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Dear Board of Directors,

Last month, our department conducted a job satisfaction survey to better understand how our
employees feel about working for our company. The survey was conducted using a scale of 1-
5, with 1 being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree." Here are the results of the
Supervisor and Management:
My department or agency has the right people and skills to do its work - 3.7
My department or agency practices high standards and ethics - 4.2
My supervisor is quite competent in doing his/her job - 4.4
My supervisor shows interest in my feelings and acknowledges my concerns - 4.4

Benefits and Rewards:

I feel I am being paid a fair amount for the work I do - 3.2
I am not satisfied with the benefits I receive - 3.75
There are few rewards for those who work here - 2.75

Communications seem good within this organization - 3.3
As it plans for the future, my department or agency asks for my ideas - 4.0
I have the opportunity to give input on decisions affecting my work - 3.9
I know how my agency measures its success - 3.25

Overall, the results of the survey indicate that our employees are generally satisfied with their
supervisors and management. Our supervisors are perceived to be competent and show
interest in their employees' concerns. Additionally, our department is seen as having the right
people and skills to do its work, and we practice high standards and ethics.

However, the results also indicate that there is room for improvement in the areas of benefits
and rewards. Our employees feel that they are not being paid a fair amount for the work they
do, and there are few rewards for those who work here. Additionally, communication could be
improved, as our employees feel that there are not enough benefits and they have limited
opportunities to give input on decisions affecting their work.
We recommend that the company take action to address these issues, such as conducting a
review of compensation and benefits and providing more opportunities for employees to give
input. By doing so, we can improve overall job satisfaction and retain our valuable

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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