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Deng Mayar

International Brand Analysis

Subculture is the distinction of a group within a larger culture, that often have the same

beliefs or outlooks at variance with the larger group of culture. The subculture group that was

chosen for this analysis is the hip hop culture within the african american culture in society. Hip

hop is a subculture and a craftsmanship development that rose up out of the Bronx in New York

City during the mid 1970s. Its improvement mirrored the adverse consequences of post-modern

decay, political talk, and a quickly evolving economy.

Thinking back to New York City during this period, we see a financial breakdown. The

city's economy was self-destructing because of the downfall of the assembling business and

development of the Cross Bronx Turnpike. A large part of the white working class moved to

suburbia to get away from the social and monetary difficulties. The movement moved

socioeconomics and isolated networks. Conditions demolished in areas noticeably populated by

African-Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Caribbean workers. Metropolitan hopelessness likewise

brought increasing wrongdoing, group brutality, and neediness.

Thus, organizations shut their entryways, making numerous financial open doors and

wellsprings of diversion vanish. Subsequently, metropolitan youth went to the roads for

entertainment and self-articulation. The unwanted structures and parking garages set up for block

parties. These neighborhood blowouts laid the foundation for everything related with early hip
jump culture. DJs and MCs brought the music by setting up portable " Sound Frameworks' '

presented by Jamaican culture. Sheets of cardboard became dance floors for break-artists, and

block facades changed into materials for spray painting, also known as graffiti.

Record names perceived the class as an arising pattern and put a large chunk of change

into the movement. They were delivering records at a high speed because of the interest created

by neighborhood radio broadcasts and club DJs. New scenes and various styles of hip hop

additionally arose from city to city as the way of life was promoted. Nonetheless, hip hop music

was still for the most part exploratory. Albeit, the new age of hip-hop makers approached further

developed drum machines and samplers that permitted them to take hip-hop music to a higher


One of the conclusive attributes of hip hop's brilliant age was the weighty utilization of

tested music. No intellectual property regulations shielded music from being tested, so specialists

could utilize tests from various sources without legitimate difficulties. They were catching

examples of different kinds going from jazz to exciting music.

After numerous legitimate activities, the Public authority passed a few copyright

implementation regulations. They expected specialists to clear all examples ahead of time to

keep away from claims. Nonetheless, clearing tests were costly, and many record marks couldn't

bear to clear every one of the examples. Hip hop music took an entirely different bearing, and

makers needed to make unique sounds instead of depending intensely on examples. We heard an

alternate sound since makers were done examining industrially delivered melodies.

Subsequently, the music lost quite a bit of its jazz and soul impacts.
For the interview I interviewed three family members who are taking part in the hip hop

subculture right now. Being musicians in this day and age, he was able to give great insight into

what the music industry has in store. All three family members were cousins who are in a rap

group who classify themselves as an underground rap group. Underground as in the aren’t a part

of the mainstream listening of hip hop music. I recruited them into answering some of my

questions for a school project. The interviews were done via telephone. I had interviewed them

throughout the week, each on separate days, and I didn’t tell them I was interviewing all of them

to keep their answers strictly unique and unbiased.

Some of the questions that were asked were: (What does music mean to you), (Does

music help express or relay your message?), (What are some of the negative things that are

brought to light through hip hop?), (Does hip hop music carry a stigma?). (What are your

opinions about hip hop music?) All in all some of their responses were the same, and some of

them were different but very insightful. Some of the key findings was that hip hop and rap help

them express themselves and what's going on around them very easily while staying true to

themselves and their character. Stigmas are a part of their musical identity but as a group they

want to break free from that and express themselves in a different way, while keeping that

indigenous hip hop aspect to themselves.

ATX, A. (2019, March 26). The Style of Sound: The History of Hip Hop Fashion: How Street

Culture Became Fashion’s Biggest Influence — afterglow. Afterglow.


Just a moment... (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2023, from

Light, A., & Tate, G. (1998, August 18). Hip-hop. Encyclopedia Britannica.



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