The Population Explosion Worksheet

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The Population explosion during the Industrial Revolution.

You can work in pairs or on your own. Everyone please place a

submission on SIMON. Ensure you save this in your folder on ONE
DRIVE. Due date Friday 10th Feb.
Name -
I worked with -
Using the link below read the article then answer the questions that follow:
‘The Rise of Cities in the 18th Century’
Note: the boxes will expand as you type in them.

1. List three reasons for the population increase during the Industrial Revolution in

2. From the information that you have read do you believe Britain was ready for this
population boom? Explain.

3. a) Was 18th Century Britain a hygienic place to live? Explain.

b) How did late 18th Century Britain deal with this?

4. Read JacPlus 2.7 The population explosion:

a) Using Source 2 from JacPlus 2.7 add the corresponding years to the graph below.
You can use your ‘draw’ feature in the toolbar to do this.
b) How much did the population increase overall from 1750-1881?

c) Which 2 decades saw the greatest rise in population? Can you come up with any
ideas as to why or did you discover any information from article emailed to you?

5. With children being a strong influence in the workforce what effects do you think this
may have had on the population increase during the Industrial Revolution?

6. Research and make a comment on one medical advancement that took place during
the Industrial Revolution in the 18th Century. What effect did advances in medicine
have on the population increase during this time?

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