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‭Lesson Planning Template‬

‭ED 3501‬
‭Fall 2023‬

‭Component One‬‭:‬‭Organizational Information‬

‭ eacher‬
‭Rosemary Freed‬ ‭ rade‬
‭Level(s)‬ ‭2‬
‭ nit(s) /‬
‭ ubject‬
S ‭ rairies/Indigenous Peoples‬
‭Social Studies‬ ‭Topic(s) /‬
‭Area(s)‬ ‭of Canada‬
‭Strand (s)‬
‭ tart/Stop‬
‭Times +‬ ‭ esson‬
‭45 minutes‬
‭December 5‬

‭Component Two‬‭: Description and Rationale‬

‭●‬‭In this lesson, students will learn about the importance of learning about plants of the prairies‬
‭and will focus on learning about one plant as a jigsaw activity in a group. Then, they will‬
‭report their findings to other students in the class.‬
‭●‬‭Students will record what they learned about the different plants on a worksheet during the‬
‭sharing time.‬
:‭ ‬
‭●‬‭The information for this lesson is retrieved from the‬‭Galileo Educational Network‬‭from the‬
‭Kainai Nation. Since the language used on the site is a bit complex for grade 2 vocabulary, I‬
‭put the information through ChatGPT and asked it to simplify the vocabulary. I then edited the‬
‭response to make it flow nicely, and put it into Canva with images to create an engaging‬

‭ ‬‭Students placed into groups with strong readers to help with the reading portions.‬

‭●‬‭It is not enough to simply just learn about something, being able to explain your findings to‬
‭others is also important.‬
‭●‬‭Scribing for students with writing challenges.‬

‭Component Three:‬‭Learner Outcomes‬

‭ eneral‬
‭Learner‬ ‭ eneral Outcome 2.1‬
‭Outcomes(s)‬ ‭Canada’s Dynamic Communities‬
‭(GLOs)‬ ‭●‬ ‭Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how geography,‬
‭culture, language, heritage, economics and resources shape and change Canada’s‬
‭ .1 Canada’s Dynamic Communities‬
‭Values and Attitudes‬
‭ pecific‬
S ‭Students will‬
‭Learner‬ ‭●‬ ‭2.1.1 appreciate the physical and human geography of the communities studied‬
‭○‬ ‭appreciate how a community’s physical geography shapes identity (I, LPP)‬
‭(or‬ ‭○‬ ‭appreciate the diversity and vastness of Canada’s land and peoples (CC, LPP)‬
‭equivalent)‬ ‭Knowledge and Understanding‬
‭Students will‬
‭●‬ ‭2.1.2 investigate the physical geography of an Inuit, an Acadian, and a prairie‬
‭community in Canada‬

‭Lesson Planning Template‬
‭ED 3501‬
‭Fall 2023‬
‭○‬ ‭How does the physical geography of each community shape its identity? (CC, I)‬
‭●‬ ‭2.1.4 investigate the economic characteristics of communities in Canada‬
‭○‬ ‭What kinds of natural resources exist in the communities (e.g., fishing,‬
‭agriculture, mining)? (ER, LPP)‬

‭Component Four:‬‭Learning‬‭Objective(s) and Assessment Evidence‬

‭Objective(s‬ ‭ ‬ ‭Students will be able to describe Indigenous uses of plants in the prairies.‬

‭)‬ ‭●‬ ‭Students will be able to report what they have learned to their classmates.‬

‭Component Five:‬‭Pre-Lesson Preparations‬

‭Curriculum Resources‬ ‭Materials and Equipment‬
‭ ‬‭Prairies plants infographics‬

‭●‬‭Prairies plants worksheet‬
‭●‬‭Information for prairies plants infographics retrieved‬

‭Teacher Tasks‬
‭ hat do you need to have ready‬‭before‬‭the students‬‭enter the class?‬
‭●‬‭Photocopying of prairies plants infographics and worksheet‬
‭●‬‭Students assigned into groups prior to lesson‬
‭●‬‭Slideshow set up‬

‭Component Six:‬‭Body (introduction, activities, closure)‬

‭Introduction‬ ‭Time‬
‭ ook: Inquiry question/review:‬
‭“Today, we are going to learn all about plants in the prairies and the‬
‭Indigenous uses of these plants. What do you think an “Indigenous‬
‭use of a plant” means? Does anyone know any ways Indigenous‬
‭Peoples used plants?”‬ ‭minutes‬
‭●‬ ‭How Indigenous Peoples used the plants to help them‬
‭●‬ ‭Eating, medicine, to create things such as a basket, for creating‬
‭decorations, clothes, dyes, building.‬

‭Lesson Planning Template‬
‭ED 3501‬
‭Fall 2023‬

‭ urn and talk:‬‭(~3 minutes)‬

‭“Why is it important to learn about the plants in our community? Why‬
‭is it important that we learn about the Indigenous uses of plants?”‬

‭Intended responses:‬
‭●‬ ‭To preserve and protect them‬
‭●‬ ‭To know how plants can help us (medicine, building, clothes,‬
‭dyes, etc)‬
‭●‬ ‭To know if a plant is safe to eat. (poisonous or not)‬
‭●‬ ‭To learn about the culture of Alberta’s people‬
‭○‬ ‭Some plants are used in sacred practices, such as‬
‭smudging and ceremony.‬

‭ ighlight:‬‭Another important reason to learn about‬‭Indigenous uses‬

‭of plants is to recognize the contributions that Indigenous Peoples‬
‭have given to us. Indigenous knowledge has been shared with us‬
‭and we have benefitted from this information, for example plants are‬
‭used in modern medicines today.‬
‭Transition: Explanation of Jigsaw Activity-‬
‭You are going to get a group that I choose for you, and you are‬
‭going to read about a plant found here in Alberta as a group using‬
‭one of these guides. These plant guides are written by people that‬
‭are a part of the Kainai Nation and how their people used the plants.‬
‭I am giving you guys 15 minutes to read about your plant and figure‬
‭out what to say, then, you will share your findings with the class. You‬
‭are all going to be experts about your plant and will come away from‬
‭reading with at least one insight! During the time with your group, I‬
‭want you guys to be focused and working hard. If I hear goofing off‬
‭or off topic conversations, I will assume you are ready to present.‬

‭ o, first you’re going to read, figure out what to say, then, after the‬
‭time is up, you will share with your classmates and complete this‬
‭Activities‬ ‭Time‬

‭Lesson Planning Template‬
‭ED 3501‬
‭Fall 2023‬
‭ ctivity 1: Jigsaw Activity- Reading‬
‭Students will be assigned into groups and will read about their‬
‭ 5‬
‭respective plant. They will come up with a fact about their plant to‬ ‭ inutes‬
‭share with other students.‬

‭ ransition:‬
‭Moving on to sharing, remember you are giving each other one fact‬
‭about your plant. You probably won’t have time to write about all the‬
‭plants, but that’s okay! you should have at least 3 done in the 25‬
‭minutes we have.‬

‭ ighlight: Last time, I saw a lot of people who were part way done‬
‭with their sheet go “oh, I already have that one” and ignore the‬
‭other person, even if that person needed to write about the resource‬
‭they had. Sometimes, it’s okay to share with other people, even if‬
‭you have already written about their part! You have to give and take.‬
‭Activity 2: Jigsaw Activity- Sharing‬
‭Students will share their findings about their plant with their‬ ‭25 minutes‬
‭classmates, and record their findings on a worksheet.‬

‭Component Seven:‬‭Teacher Reflection‬

‭●‬ S ‭ tudents were able to understand the information presented to them with the help of‬
‭their group members.‬
‭●‬ ‭I adapted the lesson and changed things around to accommodate for the number of‬
‭What worked‬
‭well? Why?‬
‭●‬ ‭The discussion at the beginning of the class was important as it gave me a sense of‬
‭where the students were at with their Indigenous knowledge and some students had‬
‭insightful answers.‬
‭●‬ ‭Well planned and thought out use of chat gpt to simplify the language.‬
‭●‬ ‭Students were absent, so one of the groups (sweetgrass) was left out.‬
‭What didn’t?‬
‭Why not?‬
‭●‬ ‭Some students wrote down very basic ideas about the plants of the prairies (“It is a‬
‭deciduous tree” “It is in the prairie” “it is 2cm long”)‬
‭What would‬ ‭●‬ ‭Modify expectations so students had to share at least one Indigenous use of the plant to‬
‭you do‬
‭better meet the outcomes.‬
‭next time to‬ ‭●‬ ‭Use sweetgrass as an example with an “I do, we do, you do” activity where I give an‬
‭further‬ ‭example response for sweetgrass and have students write it down on their worksheets.‬
‭promote‬ ‭●‬ ‭Another idea would be to cut down the time for students to read about their plant to 10‬
‭learning for all‬ ‭minutes and allocate the remaining 5 to an exit slip question: “Why is learning about the‬
‭students?‬ ‭plants in our prairie home important?” to tie back to the beginning of the lesson.‬

‭Lesson Planning Template‬
‭ED 3501‬
‭Fall 2023‬


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