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Al-Faisal College



Student Name: Rowan Alvin

Year 10
Al-Faisal College Sydney, Australia


Student: Rowan Alvin Year 10



Uniform Compliance

Partial Days Absent refers to the student’s ability to be at school on time for assembly at 8.40a.m.



Refers to the level of achievement that the student has attained within that course.
Subject Student Name Teacher Name
Islamic Studies Rowan Alvin Mr O. Alawwad

Exam Mark Assessment Mark Final Mark Overall Grade Student Rank
95% 98% 97% A 7/158

Outcomes Grade
Demonstrates an adequate recitation and understanding of Surat Qa'af A
Comprehends the concept of Superstition and how to avoid it A
Has the ability to explain the causes of deviation A
Acknowledges the impact of intoxicants on the individual and the society A
Appreciates the role of the companions in the Islamic history A

Personal Development and Work Habits Result

Works cooperatively and interacts well with teachers and students Consistently
Completes homework and other assigned work effeciently and punctually Consistently
Demonstrates high level of self-discipline and cooperation in class Consistently
Demonstrates organisational ability and high level of responsibility Consistently

Teacher's Comment:
Rowan is a committed and hardworking student who has achieved outstanding results in Islamic Studies. He has a genuine
interest in Islamic Studies. Rowan is an active participant in class discussions which helped improve his understanding.

Subject Student Name Teacher Name

English Rowan Alvin Mr G. Demiralp

Exam Mark Assessment Mark Final Mark Overall Grade Student Rank
84% 92% 88% B 12/158

Outcomes Grade
Responds to and composes increasingly sophisticated and sustained texts for understanding, interpretation, B
critical analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure
Selects and uses language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate to a range of purposes, audiences B
and contexts, describing and explaining their effects on meaning
Thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information and increasingly complex ideas B
and arguments to respond to and compose texts in a range of contexts
Investigates the relationships between and among texts B
Understands and evaluates the diverse ways texts can represent personal and public worlds B

Personal Development and Work Habits Result

Works cooperatively and interacts well with teachers and students Consistently
Completes homework and other assigned work effeciently and punctually Consistently
Demonstrates high level of self-discipline and cooperation in class Consistently
Demonstrates organisational ability and high level of responsibility Consistently

Teacher's Comment:
Rowan Alvin has worked hard during the year and is to be commended for his efforts. Rowan is a capable and confident writer
who has produced texts that demonstrates his ability to grasp complex ideas. If Rowan is to improve he will need to actively
seek feedback from his English teacher.
Subject Student Name Teacher Name
Mathematics Rowan Alvin Mr E. Jung, Ms N.

Exam Mark Assessment Mark Final Mark Overall Grade Student Rank
91% 91% 89% B 3/158

Outcomes Grade
Applies Pythagoras' theorem, trigonometric relationships, the sine rule, the cosine rule and the area rule to solve B
problems, including problems involving three dimensions
Solves complex linear, quadratic, simple cubic and simultaneous equations, and rearranges literal equations B
Sketches and interprets a variety of non-linear relationships B
Performs operations with surds and indices B
Generalises mathematical ideas and techniques to analyse and solve problems efficiently B

Personal Development and Work Habits Result

Works cooperatively and interacts well with teachers and students Consistently
Completes homework and other assigned work effeciently and punctually Consistently
Demonstrates high level of self-discipline and cooperation in class Consistently
Demonstrates organisational ability and high level of responsibility Consistently

Teacher's Comment:
Rowan has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this knowledge. In addition, he has
achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations.

Subject Student Name Teacher Name

Science Rowan Alvin Miss A. Mehana

Exam Mark Assessment Mark Final Mark Overall Grade Student Rank
95% 83% 89% B 4/158

Outcomes Grade
Discusses the importance of chemical reactions in the production of a range of substances. B
Describes changing ideas about the structure of the earth and the universe to illustrate how models, theories and B
laws are refined over time by the scientific community
Explains how scientific knowledge about global patterns of geological activity and interactions involving global B
systems can be used to inform decisions related to contemporary issues
Analyses interactions between components and processes within biological systems B
Applies models, theories and laws to explain situations involving energy, force and motion B

Personal Development and Work Habits Result

Works cooperatively and interacts well with teachers and students Consistently
Completes homework and other assigned work effeciently and punctually Consistently
Demonstrates high level of self-discipline and cooperation in class Consistently
Demonstrates organisational ability and high level of responsibility Consistently

Teacher's Comment:
Rowan is a capable and committed student who has demonstrated a high level of understanding in science this semester. Rowan
works diligently to complete all class tasks and demonstrates high organisational skills. With his positive work ethic and
dedication, Rowan can continue to excel in science.
Subject Student Name Teacher Name
Geography Rowan Alvin Mrs Z. Ali

Exam Mark Assessment Mark Final Mark Overall Grade Student Rank
89% 90% 90% A 15/158

Outcomes Grade
explains processes and influences that form and transform places and environments A
communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of strategies A
explains the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places and environments A
accounts for perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues A
analyses differences in human wellbeing and ways to improve human wellbeing A

Personal Development and Work Habits Result

Works cooperatively and interacts well with teachers and students Consistently
Completes homework and other assigned work effeciently and punctually Consistently
Demonstrates high level of self-discipline and cooperation in class Consistently
Demonstrates organisational ability and high level of responsibility Consistently

Teacher's Comment:
Rowan has demonstrated an admirable consolidation of his ability to work independently. Rowan has displayed an enthusiastic
and interested attitude in all aspects of this subject and participated eagerly during class activities.

Subject Student Name Teacher Name

PDHPE Rowan Alvin Mr K. Akkouche

Exam Mark Assessment Mark Final Mark Overall Grade Student Rank
98% 91% 94% A 12/158

Outcomes Grade
Analyses how they can support their own and others' sense of self A
Evaluates their capacity to reflect on and respond positively to challenges A
Adapts, transfers and improvises movement skills and concepts to improve performance A
Composes, performs and appraises movement in a variety of challenging contexts A
Analyses attitudes, behaviours and consequences related to health issues affecting young people A

Personal Development and Work Habits Result

Works cooperatively and interacts well with teachers and students Consistently
Completes homework and other assigned work effeciently and punctually Consistently
Demonstrates high level of self-discipline and cooperation in class Consistently
Demonstrates organisational ability and high level of responsibility Consistently

Teacher's Comment:
Rowan is achieving excellent results in PDHPE. His understanding of course content is evident through his participation in
classroom activities and extensive results in assessable items. During practical lessons, Rowan is a highly active participant.
This report is an indication of your child’s progress as measured
against the outcomes outlined in the N.S.W. curriculum documents
issued by NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).

This report is based on testing, continual assessment, completion of

set tasks and assignments and participation in class activities. It is a
reflection of your child’s academic, social and personal development
at this stage.

Please read and discuss this report with your child. It should be read
with an understanding that children can only do their best according
to their capabilities. Maximum effort will achieve varying results for
each child. Children need encouragement and support from home
and school if they are to achieve maximum potential.

Common Grade Scale

The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply
A this knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the
processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations.

The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of
B competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge
and these skills to most situations.

The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has
C achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills.

The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited
D level of competence in the processes and skills.

The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in few areas of the content and has
E achieved very limited competence in some of the processes and skills.

1 4 9 A u b u r n R d, A u b u r n, S y d n e y, N.S.W. 2144, A u s t r a l i a
T e l : ( 02 ) 8877 2000 F a x : 8877 2011

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