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Netiquette – “network etiquette”

- Set of rules for behaving properly online

Etiquette – the forms of required by good breeding

1. Remember the Golden Rule – communicating with real people

2. Avoid slang, acronyms, and text talk – use of correct terminology
3. Avoid screaming in typed messages – ”screaming” – typing all capital letters
4. Proofread your messages before sending them – proofread before you send
5. Exercise good judgment when sharing information with others online – email/messages are
6. Respect diversity in viewpoints – be respectful when sharing opinions, beliefs

Computer Ethics - set of commonly agreed principles that govern the use of computers.

Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics

a) Thou shalt remember the human

• When communicating electronically, whether through email, instant message, discussion
post, text, or some other method, practice the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have
others do unto you.
b) Thou shalt adhere to the same standards of behavior online that thee follow in real life
• While it can be argued that standards of behavior may be different in the virtual world, they
certainly should not be lower.
c) Thou shalt know where thee in cyberspace “Netiquette varies from domain to domain.”
• Depending on where you are in the virtual world, the same written communication can be
acceptable in one area, where it might be considered inappropriate in another.
d) Thou shalt respect other people’s time and bandwidth
• Electronic communication takes time: time to read and time in which to respond. Most people
today lead busy lives, just like you do, and don’t have time to read or respond to frivolous
emails or discussion posts.
e) Thou shalt take thyself look good online
• One of the best things about the virtual world is the lack of judgment associated with your
physical appearance, sound of your voice, or the clothes you wear (unless you post a video of
yourself singing Karaoke in a clown outfit.)
f) Thou shalt share expert knowledge
• The Internet offers its users many benefits; one is the ease in which information can be shared
or accessed and in fact, this “information sharing” capability is one of the reasons the Internet
was founded.
g) Thou shalt help keep flame wars under control
• “Flaming” is what people do when they express a strongly held opinion without holding back
any emotion.” (Shea, 1994).
• “flame wars,” when two or three people exchange angry posts between one another.
h) Thou shalt respect other people’s privacy
• Depending on what you are reading in the virtual world, be it an online class discussion forum,
Facebook page, or an email, you may be exposed to some private or personal information that
needs to be handled with care.
i) Thou shalt not abuse thy power
• Just like in face-to-face situations, there are people in cyberspace who have more “power”
than others. They have more expertise in technology or they have years of experience in a
particular skill or subject matter.
j) Thou shalt be forgiving of other people’s mistakes
• Not everyone has the same amount of experience working in the virtual world. And not
everyone knows the rules of netiquette.

Internet Threats

1. Hacking – gain unauthorized access to a computer.

 Find weaknesses in your security
 Install a Trojan horse
2. Malware – “malicious software”
- more common ways to infiltrate or damage your computer, infects your
 Intimidate you with scareware
 Reformat the hard drive
 Alter or delete files
 Steal sensitive info
 Send emails on your behalf
 Take control of your computer
3. Pharming - common type of online fraud, point you to a malicious & illegitimate website
4. Phishing – used most often by cyber criminals, fake emails, text messages. Also known as
5. Ransomware – type of malware that restricts access to your computer, display a message
that demands payments
6. Spam – more common methods of both sending info out and collecting it from unsuspecting
people, mass distribution of unsolicited messages
7. Spyware (Spyware & Adware) – used by third parties to infiltrate your computer
- software that collects personal info about you w/o you
8. Trojan Horses – malicious program disguised as legitimate software, will install itself and run
automatically once downloaded
9. Viruses - malicious computer program that are often sent as an email attachment, intent of
infecting your computer as well as the computers of everyone in your contact list
10. WiFi – Eavesdropping – to capture personal info,
11. Worms – common threat to computers and the internet as a whole, lives in your computer

Introduction to the Digital Age

Digital age - also known as “information age”, when computer and internet were introduced

ICT – group of interrelated technologies for accessing, processing, and disseminating information

- Has the power to transform the society

Social change – a transformation of culture and social organization/structures over time

Entertainment – the world of entertainment is constantly evolving (fb, yt)

Business – impact of ICT on business is significant, set up an online shop

Education - changing the way of the education delivery system in the world

Job and earnings – digital economy, new jobs in ICT become available

- Digital technologies may destroy jobs at risk of automation – impact on the need for human

Teleworking (Work from Home) – opportunity for work-life balance

Health – new physical and mental health risks, extreme use of digital technologies

Theories in Technology

Technological Determinism - strongly believe that technology shapes the culture, values, social
structures of a society. Technology innovation is the cause of social progress. Society is changing
because of technology.

According to Winner, technology is not the slave of human being but rather humans are the slaves to

Cyber – characteristics of computers, info, tech and virtual reality.

Cybercrime – a crime in which a computer is the object of the crime is used as a tool to commit an

Cybercriminals - may use computer tech to access personal info, business trade secrets

RA No. 10175 Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012

RA No. 10173 Data Privacy Act of 2012

Common Forms of Cybercrimes:

1. Copyright – the exclusive legal right

Copyright infringement – the violation, piracy or theft of a copyright holder’s exclusive right
2. Plagiarism – act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of
another author
3. Computer Addiction – Offline: speaking about excessive gaming behavior
Online: Also known as “Internet Addiction”, excessive use of internet
Virtual Self – persona you create virtually

Criminal Activities

a. Hacking – unauthorized access

Infection of IT Systems with Malware – penalty: 12 – 20 years reclusion temporal , 6 – 12 years
imprisonment also known as prison mayor
b. Computer-related forgery, fraud and/or identity theft – an attempt to obtain sensitive
personal info (usernames, passwords, credit card)
- Maximum of 200,000 fine or prison mayor
c. Electronic theft - illegal downloading
- 50,000 – 500,000 and or prison mayor
d. Cyberbullying – use of electronic communication to bully a person
Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 (RA 10627)
e. Cybersex – willful engagement, penalty at least 200,000 and or prison mayor
f. Child Pornography – a form of child sexual exploitation
- RA No. 9775 The Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009
- penalty of 12-20 years of imprisonment or reclusion temporal
g. Cyber Defamation – an unprivileged false statement of fact which tends to harm the
reputation of a person or company.
- penalty of 6-12 years of imprisonment or prison mayor

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