |____ she's from France, but I'm not sure, 4 @@ Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Mw (usually/toke) photos on my phone, but today! (Use) my camera. 2 Jez (learn) the guitar ot the moment because he (want) to be in a band. 3 (try) to text Anna now because ' (need) to speak to her. 4 We {usually/cycle) to school, but it (ain) today, so we (g0) by bus. 5 (look) for my charger. (not know) where | left it. B ww can use different tenses to talk about the present, Present Simple, Present Continuous and state verbs 5 @@ Read the dialogues. Choose the correct option. A ‘A: Hi. What "are you doing /do you do? B: 21 try/I'm trying to take a selfie while 'm on my skateboard, but * think /1’m thinking it’s impossible! “1 fall off/'m {falling off every time | try! ‘A: ®Do you like / Are you liking the new James Bond game? B: Yes, | 6am /do. But 7idon't spend /1'm not spending much time on computer games at the moment because ®/ work/ I'm working hard for my exams. ‘A: Hil Are those your new earphones? What °do you listen / are you listening to? 8: That new band, The Feds. '°Do you know / Are you knowing thern? 6 ©@@ Complete the email with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. o9e [SIT=) Hi Jack, How are you? | "™m staying (stay) with my Uncle in Birmingham this weekend becouse there's a big computer games show here. My uncle ? (come) to this event every year. You? (know) 14 (love) games and 15. (play) them every day at home, so this is a great ploce for me. At the moment, | (si) in @ big hall with lots of other games fans. We? (try) «new game - it's ‘ewesome! |® (wear) spe earphones 50 | can hear all the sounds in the gome really well. The only problem isit’s @ difficult game and |? (not do) very well! OK, know you 2 (not ike) computer games because you w (think) they're all boring, but _mayibe you should try this one. What 12 (you/do) this weekend? Wirite and tell me Poul Gadget World Read about our three top gadgets this month. “The UE Boom 2 is a small speaker with a really big sound! I's about the size of a can of drink, so you can carry itwith you easly and enjoy listening to your music. I's round, so the sound comes out in all directions. I's powerful enough to fill a large room with music, o you can have a party wherever you are! I's made of strong pastc, so it's OK if you drop it and it’s also waterproof, so you can use It at the beach or in the shower. And the battery lasts for fifteen hours. Do you sometimes forget to charge your phone? Well, why not buy some EnSoles? They look like normal insoles, but they use the power that you make when you're walking to charge your phone. Just put S the Ensoles in your shoes, plug your phone cable into your shoe and you can chat or text while you walk. They're really cool, and a very Useful gadget. Taking selfes is fun, but sometimes you'd like your self stick to be justa little bitionger. Wel, the Nixie is the perfect gadget for you! It's ‘a camera that flies! You wear it on your arm like a watch, o it's easy 10 carry. When you're ready to take a photo, you lett go and it flies Up into the ar It knows where you are and it can follow you to take some awesome photos. Itthen comes back down, you catch it and put it back on your arm. Simple! The Nixie isn't available to buy yet, but you can put your name on the list to get one as soon as they're onsale. 1 Read the text. Match gadgets 1-3 with photos A-C. 3 Complete the sentences with the 1 [JEnSoles 2 [) UEBoom2 3 [] Nixie words below from the text. 2. Read the text again. Choose the correct answers. [con cosy lasts normal size 1 Youcan only use the UE Boom 2 speaker inside a room. 1 This gadget is cheap and a The b False © Doesn't say touse. 2. The UE Boom 2 speaker doesn't break easily. 2. This camera is about the a Tue b False ¢ Doesn't say of a watch, so it's 3. The EnSoles are expensive. very small. a Tue b False — ¢ Doesn't say 3 With these earphones you 4. The Ensoles use power from the sun to charge your ten coo ie pete: shower. @ Tue b False © Doesn't say ee watch, but in fact, it's also a computer. The Ni is comfortable Soe ee eee ae 5 One problem with this phone is a Tue b False — ¢ Doesn't say : that the battery only 6 You can't buy a Nixie at the moment. eae a Tue b False — ¢ Doesn't say unit @) CTV Sy Verb + ing/ verb + to-infinitive | can use verb constructions with to-infinitives and ing forms. 1 @ Order the words to make 4 @@ Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences. sentences. 1. enjoy/ making /1/ pizza enjoy making pizza. 2 forget / sometimes / to / do/1/ my homework 3 hoping / he's / pass /his exams / to 4 misses / seeing / she / her cousins 5 I/love / to / would / come / to the party 6 always / he / his room / cleaning / avoids @ Motch 1-6 with a-f to make sentences. 1 2 a 4 5 6 oe b © 4 f [6] I'm looking forward (2 Sonia con't don't would like Danis very good Please stop mind helping with the party. making so much noise! tosecing you: at playing the guitar. to go to New York. stand cooking. © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 My grandma is trying to learn (learn) how to upload pictures. 2. Why don't you come to my house when you finish (do) your homework? 3. We'e plonning (G0) to France in the summer holidays. 4 Are you interested in (see) the new James Bond film? 5 Mark never offers woshing up! 6 My sister sometimes asks me (help) her with her homework. (do) the One sentence is correct. 1 My brother often chooses watching films on his tablet. ‘My brother often chooses to watch films on his tablet. 2 Ican't stand to listen to that awful music! 3. Hurry up - I hate being late! Thope my dad agrees paying for our tickets. I'm really looking forward to see that film. 5 ©@@ Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs below. be choose download film get make practise ride see visit Love 'filming videos of me and my friends, We oll enjoy 2 ‘our BMX bikes, and some of the tricks we ‘con do look great when you film them. | always try 3 interesting places for the videos ~ next ‘month we're planning + ‘abig park in London to make a film there. Ive asked all my friends 5 their tricks so they can do them really well. {im really looking forward to ® —_ the results. IMy friends all tell me 'm quite good at” videos. | wouldn't mind ® {job with «a film company when I'm older. 'd love ® = 1 famous film director one day! Click here if you want '° some of my videos ‘and watch them. | hope you enjoy them! 6 Complete the sentences with the words below. Then match sentences 1-3 with meanings a-< [tcl thing upside 10 ws ages. 20 tts down, 30 tts annoying, ©. The top is at the bottom. b It's making me feel angry. I'm spending a lot of time on it. LISTENING and VOCABULARY Could you live without technology? | con identity specific detail in a radio programme and talk about using technology. 1 Choose the correct option. 1 get up for school at 7 a.m. /pm. 2. There are sixty seconds in a minute /an hour. 3. Loften see my friends in /at the weekend. 4 Lusually text my grandme once / once time week. 5 My brother usually gets up late at /on Sundoys. 6 sometimes watch TV in/on the evening. 2 Match 1-6 with a-f to make sentences. 1 [1] We have our lunch in the canteen 2 [] The showis on TV three 3 [) My brother sometimes goes to bed at 4 [J sometimes feel tired in 5 [1 lonly see my grandparents twice 6 F1 teometimes go shepping on aa Saturday. 4. midnight. b the afternoon. e ayeor. © times a week. f atlunch time, 3 How often do you do these things? Write sentences. 1 text friends text friends every day. 2 chat with friends 3. find information online 4. download songs 5 listen to the radio 6 watch TV shows online 7 upload photos print photos 4 |G 02 Listento the first part of a radio programme. What is the programme about? some people who are trying some new technology for a month some people who are not using technology for a month 5 G 03 tisten to the second part of the programme. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (flse). 1 [1 Islas often bored in the evenings because she can't chat with her friends. 2 [1] Islais spending more time on her homework now. 3.) Ben can'tlisten to music at the moment. 4 |) Ben doesn't like any of his parents’ music. 5 (_] Sorais watching more TV because she can't go online. 6 [1] Islais enjoying having printed photos. 6 @ 04 Complete what Isla says with the words below. Listen and check. J boing online terrible usually with I'm finding it really dificult. text my friends and chat ? them ‘lot, but of course, now I can't do that. I's ‘OK during the doy, but the evenings are a bit 3___ And! the worst thing is trying to do homework. can'tgo* to find information ond thot's$____ Books are OK, but it's much slower without the internet. How can we have fun ifno one can see what we'te doing? RYO Z2Nnicay Making suggestions Ele! can make and respond to suggestions. 1 Complete the responses in the dialogues with the words below. [cool gist rather sure why 1A: Why don't you add some music to the video? B: Yes, great ideo. 2 A: You could buy a better camera. Vd not. They're very expensive! 4 G 05 complete the dialogue with sentences 3. A: Why don’t you use your brother's video =e. Listen and check. camera? Joe: Right, we want to fim a video, What's the 8: Imnot He doesn't like best ideo? people using his things. ie 4 As Let's moke video about football Hmm, Im not sure. leant do many ticks B: Yes, not? ‘on my skateboard. | think it might be 5 A: Shall we go to the park? boring. ; ‘Anni OK. Well, shall we moke o video about B: OK, : dancing? | can ask some of my friends. 2 Write the responses from Exercise 1 in the Tara's a really good dancer. 2 correct column. ‘Ann: Well, we could make a funny video about Accepting a suggestion _| Rejecting a suggestion yourcat. Joe: ‘Ann: Hmm, but he might not do anything funny in front of the camera. Yes, great idea. Jo ‘Ann: With you playing the guitar? a Joe: Yes. Match suggestions 1-5 with responses a-e. are 1 [€] Let's make a film about skateboarding, Joe: Cool! And we can ask Tom to sing. 2 [1 You could use the camera on your ‘Ann: Great! Let's do that! phone. - sitter a ean a. Yes hy ot He alway cing funy tng 4-5] Why don't you ask someone to help you? Rare eee 5 [] Sholl we meet at six o'clock? fe acme alg race cou I'm not sure. it doesn't take very good photos. d_ That's a great ideo. Icon play the drums, too. 'b I'd rather not. | want to do it myself. That's true. Why don't we make a music video? © Great idea! We're-both really good atitt See Sere Match sentences 1-3 with Why not? We might meet some friends there. responses a-c. 1 (7) Look, this is my new tablet. (Let's have pizza for lunch. (1 That's itt I'm leaving! Come back! This is s0 cool! Good idea. That's my favourite! A description of an unusual lifestyle I can describe places and lifestyles. 1 Complete Matt's article for his school magazine 4 Look at the words in bold in the text. Then with the words below. a My unusual lifestyle by Matt Thompson ‘Most people live in a house or flat, but my 'home. is in a boat. | always have a ?_ of water! Its? three bedrooms and a small living area, There's a kitchen and a bathroom too. Although i's small its warm and comfortable ‘We haven't got much technology. However, ve got a tablet in ease | want to go online to chat with friends or wateh films in the * Live with my parents and my sister: We : stay in one place during school time. I get up early on ¢ because | help took after the boat. We don't have a car, so | always walk to school In the school holidays, we travel around. I like this lifestyle because | visit interesting places. Also, | meet lots of different people ~ as well as my school friends, I've got friends all over the country! Read the text again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 [J Matt cant use the internet on his boot. 2] Four people live on Matt's boat. 3] Matt and his family never stay in one place for more than a few weeks. 4) Matt enjoys his lifestyle. Match paragraphs 1-2 in the text with topics a-b. a [-] description of family and lifestyle b [1 description of home + interesting ® choose the correct option. 1 My home isn't very big. Although “However, enjoy living in it, 2 I meet lots of interesting people, so / because I never get bored. 3. There's an extra bed in the living area as well a5 / in case we want to invite friends to stoy. 4 There's a living area inside the boat and there's space outside as well as /too. 5 Although / However my sister likes our lifestyle, she would prefer to live in a house. & Ourlifestyle isn't expensive. Too / Also, it's good for the environment. 5 Complete Anno’s notes about her home and lifestyle with the words below. bedrooms campervan get up lifestyle morning never tablet university HOME + home: modern Yeamper van rooms: two ? . small kitchen and shower room small, quite comfortable, sometimes cold in the 3 1V; no internet connection, but have a 4 | can use in cafés FAMILY AND LIFESTYLE mum, dad and sister usually § carly — help with food and jobs ‘ {go to school ~ study with mum and dad want to go to” one day enjoy the way we live ~ travel all over the world = meet lots of people 6 Write c description of Anna's home and lifestyle. Follow the instructions below. 1. Use the text in Exercise 1 as a model. 2. Write two paragraphs: + paragraph I: Anna's home + paragraph 2: Anna's family and lifestyle, 3. Use connectors and time expressions. 4. Use the Present Simple. unit ©) 1 Complete the words in the sentences. 1 My phone has no power - I need to find my c i 2 This s is great for taking photos of yourself 3. Do you usually 5 photos with your friends online? 4 love music, sold alot of songs. 5 |hate that TV show - it's a ! 6 It’s really hot and sunny today - it's. @ Pp day to go to the beach! 2 Complete the sentences with the words below. There is one extra word. [z= Useful weekend 1. Igo swimming ‘a. week, on Wednesdays and Fridays. 2 Thisisa very gadget. I'd really like one. 3. I dont like this bag ~ it looks 4 Isthat bag of plastic? 5 Ateleven o'clock our lessons stop because it's time. 6 Ioften listen to music in the 3 Complete the sentences with the Present. Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs brackets. 1 Con you wait a minute? | (chat) with my friends at the moment. 21 (not often/watch) films on my tablet - | prefer a bigger screen. 3 My uncle (live) near the beach. at {not like) her music. | think it's boring! 5 It (not rain) now, so we con go out. 6 Joke (not want) to come to the party. 4. Complete the questions with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Then complete the short answers. LA: (you/often/read) e-books? B: No,! | prefer real books. 28 anie/isten) to music at the moment? B: Yes, he He's upstairs in his room, (yourthink) it’s @ good film? B: Yes, Its brilliant! 4am (your friends/ make) a video today? B: Yes, they It's a music video. 5A (you/do) your homework right now? No, | «I'm too tired! (your friends/ ‘lways/remember) your birthday? B: No, they It's very annoying! 5 Choose the correct option. 1 Hurry up - I can't stand to be / being late! 2. George never offers to pay / paying for anything. 3. Please be quiet - 'm trying to listen / listening to music. 4, My parents allow me to stay up / staying up late at the weekend. 5 It’s OK I don't mind to wait / waiting for you. 6 Mike is hoping to go / going to art college. Piura eee 6 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gop. A! ‘we organise something for Alcna’s birthday? B: Yes, great ? We? have a party. A: Iimnot4 A party's quite expensive. § don't we go for pizza? 'drather ® | don't reolly lke pizza. OK, well,” about ¢ film night ‘at my house? Yes, why ® she 'sdo thet Unit 1 fs) GES CULTURE Do smartphones make you smarter? x 1 Match the words below with the pictures. 4 Choose the correct option. Korean children are good at seeing ‘chatwith-‘ftiends play games send messages i hare phous TwcichVieos ‘/Golvingyproblems together. 2. We receive / require information in different ways these days. 3 Youcan access / acquire the internet with many different devices. 4. The intemet is challenging / transforming society. 5 Ifyou take / touch the screen, some new information appears. 6 Ifyou switch / click on the link, a new 1 chat with friends page opens. 5 Make sentences using verb + to- finitive or verb + ing. 1 I /not/ plan / solve / the problem — today a I'm not planning to solve the problem today. 2 |/ prefer / access / the internet at = home 4 it 3. the internet / good at / transform / society 4 you / can practise / touch / the screen now 5. | would like / receive / more information online try /click on that link 2 Match 1-4 with a-d to make word friends. 6 Complete the definitions with the 1 [d) video a messages adjectives below. 2 () social b device 3. C1) instant © media anxious funay proficient 4 2) digital d clip smart supetical 3 Complete the sentences with the word friends in aK ad Exercise 2. Then tick (/) the sentences that are true makes you laugh ta funny. for you. Change the other sentences to make them 2 Someone pe something thetle tis Bajo, integentis a thing that i i 1 Luse a lot of social media: Twitter, Facebook, enneiog Ht not romani or Instagram... E eee ll 4 Someone who is very worried is 3 Ike sending when I'm working on my 5 Sa eT computer. i's very convenient. eee 4. [spend a lot time watching on YouTube. fm almost an addict 7 Which of the adjectives in Exercise 6 have a positive meaning? Which have a negative meaning? Write P or N. 8 Read the video script. Underline any words or phrases you don't know and translate them into your language. Addicted to screens Part 1 How long do you spend online every day? Is this increosing ot the moment? And when you're online, what do you do there ~ chat with friends, isten to music, watch videos, play games, send messages? Can you do them all at the some time? The internet is transforming our society too. Ithas a huge impact on culture, politics and business. Now there are ‘screenagers’ who live most of their lives in the Virtual world, Some people spend more time online than with 10 their families! ‘And this is the country where people are connected more than ‘anywhere else in the world: South Korea. Here you can access the internet very easily, and it's really fast. You can download files ten times quicker here than in most countries in the world. Even young children of three to five years old use the internet ‘and spend eight hours a week online. ‘Then there are teenagers using the internet for eighteen hours, a day. Experts say that if you take away the intermet from these teens, they start to feel anxious ond unhappy. 20 So, is Korea creating a nation of screen addicts? And will your country be like this in just two or three years’ time? Part 2 But is internet addiction « bad thing? Think for « moment about the information that you receive on screens. I's certainly not lke 28 reading a book. Now we receive information via connections ‘or hyperlinks. We just click on the link or touch the screen and something new appears. ‘And what about the videos of pets you watch on YouTube? You think it's funny or superficial, but ths is part of @ big online 20 conversation. You can watch the angry cat ond then create your ‘own clip or meme with a different cat. Sharing these photos and Videos is more important than the content itself. t allows us to ‘communicate with people in a more creative way. So, do smartphones make us smarter or less smart? Let's return 2 to Koreo for an answer. There's good news: Korea is the most ‘connected country in the world, but itis clso number one for ‘education. itis regularly top of the world’s education league tables. The reason may be that from on early age, Korean children are proficient at working together on the internet to 40 soe problems. Wild nature VOCABULARY Weather| Temperature | ‘Natural disosters: GRAMMAR Past Simple: regular and itegular verbs | Past Simple cand Post Continuous READING Matching LISTENING Listening for gist | Identifying specific details | Matching SPEAKING Ciiticising ENGLISH IN USE ‘Adverbs and indefinite pronouns BBG cutture Nice day, init? VOCABULARY Weather and natural disasters I can talk about the weather and natural disasters. 1 © Complete the weather words. Noun Adjective snow ‘snowy 5 sunny fog 2 40. cloudy wind Sw icy ’s 2 @@ Choose the correct answers. 1. We don't want to drive because it’s today, so you cantt see very well. a ice b icy ¢ fog @togay 2. We can't go out in our boat because it's and the sea is rough @ sun b sunny ¢ storm —d stormy 3 It's very cold here in winter and there's often on the ground. a snow b snowy rain 4 rainy 4 Look, it's @ lovely day. Let's go swimming in the sea! sun sunny wind windy 5 You should drive slowly when there's on the roads, storm b stormy ice d icy 6 There's a lovely blue sky today ~ it isn't otal, sun sunny e cloud — d cloudy 7 Sometimes things blow away when it's very wind b windy c ice d icy 8 Everything in the garden gets wet when it’s @ cloud b cloudy ¢ rain d rainy @@ Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences. ‘One sentence is correct. 1 Itvery foggy todoy. It's very foggy today. 2. Ohno! t getting cloudy! 3. The sunis shi today. 4. Look, it’s snowy. Let's build a snowman! 5 It's getting a bit storm now. 4 @ Choose the correct answers. 1 Z 5 Which word do we use for ‘in -10? © minus less ¢ lower Which word does NOT mean ‘hot'? @ warm — b boiling chilly Which word does NOT mean ‘cold’? a mild b cool © freezing Which word do we use to say “in 35°? hot b degrees temperature © Choose the correct option. Put your coat on - mild outside! Its a nice chilly / warm day, so we can sit outside. Its often hot boiling / boiling hot here in the summer. The water's « bit cool / mild, but it's not too cold. It’s lower / minus fifteen here, so it's very cola! Sometimes the temperature reaches forty points / degrees in the summer. 6 @ Complete the natural disaster words. 1 earthquake 4 ts mi 2dr gt 5 a_a___che 3 fd 6 hor ne 7 @ Complete the crossword. [i] r e ° u a] [a] ft h Pe t th LI | al J Across 2. when a lot of water covers the land 5 when the ground shakes Down 1 when there is no rain for a long time and the ground becomes very dry when a lot of snow falls from a mountain when a very big wave comes from the sea onto the land when there is a very strong wind 8 @@@ Read what four people say about the weather in their area. Choose the correct option. les a horrible wet, 'rainy /sunny day here in Manchester, so you need your umbrella. It's also quite “chilly / boiling, so you definitely need your coat. Sometimes we have ?earthquakes / floods here and our house shakes. t's quite scary. Hive near the sea, so when this happens, we always worry that there might be “an avalanche /a tsunami too. Winters are usually Sboiling / freezing cold where I live and we often have lots of ésnow / snowy. I's great because we con build snowmen, but the roads are dangerous because they're often "cloudy /icy. Usually the summers are warm and ®sun/ sunny here, but this year it's quite °coo!/ mild. It's also quite rainy, so we're worried there might be a '9fiood / hurricane. 9 @@® Complete the weather forecast with in each gap. ‘@e Weather around the world In Madrid its boiling "hot today and the sky is lovely clear blue ‘* InLondon it’s quite cold and it's also starting to? a bit windy, so hold onto your hats! © InParis the? lovely and warm, ‘Isa cold nightin Toronto, with temperatures aslowas* 15, ‘© Innorthern Australia the § continues. Plants are dying because its so dry and everyone is hoping for some rain soon. ‘© In New York its lovely sunny day, with ‘a temperature of around 25° is shining and its Unit 2 (©) GRAMMAR Masi 1 © Complete the sentences with the Past ‘Simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Iwas tired and | wanted (want) to go home. 21 (not enjoy) the film last night. 3 Mydad (study) Maths at university. 4 Ralph (not help) us to organise the party last week. S| (spot) Tim in the park yesterday. 6 Sora (not look) very happy. 2 @ Match infinitives 1-8 with their Past Simple forms a-h. | become o met see b thought feel © became (think knew CO toke e saw meet f went 5 go 9 felt h took ‘Complete the sentences with the Past iple form of the pairs of verbs below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (J know e | become, not go feel, find meet, not like not take, visit see-net-knew 1 We were scared when we saw the tsunami cand we dicin’t know what to do. 2 Joke ‘many photos when he Canade last year. 3. The storm soon quite bad, so we outside, at really happy when | finally my bag again. 5 She George last year, but she him at first. 4 @©@ Complete the dialogues. Use the Past Simple. 1A: What film did you see last night? We saw Spectre. When 2 The hurricane happened on Tuesday night. Where your coat? | puttin the kitchen. _ any photos of the storm? No, | didn't take any photos. 5 A: When Mark? PRe PRer : regular and irregular verbs I can use regular and irregular verbs to talk about the past. 5 @ Complete the post with the Past Simple. form of the verbs below. become come feel help not sleep not sop otwant see think watch Wow! What amazing weather! 'Did you ¢e the snowstorm last night? It started ‘at about eight o'clock ond at frst e itwosn't very bad, But the snow soon > quite thick ‘on the ground. It snowing for about five hours! | § ot call becouse |* so excited “7 to miss anything! This morning some friends * round to our house and? Us clear the snow away from our door. Thanks, guys! | don't know about the weather today. "9 you the weather forecast on TV this morning? Let me know if you did! 6e@ ‘Complete the text with one word in each gop. ° Yes, | 'saw the snowstorm 2 night = amazing! The last storm like this was five years * it place 8 December, right at the beginning of the winter. We made some amazing snowmen that year, but unfortunately, they = not lest very long because the snow soon melted. | posted some photos yesterday, when the storm storted. ” you see them? READING and VOCABULARY Amazing places to visit \ can find specific detail in o text and talk about culture. 1 EEEEEDISES choose the word that does NOT fit in each sentence. 3 Read the texts again. Match people 1-5 with phrases a-f to make true sentences. There is one 1 You look ridiculous in that hat! extra phrase. @)very b completely ¢ absolutely 1 2 Mox 4 [7] Paul's uncle 2 My brother is crazy! 2 Emma 5 Poul a absolutely b completely c very 3 Sora 3 Somis good at English. 4 lives in a place where there are sometimes avery b really ¢ totally nate sieasenes b_ was hoppy with the weather during a trip. 4. That lesson was Interesting. corbloan Sauk ans © enjoyed a very active holiday. y d_ hod a problem while on a trip. 5 This place is omazing! @ wants to travel to a place that a relative visited, a quite b absolutely ¢ totally f enjoyed learning about the history of a place. 6 It's usually cold here in winter. ack Baus ovtakaly 4. Complete the phrases from the text. Then match 2 Read the forum posts. Match headings 1-4 with posts A-D. Extreme heat On top of the world River adventure wild place close to home WILD PLACES them with definitions a-e. id] very wild a 2 a 4 5 fairly hot stunning not very cold worm very interesting mild 4 with-fem people foscinating _living there e very beautiful Dee eae ec Re ee ee A_Last summer | went to Tibet with my family, Ve were in 2 very wild area high up in the Himalayas. It was 2 walking holiday, so we walked and climbed every ay — sometimes upto over 4,000 metres! Is really beautiful inthe summer, but in winter it very dangerous becuse there's a lot ofsaow and there's aay a possibility of avalanches The local people believe that humarikeceatures called yeti liv in the mountains, but we didn't se any! Max B | lve in the town of Moteuka in New Zealand, near the Abel Tasman National Park, “The patkis named after Abel Tasman, one of ‘the fist Europeans to reach New Zealand. I's ‘an amazing wild plac. There are frets where you can walk and camp, and some absolutely stunning beaches. | swam in the sea lat week and it was really warm, Winter is quite mild and summer itt too hot. There ae alot of cuties ow Zee Bt ey ret usally very bad in this area © Injuly | traveled to Death Vale in the USA. tsa veryary place with oimostno rain {for most ofthe yea, so there aren't many plants. I's absolutely boling in surmmes, with temperatures over fity degrees! We leained about what fe wos like here in the post = thot was absolutely fascinating, The first Europeans who artved coiled it Death Volley because without water, you cant ve therefor very long! Sora 1D _Myuncle wenton an adventure holiday to South Amica last year, He raved by boat through the renforest of Braz. He went in July soi as really hot, but there wast foo much rain because & was the Ary season ~ he was pleased about that He saw some really colourful bids and ‘monkeys to. He dit see any dangerous ‘animals though. The photos he took are ‘absolutely amazing! Some people stil ive 2 tradtonal fe inte forest. Scientists aro trying to learn fom them how io use al the pani in tho forest as medicines. love to ga there one day Paul CerT 1 @ Complete the sentences Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1. He found some unusual plants while he was visiting (visit) Mexico. 2 They {not listen) when the guide explained the dangers of eating wild plonts. 3 What (youd) when you saw the avalanche? 4 They (swim) in the sea when they saw the shark 5 {it/rain) when you left home? 6 Someone took my camera while \ (not look). 2 @ Choose the correct option. 1 wos running for the bus when | Grappa was dropping my phone. 2. Jock fell asleep while he watched / was watching the film. 3. We were walking home when the wind started/ was starting to get stronger. 4. My cousins stayed / were staying in Jopan when the earthquake happened. 5. The beor appeared / was appearing while we were walking down the mountain. 6 The postman came / was coming while we were having breakfast. Complete the sentences with the Past ple or Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1. We saw (see) something strange in the sky while we were looking (look) at the stars. 2 The sun (Shine) when we (arrive) at the beach. 3. While | (wait) for the bus, I (text) a few friends. 4 Jenna (cry) when | finally (find) her. 5 We first (hear) about the storm while we (have) dinner. 6 When! (errive) at Paula's house, she (sit) outside in her garden. (2 Unit 2 Past Simple and Past Continuous | can talk about an event in the past and what was happening around it 4. @@ Complete the sentences while. when or 1 hurt my arm while | was ploying tennis yesterday. 2. Jess was waiting for us we got home. 3. We stoyed inside the snow was folling 4 my phone rang, | was watching 1. 5. The weather changed suddenly ‘we were thinking about what to do. 5 @@® Complete the dialogue with the Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verbs below. climb do eat fall find (x2) have (x2) look for lose not stop shine start ‘A: 'Did you have a good time on your Geography trip last week? B: Yes, we ? a great time in the morning while the sun ? - But it 4 to rain while we S our lunch, and it ® ofthe day! A: Oh dear! Where ? you these amazing rocks? B18 them while we ® plants neor the river. A: They‘ lovely. But it’s a pity about your for the rest ‘camera, What '0 you when you"! it? B11? ‘over some rocks when rs ‘and dropped it into the river. 6 Order the words in a-b to make phrases. Then use the phrases to complete sentences 1-2. @ accident / was / an /it b funny / time / was / at /it/ the 1. We all laughed when he fell in the water. | know it was dangerous, but 2. I'm sorry, | didn't mean to break the plate - LISTENING and VOCABULARY In the wild | can identify specific detail in o conversation about an activity camp. T Look at the pictures and complete the words. 3 BESEEEIIES Match 1-6 with o-f to make sentences. 1 [a] Itwas raining, so we made 2 [) Itwas cold, so we made 3 1 Ireally want to learn 4.1) Isto cold to sleep 5 [) Lost year scientists discovered 6 () Welooked a b © d e ‘bout the wildlife in the forest. some interesting plants here. fre to keep warm. 1 waterfall 2s a@-shelter-tokeep-us-dry. for wild animals, but didn't find any. f outside, 4 G06 Listen to the first part of a conversation. What kind of summer camp. did Alex go on? © extreme fitness b survival skis © discovering wildlife 368 at wW 5b 6b 2 Complete the sentences with the words below. 5 G 07 Listen to the second port of the There is one extra word. conversation. Match people 1-4 with act ea a-f. There are two extra activities. path cave bot stors wildlife sky 1 Aex eC bas 1 twos very dork at the back ofthe cave 2 (Chloe 4 1) Alex's mum 2. At night you can see the shining. © was cold at night 3 There isc lot of interesting in the b tried to make afire forest. © worried cbout finding water 4 We followed the until we came to d_needs a comfortable place to sleep ore € got lost at night 5 There were only a few clouds in the f caught a fish SPEAKING Criticising | can criticise and explain when things go wrong. 1 Complete the sentences with the words below. 4 Choose the correct responses, [meen warted coreful reali thinking 1. You lost my phone! Why did you do that? 4. I thought it was your phone. 1. What were you thinking of? © Ididn't mean to lose it. 2 didn't to. € Just be more careful next time. 3 Just be more next time. 2. Surprise! Look at this big spider! 4 Ireally to make you laugh. a didn't mean to scare you 5 I'm sorry, | didn't . b Ob, I'm sorry. | didn't realise. 2 Order the words to make sentences. © Why did you do that? You know I hate spiders! 1 for /do/ what / you / that / did /? 3. lim sorry my football broke your window. What did you do that for? ‘@ Well, just be more careful next time. 2 thought /1/ asleep / you / were b What did you do that for? © Oh,I didn't realise. 3 do/why/ you / that / did /? 4 hurt / didn't / you / mean /1/ to 5 wanted / really /to/ help /1 3 Write the phrases below in the correct column. | didn't mean to I didnt realise 1 really wanted tom | thought you were Ell: Just be more careful next time. What did you do that for? Jock: What were you thinking of? Ella: Why did you do that? Jack: Ella Tom: Lisa: el Tom: Explaining really wanted to . Lise: Tom: Kim: Kim: Dora: Kim: Dora: 4 You used my bike without asking me! What were you thinking of? a Why did you do that? bb I'm sorry. thought it was OK to use it. cc Just be more careful next time. 5 G 08 Complete the dialogues with one word in each gap. Listen and check. Jack, where's my concert ticket from last night? | put tin the bin, why did you do that? 12 you didn't want it. Of course | want it - I want to keep it 8 a sowvenie! What's all this mess? Err, | was trying to do some cooking ‘and things went a bit wrong .. What were you? of? Mum's ‘coming home soon. I didn't # to make a mess. ‘Come on, I can help you clear it up. Why is my jumper all wet? | washed it for you. What did you do that § 2 Well, | wore it today and I dropped hot chocolate all over it Well, just be more next time ~ and don't wear my clothes without asking me! Adverbs and indefinite pronouns I.can use adverbs and indefinite pronouns. 1 Complete the table. 5 Read the text. Choose the correct answers. People Things Places somebody | 'something | somewhere Asurvival story 2 ‘nothing a everybody | # everywhere E anything | 2 Choose the correct option. 1 I wont to go GGmewherBY something exciting next year. 2. He wants to invite everything / everybody to his party. Is there something / anything to ect? 4. The streets were really busy ~ there were people everywhere / anywhere. 5. It’s boring here - there's anything / nothing todo! 6 Cara doesn't have anybody /nobody to tolk to. 7. Everybody like / likes chips! & There is /isn't nothing in the box. 3 Complete the sentences with indefinite pronouns. 1 Lwasn't hungry so I didn't eat anything. 2 Don'ttell ‘about this - it’s a secret! 3 Ilooked for my phone, but | didn't find it. 4. Can we stop for minute? There's in my shoe. 5 There's for young people to go in this town it's awful! 6 stole my purse while | was waiting 1a nothing © something for the bus. b anything d_ somewhere 2 a everything © anywhere 4 Complete the second sentence so that it nothing d- anything means the same as the first sentence. Use no 3. @ nothing nobody more than three words. b onthing a seni 1 Allthe people at the concert were really 4a somewhere anywhere hoppy. b something anything Everybody at the concert was really happy. 5a onybody © nobody 2. haven't got anything to wear! b somebody d_ something 1 nothing to wear! 6 a something © everything 3. There was nowhere to sit down, b anything @ nothing anywhere to sit down. 4 Allthe things in the shop were expensive. Everything in _ expensive. Unit 2 fe) yas: ) Beh th eee Lek © =! understand and can help a friend. @ =! understand but have some questions. understand and can do it by myself. @@ =! do not understand. MIL | | © | CC nn 21 Vocabulary aS © 1-2,p.27 22° Grammer | | Nieiiceeaa ol Ex. 3,p.27 eae tiewed, | Students’ Book p. 25, | rare fia Workbook p. 21 | | Maier 2 Ex 4-5,p.27 one he Students' Book p. 27 25 tsering Saas a | Students Book p. 28 26 | Speckng | Workbook p 2 i. &.7,p.27 | Siar Students’ Bookp.29 a | | | ae &.6,p.27 2.1 Icon talk about the weather ond natural disasters. 2.2. Icanuse regular and irregular verbs to talk about the past. 2.3 can find specific detail ina text and talk about culture. 2.4 can talk cbout cn event in the post and what was happening around it 2.5 I canidentify specific detail in a conversation about an activity comp. 2.6 I can criticise and explain when things go wrong. 2.7 I can use adverbs and indefinite pronouns. What can you remember from this uni New words !learned Expressions and phrases Iliked | _English | heard or read (the words you most want to (any expressions or phrases you think outside class remember from ths unt) sound nice, useful or funny) (eg. from websites, books, | ‘adverts fims, music) fe) Unit 2 1 Complete the words in the sentences. 1 Look, it's a lovely s. doy! 2. Some trees blew down in the strong w 3. We couldn't see very well because it wos f 4 Its quite m today, so you don't need a coat 5 Shut the door! It's f cold outside! 6 The temperature is twenty-seven d today. 7 trained for five days and there was of in our town. 8 Our school building shook during thee Choose the correct option. 1 The stars / leaves fall off the trees in winter. 2. We found a small path / sky going through the forest 3. We tried to have / make a shelter, but it was too difficult 4 Scientists watched / discovered some unusual plants near the river 5. This book is completely / really interesting. 6 Youwon the game? That's absolutely / very fantastic! 3 Complete the sentences with the Past Simple form of the verbs below. I 0 hove notsee notwont soy tke ri at the activity camp for three weeks. 2 We spent three weeks in Iceland, but we the Northern Lights. 3 swimming every doy when | was on holiday. 4 His first concert London last week 5 She to touch the spider. 6 you @ good time ‘on the Survival Weekend? ploce in 4 Complete the sentences with the Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 knew that my dad {not watch) the film because his eyes were closed. 2. Lig hurt her knee while she {swirn) in the river. — (not chat) when | arrived. ah (the sun/shine) when you left home? B: Yes, it : 5A (the bears/sleep) when you saw them? 8B: No, they - They were wide awake! 5 Choose the correct option. 1 I saw/ was seeing c really big spider while | walked / was walking through the forest. 2 Alot of people skied / were skiing on the mountain when the avalanche happened / was happening. 3. We watched / were watching some amazing sunsets while we stayed / were staying in Scotland. 4 My brother sat / was sitting in the kitchen when | got / was getting home, 5 We watched / were watching TV when / while the hurricane started. 6 Choose the correct answers. 1 Imcold - | want to go worm! a something —b everywhere ¢ somewhere 2. I'm really bored - there's to do here! © cnything sb nothing —¢_ something 3. He's a very popular singer. loves his music! © Everybody b Anybody —¢ ‘Somebody 4 I'mlonely because | haven't got to tolk to. nobody b anybody somebody ees 7 Complete the dialogues with the phrases below. be more careful didn't mean to | didn't realise Ireally wonted why did you do that ‘Where's my bike? B: I said that Jo could use it today. AT 7 Ineed it todoy. B: Sorry,? __ you needed it. 8 A B : Oh look = the pizzas are burnt! Sorry, ® burn them, 4 to help, so | put them in the oven. ‘A: Well, just § next time. Unit 2 @) te] e}c Meath it) Nice day, innit? 1 Match the words belo et 1. freak snowstorm 5 2 what countries have t Exercise 1? snowstorms: Iceland w with the photos. freakenowstorm grey skies high winds sunny climate torrential rain tropical storm the weather conditions in 3 Complete the sentences with the words below. chaotic factors forecaster chasers devastation extrernes 1 Its difficult to be a weather forecaster in the UK because the weather is always changing! 2. In the USA they have great 3. Storm the danger. 4. Tornadoes con cau 5. Snowstorms can bring roads and railways, 6 Economic and social of weather. follow storms and warn people of ise damage and conditions to the ‘may influence our character more than the weather. 4 Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets. 1. These men were fishing (fish) without any problem in the ocean, but suddenly, they (decide) to turn back 2. This young dolphin (swim) with its group when it (get) separated in a big wave. 3. The storm (hit) when the people in the village (go) to bed, 4 Torrential rain (artive) while the people (build) a big shelter. 5 We (travel) by boat when a huge whale (hit) the side and the boat (start) to sink, 5 Write the opposite of the underlined adjectives. Use the words below. T deep rough torrential ugly warm 1 The water is shallow, so it's very easy to swim. deep 2. The seascape is beautiful, with lots of colourful corals. 3. The rain is light - you can definitely go ou 4. The sea is really calm right now - you can easily go swimming. 5. The airis cool today ~ perfect for nice walk! 6 Choose the correct option. 1. The sunset wasGbsolutelp/ very fantastic yesterday. 2 This exercise is totaly / really difficult. 3. The video about the Atlantic was completely / quite good. 4 There are lot of videos on YouTube which are completely / very crazy. 5. The weather where | ive is usually really / totally nice. 0 x0 38 7 Read the video script. Underline any words or phrases you don't know and translate them into your language. Severe weather Part 1 This is the wildest ocean on Earth! Its home to totally amazing marine life: penguins, seals, whales, dolphins and shorks - and z people who battle the roughest seas. It stretches 16,000 km from awe its shallow waters in the sunny tropics to the deep dark waters of the Arctic and Antarctic. Its an ocean of great extremes. Itis unpredictable and dangerous, but at the some time absolutely beautiful. This is «strange paradise! Welcome to the Atiantic! Part 2 This is Cape Verde, a group of islands off the coast of Africa. Here hot winds from the Sahara Desert have made the seo turn wild. The waves are huge and the conditions are difficult. These men were fishing without any problem in the ocean. But suddenly, they decided to tum back. It was too dangerous to continue. Winds lke this cross the Atlantic quickly. Warm air rises from the sea and creates block clouds. A vortex then forms and the water of the ocean spins around very fast, The storm crosses the ocean very quickly and it grows stronger with every mile. At 120 km per hou this storm is now @ hurricane! i's an unstoppable force of nature and is now moving towards the Caribbean. Dolphins swim to deeper water. They must stay together through the storm. Torrential rain arrives on land and enormous waves and strong winds cause devastation, Paradise is now hell! Part 3 This hurricane was particularly strong. Here in the Bchamas it a destroyed houses, trees and businesses, but the people were able to escape, However, in the sea there is no protection for the animals. Hurricanes break up dolphin groups. Somewhere in the ocean this young dolphin was swimming with its group when it was separated from the others in « big wave. Now it's at risk from a shark attack. Here a manatee finds safety ina mangrove forest. In fact, these underwater forests protect this area very well from storms because the vegetation is so thick. Soon the coral reefs recover and our young dolphin is reunited with the group. ‘And 50 life in the Tropical Atiantic returns to normal. The stormy conditions will come again, but for now all is calm in paradise. 29. VOCABULARY Food and drink I can talk about food and drink, 1 @ Find eight food and drink words in the word search and write them below. @owerYncaerr The taste WMZAXGSNEE ACRISPSUDM test Sree! A — oO T FO OfFOSBAKSEN MARNRCLCCA VOCABULARY EMicoHLHT oD Food ond drinks | Flavours | FAYOGHURTE Declined REET U CE O EH eae AAEVNOICLN Present Perfect wth ever, never, 1 honey Se m Just, already, yet, for and since | ze s op h Present Perfect ond Past Simple ay . ae at e al e READING ‘Multiple choice: 2 @ Choose the correct answers. 1. Which one is NOT a fruit? LISTENING @ garlic » peor © pineapple ent yoa acces 2 Which one is a kind of meat? pre @ flour b beef © cheese Bre 3 Which one is NOT o drink? Onde bed @ icecream —_b smoot © lemonade 4. Which one is a dairy food? WRITING @ honey b tuna © cheese ‘An email to fiend 5. Which one is NOT a vegetable? a lettuce b cucumber ¢ grapes BIS cuiture 6 Which one is NOT sweet? What do the British really ect? a honey b crisps © chewing gum 7 Which one makes you feel hot? @ chil b bread rolls ¢ ice cream 3 @@ Match descriptions 1-7 with foods a-g. 1 [c] Its a vegetable you use in salads. a flour 2 [) it'sadrink made with frit. b tuna 3 (] tsa large fruit. © eueumber 4 [| It'sakind of fish, dice cream 5 [-] Youeat them asa snack. smoothie 6 [| Youuse it to make bread. f crisps 7 [] ttsacold, sweet food, 9 pineapple 6) 4 @@ Choose the correct option. 1 lalways drink cheese /Gfuit juiéin the morning. 2 Hove fruit, especially garlic / grapes. 3. My sister doesn't agree with killing animals for food, so she doesn't eat beef/ peach. 4 Lettuce / Lemonade is my favourite drink! 5 I sometimes add cheese / honey to yoghurt to make it taste sweet 6 You con add chil'/ cream to food to give it ahot taste, 5 @@ Complete the sentences with the words below. bread roll cheese chewing gum garlic ruts pear 1. Nuts are c healthy snack. 2. My sister likes a lot of I don't like dairy foods. 3. Thad a lovely warm 4. We aren't allowed to hove when we're in class. 5 Would you prefer an apple or a 2 6 Youcan add to food to give a strong flavour. on her pizza, but for breakfast. in our mouth 6 @@ Order the letters and complete the words in the sentences. What's your favourite ice cream flavour? 1 ike fruit flavours like mefon (emoln) and —__ (wabesrtrry). 2 My favourite ice cream flavours are (lacohotec) and (living). Mmm! 3 Hove (mtni) because it's a lovely coo! flavour. 4 Wlike __ (mento) flavour becouse it isn’t sweet. 5 (nccooty) is definitely my favourite! ike (foecef) as a drink, but I hate it as cn ice cream flavour. 7 @@@ Complete what the people say about food and drink with the words below. bread-oll crisps fruit juice lettuce strawbery yoghurt Tusually eat a *bread roll with butter and jam for breakfast, and drink a glass of 2 ~ apple is my favourite, For lunch, Toften have a salad with ? and cucumber or maybe a sandwich. I don't eat ‘many snacks like * because they aren't good for you. It 'm hungry, I often havea fruit _~my favourite flavour is‘ 1 beef nuts pineapple smoothie tuna vanilla Tma vegetarian, so don't eat meat such as z . Teat fish, though, especially {try to eat a lot of fruit because it's good for you ~ my favourite fruit is. 2. . Sometimes I use lots of different {Kinds of fruit to make a*° ~it's my favourite drink. usually try to eat healthy snacks like” 2 Dut Lalso love ice cream! © Choose the correct option. A: Mmm, love this |@Rooolatey flour cake! Did you make it? B: Yes, | did. | used “garlic / honey to make it nice and sweet. Shall | pour some “crisps / cream on it for you? A: Oh yes, please! A: Do you like the #lemonade / lemon ice cream? B: Yes, its OK, but I think the Scoconut / coconuts ice cream is nicer. z : This meat is nice. It tastes quite hot. B: That's because | added some “chili/ cheese. Maybe next time | should add some herbs like ’melon / mint to make it taste cooler! units (i ) RT’ 1 © Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 1. 1 've invited (invite) all my friends to the party. 2 Sam (not decide) what to do yet. 3 (youltry) mint ice cream? 4 We (not have) lunch yet. 5 Sasha (ect) noodles with chili 6 (your dadyorder) the pizzas yet? 71 (hear) his music before - it’s really good. 2. @ Rewrite the sentences putting the words in brackets in the correct place. 1 Have you tried making bread? (ever) Have you ever tried making bread? 2 Ive cooked noodles. (never) 3. Molly has left. (just) 4 We haven't finished eating, (yet) 5. I've had lunch. (already) 6 Have you watched his cookery show on TV? (ever) 7 Have you tried the pizza? (yet) 3 @@ Make sentences in the Present Perfect. Use the words in brackets. 1 you/ meet / a famous chef /? (ever) Have you ever met a famous chef? 2 the film / start (already) 3. your email / not arrive (yet) 4 you / make / Sara's birthday cake / ? (yet) 5 Mike / cook / a meal (never) 6 we/ order / our food (just) 2) Unit 3 Past Perfect with ever, never, just, already and yet | can use the Present Perfect with ever, never, just, already and yet. 4 @@ Choose the correct option. yet eaten chilliice cream? Ive never J ciready seen that film, so I don't want to see it again. Have you cooked the pizza yet / ever? Jo isn't here - she's just / yet lef. I've ever / never tried Chinese food. 6 Ihoven't finished my homework yet / already. 5 @@© Complete the dialogues. Use the Present Perfect. A A: ‘Have you finished your homework yet? (you finish/your homework/yet) ? B: No, 1? But Tara? (dofalready) all the Maths exercises, so she can help me! > (you/try/ever) a vegetable smoothie? B: Yes, I've got a smoothie maker, and 1% (moke/just) @ carrot and tomato smoothie - lovely! e A? (youfwatch) that new cookery show onTv? B: No, 1® (hear) people talking about it alot, but 1? (never/see) it. sit good? A: Yes, it's great. !°___(learn/already) o lot Just from watching the first two shows. 6 @@© Complete the email with one word in each gap. Hi Maria, | hope you can still come round to my house later for the fim night. | "ve made some pizzas - yes, | made them myselfi Have you? tried making your ‘own pizza? It isn’t difficult. | haven't tasted them 2 because Ive * taken them out of the oven, so they re still really hot. Ive also bought some coconut ice cream. I've ® tried this type before, so | hope its nice. jake ® emailed me to say he can come, which is great, but 17__ heard from Cara® -Thope she can come, See you later! Niki READING and VOCABULARY 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do. 1 Sam makes a lot of cokes. 2 your homework now. 3. Hove you your decision yet? 4 Please don't ames in here! 5 You didn't win the competition, but you your best, so well done! 2 Complete the sentences with nouns formed from the verbs below. T cppear build compete weigh 1. Their apartment isin ¢ new building 2 Laura spends a lot of money on clothes because her is important toher. 3 No chocolate for me, thanks. 'm trying to lose 4 We're having a cookery ot our school. 3 Read the article. Choose the correct answers. 1. Why did Dean first start making chocolates? 4. He wanted to earn some money. b He wanted a special present for arelative. ¢ He was looking for a new hobby. d_ He wanted to win a competition. 2. Whot happened when he first tried to sell his chocolates? Only his fomily ond friends bought his chocolates. b_ He made too many chocolates and couldn't sell them all ¢ Fomily members had to help him make more chocolates quickly. d_ His prices were too high. 3. Whyis his honey and chili chocolate his favourite? @. It makes the most money. b itis the most popular with his customers. ¢ It's his most unusual fiovour. d_ It was his own idea. 4 What are Dean's plans for the summer? to work on some new chocolates to sell b to work for a chocolate-maker in his town © tovisit France with his fornily d_to.go on holiday with friends A passion for chocolate | can find specific detail in an article and use make and do accurately. 4 Write a sentence for each highlighted phrase in the article. A passion for chocolate Dean Pollardis seventeen and [TIT ERENT, making delicious chocolates. Dean has made chocolates since he was ten years ol, but he didn't plan to [EERE from them at first. He just wanted to gve his grandma something specal for her birthday. He found that he enoyed making chocolates and he son started winning «competition. His parents were just pleased that his hobby didn't have EXSESRSIEGI on his school work, ‘nthe beginning, Dean just made chocolates for family and friends and he never asked for any money. Buta the age of fifteen he decided totum his pasion nto a busines, so he ESRTSENTTEISIS. He kept his prices quit low, andthe fst weekend the website came online he was so busy that his parents had to help coutso there were encugh chocolates for allthe customers! He son decded to FINI 7! Dean makes a hugerange of chocolates with diferent flavours and he especialy proud of hs more unusual favours like his lemon «coconut creams. Mint and strawberry are the most popular flavours with customers, but Deans particularly proud ofhis honey and chili chocolat, not because it makes alot of maneyforhim, but because itwas the fist flavour that he developed himself, So, what are Deans pans forthe summer A local chocolate-maker in his town has offered him te chance to work for them during the summer holiday, but Dean st interested in the jb. He really wants to spend the summer working on some excing new flavours for his chocolates, My friends have invited metogo to France wth them, but 'm just too busy’ he says. Maybe next year” fo-TNUIW NSS Present Perfect with for and since; Present Perfect and Past Simple can talk about duration of time and be general and specific about experiences. 1 @ Write the words below in the 4 @©@ Complete the dialogues with the Present Perfect correct column. or Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets. Pea en tia icat set TA ies 94 san (ous) the new James Bond my birthday November Saturday ten years three days two months 2012 Neal (ee) R lost night. 2&1 (never/try) pear juice. Is it nice? For - a period of time Yes. (try) some last summer. afew weeks 3 {you/meet) Mark? Yes,1 (meet) him yesterday. 4A Jock (not do) his Maths homework. What about you? \ (do) it at the weekend. ‘Since - a point in time 5 @@© Complete the texts with the Present Perfect or Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets. | went (go) to the Chinese restaurant in Dalton Street last night.? (you/eat) there? The food's really nice.1? (have) some tuna, which é (be) very tasty! 2 @@ Complete the sentences with {for or since. 15 (try) that restaurant. 1 i. Wels been here fecneanyen oun, (not like) it at all, and we? (wait) for ages ond the train hasn't arrived yet! for our food! But that * (be) about six 2. There has been a cinema here months ago. 2002. 3. We haven't had any homework I think the food ? (improve) since last Monday. year. Alot of people | know '@ (enjoy) 4 Mr Thomas has worked at this school the food there. Two of my friends " (eat) over twenty years. there last Saturday and they {not have) 5 Tomhas been at college any complaints. few months now ‘and he loves it. 6 I've had this phone 6 @@@ Complete the dialogues with one word in lost summer. each gap. A }© Choose the correct option. ‘A: "Have you ever drunk coconut milk? 1 1@end/ have been to New York two B: Yes, 1? _Itied it bout two years ago, years ago. but 12 like it twas disgusting! | haven't 2. This restaurant opened / has opened ited agan ae in 2018. 8 2 Meted/tow tedintehueter A. yowyout___tothanou aac feel ke home. repaurare yet = 4 knew have known Paul since | was gnc! sere ana fens cid Tas Bee rend A; It's on Clorence Street. I's been open ‘about six weeks now. Oh, # know it was there. Let's go there this evening! 5. Did you see / Have you seen Emily yesterday? 6 Did you ever go/ Have you ever been to Paris? @) Unit 3

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