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Music Lesson Plan

Title: “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”

Grade Level: Pre K
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
​ Book of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”
​ Stuffed Animals
Teacher began by stating hername and setting expectations for the class. She ran through 4 things
that make up the student’s body language during the lesson.
​ Sit “criss-cross applesauce”
​ Hands in your lap
​ Eyes on the teacher
​ Lips closed
​ Teacher began by introducing different stuffed animals in her bag. For each one,
one student was to hold it (show it to their class), and then replicate the sound that
the teacher made.
​ Monkey - said “ooh ooh ah ah” and followed by hand motions
​ Squirrel - said “squeakity eek squeak”
​ For the squirrel, teacher had each student turn to the partner behind
them and talk in “squirrel”
​ Dolphin - said “ooh”
​ For dolphin, students pretended their hand was the dolphin and
followed with either high pitches (indicated by higher in the air) or
lower pitches
​ Dog - said “woof” and “bowow”
​ Wolf - howl at the moon
​ After vocal play, teacher looked up at the sky and asked questions about what we
see in the sky, allowing students to answer. She then introduced the song “Twinkle
Twinkle Little Star” and had students follow along with hand motions
​ When the song went higher in pitch, students raised their hands higher.
When song went lower, students moved their hands lower.
​ After introducing song, teacher pulled out a book about “Twinkle Twinkle Little
Star” and read it to the children using various methods of interaction with the text.
​ Reading
​ Having children repeat after teacher
​ Asking questions about “how many” or “what is” having them recognize
numbers and distinguishing animals
​ Hand motions to indicate “up in the sky”
​ Repeated use of the song with the text
Teacher will ask students to recite
​ What song they learned
​ Recall which animals made what sounds
​ Recite hand motions with the song
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will have learned different kinds of animals and what sounds they make. Students will
be able to identify the song “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and sing along with corresponding
hand motions.
Students will be able to recognize high and low pitch with corresponding high/low hand motions.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of
interpret musical works? artistic work

RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do we discern the AS 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s ni expressive

CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal
meaningful connections experience to make art
to performing, creating,
and responding?

Social Emotional Learning (Early Elementary Standards)

(SEL standards) Identity - Self Awareness
1.C.1. Students name people, places, and ideas
that are important to them. Students can
describe their own family traditions
Agency - Self Management
2.G.1. Students begin practicing
self-monitoring thoughts and actions and
asking for help to stay motivated and focused.
Students are aware of their body during active
listening. Students are able to identify when
they are focused and paying attention.
Cognitive Learning Students learned a new song and recognize
things such as the night sky, stars, planets, and
the sun and moon.

Physical Learning Students developed their functional

understanding skills ie interpreting words as
connected to physical motions

Non-Musical Subjects (Subject):

ELA - rhyme, alliteration
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Engagement - Build
​ Foster collaboration and

Music Lesson Plan
Title: Clapping Land
Grade Level: 1st grade
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
Teacher asks about students prior knowledge and introduces “Candy Land”. She then says she
knows a song about a place called “Clapping Land”.
​ Teacher introduces students to “Clapping Land” song by singing it first, instructs
students to listen
​ Teacher then instructs students to repeat after her in singing the song
​ Teacher sings the chorus of the song and checks the students understanding if they
were listening to the chorus; asks “Who did I see?”
​ Teacher asks students to find a partner and do hand motions that correspond with
the song
​ Teacher then asks each pair to face each other and form an inner circle and outer
circle. Outer circle moves clockwise and inner circle moves counter-clockwise
​ After singing a portion of the song, students must freeze and find a new partner to
clap along with
​ Teacher then has students roam freely around the room and try to find a partner
before freezing and doing hand motions
​ As students get more comfortable with the song, teacher gradually stops singing
and allows students to sing/hear each other
​ Teacher then asks what other ‘lands’ they could visit and what corresponding
hand motions would work for that land
​ Disneyland - pretend to fly
​ Snapping Land - snaps instead of claps
​ Stomping Land - stomps instead of claps
Teacher asks students ways that they used their bodies and what body part they used and
students recount what they did.
​ “Flying” used our arms
​ “Clapping” used our hands
​ “Snapping” used our fingers
​ “Stomping” used our feet and legs
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will have learned connotations between words and physical actions; how to stay on
beat, and how they are able to use different parts of their body with different motions.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of
interpret musical works? artistic work

RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do we discern the AS 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive

CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal
meaningful connections experience to make art
to performing, creating,
and responding?
Social Emotional Learning (Early Elementary Standards)
(SEL standards) Identity - Self Awareness
1.C.1. Students name people, places, and ideas
that are important to them. Students can
describe their own family traditions
Agency - Self Management
2.G.1. Students begin practicing
self-monitoring thoughts and actions and
asking for help to stay motivated and focused.
Students are aware of their body during active
listening. Students are able to identify when
they are focused and paying attention.

Cognitive Learning Students learned a new song and associated

different motions with words in the song.
Physical Learning Students developed their functional
understanding skills ie interpreting words as
connected to physical motions

Non-Musical Subjects (Subject):

ELA - rhyme, alliteration
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Engagement - Build
​ Foster collaboration and

Music Lesson Plan
Title: Let’s Make a Dance!
Grade Level: 2nd grade
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
​ Book on ways to dance
​ Speaker to play music
​ Teacher asks students if anyone likes to dance
​ Teacher introduces book on different ways to move and dance
​ Teacher reads book aloud to the class on different dancing moves
​ After each move, teacher tells students to move in that way (kangaroo, crab, cha
cha, tree, frog swimming)
​ Kangaroo - jumps up and down
​ Crab - hands up and pretending to have crab claws
​ Cha cha - step up and down and sway shoulders
​ Tree - move arms slowly in the air
​ Frog swimming - have one leg kicked out to the side and circle arms
​ Flamingo - stand on one foot and flap wings
​ Teacher writes down animal moves on the board and asks students to arrange
them in order of a dance
​ Teacher plays music and tries to implement student’s dance
​ Teacher asks what could be changed to have it make more sense to the music
​ After changing 1-2 things about the dance, teacher plays the music and tries
​ When dance is completed, or ‘feels right’ students put it all together one last time
Teacher asks students why certain movements felt right or worked together the way that
they did. Teacher contrasts fast/slow movements as well as repeated motifs in the song that
correlate with repeating certain movements.
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will be able to put together different dance moves and choreograph a dance to music
using various movements.
Students will be able to identify types of animals and form connotations with how they move.
Students will be able to recognize tempo, and repeated motifs in a song.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of
interpret musical works? artistic work

RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do we discern the AS 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive

CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal
meaningful connections experience to make art
to performing, creating,
and responding?
Social Emotional Learning (Early Elementary Standards)
(SEL standards) Identity - Self Awareness
1.C.1. Students name people, places, and ideas
that are important to them. Students can
describe their own family traditions
Agency - Self Management
2.G.1. Students begin practicing
self-monitoring thoughts and actions and
asking for help to stay motivated and focused.
Students are aware of their body during active
listening. Students are able to identify when
they are focused and paying attention.

Cognitive Learning Students learned new dance movements and

were able to organize them into a song.
Physical Learning Students developed their functional
understanding skills ie interpreting words as
connected to physical motions

Non-Musical Subjects (Subject):

ELA - rhyme, alliteration
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Engagement - Build
​ Foster collaboration and

Music Lesson Plan
Title: Bubbles
Grade Level: 2nd-3rd grade
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
​ Bubble wand
​ Speaker
​ Teacher aks who likes to swim and how it feels to move through water as opposed
to on land
​ Teacher has students walk through the room as if they are walking through water,
and then mud
​ Highights slow, smooth and sharp movements
​ Teacher has students imagine walking through different kinds of terrain
​ Walking on a prickly patch
​ Walking on rocks
​ Walking through snow
​ Walking through mud
​ Teacher then blows a bubble and asks students to observe how it moves. She then
asks them to describe how the bubble moved, as well as using their hands to show
​ Teacher asks whether the bubble moved fast/slow, whether they all popped
at same time
​ Teacher asks students to pick one bubble to watch and then to demonstrate what
their bubble did by moving their body (have hands out like a circle to form a
​ Teacher gathers students onto one end of the room and pretend they are in the
‘bubble container’; once teacher blows bubbles, they fill the middle of the room
and pretend to move like their bubble did
​ Teacher plays music and says that the music will be them getting in the air
​ When music plays, they move as a bubble; when it stops, students must ‘pop’
Teacher asks students to reinact how their bubble ‘popped’ at the end. Teacher asks students
if their bubble moved correspondingly with the music, and how bubbles usually move fast/slow.
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will have learned how to watch an object and replicate its movement. Students will be
exposed to different forms of interactive movement and correlate those movements with tempo
and rhythm to music.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of
interpret musical works? artistic work

RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do we discern the AS 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive
CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal
meaningful connections experience to make art
to performing, creating,
and responding?

Social Emotional Learning (Early Elementary Standards)

(SEL standards) Identity - Self Awareness
1.C.1. Students name people, places, and ideas
that are important to them. Students can
describe their own family traditions
Agency - Self Management
2.G.1. Students begin practicing
self-monitoring thoughts and actions and
asking for help to stay motivated and focused.
Students are aware of their body during active
listening. Students are able to identify when
they are focused and paying attention.

Cognitive Learning Students correlated their movement with

watching a bubble.
Physical Learning Students developed their functional
understanding skills ie interpreting words as
connected to physical motions

Non-Musical Subjects (Subject):

ELA - rhyme, alliteration
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Engagement - Build
​ Foster collaboration and

Music Lesson Plan
Title: The Hokey Pokey
Grade Level: 1st grade
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
​ Speaker
​ Teacher asks students to name body parts that they have two of and points to how
we are symmetrical (have two of some body parts and 1 of others)
​ Teacher has students hold up left hand and points out the L that their index finger
and thumb make
​ Teacher introduces the song the Hoky Poky and sings it for the class
​ Teacher has students stand and walk in a circle while singing the song
​ When teacher says put ‘left hand in’ everyone puts left hand in, takes it out,
shakes it and turns around
​ Teacher repeats this for multiple body parts that have 2
​ L/R hand
​ L/R foot
​ L/R knee
​ L/R elbow
​ L/R hip
​ L/R shoulder
​ Teacher has students put their head in, and then at last their whole self in the
Hoky Poky
Teacher reviews which body parts were put into the circle and which ones students have 2
of. Teacher also asks students to raise left/right hand and double checks that they put in the
correct one.
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will have learned different parts of the body and be able to identify their right and left.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of
interpret musical works? artistic work

RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do we discern the AS 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive
CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal
meaningful connections experience to make art
to performing, creating,
and responding?

Social Emotional Learning (Early Elementary Standards)

(SEL standards) Identity - Self Awareness
1.C.1. Students name people, places, and ideas
that are important to them. Students can
describe their own family traditions
Agency - Self Management
2.G.1. Students begin practicing
self-monitoring thoughts and actions and
asking for help to stay motivated and focused.
Students are aware of their body during active
listening. Students are able to identify when
they are focused and paying attention.

Cognitive Learning Students learned their right from their left and
identified different parts of the body.
Physical Learning Students developed their functional
understanding skills ie interpreting words as
connected to physical motions

Non-Musical Subjects (Subject):

ELA - rhyme, alliteration
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Engagement - Build
​ Foster collaboration and

Music Lesson Plan

Title: Rockin Robin Grade Level: Kindergarten

Source: Modeled Lesson

Materials needed:
​ Speaker to play the song, “Rockin Robin”


​ Have the students name what kind of birds they are familiar with.
​ Ask the students what birds do and how they act.
​ Listen to the song, “Rockin Robin”
​ Be sure to ask lots of questions and to have the kids repeat the words of
the song.
2. Play the game
​ Play the song aloud and when the teacher says “freeze” the kids freeze.
​ When the chorus comes around have the kids play the air guitar and, “Rock like a
rocker would”
​ When it's the verse, have the kids pretend to flap their wings and fly around.
​ When there's a bridge or a solo, have the kids freestyle dance.

Closure: Teacher reviews what birds we are familiar with and how those birds sound and move.

Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .

By the end of this lesson students will have learned how birds sound and move. They will have
improved their coordination skills, listening skills, and familiarity with birds.

CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of
interpret musical works? artistic work

RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do we discern the AS 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive
CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal
meaningful connections experience to make art
to performing, creating,
and responding?

Social Emotional Learning Early Elementary Standards)

(SEL standards) Identity - Self Awareness
1.C.1. Students name people, places, and
ideas that are important to them. Students
can describe their own family traditions
Agency - Self Management
2.G.1. Students begin practicing
self-monitoring thoughts and actions and
asking for help to stay motivated and
focused. Students are aware of their body
during active listening. Students are able to
identify when they are focused and paying

Cognitive Learning Students will have learned about robins, how

birds fly, and how to come up with their own

Physical Learning Students will have learned spatial awareness

and coordination skills.

Non-Musical Subjects (Subject):

Zoology - different kinds of birds

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Comprehension

3.2 Highlight patterns, critical features, big
ideas, and relationships
3.3 Guide information processing and
Music Lesson Plan
Title: Telephone
Grade Level: PreK
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
​ Speaker
​ Teacher asks what parents do when the answer the phone, checking for functional
​ Introduces how to answer the phone
​ Teacher emphasizes listening for the answer
​ Teacher introduces the idea of speaking into a telephone and has students practice
asking questions like “what is your favorite color?” and answering
​ Teacher then plays clip of the song and demonstrates waiting for the call
(listening) and then putting out hands in response
​ Teacher asks questions about the song and invites students into learning about
West Africa and different languages (shows picture of West Africa)
​ Teacher explains that the beginning call means “Welcome” and the response
means “Thank you!”
​ Teacher has students stand up and when sitting down to slap knees to indicate the
drum beat at the beginning of the song
​ Teacher then alternates to jumping instead of sticking out hands to answer
Teacher reviews by asking students what country the music is from, what they did to
answer, how they listened on the phone, and the meaning behind the words in a different
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will have learned how to identify music from a different culture and identify when to
listen and respond.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of
interpret musical works? artistic work

RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do we discern the AS 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive

CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal
meaningful connections experience to make art
to performing, creating,
and responding?
Social Emotional Learning (Early Elementary Standards)
(SEL standards) Identity - Self Awareness
1.C.1. Students name people, places, and ideas
that are important to them. Students can
describe their own family traditions
Agency - Self Management
2.G.1. Students begin practicing
self-monitoring thoughts and actions and
asking for help to stay motivated and focused.
Students are aware of their body during active
listening. Students are able to identify when
they are focused and paying attention.

Cognitive Learning Students identified how to speak on the phone

and developed listening skills.
Physical Learning Students developed their functional
understanding skills ie interpreting words as
connected to physical motions

Non-Musical Subjects (Subject):

Social Studies- Learning about other cultures
and languages
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Engagement - Build
​ Foster collaboration and

Music Lesson Plan

Title: Rodeo
Grade Level: 3rd-4th grade
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
​ Speaker
​ Notecard with types of instruments
​ Have any of you ever been to a rodeo?
​ What kind of things do they have at a rodeo?
​ Teacher has students begin by listening to the song and to listen for when the
‘horses’ appear in the music
​ Teacher then has students pat their lap when they ‘hear the horses’ in the music
​ Teacher discusses what types of instruments play when the ‘horses’ appear in the
​ Castanet, piano
​ Teacher then has students model playing the trumpet at the beginning of the song
​ Teacher then identifies when the ‘cowboy’ is in the song and has students pretend
to swing a lasso
​ Teacher identifies when the students are ‘riding a bull’ and has them rock back
and forth as if the bull is bucking them off
​ Teacher identifies oboe, trumpet, and violin during the slower part of the song
​ Teacher identifies ‘hoedown’ and has students pick a partner and link arms,
turning in a circle
​ Teacher runs through song all the way incorporating these dance moves
Teacher checks for understanding by asking what instruments they heard and how they
would play the instrument.
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will have learned to identify the trumpet, oboe, piano and violin and will be able to
show how to play those kinds of instruments.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation artistic
interpret musical work? work

RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do we discern the AS 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive

CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge
meaningful connections and personal experiences to make art
to performing, creating, AS 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal,
and responding? cultrural and historical context to deepen understanding
Social Emotional Learning Social Awareness
(SEL standards) 3.G.2. Students explore the importance and
power of community participation and service.
Students collaborate with others to identify
ways to contribute productively to their
learning community

Cognitive Learning Students will be able to identify different

kinds of instruments within a piece of music.
Physical Learning Students will be able to replicate how it would
look to play different kinds of instruments
using their bodies.

Non-Musical Subjects History - Students will be able to identify

cowboys, horses, and the rodeos, further
making those connections to the culture of the
western U.S.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Comprehension
3.2 Highlight patterns, critical features, big
ideas, and relationships
3.3 Guide information processing and

Music Lesson Plan

Title: Pout-Pout Fish
Grade Level: PreK
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
​ Book “The Pout-Pout Fish”
​ Instruments
​ Rhythm Sticks
​ Glockenspiel
​ Guerro
​ Shakers
​ Teacher asks students what faces are ‘happy’ and ‘sad’
​ Teacher asks what the opposite happy is; opposite of sad
​ Teacher begins by reading the “Pout Pout Fish” and singing along. When it says
‘Pout Pout’, teacher has students clap to the beat
​ In the book, happy fish come up to the Pout Pout fish. Students are instructed to
pat their lap fast when happy characters come in, and slow when the pout pout
fish talks.
​ Teacher then passes out instruments and before they begin playing, teacher
models how to play each of the instruments
​ “Pout Pout” = follow rhythm with rhythm sticks
​ “Dreary wearies” = guerrero and glockenspiel
​ “Blub blub blub” = shakers
​ Teacher has them practice with just singing before continuing on reading the book
while incorporating the musical instruments
​ At the end, the fish becomes a ‘kiss kiss fish’ and the instruments sound happy as
opposed to sad

Teacher asks students if the fish changed his mood at the end, and what made him
change his mood.
Teacher gives moral of the story, ‘If we see someone who is sad, we should try to
cheer them up.’
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will have learned different kinds of emotions and how to express them.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation artistic
interpret musical work? work

RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do we discern the AS 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive

CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge
meaningful connections and personal experiences to make art
to performing, creating, AS 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal,
and responding? cultrural and historical context to deepen understanding
Social Emotional Learning 1.A.1. Students name their personal
(SEL standards) characteristics and life experiences and have
an increasingly accurate basic sense of self.
Students are aware of their own likes and
1.B.1. Students recognize, label, and
understand basic emotions in themselves and
know that more than one emotion can be
experienced at once. Students are aware of
how emotions can affect their body.
Cognitive Learning Students will have learned about different
kinds of fish, the faces that different emotions
cause, and to make someone feel better when
they are glum.
Physical Learning Students will have learned how to play
different kinds of instruments, such as the
guerro, shakers, glockenspiel, and rhythm

Non-Musical Subjects Aquatic life - different kinds of fish, including

squids, anglerfish, goldfish, starfish, and
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Sustaining Effort and Persistence
​ Foster collaboration and
Self Regulation
​ Facilitate personal coping
mechanisms and strategies
​ Develop self-assessment and
Music Lesson Plan
Title: Aikendrum
Grade Level: Pre K- K
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
Rain stick
Jingle Bells
Rhythm sticks
Wood Blocks
​ Today we’ll be talking about a very funny man, his name was Aikendrum!
​ Teacher begins by singing the first verse of “Aikendrum” and asks students where
the man lived and what his name is
​ Teacher then continues to sing the song and has students listen for what he was
made of
​ Head =drum
​ Body = Rain stick
​ Arms = claves
​ Hands = jingle bells
​ Feet = wood blocks
​ Hat = triangle
​ Teacher sings the song again, and after each verse places a piece of “Aikendrum”
to form a stick man on the floor using the instruments above.
​ Teacher then assigns students to an instrument, and as they sing, students play the
instrument mentioned in the verse
​ Once everyone gets a chance to play, students must put him back together again
while singing the song

Teacher asks students what Aikendrum was made out of and what kind of sounds
the instruments made.
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will have learned the names and sounds of the drum, rain stick, claves, jingle bells,
wood blocks, triangle, and rhythm sticks.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation artistic
interpret musical work? work

RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do we discern the AS 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive
CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge
meaningful connections and personal experiences to make art
to performing, creating, AS 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal,
and responding? cultrural and historical context to deepen understanding

Social Emotional Learning 5.A.1. Students express curiosity and openness

(SEL standards) to new people and situations. Students are
interested in new experiences.
5.D.1. Students understand why safety rules
exist. Students can describe physically unsafe
behaviors and choices in their learning and
home environments. Students can demonstrate
safe behavior.
Cognitive Learning Students will have learned the appearance and
timbre of different kinds of instruments.
Physical Learning Students will have learned how to play
instruments as a part of a group.

Non-Musical Subjects ELA

​ Rhyme, alliteration, devices of
​ Metaphor
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Language and Symbols
​ Illustrate through multiple
Sustaining Effort and Persistance
​ Foster collaboration and

Music Lesson Plan

Title: Irish Stew
Grade Level: 1st Grade
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
​ Speaker
​ Pictures of Ireland and instruments
​ What is a stew?
​ How do you make stew?
​ In a stew, what kinds of vegetable are there?
​ Are there big or small chunks?
​ Teacher plays clip of an Irish folk song and asks students to listen for the different
kinds of instruments
​ Teacher asks students what kind of instruments they heard and shows how they
would play each one
​ Teacher then asks students to stand in a circle holding hands and moving around
in a circle, “mixing the stew”
​ Teacher instructs students to move towards the middle to represent the ‘stew
​ Students dance with corresponding movements as the music plays
What kinds of instruments did we play?
What country is the music from?
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will have learned about Ireland, and the timbre of different kinds of instruments that
correlate with Irish folk music.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation artistic
interpret musical work? work

RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do we discern the AS 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive

CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge
meaningful connections and personal experiences to make art
to performing, creating, AS 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal,
and responding? cultrural and historical context to deepen understanding
Social Emotional Learning 5.A.1. Students express curiosity and openness
(SEL standards) to new people and situations. Students are
interested in new experiences.
Identity - Self Awareness
1.C.1. Students name people, places, and ideas
that are important to them. Students can
describe their own family traditions

Cognitive Learning Students will have learned the appearance and

timbre of different kinds of instruments.
Physical Learning Students will have learned spatial awareness
skills and a coordinated dance to music.

Non-Musical Subjects Social Studies

-Country and culture of Ireland
-Folk music
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Language and Symbols
​ Illustrate through multiple
Sustaining Effort and Persistance
​ Foster collaboration and
Music Lesson Plan
Title: There Was an Old Lady
Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
​ “There Was an Old Lady” book
​ Instruments
Jingle Bells
Wood block
Tik-Tok block
​ What does it mean to add?
​ What subject do we think of adding?
​ What symbol do we use to add?
​ Teacher begins by reading the book “There Was an Old Lady” while singing.
​ Teacher instructs students to wiggle when it says ‘they wiggled and tickled inside
her’. Class sings together “Perhaps she’ll die”
​ After reading through the whole book, teacher asks students to recall all of the
animals listed in the book
​ Teacher passes out instruments to students and models each instrument and how
they will be used.
​ Drum = “There Was an Old Lady”
​ Fly = Finger cymbals
​ Spider = vibraslap
​ Bird = jingle bells
​ Cat = shaker
​ Dog = wood block
​ Cow = cow bell
​ Horse = tick-tock block
​ Teacher sings through the book again and includes the instruments playing as they
state certain phrases
​ At the end, everyone plays as loud as they can
Teacher aks students what they added in the song. They go through each of the instruments
and add up the total number of instruments used in the song.
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will have learned how to play and identify the drum, finger cymbals, vibraslap, jingle
bells, shaker, wood block, cow bell, glockenspiel, and tick tock block.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation artistic
interpret musical work? work

RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do we discern the AS 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive

CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge
meaningful connections and personal experiences to make art
to performing, creating, AS 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal,
and responding? cultrural and historical context to deepen understanding
Social Emotional Learning 5.A.1. Students express curiosity and openness
(SEL standards) to new people and situations. Students are
interested in new experiences.
5.D.1. Students understand why safety rules
exist. Students can describe physically unsafe
behaviors and choices in their learning and
home environments. Students can demonstrate
safe behavior.

Cognitive Learning Students will have learned the appearance and

timbre of different kinds of instruments.
Physical Learning Students will have learned how to play
instruments as a part of a group.

Non-Musical Subjects ELA

​ Rhyme, alliteration, devices of
​ Metaphor
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Language and Symbols
​ Illustrate through multiple
Sustaining Effort and Persistance
​ Foster collaboration and
Music Lesson Plan
Title: Snail
Grade Level: PreK-K
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
​ Snail plush
​ What is the weather like today? (Raining)
​ What kind of animals come out when it rains?
​ Teacher holds out snail and asks ‘what is this?’ and has students guess
​ Teacher points out the spiral on the shell of a snail and instructs
students to make a spiral using their finger in the air.
​ Teacher sings the song “Snail”
​ Teacher then has students join in singing “Snail” and taking turns
​ Teacher has students stand up and join hands (emphasizing not to let
go of hands) while singing “Snail”
​ One student is the ‘tail’ and does not join hands on one hand
​ Teacher begins by moving in a circle and forming a spiral shape with
the class.
​ Teacher then moves the opposite way, students still singing and
​ Teacher points out that everyone is facing backwards, and thus needs
to be fixed! Students follow as teacher moves around in a circle again
so that they face the other way, all while singing “Snail”
​ Once students are back in their original position, they take a seat
Teacher asks students to show on their finger what the spiral on a snail’s shell looks like.
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will have learned about the shape of a snail’s shell and what kinds of animals come out
during the rain.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation artistic
interpret musical work? work

RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do we discern the AS 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive

CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge
meaningful connections and personal experiences to make art
to performing, creating, AS 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal,
and responding? cultrural and historical context to deepen understanding
Social Emotional Learning 5.A.1. Students express curiosity and openness
(SEL standards) to new people and situations. Students are
interested in new experiences.
5.D.1. Students understand why safety rules
exist. Students can describe physically unsafe
behaviors and choices in their learning and
home environments. Students can demonstrate
safe behavior.

Cognitive Learning Students will have learned about what kind of

shape is on a snail’s shell.
Physical Learning Students will have learned spatial awareness
skills and how to follow with a group in a

Non-Musical Subjects ELA

​ Rhyme, alliteration, devices of
​ Metaphor
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Language and Symbols
​ Illustrate through multiple
Sustaining Effort and Persistance
​ Foster collaboration and
Music Lesson Plan
Title: Hawaiian Stick Game
Grade Level: 1-2 grade
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
​ Book about Rainbows in Hawaii
​ Rhythm sticks
​ Who knows about Hawaii?
​ Who has been to Hawaii?
​ What kind of things are in Hawaii? Are they different to things here?
​ Teacher mentions that Hawaii is known as ‘the Rainbow state’ and
introduces a book with colors of the rainbow using things from
​ Teacher asks students to identify each color and points out things from
Hawaii, such as leis, palm trees, and hula dancing
​ After reading the book, teacher begins by singing a song about
Hawaii, and has students listen first
​ Then, teacher goes verse by verse with students, walking through the
hand motions in the song
​ Teacher then breaks it up into larger chunks, singing two verses and
then having students follow after with 2 verses
​ Students then sing the whole song with hand motions with teacher
​ Students then are handed sticks and follow and in and out pattern with
correlating words in the song
Teacher asks students what Hawaii is called, and what some things were that they saw in
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will have learned about cultural aspects of Hawaii and the colors of the rainbow.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation artistic
interpret musical work? work

RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do we discern the AS 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive

CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge
meaningful connections and personal experiences to make art
to performing, creating, AS 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal,
and responding? cultrural and historical context to deepen understanding
Social Emotional Learning 5.A.1. Students express curiosity and openness
(SEL standards) to new people and situations. Students are
interested in new experiences.
5.D.1. Students understand why safety rules
exist. Students can describe physically unsafe
behaviors and choices in their learning and
home environments. Students can demonstrate
safe behavior.

Cognitive Learning Students will have learned about the cultural

aspects of Hawaii such as leis, palm trees and
hula dancing, as well as the colors of the
Physical Learning Students will have learned hand motions that
correspond to rainbow, sprouting flowers, and
ocean waves.

Non-Musical Subjects ELA

​ Rhyme, alliteration, devices of
​ Metaphor
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Language and Symbols
​ Illustrate through multiple
Sustaining Effort and Persistance
​ Foster collaboration and
Music Lesson Plan
Title: Little Tommy Tucker’s Dog
Grade Level: 2nd-3rd grade
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
​ Who has a pet?
​ What kind of pets do you have at home?
​ What are their names?
​ Do you have a pet that isn’t a cat or dog?
​ Teacher begins by singing the song about a dog, and then asks students various
questions before singing the song again
​ Teacher asks what kind of pet is mentioned in the song, and what sound he
​ Teacher asks what happened to the dog (he is lost)
​ Teacher asks whose dog it is (Little Tommy Tucker)
​ Teacher then sings a verse of the song and has students repeat it back
​ Teacher then introduces motions to the song while they sing
​ Bow wow wow = stomp
​ Whose dog art thou = shrug shoulders
​ Little Tommy Tucker’s dog = point
​ Teacher then has students watch what she changes about the song and sings it
again, adding a pat to the thighs and pat on the head during the rests of the song
​ Teacher adds a spin during the “Little Tommy Tucker’s Dog” verse and pairs off
students with a partner
​ During the game, students must follow hand motions with the song and hold
hands, spinning around with their partner on the verse “Little Tommy Tucker’s
​ After the last verse, students will perform a ‘magic hop’ all the way around to
their next partner
​ Students do a few rounds of the game and then sit down
What was our favorite part of the game today?
Whose dog was missing?
What animal did we sing about?
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will have learned about ‘rests’ in music.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of
interpret musical works? artistic work

RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do we discern the AS 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive
CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal
meaningful connections experience to make art
to performing, creating,
and responding?

Social Emotional Learning (Early Elementary Standards)

(SEL standards) Identity - Self Awareness
1.C.1. Students name people, places, and ideas
that are important to them. Students can
describe their own family traditions
Agency - Self Management
2.G.1. Students begin practicing
self-monitoring thoughts and actions and
asking for help to stay motivated and focused.
Students are aware of their body during active
listening. Students are able to identify when
they are focused and paying attention.

Cognitive Learning Students learned what kinds of animals people

have for pets, and how a musical rest
Physical Learning Students developed their functional
understanding skills ie interpreting words as
connected to physical motions.
Students will have learned spatial awareness.

Non-Musical Subjects (Subject):

ELA - rhyme, alliteration
Zoology - animals

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Engagement - Build

​ Foster collaboration and
Language and Symbols
​ Illustrate through multiple
Music Lesson Plan
Title: Grandma Moses
Grade Level: K
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
​ Peppermint stick
​ Has anyone ever been sick?
​ How do you feel when you’re sick?
​ Did mom/dad/grandma/grandpa ever take you to the doctor?
​ Teacher sings “Grandma Moses” song and asks students what grandma got from
the doctor’s (peppermint stick)
​ Teacher asks students to stand up and to do the motions to the song, singing the
first verse and having them repeat after
​ “Grandma Moses sick in bed” = grabs stomach
​ “Called the doctor” = phone
​ “Grandma, you’re not sick!” = point
​ “All you need is a peppermint stick!” = point and snuffs nose
​ Teacher then sings 2 verses and has students repeat 2 verses at a tiem
​ Teacher aks students “Have you ever been to gma’s house and heard her say, ‘my
back hurts’?”; so you ask “Grandma, what’s aching?”
​ Teacher introduces a game where a student in the middle says what ‘hurts’
pointing to some part of their body. The class then copies and sings (if head and
shoulders were chosen)
​ “Head and shoulders baby 1, 2, 3,” repeating that verse
​ “Head and shoulders” X3 baby 1, 2, 3
​ Shaky shake, shake, shake shake
​ Teacher picks someone to stay in the middle and asks what they call their gma or
gpa, class asks “Grandma, what’s aching?”
​ Student picks 2 body parts that ‘ache’ and continue the verse before picking
someone else during the ‘shaky’ part
If you go to the doctor’s office, is that scary? How do you feel?
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will have learned about different parts of the body.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of
interpret musical works? artistic work
RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do we discern the AS 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive

CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal
meaningful connections experience to make art
to performing, creating,
and responding?

Social Emotional Learning (Early Elementary Standards)

(SEL standards) Identity - Self Awareness
1.C.1. Students name people, places, and ideas
that are important to them. Students can
describe their own family traditions
Agency - Self Management
2.G.1. Students begin practicing
self-monitoring thoughts and actions and
asking for help to stay motivated and focused.
Students are aware of their body during active
listening. Students are able to identify when
they are focused and paying attention.

Cognitive Learning Students learned what it is like to go to the

doctor, different names people call their
grandma, and parts of the body.
Physical Learning Students developed their functional
understanding skills ie interpreting words as
connected to physical motions.
Students will have learned spatial awareness.

Non-Musical Subjects (Subject):

ELA - rhyme, alliteration
Social Studies - different names for
grandma/grandpa depending on the culture or
spoken language
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Engagement - Build
​ Foster collaboration and
Language and Symbols
​ Illustrate through multiple
Music Lesson Plan
Title: “Sally Walker”
Grade Level: PreK-K
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
​ How many of you guys cry when you feel sad?
​ Can you cry when you’re mad?
​ Can you also cry when you’re happy?
​ Teacher stands in the middle and begins to sing “Sally Saucer” and models the
​ At the end of the dance, teacher spins in a circle and picks a student to stand in the
​ Teacher then picks a student and asks them what is something that might make
them cry, (happy, sad or mad)
​ Class sings song again and substitutes the student’s name for Sally, student will
then spin around and pick another student
Teacher recaps what might make someone cry, whether they are happy, sad or mad.
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will have learned about different kinds of emotions.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of
interpret musical works? artistic work
RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do we discern the AS 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive

CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal
meaningful connections experience to make art
to performing, creating,
and responding?

Social Emotional Learning (Early Elementary Standards)

(SEL standards) Identity - Self Awareness
1.C.1. Students name people, places, and ideas
that are important to them. Students can
describe their own family traditions
Agency - Self Management
2.G.1. Students begin practicing
self-monitoring thoughts and actions and
asking for help to stay motivated and focused.
Students are aware of their body during active
listening. Students are able to identify when
they are focused and paying attention.

Cognitive Learning Students learned about different kinds of

Physical Learning Students developed their functional
understanding skills ie interpreting words as
connected to physical motions.
Students will have learned spatial awareness.

Non-Musical Subjects (Subject):

ELA - rhyme, alliteration
SEL - crying, expressing emotions
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Engagement - Build
​ Foster collaboration and
Language and Symbols
​ Illustrate through multiple
Music Lesson Plan
Title: “Bluebird”
Grade Level: PreK-K
Source: Modeled Lesson
Materials needed:
​ What are some kinds of birds that you know?
​ Teacher has students stand in a circle joining hands and raising them
up to make ‘windows’
​ Teacher sings “Bluebird” and pretends to fly through the ‘windows’.
​ Teacher then picks a students to ‘hop in the garden’ and that student
becomes the new ‘bluebird’
​ Teacher asks students to name a kind of bird, what the student picks
will be the kind of bird that ‘flies through the windows’ in the song
​ Student then replicates the dance by ‘flying through the windows’ and
then picking another student to ‘hop in the garden’
​ Cycle repeats until teacher calls end of the lesson.
Teacher recaps some of the different kinds of birds that they discussed, ie eagle, bluebird, raven,
and flamingo.
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
Students will have learned about different kinds of birds.
Music Standards Utilized:
CREATING Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians AS 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
generate creative ideas?

PERFORMING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do performers AS 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of
interpret musical works? artistic work

RESPONDING Essential Question Anchor Standard:

How do we discern the AS 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
musical creator’s and
performer’s expressive
CONNECTION Essential Question Anchor Standard:
How do musicians make AS 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal
meaningful connections experience to make art
to performing, creating,
and responding?

Social Emotional Learning (Early Elementary Standards)

(SEL standards) Identity - Self Awareness
1.C.1. Students name people, places, and ideas
that are important to them. Students can
describe their own family traditions
Agency - Self Management
2.G.1. Students begin practicing
self-monitoring thoughts and actions and
asking for help to stay motivated and focused.
Students are aware of their body during active
listening. Students are able to identify when
they are focused and paying attention.

Cognitive Learning Students learned about different kinds of birds.

Physical Learning Students developed their functional

understanding skills ie interpreting words as
connected to physical motions.
Students will have learned spatial awareness.

Non-Musical Subjects (Subject):

ELA - rhyme, alliteration
Zoology- different species of birds
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Engagement - Build
​ Foster collaboration and
Language and Symbols
​ Illustrate through multiple

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