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Colloids and Surfaces
ELSEVIER A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 91(1994) 57-77

Some applications of emulsions

M. Chappat
COLAS, 7, Place Renk Clair, 92653 Boulogne Billancourt Cedex, France

Received 20 November 1993; accepted 5 July 1994


This overview describes some applications of emulsions in industry. The first part deals with milk and the dairy
industry, which involve complex emulsion systems stabilized by natural surfactants. This is followed by a description
of emulsions in the food industry in which complex recipes are required and storage stability becomes an important
issue. The third application of emulsions is in pharmacy and is concerned with providing suitable systems for injecting
insoluble drugs. Other systems include blood substitutes and emulsions used in chemotherapy. Cosmetic emulsions
have been by far the most commonly used systems for many centuries. The interaction of emulsions with skin is briefly
described. Another application of emulsions is in agriculture, where active substances for treating plants and soils
have often been formulated as emulsions. The last part of this overview deals with the application of bitumen emulsions
in road construction techniques.

Keywords: Emulsions; Industrial applications

1. Introduction dispersion must remain perfectly stable and homo-

geneous over a certain period of time. In many
As defined in several papers in this conference, cases, the emulsion may be used as a concentrate
emulsions are formed from two immiscible liquids: and the required period of stability depends to a
one constitutes the droplets which are dispersed in large extent on the application. However, in many
the other liquid which is referred to as the con- other applications, dilution of the concentrate is
tinuous phase (Fig. 1). In some applications, this necessary. In other words, the concentrated emul-
sion is dispersed in another liquid and the system
may be further homogenised by mechanical means.
000000000 In some cases, dilution of the concentrated emul-
sion may be spontaneous. This dilution procedure
is used in many medical and pharmaceutical pre-
parations, cosmetics, petroleum products, road
construction and maintenance techniques, and
agriculture. Since the active ingredient is contained
in the emulsion droplets it is necessary in some
Water in Oil (W/O) Oil in Water (O/W)
applications to “break” the emulsion in order to
or “oil” 01 “aqueous”
release the active material. This is particularly the
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of both O/W and W/O case with many pharmaceutical emulsions which
emulsions. may require “breaking” at the site of action.

0927-7757/94/$07.00 0 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSDI 0927-7757(94)02976-Y
58 M. ChappatlColloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77

Barnes [l] and Tadros [Z] showed the impor-

tance of the following factors on emulsion proper-
ties and stability: the relative volume of the
dispersed phase, i.e. the volume fraction, and the
average size of the droplets, the viscosity of each
phase, the nature and concentration of the emulsi-
fier. These parameters also control the rheology
of the emulsion, which is important in many
In this overview, I shall endeavour to examine
different classes of emulsions, highlighting the
importance of the above-mentioned factors accord-
ing to their application demands. The examples
that will be described demonstrate the wide appli-
cation of emulsions in many industrial products.

2. Milk and dairy products

Milk is perhaps one of the most stable emulsions

produced in nature. It is not well understood why
milk is produced in nature as an emulsion. The
exact mechanism of how the fat droplets in milk
are stabilised is also not sufficiently understood Fig. 2. Schematic representation of milk emulsion: G; fat
although as we shall see later there are some globules; M, micelles; V, vacuoles.
acceptable concepts of how these droplets remain
Milk is a low concentration natural oil-in-water of the interface shows that it is formed by an
(O/W) emulsion (4-5%). Its viscosity at room assembly of molecules which become more and
temperature is near that of water (1 mPa s). The more polar as one moves away from the lipid
emulsifier content is in the region of l-3%. The centre. A schematic representation of the fat glob-
emulsifiers are phospholipids (lecithin), although ule “membrane” in its initial state (“fresh milk”) is
proteins also play the role of an emulsifier. The shown in Fig. 3.
properties of the milk depend on temperature. The composition of the membrane can be deter-
Milk is not stable over a long period of time; this mined using centrifugation techniques. It consists
is, however, due to fermentation rather than to the mainly of phospholipids and cholesterol, glyco-
fact that it is an emulsion. The milk properties proteins, enzymes (alkaline phosphatide, oxydide
may be changed as a result of mechanical action. xanthine or aldehyde reductide), various metals
It can cream, and phase changes may occur at and elements.
certain temperatures where phase inversion may The membrane’s inner layer is made up of
become more favourable. globular proteins and phospholipids, as is the cell
Fig. 2 shows a schematic representation of milk, membrane. This membrane has “solid-like” proper-
which is an emulsion consisting of animal fat ties; it is essentially a viscoelastic membrane.
dispersed in water. The proportion of water is With a high level of enzyme activity, the outer
around 87.5%. The fatty substances are essentially layer is quickly destroyed. It is separated from the
triglycerides. The fat droplets, whose size ranges inner layer by a cytoplasmic layer which is several
from 0.1 to 10 pm (average of 3-6 pm), are sur- nanometres thick. When the outer membrane has
rounded by a complex double membrane. A study been broken down, it is replaced by casein micelles
M. ChappatlColloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77 59






Fig. 3. Diagram of the fat globule membrane, initial state in fresh milk.

which are naturally present in the aqueous phase. to form butter. This operation is most efficient
These micelles increase the milk viscosity. when carried out at low temperatures.
From the beginning of time, man has tried to A summary of the main properties and composi-
transform milk, essentially to extract and preserve tion of milk, butter and margarine is given in
the fatty substances. Several dairy products are Table 1. Fig. 5 shows an optical micrograph of the
produced from milk, of which cream, butter and water droplet size distribution in a margarine
cheese are probably the most common examples. emulsion (Fig. 5(a)) and the finished margarine
A schematic representation of the essential compo- (Fig. 5(b)). This illustrates the reduction of the
nents in these products is given in Fig. 4. The main water droplet size distribution obtained in the pro-
differences between these products are the water cessing of margarine.
content and the nature of the emulsion. The water
content is 87.5% in milk; 54% in cream, 45% in
cheese, and 16% in butter (inverse emulsion). 3. Emulsions in the food industry
Cream is the product which results from milk
separation into two layers by sedimentation; it is In addition to the above-mentioned milk pro-
the part which is rich in fatty substances. Butter is ducts, many emulsions are present in our daily
an inverse emulsion obtained by churning. Firstly, diet, such as sauces, dressings and sausages, and
churning mixes in air bubbles and creates a foam. many ready-to-use products.
With time, the air bubbles compress the fat drop- In all these emulsions, it is true that the emulsifi-
lets, destroying their “protective” membrane. By ers are quite easily identifiable and show very little
phase inversion, the fat then becomes a solution variation. They are mostly monoglycerides (or fatty
60 M. Chappat/CoNoids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77



rdr$extract of n&+~ t
I fat milk 9


CHEESE water 45%

Fig. 4. Analysis of milk products.

Table 1
The properties and typical composition of milk, butter and margarine

Type Aspect Storage Components Emulsifiers Average Viscosity

stability size

Milk O/W White fluid Infinite at Fat Phospholipids 2-5 pm 1mPas

low (triglycerides glycoproteins +
temperature 3-4%) chlolesterol+

Butter and margarine O/W Yellow mixture Infinite at Fat Phospholipids 2-5 pm 500 mPa s at
normal (triglycerides glycoproteins + 20°C;
temperature 1%) cholesterol + 100 mPa s at
enzymes 60°C
(several %o)

acid esters) produced from triglycerides, the fat that this is more efficient than using one emulsi-
globules in milk, or their by-products such as fier only.
lactic, acetic or citric acid esters, obtained from As is the case with other emulsions, a sufficiently
non-ionic animal fat (lard, tallow) or vegetable fat. high concentration of emulsifier is used to reduce
These emulsifiers are soluble in oil and insoluble coalescence between the droplets. The diameters
in water. They can also act as foaming agents, of the latter increase with time until they reach a
rising agents for pastry, or agents ensuring oleophi- stable level at 3-6 pm. This is illustrated in Fig. 6
lit quality in pasta. Generally a mixture of several which shows the variation of droplet size with
different emulsifiers is used as it has been proven time. Fig. 7 shows a histogram of an olive oil in
M. ChappatjColloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77 61

100 urn

Fig. 5. Water droplet size distribution in (a) margarine (b) finished margarine.

water emulsion stabilized with lecithin and con- the emulsion (it is well known that to make good
taining 0.152 g dme3 hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) mayonnaise, one has to place the mixing bowl in
after storage for 10 months at 10°C. cold water).
It has been observed that emulsion stability is Apart from stability considerations, food pro-
increased by adding sucrose or polymers (for exam- ducts which are to be ingested must be of “good”
ple HEC), or even salt. The concentration level of quality. Besides the product’s physicochemical
these ingredients is usually of the order of several qualities, food emulsions need to satisfy the cus-
per cent. Proteins also play an active role in this tomers’ taste, which points to considering the
emulsification process as well as in the long term oleophilic qualities of sauces and dressings. Fat is
stability of many food emulsions. smooth and it gives the right consistency for appre-
Emulsions are easy to manufacture because they ciating the taste of food. Finally, uncooked sauces
can be obtained by simply mixing the ingredients and dressings must be liquid at body temperature,
together using a high speed stirrer, as is usually i.e. 37°C. These considerations necessitate the use
the case for making mayonnaise. of more complex mixtures in which additives are
It should be mentioned, however, that the above added to the emulsifiers. These additives such as
considerations are not sufficient since the products sugars, polymers, and salts will not only modify
which are to be sold must remain stable for many the emulsifier properties but also produce addi-
months at different temperatures. Lowering the tional modifications to the consistency of the final
temperature during emulsification helps in making food emulsion. It has been claimed that the taste
62 M. ChappatlColloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77

-_ 0.108
60 120 180
Time/ days

Fig. 6. Average volume diameter of oil droplets as a function of time for lecithin-stabilized O/W emulsions stored at 10°C at various
oil volume fractions.

of many food emulsions is determined by its rheol- adsorbed at the oil/water interface and its main
ogy which is controlled by the proper choice of role is to stabilise the emulsion.
the emulsifiers and the thickeners. The above-mentioned emulsifiers produce a film
Emulsified sauces and dressings are usually O/W around the droplets, which prevents emulsion
emulsions, the most typical of which is mayonnaise. coalescence as a result of its interfacial properties,
The oil content of these sauces may vary. Three i.e. elasticity and viscosity [3]. Owing to the
classes may be distinguished: category A, 80% oil complex nature of the emulsifiers, using the simple
(mayonnaise); category B, 50-80% oil, sauces hydrophilic lipophilic balance (HLB) is not suffi-
derived from mayonnaise; category C, salad dress- cient for emulsifier selection. In addition, emulsifier
ings with 15-50% fat content (vinaigrette). mesomorphic characteristics (which produce a
These emulsions are complex mixtures and the liquid crystalline phase at the O/W interface) play
continuous aqueous phase comprises a great a large role in stabilizing the emulsion against
variety of components: proteins, polysaccharides, coalescence. The efficiency of liquid crytalline
sugars, acidifiers, minerals, etc. Generally speaking, phases in stabilising emulsions can be attributed
the presence of egg phospholipids and even hydro- to their rheological characteristics (high interfacial
colloids in the aqueous phase is enough to stabilise elasticity and viscosity) [a].
some of these emulsions, especially mayonnaise. Certain sausages and cooked pork meat pro-
Synthetic emulsifiers are often incorporated for ducts (pates etc.) may be considered as emulsions
economic or dietary reasons in order to limit since they have an oil phase and an aqueous
the amount of eggs used. The emulsifier is thus continuous phase. The emulsifiers are mostly pro-
M. ChappallColloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77 63


D(v,05)= 2.58pm
20-i DistributionRange=1.12
Specific Surface = 2.725 m2/g

(M, = 950 000) and stored at 10°C for 10 months.

teins with a concentration of l-2% to which caseins

; s
Diameter /pm

Fig. 7. Size distribution of an olive oil in water emulsion (0.1 volume fraction) stabilized by 2% soy lecithin with 0.152 g 1-l HEC

adsorption, in this case casein, at the surface of the

are also added. fat globules, thus stabilising the cream and limiting
The size of the droplets should be kept small. It demulsification. The emulsifiers are monoglycer-
is well known that the smaller the size, the better ides and digylcerides of fatty acid at a concen-
the resistance against microbiological attacks such tration of less than 3 g kg-‘.
as moulding. A summary of the composition and properties
Another important emulsion in the food industry of some food emulsions is given in Table 2.
is ice cream. This is partially frozen foam, 40-50%
of which is composed of air. The continuous phase
contains dissolved or dispersed materials: sugar, 4. Emulsions in pharmacy
proteins, stabilisers, and fatty substances in an
O/W emulsified form. Several of these milk pro- As carriers of active materials, emulsions are
teins are linked to the emulsion’s fat globules. Two especially useful in pharmaceutical applications.
steps in the manufacturing process may be distin- An active substance can only be efficient if it is
guished. The first step is the formation of the able to reach its precise target in a proper condition
“mixture”. The main aim of this process is to try and in the appropriate form, without producing
to split up the fat globules as much as possible any side effects. Another example can be cited
and disperse them with air bubbles to achieve during a surgical operation in which nutritive
proper expansion. Homogenisation is usually car- materials or blood substitutes are introduced into
ried out at 80°C. The second step is freezing of the human body. Three main ways to introduce
the “mixture” at - 5°C. During this process, active material may be considered: orally (absorp-
demulsification and crystallisation of the ice cream tion), parentally (intravenous or intramuscular)
and fatty substances occur. Crystallisation plays and cutaneously (ointments). Here I shall mainly
an important role in the texture of the end product. concentrate on the parental means of application.
Lowering the temperature facilitates protein Many water-soluble drugs may be injected either
64 M. ChappatlCoNoids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 ( 1994) 57-77

Table 2
Summary of composition and properties of some food emulsions

Advantages Type Storage Components Emulsifiers Average Viscosity

of stability size
emulsions (months) (pm)

Sauces O/W 6 Fat (vegetable oil) Fatty acid esters 5-10 100 mPa s at
Mayonnaise dilution o/w 6 Fat (vegetable oil) 5-10 100 mPa s at
oleophilic 20°C

Meat o/w 6 Fat (animal fat) Phospholipids >lOO 400 mPa s


as aqueous solutions or as water-in-oil (W/O) molecular weight. The size of the droplets must be
emulsions. However, experiments have shown that small for a number of reasons, one of the most
transportation by fatty emulsions was much more important being that the droplets must not clog
efficient. In fact, an aqueous dilution is digested in up the vessels during their transport, which could
the stomach whereas a fatty emulsion is not [4]. otherwise lead to blockage. Large-size droplets
This is illustrated in Fig. 8 which shows the effect may also increase the risk of toxicity. The average
of replacing an aqueous solution with a W/O droplet size used in pharmaceutical applications is
emulsion for ‘311-labelled ragweed emulsion. much smaller than that in the food industry; an
The components that make up an emulsion must average droplet size of the order of 1 urn or less is
be very carefully selected in order to avoid risks. usually the case (the largest droplet should always
The oil must be either paraffinic or vegetable. Only be less than 5 urn).
non-ionic emulsifiers are used and these are limited O/W emulsions are sometimes used for intra-
to lecithin or other phospholipids and to fatty muscular injections and W/O emulsions are fre-
alcohols. These emulsifiers usually have a low quently used for intravenous injections. O/W
emulsions are often used for chemotherapy treat-
ments for cancer. The emulsions used must have a
low viscosity, usually in the region of 1 mPa s, i.e.
very close to the viscosity of water.
Pharmaceutical emulsions are stored for long
periods of time and they should remain stable for
a period of 1-2 years. They must also remain
sterile; they are normally kept at 3-4°C (i.e. in a
refrigerator). On application the emulsion may
have to break at its site of action under body
temperature conditions (37°C) in order to liberate
its active components. Investigations have shown
that many pharmaceutical emulsions may become
unstable at high temperatures (around 40°C) and
10 I

0 5 10 15 20 this may cause problems of toxicity as a result of

Time / days
the increase in the droplet size. The emulsifier
Fig. 8. Adjuvant effect of emulsions on the rate of disappearance content in many of these pharmaceutical emul-
of radioactivity from the site of application of ‘351-labelled sions is usually a few per cent. High pressure
ragweed pollen extract: W, saline; 0, W/O emulsion. homogenisers are normally used to produce these
M. ChappatlColloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77 65

fine emulsions. Table 3 gives the composition of one to reduce the amount of active medicine
some examples of commercially available lipid applied. Some examples of pharmaceutical emul-
emulsions. The composition of the vegetable oils in sions that are used in parental use are given in
these lipid emulsions is given by the charts in Fig. 9. Table 4. Table 5 gives an example of an emulsion
Other examples of pharmaceutical emulsions are used as a blood substitute.
those used as blood substitutes. For those the A summary of the compositions and properties
droplet size is even smaller, being in the range of some pharmaceutical emulsions is given in
0.1-0.2 urn (perfluorocarbons). Other systems Table 6.
include radioplaques, vaccinates, anaesthetics In some pharmaceutical applications, multiple
(barbiturates). emulsions (an emulsion of an emulsion) have been
The efficiency of pharmaceutical emulsions proposed as a means of sustained release. These
depends on the properties of the emulsifier. The multiple emulsions are produced by emulsifying a
latter should control the length of time needed to W/O emulsion in water (to produce W/O/W emul-
dissolve the active ingredient in the organism. In sion) or an O/W emulsion in oil (to produce
this respect, it may be necessary to modify the O/W/O emulsion).
properties of the emulsifier by incorporating an These systems enable one to formulate more
additive. In some cases, using an emulsion enables than one active ingredient. For example, with a

Table 3
Some commercially available lipid emulsions

Trade name Oil phase Emulsifier Other


Intralipid Soybean 10% or 20% Egg lecithin 1.2% Glycerol 2.5%

Lipofundin S Soybean 10% or 20% Soybean lecithin 0.75% or 1.2% Xylitol 5.0%
Lipofundin Cottonseed 10% Soybean lecithin 0.75% Sorbitol 5.0%
Liposyn Safflower 10% (and 20%) Egg lecithin 1.2% Glycerol 2.5%
Travemulsion Soybean 10% or 20% Egg lecithin 1.2% Glycerol 2.5%



\ OleicK’” /

Fig. 9. Composition of vegetable oils: a, safflower; b, soybean.

66 M. ChappatlColloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77

Table 4
Medical and pharmaceutical examples of emulsions

1. Hexobarbital 3.75 g
Soy oil 1Og
Ethanol 25 g
Egg phosphatide fg
Mryj 52 0.5 g
Water to 100 ml

2. Phenylbutazone 2g
Soy oil fOg
Monoglyceride acetyl 10 g
Glycerol 2.5 g
Pluronic F68 0.5 g
Water to 100 ml

3. Diazepam 0.5 g
Soy oil f5g
Monoglyceride acetyl 5.0 g
Egg phosphatide 1.2g
Glycerol 2.5 g
Water to 100 ml

Table 5
Composition of an emulsion used as a blood substitute

Substance Quantity

Perfluorocarbon 20 ml
Pluronic F68 2.2 g
Hydroxyethyl starch 3.0 g
Glucose 100 mg
Potassium chloride 32.0 mg
Magnesium chloride 7.0 mg
Monobasic sodium phosphate 9.6 mg
Sodium chloride 54.0 mg
Calcium chloride 18.0 mg
Sodium carbonate to pH 7.44
water to 100 ml

W/O/W multiple emulsion, two water-soluble

active ingredients may be formulated with one in
the internal water droplets and one in the external
aqueous continuous phase. When taken orally the
first active ingredient in the outside continuous
phase will be digested in the stomach. The oil
droplets that now makes a W/O emulsion will pass
to another location to release the second ingredient
in the water phase at the site of action.
Several other applications are common for
multiple emulsions, for example, in treatment of
toxic uraemia and intoxication. It should also be
M. ChappatlColloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) S-77 61

mentioned that multiple emulsions are used in Table I

Example of a formula for a W/O/W multiple emulsion
other fields such as removal of phenol in residual
water (using O/W/O multiple emulsions) and to Primary emulsion W/O %
refine hydrocarbons (using W/O/W multiple emul-
sions). Multiple emulsions have also been used in Beeswax 10.0
cosmetic applications [ 51. Microcrystalline wax 10.0
Vaseline 15.0
The emulsifiers used for the preparation of
Lanolin 5.0
multiple emulsions are generally non-ionic in Perhydrosqualane 15.0
nature. With pharmaceutical systems, emulsifiers Olive oil 12.0
that are approved by the food and drug administra- Sorbitan monooleate 4.0
tion can only be used. This may impose a limit on Sorbitan monostearate 3.0
Sucrose 1.5
their stability. With cosmetic multiple emulsions
Scent 1.0
the choice of surfactants is also limited. This is not Water 23.5
the case with industrial applications for which
most surfactants can be used. The droplet size in Multiple emulsion W/O
the internal phase of the multiple emulsion droplet
Primary emulsion 78.0
is usually of the order of 1 pm. However, the size
Sucrose ester 2.0
of the multiple emulsion droplet can be in the Preservatives q.s.
region of 5-20 pm. A schematic representation of Water 2.0
a multiple emulsion is given in Fig. 10. An example
of a formula for a W/O/W multiple emulsion that
is used as a night cream is given in Table 7. and “Doctrina Decorationis” by Henri de
Mondeville and Guy de Chauliac. In the 17th and
18th century, people only used tallow, beeswax,
5. Cosmetic emulsions olive oil, lard and essential oils. Then factory-
manufactured soap, almond paste ointments, cocoa
Since antiquity, emulsions have been used in butter and vanilla cleansing creams made their
cosmetics. Galen (130-200 AD), mentioned appearance. Olive oil was replaced by
“ceratum refrigerans”, an ancester of O/W emul- sweet almond oil and borax and spermaceti were
sions. Then came the 13th and the 14th centuries discovered. To guarantee efficiency, safety and a
long-lasting product, natural or synthetic raw
materials that make up cosmetic emulsions must
be pure, stable and inoffensive.
A summary of the main components of cosmetic
emulsions is given in Tables 8 and 9.
Cosmetic emulsions are applied through skin

contact. In contrast to a pharmaceutical ointment’s

@,O 0
0 “o” active ingredients, which must penetrate deep into
the skin either to diffuse throughout the body or

OO o
8ooo to act locally, the action of cosmetic emulsions is
limited to the immediate surface of the skin, i.e.

the epidermis. To understand the action of cosmetic
emulsions we must first consider the structure of

\@(& @
the skin. The latter is a complex living organism
that contains between 10% (at the surface) and
65% (deeper layers) water and is very plastic. Skin
is made up of three layers which are as follows
Fig. 10. Schematic representation of a multiple emulsion. from the outer layer inward: the epidermis
68 M. ChappatjCoNoids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77

Table 8
Main components of cosmetic emulsions

Origin Vegetable Animal Mineral

Lipophilic components
Oils Almonds Squalene Vaseline
Peanuts Mink Paraffin
Castor oil
Waxes Carnauba Lanolin Paraffin wax
candelilla Beeswax Microcrystalline wax
Cocoa butter Spermaceti
Surfactants Lecithin Egg lecithin

Hydrophilic components Arabic gum Colloid silicates (clay)

Dragon gum
Guar gum

(0.1 mm), the dermis (0.5-2 mm), the hydrodermis properties. Various other parameters must also be
(5-40 mm); the skin’s main role is to protect the controlled such as the water content, the final
internal organs. This is illustrated in Figs. 11 and consistency, the final pH and the nature of the
12. Penetration through this thick layer is still not additives (perfume, colouring agents).
very well understood. It is thought to take place In most cosmetic emulsions, non-ionic surfac-
by infiltration through the hair shafts, between the tants are commonly used. Sometimes, anionic and
intercellular spaces or by dissolution or emulsifica- amphoteric surfactants can be used but rarely
tion by cutaneous lipids (sebum). For these reasons, cationics are allowed owing to their skin irritation
O/W emulsions have been widely used since they properties. The oil content in cosmetic emulsions
were thought to enhance penetration. varies between 20% and 40%. These oil droplets
The skin’s characteristics determine the proper- usually contain the fragrances. Fluid or semifluid
ties which a cosmetic emulsion should have. Firstly emulsions only contain 5% oil and they are mostly
the emulsion should remain stable for a long period described as lotions. The pH is usually adjusted to
of time over a wide range of temperatures. The 7 (i.e. neutral). The emulsifier content is rather
emulsion should give a pleasant feeling of applica- high, reaching a value of 10% in some cases.
tion. The emulsion should have the right consis- A summary of the composition of some cosmetic
tency (rheology) to achieve this pleasant feeling. It emulsions and some of their properties are given
also should be suitable for various types of skin in Table 10.
(greasy or dry). Epidermic reactions and intoxic-
ations must be carefully avoided. In other words,
the emulsion should not cause any skin irritation. 6. Emulsions in agriculture
For these reasons, selection of emulsifiers for cos-
metic applications should be carefully considered Emulsions are used in agriculture to formulate
and a compromise is sometimes reached between active substances for the treatment of plants and
adequate shelf-life and suitability of application. soil. In this section, I shall only discuss plant
The nature and the content of the emulsifiers must treatments through leaves, i.e. pesticides and herbi-
also be carefully considered. Generally speaking, cides. As with the case of human or animal organ-
O/W emulsions are preferable since they are easier isms, the active ingredient must cross a material
to manufacture and they have better oleophilic barrier, i.e. the leaf, to penetrate into a living
M. ChappatlColloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77 69

Table 9 up through the wood vessels to the leaves where

Main surfactants of cosmetic emulsions they are combined with carbon from carbon diox-
ide present in the air. Sugar (saccharose) is formed
Lipophilic components
Fatty acids Stearic, palmitic, lauric which is then transformed into cellulose, the build-
Fatty alcohols Myristyl, cetyl, stearyl, ing block of wood. Fig. 13 shows a schematic
isostearyl, isocetyl.. representation of the cross-section of the limb.
Fatty esters Glycerol The exchange of gases occurs on the inner side
Ethylene-di-ethylene, triethyne
of the leaf through orifices called stomatas. Located
Propylene glycol on the lower side of the leaf, these openings also
Isopropyl alcohol permit water exchange and transpiration. The
Ethylhexyl outer side of the leaf is covered by the cuticle, a
Silicones rather impervious material which prevents evapo-
Lanolin and wool grease
ration. These stomatas which are between 2 and
Emulsifiers 20 urn are located where they will encounter most
Anionic Alkyl sulphates, alkyl of the water. Under drought conditions, they are
sulphonates protected by hairs. The protective film of the cuticle
is also covered by a waxy layer consisting of
Soaps from alkali or amino
paraffinic and fatty hydroxy acid polymers. This is
Non-ionic Ethoxylic fatty alcohol in contrast to the skin whose epidermis ends with
Ethoxylic fatty acid a layer of keratin cells. One may envisage an
Ethoxylic fatty esters analogy between the skin and the limb in terms of
Ethoxyhc alkylphenol
the action of an emulsion; however, this is definitely
Polyglycol fatty esters
Ethoxylic polyoxypropylene
not the case.
Sorbitan fatty acids As carriers of active ingredients, emulsions must
Saccharose esters be able to spread out upon contact with the leaf
Cationic Quaternary ammonium salts to liberate the active materials, and then penetrate
Amphoteric Betainic by-products
through the lower stomatas or through the upper
Hydrophilic components
intercellular zones after crossing the waxy cuticle.
Polyalcohols Glycerol, sorbitol, propylene In the middle areas, at the heart of the limb, they
glycol may enter the plant cells. The easiest pathway is
Polyglycerols through the lower epidermis or the hidden side of
Poly(ethylene glycol)
the leaves. Active ingredients may also serve as
Cellulose by-products
Alginates, carraghenates
external protection, in which case they will not
Polyvinyhc penetrate but will simply stay as deposits on the
Polyacrylates leaf surface. In either case, the active ingredient
will be diluted and care should be taken to ensure
that this emulsion is not toxic. In addition to quick
organism and carry out its function as a pesticide spreading, once in contact with the surface, the
or herbicide. In some cases, the active ingredient emulsion must break quickly to avoid dripping,
may remain on the leaf surface for protection as being washed off, or evaporating. It should be
in the case for skin treatment. The method of mentioned, however, that the interaction between
penetration through the leaf will be considered an emulsion and the hydrophobic leaf surface is
below. far from understood. In the complex situation of
Before describing the process of penetration of treating plants and soil, the mode of action of the
the chemical, it is necessary to say a few words chemicals and the role of the formulation are also
about photosynthesis. Photosynthesis takes place difficult to study particularly when one considers
in leaves, more precisely in the limb. Water and the complex atmospheric conditions under which
dissolved minerals absorbed by the roots are drawn the treatment is applied.
M. ChappatjCoNoids Surfaces A: Physieochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77

Comeus layer

Granulous layer
LO5 mm

Malplghi mucous

Basal layer

0,25 mm

\ \
Basal dermal membrane

Papilla dermis
d” I \,


Fig. 11. Schematic cross-section of skin.

Comeus layer
Mucous layer
Dermis papllla
Melssner corpuscle -L ‘I
a- PaplIla loops vessels

Ruffini corpuscle _ L SubpapIlla network

Ascending vessels

Arterial networK

Fig. 12. Schematic cross-section of skin.

A schematic representation of the transfer of a lo-100 m from the point of impact may be used.
herbicide that is applied by spraying is shown Conditions such as humidity, temperature and
in Fig. 14. velocity of the impacting droplets are not easily
For application of emulsion to the leaves of a controlled. One can only apply the chemical within
plant or a tree, it must be sprayed either from the certain threshold limits. Under spraying condi-
ground or from an aeroplane. Thus a distance of tions, water evaporation will occur and this
M. ChappatlColloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77 71

Table 10
Summary of the composition and properties of some cosmetic emulsions

Advantages of Type Aspect Storage Components Emulsifiers Average Viscosity PH

emulsions stability size

Spreading power, o/w Rich, white Long (2-3 Vegetable or Lecithin or 0.1-2 urn 100-200 mPa s 7
dilution, w/o years), hot animal oil alcohol or
psychology or cold (20-40%), fatty acid
fatty acids or esters (several
alcohol, %)

1. Culicle
2. Epidmna
3. Paliis cells
4. Chlomptants
5. Paliasadr tissue
6. Vaeuok
7. Nuelwa
0. Nowe
9. Lacum parenetrqna
10. slorm


Fig. 13. Leaf: cross-section of the limb.

enhances breaking of emulsions. This process is stability. These generally consist of a mixture of
further influenced by the wind speed. To avoid an anionic surfactant such as calcium dodecyl
these disturbances the size of the spread droplets benzenesulphonate and a non-ionic surfactant such
should be adequately controlled. The role of the as an alkyl phenol ethoxylate. In some cases,
emulsion droplet size distribution may also play a phosphate surfactants are added to make the emul-
role in this process. To reduce the process of spray sion compatible with fertilizers used in agriculture.
drift, one usually uses large spray droplets. The optimum emulsifier content in the final emul-
For many practical applications, pesticides are sion is between 0.5% and 1% and the droplets are
formulated as emulsifiable concentrates. In this in the region of l-3 urn.
case, the active ingredient is dissolved in an oil to A summary of the composition of a typical
which one or two surfactants are added. When this emulsifiable concentrate is given in Table 11.
concentrate is diluted in the spray tank it spontane-
ously emulsifies producing an O/W emulsion. The
stability of the emulsion produced is influenced by 7. Bitumen emulsion in road construction
the concentration and type of electrolyte in the techniques
water as well as the temperature. This is illustrated
in Fig. 15 which shows the relative emulsion sta- Bitumen emulsions are used to carry an active
bility at various temperatures in the presence of material, mainly bitumen, for road application
calcium carbonate [ 63. while avoiding solvents. Bitumen is used to bind
Emulsifiers are selected to produce optimum aggregates together to make up the layers of
12 M. ChappatlCoNoids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57~ 77


(dalapon piclorame)









C.S. : Cross section
000 : Duct for slightly lipophilic substance:
000 : Duct for lipophilic substances

Fig. 14. Transfer of herbicide applied by spraying.

pavement. Emphasis is placed on emulsion sta- mix before the final compacted application under
bility from manufacturing to application on the traffic conditions. Adhesion takes place if the
aggregates and on quick separation from water bitumen properly wets the aggregate in dry or
after contact with the materials. This separation wet weather. Cationic emulsions have less wetting
can be either total or partial depending on power than do anionic emulsions as the emulsifi-
whether or not the aggregates will be stored as a ers are less hydrophilic.
M. ChappatlColloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77 13



Water Hardness
I I I 1
1000 500 0 500 1000 1500
Na as ppm CaC03 ppm CaC03

Fig. 15. Stability of emulsions as a function of water hardness.

Table 11
Composition and properties of a typical emulsifiable concentrate used in agriculture

Advantages of Type Storage Components Emulsifiers Average Viscosity PH

emulsions stability size

Dilution, environment o/w Several days, Vegetable or Non-ionic, l-3 urn 1mPasat 7
from -5 to animal oil anionic 20°C
+30ac ( 120%) (0.25-l%),
esters, soya

Depending on whether the aggregates are calcar- bution. Under high pressure (0.1 MPa) a mobile
eous or basaltic (electropositive surface) or siliceous spreader that projects a fine film of emulsion on
(electronegative surface), proper adhesion is the road surface to be covered is used. In both
obtained with cationic or anionic emulsions in the cases, the variable weather conditions such as
first case and only with cationic solutions in the humidity, temperature and wind velocity must be
second. This is why anionic emulsions have not taken into account. Clearly one should not work
been commonly used. Siliceous aggregates are used in the rain. The breaking of the emulsion on the
when possible and adhesion is better in the pH chipping surface can be induced using another
range 3-5. agent.
A schematic representation of the bitumen emul- The bitumen emulsion is manufactured from
sion application is shown in Table 12. the following ingredients: bitumen (modified or
The emulsions are applied simply by spraying unmodified) heated to a temperature of 130-150°C
on aggregates under either low or high pressure to obtain an optimum viscosity of 200 mPa s -
conditions. Under low pressure (0.05 MPa) a mixer emulsifying additives at room temperature (20” C)
is used to ensure a proper liquid-aggregate distri- for liquid amines or at a higher temperature (about
14 M. ChappatlCoNoids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77

Table 12
Schematic representation of bitumen emulsion application

Material Anionic Emulsion

Cationic Emulsion


, basalt)

reaction attraction

forming of insoluble forming of insoluble
amine carbonate calcium soap

(silex, quartz,

no neutralizing

forming of insoluble
amine silicate
ADHESION no attraction

60°C) for thick amines - acid at room temper- the emulsion a viscosity range between 50 and
ature (20°C) - cold water (lo-20°C) or hot 500 mPa s. A summary of the bitumen emulsion
water (about 40°C). composition is given in Table 13.
Both temperature and water hardness play an
important role in the quality of the emulsion
produced. The bitumen emulsion must remain 8. Other applications of emulsions
stable during storage in insulated, heated tanks
which may be equipped with a mixing device. To Several other examples where emulsions are used
maintain stability, one should keep the pH low may be listed: paints, photographic films, paper
(3-5). coatings, lubrication, petroleum extraction, etc. In
For the cationic emulsions used, a bitumen with most of these systems or processes, toxicity may
a fixed degree of acidity is selected. The role of the not be a problem, although in recent years several
bitumen’s quality and composition on the emulsion environmental constraints (such as use of volatile
stability is far from well understood. Hard water organic solvents) have been imposed. Paint emul-
should be avoided, especially when preparing emul- sions have some common ground with bitumen
sions with polymers. The emulsifiers used are usu- whereby the oil droplets should strongly adhere to
ally synthetic amine chlorhydrates which vary in the substrate to be painted. In addition, storage
composition according to the final applications. stability must be adequate since such paints may
They have a very big effect on the droplet size not be used directly after preparation. The same
distribution of the emulsion. This is illustrated in principles also apply to other emulsions such as
Fig. 16 which shows the droplet size distribution those used in photographic films and paper coat-
of 60% cationic bitumen emulsion prepared using ings (where a latex emulsion is used to coat the
three different emulsifiers. A typical histogram of paper fibres).
the bitumen emulsion is shown in Fig. 17. In some
cases, binders may be added and this will have an
effect on the viscosity of the emulsion as illustrated 9. Conclusions
in Fig. 18.
Generally speaking, the bitumen emulsion In every application I have considered, emul-
concentration ranges from 60% to 70%, giving sions are very environmentally friendly. They make
M. ChappatlColloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77

100 -

.E 50 -



1 2 3 4 5 6 78910 20

Fig. 16. Droplet size distribution of 60% bitumen cationic emulsions prepared using three different emulsifiers (A, B and mixture BE).

III 12 16 24 32 48

Fig. 17. Typical size histogram of a bitumen emulsion.


, I
M. ChappatlColloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77

ing, very simple and in some cases the emulsion is

obtained by chemical action with little demand for
mechanical energy to obtain shearing. However,
with many emulsions, such as bitumen, mechanical
energy is required to produce the system.
The storage conditions of emulsions must be
carefully controlled to maintain their stability. For
example, with pharmaceutical emulsions the sys-
tems must be stored at low temperature (4°C) to
avoid bacterial growth and to give the emulsion a
shelf-life of l-2 years. Often emulsions such as
bitumen have to be stored at much higher temper-
atures (80’ C) but only for much shorter periods
(l-2 months).
In many cases, such as cosmetic or agrochemical
emulsions, the storage temperatures could vary
over a wide range (- 5 to + 50’ C) and the formula-
tions need to remain stable over a period of l-2
years. In addition, the consistency (rheology) of
cosmetic and food emulsions needs to be controlled
for aesthetic reasons (e.g. taste with food emul-
sions). Breaking of an emulsion upon application
is essential in many cases. With bitumen emulsions
01 I I I I I I
the droplets need to coalesce at the chippings to
40 50 60
provide good coating. This is also the case with
Binder Content
many agrochemical emulsions which need to break
Fig. 18. Effect of binder content on bitumen emulsion viscosity. on the leaf surface to allow spreading and adhesion
to occur. The same applies to many cosmetic
it possible to avoid using solvents, and the emulsi- emulsion creams where the oil droplets need to
fiers used, which are added in small quantities, are spread on the skin to form a protective film. With
generally harmless. In many cases an emulsion many medical emulsions the droplets have to break
form is selected because it is more fluid than the at the site of action to release the active ingredient.
active matter and thus it spreads more easily. O/W emulsions are most common in industrial
Moreover, homogeneity of an emulsion enables applications than W/O emulsions and in most
smaller amounts of active elements to be more cases non-ionic emulsifiers are preferred. This is
evenly spread. not the case with bitumen emulsions where cationic
The production conditions are, generally speak- emulsifiers are required.

Table 13
Summary of road bitumen emulsion characteristics

Advantages of Type Storage Components Emulsifiers Average Viscosity PH

emulsions stability size

Dilution, environment o/w From several Bitumen Amine chlorohydrates 4-6 urn 20-100 mPa s 3-5
hours at (60-70%) (2%) at 25°C
60°C to
several days
at 20°C
M. ChappatlColloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 91 (1994) 57-77 II

The average droplet size of most emulsions is exchange of ideas between manufacturers in vari-
usually of the order of a few microns and this is ous fields is far from being achieved and every
achieved in most cases by the use of high speed industry sets its own rules and concepts. A unified
stirrers. In some cases, such as in pharmaceutical approach to emulsion formation and stability is
emulsions, submicron emulsions need to be pre- required in the future.
pared and this required application of homog-
enisers and/or ultrasonics.
The emulsifier concentration is usually a few per
cent, except for cosmetic emulsions where higher References
concentrations may be used.
A number of technical problems still require a [l] H. Barnes, Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects,
great deal of research in the future. For example, 91 (1994) 89-95.
[2] Th.F. Tadros, Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng.
the selection of emulsifiers (which at present is
Aspects, 91 (1994) 39-55.
carried out by trial and error) needs to be rational- [3] Th.F. Tadros and B. Vincent, in P. Becher (Ed.),
ised using basic concepts. Also, the problem of Encyclopedia of Emulsion Technology, Vol. 1, Marcel
emulsion breakdown (coalescence) needs to be Dekker, New York, 1983.
addressed at a fundamental level. Then breakdown [4] S.S. Davis, J. Hadgraft and K. Palin, in P. Becher (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of Emulsion Technology, Vol. 2, Marcel
of emulsions upon application needs to be con-
Dekker, New York, 1985.
trolled and this also requires fundamental under- [ 51 Th.F. Tadros, Int. J. Cosmet. Sci., 14 (1992) 93.
standing of the interactions between the droplets [6] D.Z. Becher, in P. Becher (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Emulsion
and the substrate. It should be stressed that Technology, Vol. 2, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1985.

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