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Application of Statistical Quality Control in the

Manufacture of Safety Shoes

1: Abstract

Al-Manara Shoes Co. is a company that produces and supply the local market with different types of
shoes., which often have defects every month , Especially safety shoes. As a result, the number of
defective products each month varies greatly. In this study, statistical process control (SPC) methods
were applied for the highest defects. The results of this study indicate that safety shoes has three types
of defects, namely Unsticky shoe sole , broken stitch, and peeling skin. The highest defect occurred in
587 units of Unsticky shoe sole, the second defect was peeling skin with 205 units and the last defect
was broken stitch of 140 units of the total production in November 2022 of 12,800 units.

2: Introduction
Changes in the industrial world due to the rapid development of science and technology can have an
impact on competitive competition between companies with one another. In order for the company to
survive and make progress in its business, the company must manage its business well and produce
products with good and guaranteed quality, therefore the company must carry out quality control
activities, namely activities to monitor a product, both goods and services so that it can meet consumer
needs. according to established standards. Quality is very important because it can determine the
success or failure of a company in achieving its goals. Even though the production process of a company
has been going well, in reality there are still discrepancies between the products produced and the
expected products, where the quality of the products does not match the existing standards.

Company Background
The Jordan Al-Manara Co. Ltd. is a family business which was established in 1969 in AlJeezah -Jordan to
manufacture and provide the local market with different kind of Footwear. In 1996 a new production
line was opened to manufacture safety footwear using the most advanced Italian direct injection
machinery with computerized automation equipment.

The company has gradually grown and evolved to become a leader in the sector and a brand recognized
and well established through the Middle East .
Problem Statement
Quality is key in manufacturing any type of product, and it has become more important than ever for
companies to produce quality products to survive.

This factory imports raw materials from a Italy , and it remodels it to different dimensions, according to
demand. the company looking to manufacturing 100% of their product beside of improve the quality of
the products and monitor production processes accurately and to reduce defects, in order to be one of
the worldwide competitor.

Data Collection Methods

The data collection method used is research by observing directly in company that are the object of
research, the following data collection techniques carried out are:
a. Observation
b. Interview

Research Objectives
The number of defects definitely affects the quality of the product, in addition, if he is not careful in
checking it, it will lead to sending defective products to consumers. The statistical process control (SPC)
method is suitable for this research. The research objectives for this final project are:

1. Determine the factors that cause product defects.

2. To determine what improvements should be made in an effort to reduce the number of defective

Critical To Quality


Safe Safety Comfortable

3: Methodology

Identification of problems

Field Study

Observation Interview

Data collection

- Number of production

- The number of defective products

- Identify the various defects

Data Analysis

- Check Sheet

- P Control chart

- Cause and Effect Diagram

- Pareto charts

Conclusions and Recommendations


We have specialized in this Study in: Safety Shoes

4: Data Collection
Day Production (Unit) Number Of Defectives (Unit)
1 511 51
2 492 27
3 524 49
4 505 23
5 482 63
6 534 59
7 510 30
8 514 42
9 539 24
10 511 34
11 472 41
12 512 31
13 512 21
14 542 55
15 522 48
16 513 34
17 485 31
18 510 33
19 514 30
20 490 27
21 542 33
22 519 44
23 500 39
24 532 30
25 513 33
Total 12800 932
Table 1
5: Data Analysis
Check sheet
The first step taken to analyze quality control is to make a check sheet table for the number of
production and the number of product defects. This method is useful for facilitating data collection.

Day Production (Unit) Types Of Defectives Number Of Defective

Unsticky shoe peeling skin broken stitch Defectives proportion
sole (unit) (unit) (unit) (Unit) percentage
1 511 34 9 8 51 9.9
2 492 16 5 6 27 5.4
3 524 30 12 7 49 9.3
4 505 11 7 5 23 4.5
5 482 36 18 9 63 13.07
6 534 29 17 13 59 11.04
7 510 22 4 4 30 5.8
8 514 22 12 8 42 8.1
9 539 19 3 2 24 4.4
10 511 21 9 4 34 6.6
11 472 25 9 7 41 8.6
12 512 24 5 2 31 6.05
13 512 10 3 8 21 4.1
14 542 37 10 8 55 10.1
15 522 20 18 10 48 9.1
16 513 22 6 6 34 6.6
17 485 24 3 4 31 6.3
18 510 20 8 5 33 6.4
19 514 23 5 2 30 5.8
20 490 18 4 5 27 5.5
21 542 26 7 0 33 6.08
22 519 28 10 6 44 8.4
23 500 23 9 7 39 7.8
24 532 23 6 1 30 5.6
25 513 24 6 3 33 6.4
Total 12.800 587 205 140 932 7.2

Table 2

Based on Table 2, it can be seen that the total number of product defects in Company as a whole is 932
with a total production of 12800. The most defects in one working day are 63, while the least defect in
one working day is 21. It can be seen that the highest percentage of defectives is 13% while the lowest
Defectives is 4.1%. While the average defectives is 7.2% which is above the company's provision of 5%.
Normality Test Results
The normality test using the normal graphical P-Plot method aims to see whether the Data are normally
distributed or not. If the distribution of the points on the graph approaches or is around the diagonal line,
it can be said that data is normally distributed.

We will check the normality of the data in the Following Figures, and find that it is normal.

Control Chart
Control Charts are one of the important statistical tools used in Adjusting and controlling the production
process and measuring the quality of products during production in order to detect defects and
undesirable deviations in performance. control charts determine the time and location of the defect and
show the causes leading to it, and this would help in early detection of problems, whether in the way of
implementing the production process or In the product before producing more quantities that do not
meet specifications.

Initially, the work team began to form a periodic inspection schedule for the safety Shoes production
Di 51
Pi = n , P1 = 511 = 0.099

P1 = ∑
❑ Di 932
i=1 , P1= 12800 =0.0728 center line

UCL1 = P1+3√ P¯¿ ¿ ¿

UCL1 = 0.0728 +3√ 0.0728(1−0.0728)/511 = 0.1072
LCL 1 = P1-3√ P¯¿ ¿ ¿
LCL 1 = 0.0728 -3√ 0.0728(1−0.0728)/511 = 0.0383

Point is out of control limits is interpreted as evidence that the process is out of control, and
investigation and corrective action are required to find and eliminate the assignable cause or causes
responsible for this behavior. Analysts of the data from samples 5 , 6 indicate problem in :
1- machine
2-material like (Leather , Glue is low quality)

- According to the western electric Rules, we find that points 5, 6 respectively , it is Out of control (out of
3 sigma limits).
- According to the third sensitizing Rules, we find that points 16 to 21 respectively , it is Out of control
(out of 1 sigma limits).
- 15 of 25 points plot below the center line, while only 10 plot above.
- Following 15th point, 5 points in a row Decrease in magnitude, Down.
After taking a procedure to improve the process by changing the responsible machine that produce the
defects , this results in regular production Consequently, samples 5,6 are eliminated, And Now we will
take 25 samples, the size of each sample is 100 unit and we will use the NP chart because the sample
size is constant (shown in following Figure).

# Sample Size # of defect

1 100 3
2 100 7
3 100 2
4 100 8
5 100 6
6 100 3
7 100 1
8 100 4
9 100 4
10 100 2
11 100 6
12 100 3
13 100 1
14 100 0
15 100 2
16 100 4
17 100 3
18 100 8
19 100 2
20 100 7
21 100 2
22 100 6
23 100 4
24 100 5
25 100 0
total 2500 93

Pareto Chart
Pareto analysis is a factual strategy in
basic leadership utilized for the
determination of a set number of errands
that create noteworthy general impact. It
utilizes the Pareto Rule (otherwise called
the 80/20 lead) the possibility that by
completing 20% of the work you can
produce 80% of the advantage of doing
the whole employment. Take quality
change, for instance, a greater part of
issues (80%) are created by a couple of
key causes (20%).

Cause and Effect diagram (Fishbone)

The fishbone chart recognizes numerous conceivable foundations for an impact or issue. It can be
utilized to structure a meeting to generate new ideas. It promptly sorts thoughts into valuable

In the fishbone diagram the causes of defects in the production process are grouped into 5, namely: raw
materials, humans, machines, environment, method.

A. Unsticky

From the results of the estimation test it has been known that the cause of the unsticky defect is due to
material and method factors:

-Uneven gluing

-Bad glue quality

- Less work instructions

B. peeling skin of Shoes

it has been known that the cause of the peeling skin of the footwear is due to the material factor and
environment .

-leather Bad Quality

- bad storage

C. broken stitch defects

it is known that the cause of the defective broken stitch is due to the human factor and the machines.

-lack of skill


-Low maintenance
6: Process Capability Analysis with Attribute Data
When working on a Quality control project, accurate methods to measure process performance metrics
are critical for understanding the current state of a process and the value of changes made. Four of the
most common measurements are Defects Per Unit (DPU). Defects per Million Opportunities (DPMO),
Parts per Million Defective (PPM), below is the calculation of the process capability for the major
defectives (Attributes data), as in Figure .

total number of defects

DPU= total number of units

DPU= 12800


total number ofr defects

DPMO = total number of units∗number of opportunities
DPMO = 12800 ∗1000000

DPMO = 72813

Collection New Data (Log Book)

Date Time Types Of Defectives Number Of

Unsticky peeling skin broken stitch Defectives
(unit) (unit) (unit) (Unit)
1/12/2022 10 AM 2 1 0 3
1/12/2022 12 PM 1 1 2 4
1/12/2022 2 PM 2 2 0 4
2/12/2022 12 PM 3 1 1 5
2/12/2022 2 PM 4 0 1 5
2/12/2022 4 PM 0 3 1 4
3/12/2022 10 AM 1 1 1 3
3/12/2022 12 PM 0 2 0 2
3/12/2022 2 PM 2 1 1 4

7: Conclusion and Recommendations

1. From the P control chart, it can be concluded that this data is out of control. Given the data, two data
point is out of control, that is, at the fifth and sixth points, the data has a value of 0.13 and 0.11
respectively, outside the upper control limit (UCL) of 0.1072. As long as the points are within control
limits, the process is considered to be under control, and no action is required. However, the point
outside the bounds of control is interpreted at the quality control is in the production process of Co. is
out of control or continues to suffer from aberrations.

2. Factors that cause critical processes affecting failure in the production process are humans, machines,
methods, and materials.

3. To minimize product defects, the company Should be uses statistical methods and applies Lean Six
sigma for the highest defects, namely Unsticky glue.
From the identification of production process improvements, the following recommendations are

(a). Review WI (work instructions) and training

(B). Examination of other supporting equipment and facilities is carried out.

(c). Optimizing storage systems and final arrangement according to the needs of the production process.

8: References
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2- Advanced Quality Function Deployment, Fiorenzo Franceschini, Department of Manufacturing Systems
and Economics, Turin Polytechnic, Turin, Italy.
3- Ishikawa, Kaoru, and John Howard Loftus. Introduction to quality control. Vol. 98. Tokyo: 3A
Corporation, 1990.
4- Mitra, Amitava. Fundamentals of quality control and improvement. John Wiley & Sons, 2016.
5- Montgomery, Douglas C. Introduction to statistical quality control. John Wiley & Sons, 2020.
6- Benneyan, James C. "Use and interpretation of statistical quality control charts." International Journal for
Quality in Health Care 10.1 (1998): 69-73.
7- Aliverdi, Reza, Leila Moslemi Naeni, and Amir Salehipour. "Monitoring project duration and cost in a
construction project by applying statistical quality control charts." International Journal of Project
Management 31.3 (2013): 411-423.

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