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UNC – FL – CÁTEDRA LENGUA INGLESA II – Material para uso en la modalidad virtual – 2023

Academic Writing II


These essays were written by English Language II students in previous years. They are
interesting samples to analyse, as they illustrate the type of text that you will be writing
very soon. Please read these essays carefully, and pay special attention to the way the
different parts of the essay are organised, the choice of grammatical structures, as well
as the use of specific vocabulary, connectors and punctuation. These are some of the
aspects that every writer should pay attention to and reflect on before starting the
process of writing.

The Argentine and American Educational Systems

The UNESCO states that “education is a fundamental human right

and essential for the exercise of all other human rights.” Countries all

around the world have developed their own educational systems.

Between the Argentine and American educational systems, there are

two main differences and two similarities

On the one hand, there are two differences between these

systems. To begin with, one dissimilarity is related to the curriculum. In

Argentina, there is a national curriculum regulated by the federal

government that states the content and subjects that must be taught

at school. In contrast, the U.S.A. educational system does not have a

national curriculum. In this country the curriculum is determined by

the states and school districts. Another difference is the existence

of standardised tests. In Argentina, in order to have access to a

higher education institution, students do not have to sit for a

standardised exam. In contrast, the United States has the SATs

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Academic Writing II

(Scholastic Aptitude Test), which constitute a requirement for

admissions at higher education institutions.

On the other hand, there are two main similarities between these

educational systems. Firstly, in both countries primary and secondary

education are compulsory. In Argentina, this is regulated by a national

law. Hence, as it is established by the federal government, it is

mandatory for all Argentine provinces. In the U.S.A., each state has its

laws, but all fifty states have determined that primary and secondary

education are compulsory. Secondly, the duration of compulsory

education is similar in both countries. In Argentina, by general rule,

both primary and secondary education consist of 6 years each,

giving a total of 12 years. Similarly, in the U.S.A., there is a total of 12

years between primary and secondary school. Nonetheless, the way

in which the educational stages are divided may vary depending on the


To sum up, although Argentina and the U.S.A. differ in the

regulation of the curriculum and their testing system, they agree on

the compulsory nature of primary and secondary education and its

duration. Thus, we can say that both countries are trying their best

to fulfil their political and legal obligations towards their population.

(By Giselle Sordián, 2016)


Answer the following questions about the previous essay
1. How many paragraphs are there in this essay?
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Academic Writing II

2. Does this essay have all of the following parts [draw a tick (✓) next to each part]?

______ an introduction
______ a thesis statement
______ two or three body paragraphs
______ a topic sentence for each body paragraph
______ supporting sentences that relate to the topic sentences
______ a concluding paragraph
3. What is the purpose of this essay? What kind of information is the writer trying to give
to the reader?
4. Fill in the outline below by taking information directly from the essay “The Argentine
and American Educational Systems.” Two details have been provided as examples.


Thesis statement:
(differences between the Argentine and the American educational systems)
Topic sentence:
One dissimilarity is the curriculum.
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Academic Writing II

(similarities between the Argentine and the American educational systems)
Topic sentence:
In both countries primary and secondary education are compulsory.

5. Read the essay “The Argentine and American Educational Systems” again and find
words and/or expressions that show contrast. Write them in the box below:

Now find words and/or expressions that show similarity and write them in the box below.
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Academic Writing II


Free Time Activities in Britain and in Argentina: Similarities and Differences

Through the years, people from different parts of the world have had to decide what to do

in their free time. Although common leisure activities in each country may vary, there are certain

others that are very popular worldwide. So, it is possible to state that there are two similarities and

two differences between free time activities in Britain and in Argentina.

To start with, there are two similarities between leisure activities in Britain and in

Argentina. First, people from both countries enjoy spending time with their families in their spare

time. As parents and children usually have very busy schedules during the week, they find the

weekend the perfect moment to share time together. For instance, having family meals on Sundays is

very common in Britain and in Argentina as well. Moreover, not only the British, but also

Argentinian people like watching TV as a free-time activity. It is usual for them to arrive home

after a long journey, sit on a couch and turn on the TV. People from both countries enjoy watching

programs such as soap operas, sitcoms and the news.

On the other hand, there are two differences as regards the leisure activities in which

British and Argentinian people engage in. Firstly, people from Britain love gardening. That is why

they devote plenty of time to making their gardens look nice and cosy in order to spend some time

outdoors. Although people from Argentina also like being in contact with nature, they are not keen

on gardening. In contrast, they prefer to have a nice day by going to a well-kept park with friends

and family. Besides, the most popular sport in Britain is dissimilar to the one in Argentina.

Whereas the British enjoy playing cricket, Argentinian people love playing football.

All in all, there are two similarities and two differences concerning how the British and

Argentinian people choose to spend their spare time. As the years go by, new free-time activities can
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Academic Writing II

become trendy in each country, and these similarities and differences may turn obsolete. However,

traditional activities of different cultures hardly ever die.

(By Luciana Brignolio, 2015)


Answer the following questions about the essay “Free Time Activities in Britain and in
Argentina: Similarities and Differences”:

1. How many paragraphs does this essay have? (Number them)

2. Which paragraph is the introduction? __________ Which paragraph is the conclusion?
______________ Which paragraphs make up the body of the essay? ____________
3. What is the purpose of this essay? What kind of information is the writer presenting?
4. Can you find a sentence in paragraph 1 that states the topic of the essay and tells the
readers what to expect in paragraphs 2 and 3? Write that sentence here. Is this thesis
statement effective?
5. Write the topic sentences of paragraphs 2 and 3
Paragraph 2:
Paragraph 3:
Are these sentences effective? Why/Why not?
6. Look at the concluding paragraph. Find the sentence that summarizes the main points
of this essay. Write that sentence here.
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Academic Writing II

7. Which words has the writer used to indicate similarity? And which words or
expressions show difference? Transcribe them here.



Working from Home

The way of working has been changing lately. The development of technology
and access to remote work have caused more and more people to decide to work from
home. The reason why freelancing has become a huge trend has to do with the drastic
differences it has with salaried jobs, especially regarding freedom, money and control
over one’s job.
Firstly, self-employed people have more freedom over time and place of work.
They may work anytime and anywhere, and they can choose their own working hours
according to their schedule. On the other hand, being an employee implies a fixed
schedule with specific working hours, while freelancers can work during their most
productive hours, whether it is in the morning or at night. Contrary to employees, who
usually have to work in a specific place, such as an office, independent workers often
have the possibility to choose where and when they want to work. The degree of
freedom over these aspects is clearly a major difference between these ways of
Another aspect to consider is that freelance jobs usually offer an opportunity to
earn more money. Although it may be risky to quit a full-time job with a fixed salary on a
monthly basis, self-employed professionals could end up earning more money than in a
traditional job as they have the chance to work with multiple companies and clients. In
contrast, being an employee implies that the employer gets the biggest profit from the
work done.
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Academic Writing II

Finally, being a freelancer allows individuals to have more control over their job.
People can decide over the assignments and clients they take, whereas a salaried
employee does not have this possibility; employees cannot have full control over the
workload they take and for whom they work. In fact, if a freelancer is not interested in a
job offer, they can reject it, but this is not the case for traditional employees; they must
do what their employer tells them to do.
To sum up, the way people work is changing, and it may be beneficial for them
as they can have the possibility to choose when and where they work, they can enlarge
their income, and they can have total control over their work. Some people will still
prefer the stability and security of a full-time job, and I think that it is very encouraging
to know that the job market offers different options, according to what works best for
each of us.

(By FREYTES, María Victoria, 2019 [MODIFIED version])


Answer the following questions about the essay “Working from home”:

1. What is the purpose of this essay? What kind of information is the writer trying to give
to the reader?
2. Can you find a sentence in paragraph 1 that states the topic of the essay and tells the
readers what to expect in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4? Write that sentence here. Is the thesis
statement effective?
3. Write the topic sentences of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4
Paragraph 2:
Paragraph 3:
Paragraph 4:
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Academic Writing II


4. What method of organisation has the writer followed?


5. Pay attention to the underlined words. What is their function in the text? Write each
word under the appropriate heading:

▪ Words that indicate addition of information:


▪ Words that indicate emphasis:


▪ Words that indicate contrast:


▪ Words that indicate conclusion:



Iguazú National Park and Los Glaciares National Park

Heritage is associated with the history and traditions that countries

have had for many years; it is our legacy from the past. The United Nations

Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) seeks to

encourage the protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage

sites around the world which are considered to be of a great value to

humanity. There are hundreds of heritage sites on the UNESCO list, and
UNC – FL – CÁTEDRA LENGUA INGLESA II – Material para uso en la modalidad virtual – 2023
Academic Writing II

some of them are in Argentina. Among them, we find Iguazú National Park

and Los Glaciares National Park, which share some similarities but show

some differences as well.

The Iguazú National Park offers a wide variety of activities for

tourists, is located in a beautiful landscape, and is open all the year round.

The park gives exciting opportunities for excursions to visitors. Many

people choose this destination because there are plenty of things to do, and

it only takes a few days to do them all. The Devil’s Throat, the lower and

upper circles to walk around, and a variety of boat rides are just some of

the activities that adventurous tourists may engage in while enjoying the

spectacular waterfalls as well as the surrounding subtropical rainforest.

The landscape is outstanding, with vascular plants and wildlife such as

howler monkeys, tapirs and caimans. Furthermore, the falls can be visited

all-year round, any season, any month you prefer. The average temperature

is 25º C, so it is the perfect destination for families with children.

Los Glaciares National Park bears some similarities with Iguazú

National Park, but it also has some special characteristics that make it

unique. Similar to Iguazú, Los Glaciares offers a huge variety of activities

for tourists, such as a tour in El Calafate, a glacier platform trip, an ice

trek, and a glacier boat tour, among others. Just as in Iguazú, travellers

can enjoy the natural beauty of the place while they perform these

activities; the breath-taking beauty of nature is definitely present in both

places. However, the landscape is different as instead of waterfalls, in Los

Glaciares, travellers are immersed in rugged towering mountains and

numerous glacial lakes. Unlike Iguazú, Los Glaciares National Park is not a

year-round destination. Many travel agencies do not offer family packs to

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Academic Writing II

the glaciers in winter because temperatures are generally below 0ºC, which

makes it impossible to go with babies or little children.

To sum up, even though they show some differences, both of these

natural world heritage sites are among the top visited places in Argentina

since they are stunning sites with amazingly beautiful landscapes. When

deciding between one of these two places, take into account the excursions

that best suit you and the weather you prefer. If you have the opportunity

to visit them, do not think twice; they are irreplaceable sources of life and

inspiration that are admired worldwide.

(By Antonella Mastronardi, 2019 [modified version])


Answer the following questions about the essay “Iguazú National Park and Los Glaciares
National Park”:

1. How many paragraphs does this essay have? Number the paragraphs and identify the
introduction, body and conclusion of the essay.
2. What is the purpose of this essay? What kind of information is the writer trying to give
to the reader?
3. What method of organisation has the writer followed for this essay?
4. Can you identify the thesis statement in this essay? What are the topic and subtopics
of the essay?
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Academic Writing II

6. In which body paragraph do we find more comparison and contrast words?

5. Identify the words and phrases that help to establish connections between ideas and
transcribe them below:


Transition Signals are very useful in achieving good cohesion and coherence in your
essays. Learn about comparison and contrast transition signals for by accessing EAP
(English for Academic Purposes) page:

Based on the information and the sample essays you read, do the exercises on transition
signals below:

1. Connectors of comparison
Combine each pair of sentences below into one sentence, using the conjunction or transition
given in parentheses and correct punctuation.

EXAMPLE: Football is a very popular sport. Basketball is a very popular sport too. (JUST)
Just as football, basketball is a very popular sport.

A. Football is a team sport. Basketball is a team sport as well. (BOTH)

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Academic Writing II

B. Football players need to train very hard to be in shape. Basketball players also undergo
hard training to be ready to play. (SIMILARLY)
C. Football leagues are very competitive. Basketball leagues are highly competitive too.
(AS … AS)
D. Football matches attract great audiences. Basketball games also attract a lot of fans.
E. The captain of a football team is usually the first player to be interviewed after a
match. Basketball team captains are also the first ones to be interviewed right after
each game. (IN THE SAME WAY)

2. Connectors of contrast
Combine each pair of sentences below into one sentence, using the conjunction or transition
given in parentheses and correct punctuation.

EXAMPLE: He was young and inexperienced in running a business. He created a popular travel
agency (ALTHOUGH)
He created a popular travel agency although he was young and inexperienced in running a
Another possibility: Although he was young and inexperienced, he created a popular travel

A. You may want to open your own business. You may not have the support of your family
to do it. (NEVERTHELESS)
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Academic Writing II


B. Some people prefer to work independently. Other people prefer to enjoy the benefits
of being an employee. (WHEREAS)

C. Large multinational companies may offer high salaries but are usually very competitive.
Family-owned businesses are often more relaxed but usually offer lower salaries. (IN

D. Teleworking usually implies more working hours. Many people prefer to telework.

E. Millennials are thought to be more relaxed in their jobs. They are very efficient when
dealing with the latest technology. (YET)

3. You can engage in extra practice on Transition Signals in the following sites:
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Academic Writing II

4. After reading and analysing all the sample essays and doing the multiple choice
exercises above, focus on those words and phrases that perform the function of
establishing connections between ideas (connectors or transition signals). Then,
complete the following chart:




Add a new idea

Add an example

Add a conclusion

Examples of your own (write sentences using a variety of connectors):

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Academic Writing II



Let us analyse some writing prompts within the context of English Language II.
1. Read the following essay questions and identify the topic and possible subtopics in
each of them.
2. Choose ONE of the essay writing prompts and design an outline based on it (bear in
mind that there are different types of outlines; just choose the one that you think is
best for you).
Your school has been holding debate sessions and workshops on various topics related to
current environmental issues. For the closing session, the workshop facilitator has asked you to
submit an academic essay on the following topic.
Ecotourism is a type of sustainable development. The aim of ecotourism is to reduce the impact
that tourism has on naturally beautiful environments. Any tourist destination can be harmed by
increased levels of tourism. If areas are damaged or destroyed, they might not be available to
future generations.
Retrieved from

Based on this statement, write an academic essay of about 400 words in which you compare
and contrast ecotourism and other forms of tourism. In the course of the development of
your essay, you should include the following lexico-grammatical items:
The phrasal verb: “turn out”
The lexical items: “consumerist” and “mainstream”
A grammatical structure: a Future verb form
UNC – FL – CÁTEDRA LENGUA INGLESA II – Material para uso en la modalidad virtual – 2023
Academic Writing II

Remember to underline the items included in your essay.


Your school online magazine is going to publish an article about job opportunities for new
graduates. You have been asked to submit your proposal in the form of an academic essay on
the topic below.
According to the World Economic Forum report, “disruptive changes to business models will
have a profound impact on the employment landscape over the coming years. Many of the
major drivers of transformation currently affecting global industries are expected to have a
significant impact on jobs, ranging from significant job creation to job displacement, and from
heightened labour productivity to widening skills gaps. In many industries and countries, the
most in-demand occupations or specialties did not exist 10 or even five years ago, and the pace
of change is set to accelerate.”
Retrieved from

Write an academic essay of about 400 words comparing AND contrasting two
language-related professions of your choice which are in demand in your country or abroad.
In the development of your essay, you should include the following lexico-grammatical items:
The phrasal verb: “take up”
The lexical items: “qualifications” and “promotion”
A grammatical structure: a modal verb
Remember to underline the items included in your essay.
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Academic Writing II


You are a member of a discussion group that explores new technologies and their impact on
society. The coordinator has asked you to write an essay about working online:
It is neither wise nor effective to turn our backs on the benefits of having a virtual workforce.
But it is also true that in this increasingly digital age, we stand to lose something integral to
what makes organisations both humane and productive places to work: the relationships and
sense of purpose that can only be built by having in-depth, face-to-face conversations about
important issues.
Retrieved from:

Based on this statement, write an academic essay of about 400 words in which you compare
AND contrast working in an office and working online.


You have recently attended a seminar on the USA education system. For the closing session,
the course instructor has asked you to submit an academic essay on the following topic.
UNC – FL – CÁTEDRA LENGUA INGLESA II – Material para uso en la modalidad virtual – 2023
Academic Writing II

Whether you want to study at a top USA university, a top college, or at an ESL, vocational or
high school, a thorough understanding of how the American education system works is
essential. Without a clear grasp of the system, an international student will find it difficult to
make the right academic choices.
Retrieved from: The USA Study Guide. Available at:

Based on this statement, write an academic essay of about 400 words in which you explore
the similarities AND differences between the American and Argentinean higher education


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