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Topic of the dissertation: Introduction:

Virtual Architecture and Virtual Space.

Virtual architecture has different meanings in different contexts for example, as information architecture or virtual place. Virtual architecture has different meanings in different contexts for example, as information architecture or virtual place.

Digital architecture is the use digital representations in the development of architectural


Physical architecture is the result of architectural design as a physical building. Virtual architecture is the result of architectural design that serves its purpose as a digital

Virtual architecture provides both a sense of place and a sense of presence, as is assumed in physical architecture. In physical architecture, the place is defined by its boundaries and contents, and sense of presence gives us an awareness of others. In virtual architecture a sense of place can be achieved by visualising the boundaries and contents of functional places that share some of the functions of physical architecture. A Sense of presence in virtual architecture can be achieved through the explicit representation of and communication among ourselves and others in the virtual place.

Objective :
The primary objective of this dissertation is to understand the inter-relationship between Physical Architecture & Virtual Architecture; Physical Space & Virtual Space; and Physical Environment & Virtual Environment. Need for Virtual Architecture in modern world.

1. Virtualization of architecture and visualization. 2. Self-explanatory views about the particular project. 3. Time efficiency causing big projects to complete in minimum time.

Why is the particular topic chosen?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Futuristic concepts involved. Reduces donkey work and efficiently emphasizes on the usage of time. We can make Projects much more Presentable. Portable and easy to carry as compared to sheets from place to place. Providing a bridge between virtual world and real world.

What contribution would the project make?

1. 2. 3. 4. Help use in awareness of the softwares involved. Increase perception and visual awareness. With less amount of training and un-skilled persons also do appreciable work. It require only persons imagination and left over work done by softwares.


1. 2. 3. 4.

Searching for Research works in Library and online. Analyzing Softwares and virtual environments simultaneously. Discovering new concepts about the virtual worlds. Calculating the efficiency of real worlds and virtual worlds.

1. 2. 3. 4. We have better option for our work. Easy to do work Better results and good quality. Getting Architectural ideas about the users and customers, concepts and need.

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