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Singing Lesson Plan: Hawaiian Stick Song

Title: Hawaiian Stick Song

Source: Dr. McConkey

Materials needed: Hawaiian Picture Book


Grade Level: 2-3

A.S: Has anyone ever heard of Hawaii? Have you all ever been to Hawaii? What kinds of things did you
see in Hawaii?

1) Explain what Hawaii is known for.

a) Rainbow State
2) Begin song about Hawaii
a) Above, above the birds are flying high,
below, below the flowers are in bloom
In the hills, in the hills, the bright green forest stands
In the sea, in the sea, the fish swim to and fro
In my song, now has ended, my song of a rainbow world

b) Have students pay attention and listen to what kinds of things are in the song.
3) Ask what they heard in the song,
4) Sing song again.
a) Ask what else they heard in the song.
b) Birds, rainbows, flowers, etc.

5) Have students do hand movements and sing along with the song.
a) Fish–hand on top of the other,wiggle thumbs.
b) Rainbow – do a rainbow overhead with hands.
6) Introduce a Hawaii picture book.
a) Stop at each page and ask what observations students have.
7) Explain Hawaiian culture.
a) Dancing,food,Leis,crops,etc.
b) Ask “What makes a rainbow?”.
i) Rain and sun (Could go into a science lesson)
8) Sing song and do hand movements.
a) Above above – hands high
b) Birds are flying high – Connect thumbs and ‘fly’ with fingers.
9) Ask “What is the opposite of above?
a) Below–Bring hands down.
b) Flowers are in bloom – pick flowers with hands and bloom with fingers.
c) Trees–elbow resting on hand and moving up.
d) Sea the fish swim to and fro – fishies moving side to side.
10) Finish the song with “My song has now ended. My song of the rainbow state”.
11) Repeat the song with 2 movements at a time while singing.
12) Repeat the entire song with movements and singing.

Music Standards Utilized:

Social Awareness and Respond – 09

➔ Demonstrate an awareness of the differences

among individuals, groups, and others’ cultural

PERFORMING Anchor Standard

RESPONDING Anchor Standard

CONNECTION Anchor Standard

Social Emotional Learning Social Awareness and Respond – 09

(SEL standards) - Demonstrate an awareness of the

differences among individuals,
groups, and others’ cultural

Cognitive Learning Students will have to keep a lot in mind

when singing the song, doing the
movements, and remembering and
retaining information surrounding Hawaii
and its culture/environment.

Physical Learning Students will be using hand and body

movements in synchrony with students and

Non-Musical Subjects (Subject): Science – 2-ESS2-1

- Compare multiple solutions

designed to slow or prevent wind or
water from changing the shape of
the land.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Representation – Language and Symbols

- Clarify vocabulary and symbols

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