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DSGN 3103 1

Introduction to Visual Communication:

Autumn Semester 2023

Symbol Systems

Isabel Nixon

Connor Mitchell

Isabel Nixon
2 Contents 3

Introduction / Overview Gerd Arntz

This class introduced us to creating and expanding upon identities 05 Gerd Arntz + ISOTYPE
and styles of brands in order to construct symbol systems that 09 Analysis Paper
best communicate a brand’s values. We worked on maintaining 00 Selected Symbols
consistency, clarity, and creativity throughout our symbol designs 00 Rebus Statement
and learned about the theories and values behind a successful
symbol system. Project 1: Five Human Senses
00 Overview + Research
00 Process Work
00 Complete Symbol Family
00 Root/Determinant Symbols
00 Wayfinding Application

Project 2: Implementing, Promoting + Education

00 Overview + Research
00 Process Work
00 Complete Symbol Family
00 Applications: Pattern Build + Gift Bag
00 Applications: Event Poster

DSGN 3103 Introduction to Visual Communication Design Autumn Semester 2023 Department of Design Ohio State University Isabel Nixon
4 Analysis Paper: Gerd Arntz 5

Gerd Arntz & Signs + Symbols Analysis Paper


Arntz has a very simple style that brings a deeper

meaning to an otherwise rudimentary symbol. Many
of his signs revolve around agriculture, money,
politics, and people. These are universal concepts,
effectively bridging a gap between Neurath’s native
country of Vietnam and Arntz’s Germany. The two
use pictorials to demonstrate familiar human life,
specifically the lives of the working class that they
were trying to reach. I believe Neurath chose Arntz
Gerd Arntz (1900– 1988) was as a way to gain new perspective through a
a German Modernist artist and
different culture as well as keep the symbols simple
graphic designer. His symbols
and icon work is of great to ensure minimal misinterpretation. A few words to
importance to the world of visual describe Arntz’s style are elementary, elegant, and
communication. His symbol signs universal. Though some signs may be a bit
are drawn with preciseness and a ambiguous (or versatile, depending on your
wonderful feeling for dimensions.
viewpoint), most of the symbols convey their
As a politically engaged artist
and designer, Arntz depicted meaning well.
social miscarriages in the world
in wood and linoleum cuts. His
simple and direct style was I think between the two countries Neurath and
very suitable for use in image
Arntz were trying to connect, many symbols had
statistics, as developed together
with the social scientist Otto
different connotations. Arntz, when necessary,
Neurath (1882–1945) the famous conveyed emotion through posture and color, but
ISOTYPE sign system. During most of the time his icons lack facial expression.
his long career, Arntz created This is probably because opinions of certain
over 4,000 coherent, powerful
objects, ideas, and positions varied between these
and legible symbols and figures,
of which we can still see the
countries and Arntz wanted to keep the meanings
influence all around us today. ambiguous. Much of the purpose of his designs
was to convey something at first glance rather than
to be analyzed at length, so many viewers create
their own opinions at the first glance of these icons.
Aesthetically, the lack of facial expressions makes
these icons much simpler, but it also serves a
deeper meaning.

DSGN 3103 Introduction to Visual Communication Design Autumn Semester 2023 Department of Design Ohio State University Isabel Nixon
6 Gerd Arntz Gerd Arntz 7
Selected Symbols Rebus Statement

Why I selected these symbols

I chose these symbols because I feel like they each convey an object with some sort of emotional tie or motion in some way. The first is a roll of film, implied by the lines
on the side of the roll. This clarifies a lot for the image--otherwise it might be mistaken for a rug or a scroll. I also enjoy the motion of it uncurling, giving it a little more
dimension than if it were just rolled up. The second picture is a symbol I have seen before but don’t recall where. I interpret it as some sort of altercation between two
parties or teams, and the thing that leads me to this conclusion is simply the posture and placement of each body. The bodies leaning toward one another create a tense
environment as they come quite literally head to head. I love that Arntz was able to convey such tension without using facial expression. The third image is a person or Hold your horses!
team kicking a ball. This can be interpreted two ways: a team chasing after the ball/implied goal or one person chasing the ball with multiple shadows to imply motion. I
lean toward the latter, and I really enjoy both the versatility of the symbol and the motion Arntz gave one person with no other symbols attached to it.

DSGN 3103 Introduction to Visual Communication Design Autumn Semester 2023 Department of Design Ohio State University Isabel Nixon
8 9

Project 1: Five Human Senses Symbol Family Five Human Senses Symbol Family
Project Description Research

- I found some examples to make the symbols
resemble verbs: swirls, motion lines, and colored
shapes to emphasize a space of movement

- I considered creating symbols all surrounding

Peter Megert (1937–2022)
in Berne, Switzerland.
He was educated at the - I also considered a symbol system surrounding
Kunstgewerbeschule there in
Berne. He also pursued his the five senses in regards to technology
education in France and the
United States. He studied design
- I explored different color schemes and styles
planning, communication,
graphic production and film-
making at the Ohio State
University. In 1968, invited by
Paul Rand, Megert became the
advisory graphic designer at the
Westinghouse Corporate Design
Center in Pittsburgh. In 1970,
he was appointed professor of
visual communication design at
Ohio State University. In 1970,
he was appointed as a professor
of visual communication design
at Ohio State University. Megert
received three federal awards for
design excellence in Switzerland,
twice for one of the best Swiss
posters of the year.

We honor him and his many

contributions by undertaking
his famous Five Human Senses

DSGN 3103 Introduction to Visual Communication Design Autumn Semester 2023 Department of Design Ohio State University Isabel Nixon
10 Five Human Senses Symbol Family Five Human Senses Symbol Family 11
Sketches + Iterations Refinements + Color Studies

DSGN 3103 Introduction to Visual Communication Design Autumn Semester 2023 Department of Design Ohio State University Isabel Nixon
12 13

Five Human Senses Symbol Family

Complete Symbol Family Five Human Senses Symbol Family
Root / Determinant Strategy

My situation for the root determinant was the Children’s

Zoo, so I wanted to create a playful, colorful symbol system
emphasizing touch. My touch symbol was the most versatile
and could be used with a variety of perspectives, so I chose
to integrate new objects into the frame along with the hand.

DSGN 3103 Introduction to Visual Communication Design Autumn Semester 2023 Department of Design Ohio State University Isabel Nixon
14 15
Five Human Senses Symbol Family
Five Human Senses Symbol Family Wayfinding Application
Determinant Symbols

DSGN 3103 Introduction to Visual Communication Design Autumn Semester 2023 Department of Design Ohio State University Isabel Nixon
16 Project 2: Implementing, Promoting, and Educating Implementing, Promoting, and Educating 17
Project Description Research

Our second project involved the development of a comprehensive symbol

system. Included is the symbols’ promotion, implementation and education for a
brand organization/institution. It focused on the research, process methodology,
symbol grid/logic, legibility/scale, user comprehension testing, writing and
demonstrating possible applications.
- The architecture of the building was based on the
controversial theory that art should be “challenged”
by its environment rather than displayed neutrally.
One of four different client projects were assigned to each student
(through lottery):
- Their mission is to advance culture for a vibrant
• Wexner Center for the Arts
and equitable society.
• Franklin Park Conservatory
• Whole Foods Market
- The Wexner Center is The Ohio State University’s
• Columbus Department of Recreation and Parks
multidisciplinary laboratory for contemporary art
and culture.
Wexner Center for the Arts:

- “We invest in artists and the creative process,

• Performing Arts: Music
championing groundbreaking ideas and the spirit
• Performing Arts: Theatre
of exploration. We stand with our communities,
• Performing Arts: Dance
prioritizing diversity, equity, inclusion, and access in
• Artist Talks and Lectures
all we do. We aim ahead of the curve, supporting
• Film / Video Program
transformational experiences and creative
• Heirloom Cafe
breakthroughs.” -
• Wex Store
• Exhibition Galleries

Expanded Symbols:
• Architecture Tour Stops
• Maya Lin: Groundswell

DSGN 3103 Introduction to Visual Communication Design Autumn Semester 2023 Department of Design Ohio State University Isabel Nixon
18 Implementing, Promoting, and Educating Implementing, Promoting, and Educating 19
Sketches + Iterations Refinements + Color Studies

DSGN 3103 Introduction to Visual Communication Design Autumn Semester 2023 Department of Design Ohio State University Isabel Nixon
20 Implementing, Promoting, and Educating 21
Implementing, Promoting, and Educating
Complete Symbol Family Black and White
Complete Symbol Family Color

DSGN 3103 Introduction to Visual Communication Design Autumn Semester 2023 Department of Design Ohio State University Isabel Nixon
22 Implementing, Promoting, and Educating 23
Pattern + Application

To-Go Box Pattern Mockup Tote Bag Pattern Mockup

DSGN 3103 Introduction to Visual Communication Design Autumn Semester 2023 Department of Design Ohio State University Isabel Nixon
24 Implementing, Promoting, and Educating 25
Event Poster

These projects taught me a lot about consistency
and maintaining a strong visual style. Using the
usual design process of ideating and iterating many
times before finalizing design decisions, I was able
to generate a lot of ideas and concepts I might not
have before. Researching before creating anything
was quite helpful so I could understand each
situation or company’s values in order to better
represent them. It was also very fun to be able to
utilize color schemes and patterning after coming
up with my symbol sets; the patterns and mockups
were a great way to test out our symbols in a more
realistic scenario.

DSGN 3103 Introduction to Visual Communication Design Autumn Semester 2023 Department of Design Ohio State University Isabel Nixon

DSGN 3103 Introduction to Visual Communication Design Autumn Semester 2023 Department of Design Ohio State University

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