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ignite talk notes:

slide 1:

so when I searched up an image of a great mentor, the results of that search was not successful. I was
shown countless videos, stupid definitions and fake interpretations of a mentor. There were millions and
countless stock images with people who probably don’t even like their job.

Slide 2:

And that made me think what makes a good mentor? Besides all of the media interpretations on how to
be a great mentor and the occasional “here’s 99 ways to be a great mentor, scroll through to see”. What
does it really mean?!

Slide 3:

Mentors have a role of being a leader to others. They provide insight on situation an individual may have
from past knowledge and are eager to learn new things from other people to apply situations. Mentors
are honest, patient and love helping others achieve their goals.

Slide 4:

But what if I were to say, my mentors don’t have these qualities or barely show them? Regardless, do I
trust them to continue teaching me about the values of life? Yeah. but would I trust them to understand
the struggles of being a high schooler and listen their advice about that, probably not.

Slide 5:

Well I can’t actually because my grandpas are dead (sadly), sorry about the mood shift but my grandpas
were my first ever mentors. As a young girl, Mr. Samuel Kofi Twumasi and Mr. Godfrey Akowa taught
me that life continues without you whether you like it or not.

Slide 6:

There’s no pause, rewind, or fast forward button because we are all living in the continuous cycle of life
that is never ending. We can do the small things to stunt that time but I mean the last time I saw my
grandpas were about 8 years ago and look now.

Slide 7-8:

My life has been greatly impacted by these men even though the only time I met them, I hid at first
because I was scared. Ask me why I was scared and I wouldn’t be able to tell you. The men who I
probably need and the number of questions left unanswered because of that fear. But they constantly
inspire me to continue living and to strive for better because they were always improving themselves
because of another person’s influence. They were never able to see how much better I became and how
I grew up to be unafraid for no longer but I believe they can see from where they are. (John 16:22)

Slide 9:
My second mentor is undoubtedly the reason why I show up to school incredibly mad or extremely
happy on some days. With the exception of my brother who is literally always acting sped. Give it up for
Mr. Seth Adjei Twumasi, my father. Oh dad…


So much to say. So many happy, sad and frustrated tears that have fell. But it was mainly all worth it. My
dad taught me and I quote “Crocodile tears won’t get you anywhere, you’re just going to end up looking
stupid and sometimes those friends you have won’t be there to help.”


My dad has never liked the idea of friends. He refers to most people as acquaintances. And he thinks
this way because he sees no benefit in them. Have 2-5 people that you can count on and after that
forget about them.


It happens in school and I’ve learned to realize that I will never talk to these people again, so might as
well play along for the plot. I think that’s at least one positive attribute I inherited from my father, the
emotionless cut off.


Some people just don’t care. Just like people don’t care if I cry or I am upset about something because
no one else is going to do the work for me. My tears definitely can’t.


Thankfully, opposites attract or whatever and my mom married my father. Resulting in me! Love it or
hate it. Anyways, my mother Georgina Afua Asantewah is quite the specimen. I think she’s the reason I
have psychopathic tendencies at some times or whatever.


She taught me about the colour/race battle African Canadians and Americans will continue to face. She
taught me at a young age about racism and discriminatory behaviour that some people may attempt
against me.


I was young, dumb and clueless about this situation until it happened. 2 years ago. At the front of a
grocery store. A man came up to the car I was, tapped on the window and said a couple racist slurs
targeted towards me.


That day I learned how cruel the world is and how something will always have an affect on an indivdual’s
behavior towards someone else and that’s just life. Society can’t change an individual’s opinion about
something, that is a personal decision that has to be made.

My grandpas taught me about life and its simplificity.


My father taught me about trust and friendships with the right people.


My mother taught me about the cruelty of society and individual decisions. However, they all showed
me that my past does not have to shape my future. The overwhelming anxious thoughts and self-
sacrifice are all presently problems that I will not have in my future. I need to stop thinking passively and
fight for myself and certain things that benefit me whether that be bothering people, or thinking of the
stupidest things and eat good food because this will soon be my past and every step I take is one step
closer to discovering myself and what the future has in store

Christiana Nyarkoaa Yaa Twumasi

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