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FIRST SESSIONAL TEST (Odd Semester) 201112

Total Students: 61

Student Name: Subject: Distributed Data Base System Code: MCA 5.2(2) Semester: vth Branch/Section: MCA (Elective)

Class / University Roll No. Max Marks: 60 Time: 1.5 hour

Students are not allowed to leave examination hall before 60 minutes. All Questions are compulsory. First Question is compulsory.

Q1. Objective questions (i) A transaction manager is which of the following? (a) Maintains a log of transactions (b) Maintains before and after database images (c ) Maintains appropriate concurrency control (d) All of the above.

(1.5*10= 15)

(ii) Some of the columns of a relation are at different sites is which of the following? (a)Data Replication (b) Horizontal Partitioning (c)Vertical Partitioning (d) horizontal and Vertical Partitioning

(iii) Which of the following is true concerning a global transaction? (a) The required data are at one local site and the distributed DBMS routes requests as necessary. (b) The required data are located in at least one nonlocal site and the distributed DBMS routes requests as necessary. (c ) The required data are at one local site and the distributed DBMS passes the request to only the local DBMS. (d) The required data are located in at least one nonlocal site and the distributed DBMS passes the request to only the local DBMS. (iv) Storing a separate copy of the database at multiple locations is which of the following? (a) Data Replication (b) Horizontal Partitioning (c) Vertical Partitioning (d) Horizontal and Vertical Partitioning (v) A semijoin is which of the following? (a) Only the joining attributes are sent from one site to another and then all of the rows are returned. (b) All of the attributes are sent from one site to another and then only the required rows are returned. (c) Only the joining attributes are sent from one site to another and then only the required rows are returned. (d) All of the attributes are sent from one site to another and then only the required rows are returned. (vi) A distributed database can use which of the following strategies? (a) Totally centralized at one location and accessed by many sites. (b) Partially or totally replicated across sites. (c) Partitioned into segments at different sites. (d) All of the above. (vii) Location transparency allows for which of the following? (a) Users to treat the data as if it is at one location. (b) Programmers to treat the data as if it is at one location. (c) Managers to treat the data as if it is at one location. (d) All of the above. (viii) Which of the following is true concerning a global transaction? (a) The required data are at one local site and the distributed DBMS routes requests as necessary. (b) The required data are located in at least one nonlocal site and the distributed DBMS routes requests as necessary. (c) The required data are at one local site and the distributed DBMS passes the request to only the local DBMS. (d) The required data are located in at least one nonlocal site and the distributed DBMS passes the request to only the local DBMS.

(ix) A homogenous distributed database is which of the following? (a) The same DBMS is used at each location and data are not distributed across all nodes. (b) The same DBMS is used at each location and data are distributed across all nodes. (c) A different DBMS is used at each location and data are not distributed across all nodes. (d) A different DBMS is used at each location and data are distributed across all nodes. (x) A distributed database has which of the following advantages over a centralized database? (a) Software cost (b) Software complexity (c) Slow response (d) Modular growth Q2. Attempt TWO out of THREE question (7.5 *2 = 15) (i) (a) What are the different features of distributed versus centralized databases? (4) (b) What is the Distributed Database Management System, and it component? (3.5) (ii) What is the reference architecture for Distributed Database System. Explain it? (7.5) (iii) (a) What are the distribution design issues? Explain with example? (3.5) (b) Determine the horizontal fragmentation of a database what are the logical properties? (4) Q3. Attempt TWO out of THREE question (i) (a) Define (1) Atomicity (2) Durability (3) Serializability (4) Isolation. (4) (b) Types of fragmentation with example. (3.5) (ii) (a) What is the General Criteria for fragment allocation and measure the cost and benefits of fragment allocation. (4) (b)What is the Serializability in a Distributed Database, give an example. (3.5) (iii) (a) What are the Basic Timestamps mechanism and Conservative timestamp rules in distributed database? (4) (b) What do you understand by Deadlock Managment and what are the different methods and Write Wait-Die and Wound -Wait algorithm. (3.5) (7.5 *2 = 15)

Q4. Attempt TWO out of THREE question (7.5 *2 = 15) (i) (a) Explain views in centralized DBMSs with examples? (3.5) (b) What do you mean by distributed semantic integrity control? Explain with examples. (4) (ii) (a)What to you understand by Individual assertions? (3.5) (b) Explain Vertical Partitioning & Vertical Clustering each with an example. (4) (iii) Consider the Global Relation:-PATIENT (Number, Name,SSN, Amount-Due, Dept,Doctor,Med-Treatment)DEPARTMENT(Dept,Location,Director)STAFF (Staff Num, Director, Task). Define their fragments as follows:- i)DEPARTMENT has a Horizontal fragmentation by Location with two Locationseach Department is Conducted by one Director. ii)There are several staff members for each department, led by the departmentsdirector. STAFF has a horizontal fragmentation derived from that of DEPARTMENTand a semi-join on the Director Attribute. Which Assumption is required in orderto assure Completeness and Disjointness. iii)PATIENT has a mixed Fragmentation: attribute Number, Name,SSN and AmountDue constitute a vertical fragment used for accounting purposes. AttributesNumber, Name,Dept,Doctor and Med-Treatment constitute a vertical fragmentused for describing CARES. This last fragment has a horizontal Fragmentationderived from that of DEPARTMENT and a semi-join on the DEPT attribute. Which Assumption is required in order to assure Completeness and Disjointness. (7.5)

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