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GROUP MEMEBERS Ryan Deperalto - ID # 0802078 Shamieka Soman- ID # 0502953 Nakieta Downer- ID #0907634 Sade Lee James- ID #0802727 Derric Minto- ID # 0900095


Excellence is our quality


RNMS is a partnership retail establishment that is situated on the campus of the University of Technology, 237 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6. This organization was designed to offer the best in pastry products to the University population. It is required of us as part of our assignment to create a detailed plan in starting up a business. As such, the relevant information about the company and its market is documented. The company aims to hold a strong position in the market on campus due to the mild competitive climate in the area.

SWOT Analysis Strenghts Flexible service

RNMS will provide a service that will be adjustable to suit the liking of their customers.

When we speak of convenience we speak of both price and location. RNMS will offer an affordable price that will suit the budget of their customers and consumers. The price for a product will be so affordable that no other price can be compared and it will be made second to none. The location will also be a suitable one.

Friendly and experienced staff

The staff members of RNMS will be customer friendly. They will be pleasant and polite and treat all customers and on-lookers with a positive attitude and a smile. They will be a welcoming set of staff members.

RNMS will be located on Utech campus being that its potential customers are university students, lecturers/tutors and visitors. RNMS will set up its booths at central areas where everyone will have easy and quick access to buy their products.

Weaknesses Competition Expensive initial start up Opportunities Receptive Market-consumers and customers will accept RNMS ideas and introduction package
readily because of their realistic offers and affordable prices. Rnms will grab the attention of their potential customers due to the positive impression that they will make. Business Expansion Locally-over a period of time if RNMS mission and vision is accomplished then they will be able to expand business to other universities such as UWI and UCC. Business will be soaring to greater heights and more profit will be made and more products will be sold. Offering discounted products to the University population-Offering discounted products to the university population - this will help RNMS to get a lot of customers. Friends will introduce other friends to the new, affordable and tastey products, therefore sales will increase and business will grow for RNMS.


Change in policy by the University administrators Competition from other organizations such as Pastry Passion & Sugar N Spice who may desire to expand their services and lower their prices.

Marketing Planning

Marketing Objectives Maintaining a positive and steady growth each month. To provide the best customer service exceeding those of our potential competitor Offering the best in taste and quality. Maintaining and building customer service. Providing affordable and competitive prices.

Competitive Analysis RNMS will continually patronize the university grounds. Information gathering on a timely basis using our effective marketing strategies will indeed provide us details about our products against those of our competitors.

Target Market Part time and Full time students Tutors/Lectures Visitors between the ages of 16 and over

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