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What I Need to Know

This worksheet consists of one lesson, namely:

• How is Communication Influenced by Media and Information?

After going through this worksheet, you are expected to:

1. Describe how communication is influenced by media and information

Lesson 1 How Communication Is Influenced by Media and Information

What’s In Hi John it’s been

a long time! I’ve
Wow nice to see
never heard from
you since you left you again Bea!
for the US 5 years You look great!
ago. Maybe we can get
in touch from now
on through FB or
IG so we can catch

I would love that.

By the way I am a
vlogger now and I have Oh wow! Sure
my you tube channel I will. I now
called Baking with Bea
work for
hope you can subscribe.
Microsoft as a
What do you do now?


Based on the conversation above, John and Bea have not personally seen each other for 5 years
and have lost track of each other. But with modern technology, these two will be able to get in
touch again through social media like facebook, twitter or Instagram.

Advanced technology did not only make communication nowadays more convenient but it also
made information access a lot easier with the use of the internet.

Most 21st century learners are well versed when it comes to social media and the use of technology. Let us see

how knowledgeable you are by giving the names of the following logos.

1 6.


3. 8.

4 9.


What’s New

The following topics will deal mainly on how media and information influenced communication.

What is It
Communication, Media and Information
When internet was developed, it made communication more convenient and smooth compared to
how people in the olden times communicated with each other. Getting in touch with loved ones
especially those in the provinces or overseas was almost impossible and very expensive. Sending a
telegram or snail mail was a lot cheaper but too slow.

Communication changed greatly because of technology through internet and social media. There is
no true interaction anymore. People just communicate through smartphones or computers.

The convenience brought by technology in communication has indeed made lives easier but it has
also hindered people to communicate effectively.

What is Communication?

Communication is the process of sharing thoughts, feelings and ideas with other people. It can be
expressed through written or spoken words, actions, or both spoken words and nonverbal actions
at the same time.

Types of Communication

1. Verbal Communication- an interaction in which words are used to convey a message.

2 Types of Verbal Communication

a. Oral Communication- Spoken words are used such as face to face conversation,
telephone conversation, video calls, online meetings, television, radio etc.

b. Written Communication-this includes email, letters, memo, reports, signage, text
messages, tweets, facebook posts etc.

2. Nonverbal Communication- an interaction where behavior is used to convey and present

meanings. All human responses that are not expressed in words are considered nonverbal.
Examples are smile, stare, tone of voice, manner of walking, style of clothes, gestures,
scream and others.

Media and Information Defined

Media is said to be the foundation of democracy. It helps people see and be aware of
what’s happening in the social, political, and economic situations that would have a great
impact in their lives.

It refers to the different means of communication such as:

a. Broadcast media like television and radio

b. Print media like newspaper, magazines, books, brochures etc.
c. Movies- one of the oldest platforms of media and people went to the theaters to watch
but now people can watch movies at home via cable and the internet.
d. New media – refers to social media and the internet.

Social Media- is an internet-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas,

thoughts, and information through the building of virtual networks and communities. Most
popular social media sites are facebook, twitter and Instagram.

Information refers to a specific data a person wants to acquire for a specific purpose.
Gathering information or data depends on what the person wants to know or learn.


Media Literacy: the ability to access, analyze, assess, and communicate information in
different ways, including print and non – print messages through radio, television,
newspaper and social media platforms like facebook, twitter, Instagram, You tube etc.

Information Literacy: refers to how a person can look for needed information from various
media with the help of technology. It is important that people can
recognize the difference between good information and bad information and analyze or
assess situations from different perspectives. This is very useful in schools, work and
personal lives. Information nowadays, especially when you’re doing a research is very
accessible through different search engines like google being the most popular. There are
other alternatives though like Yahoo, Bing,, AOL etc.

Technology Literacy: pertains to how an individual uses technology to communicate and send
information through different media or social media platforms. Technology comes from the Greek
word techne, which means art or skill and tekhnologia which means systematic treatment. It is
the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.

The influence of Media and Information in Effective Communication


1. It connects people who are miles apart. People from different parts of the
world are brought together through social media platforms. Online meetings are now
possible through different video conferencing applications like zoom google meet,
webex, facebook room, teamviewer, skype etc no matter where you are. Dating
websites made love possible across the continents. Aside from direct communication,
media like television channels can now be watched in some parts of the world making
it possible especially for Overseas Filipino Workers to watch their favorite shows thus
ease their sadness being away from home.

2. It makes communication faster. Two people can communicate with one another
without the long wait for replies or the worry that their messages won’t be received
in a timely manner. Anyone can just get in touch with someone quickly. People do
not have to worry to inform someone about something urgent. The most popular and
the most common social media platforms like facebook, twitter and Instagram made
all these possible.



3. Social media lessens the barriers in communication. People have more

access on what’s happening around the world. They can freely and fearlessly express
their opinions on certain topics such as politics, religion, health and other current
issues. They can communicate to the whole world how they feel be it anger, love,
happiness, confusion, despair, disappointment, sadness, fear, panic, depression,
anxiety and many more. People have more freedom to speak their minds.

4. Media and information literacy also help widen an individual’s
knowledge. Social media-sourced information is now more accessible making
everyone involved and active in society.

5. Creates online jobs. Buying and selling do not have to be done face to face
nowadays. Online shopping became more popular because some say that it is easier for
them and saves them a lot of time. Communication between the buyer and the seller
is more convenient. Work from home is also very common now due to the accessibility
of information online and video communication apps. What can be done in the office
can also be done at home using the internet.


1. It influences people’s opinion. Almost everybody can voice out their opinions good
or bad on social media that sometimes add fuel to the fire. Flame-bait posts or
comments start an argument or even misunderstanding among loved ones, friends and
family. Hate intensifies. Other forms of media like radio, television and newspaper can
also sway the opinion of their audience depending on the message they convey.

2. Source of fake news Media and information have indeed impacted the way we
communicate. The media became a venue that feeds fake news. Some spread fake news
on social media. Lies spread like wildfire throughout society. Lies breed suspicion and
uncertainty. People become even more divided.


3. Place for cyberbullying- Social media also made some people unaware of the
consequences of their posts. It made everyone feel that it is alright to say whatever they
want without thinking of the repercussions. People become unmindful of their posts,
making them say hateful and inappropriate words that they would not normally say on
a face to face conversation, this is where bullying starts. Social media is also a way to
gain virtual friends, and it can be used to hurt or slander someone since social
networking sites cannot guarantee user identity.

4. Hinders effective communication A study showed that one out of four people
prefer socializing online than in person, and 11% of people like to communicate through
their gadgets rather than an actual conversation. If a person will do online chatting
more often, it will be difficult for him to express his thoughts and ideas clearly when
having a face-to-face conversation with someone. This will badly affect his interpersonal
communication skills.

Moreover, some people spend most of their time on social media and tend to neglect
their other responsibilities.


What’s More
You have learned about how media and information influence communication be it good or bad.

Test your knowledge by doing the following activities:

Activity 1. Multiple Choice

Choose the letter that best describes the type of literacy in each situation. Answer may be

a. Information literacy b. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy

1. Cassie found erroneous facts on the magazine she’s reading.

2. Jen uses her ipad to read wattpad stories which she downloaded using an app.
3. The professor instructed his students to go the library to do some research.
4. Sean used google chrome to look for the information that he needs for his science
5. Mark created a fundraising campaign on his social media account to help the
earthquake victims.

Activity 2. True or False

Direction: Write true if the statement is correct and write false if otherwise.

1. Google chrome is a search engine.

2. Technology is the watchdog of the society.
3. Social media made communication faster and convenient.
4. 11% of the people prefer to communicate online rather than face to face.
5. Social media can be used to hurt or harm someone.
6. Newspaper and magazines are examples of broadcast media.
7. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are social media networks.
8. Social media platforms CAN guarantee a person’s identity.
9. Zoom, google meet and skype are examples of video conferencing apps.
10.Television and radio are examples of print media.

What I Have Learned

Answer the following questions briefly using your own words based on what you have learned.
1. Define the following:
a. Media Literacy
b. Information Literacy
c. Technology Literacy
d. Communication
2. What are the different types of media? Give examples.
3. What are the 2 types of communication? Define each.

What I Can Do
Activity 3 Describe how media and information influence communication.
1. Direction: What are the good and bad effects of media and information in effective
communication write your answers on your answer sheets.

Explain your answers in your own words. Write at least 3 good effects and 3 bad effects
and explain each.

Activity 4. The new media

Media and Information have greatly influenced the way we communicate today. With the help of
the internet, give at least 3 descriptions of the following:
Facebook – A. The biggest social media network on the internet.
B. Founded on February 4, 2004
C. Founded by Mark Zuckerberg

a. Instagram
b. Twitter
c. You tube
d. Google

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following is NOT a search engine?

a. AOL c. Yahoo
b. BING d. Zoom
2. What is said to be the foundation of democracy?

a. Information c. Literacy
b. Media d. Technology
3. Which of the following is NOT a video conferencing app?

a. Google meet c. Yahoo

b. Facebook room d. Zoom
4. This pertains to how an individual utilizes technology and send information through media or

social media platform.

a. Communication Literacy c. Media Literacy

b. Information Literacy d. Technology Literacy
5. Which of the following is NOT a social media platform?

a. Chrome c. Instagram
b. Facebook d. Twitter
6. This type of communication uses spoken words.

a. Oral communication c. Written communication

b. Nonverbal communication d. Verbal communication

7. This type of communication uses words to convey a message.

a. Oral communication c. Written communication

b. Nonverbal communication d. Verbal communication
8. Which of the following is NOT an example of nonverbal communication

a. email c. smile
b. nod d. wink
9. Which of the following is an example of verbal communication?

a. coughing c. screaming
b. laughing d. texting
10. If you want to talk to your mother abroad through video call, what app are you going to


a. Instagram c. Snapchat
b. Skype d. Twitter
11. This refers to a specific data acquired for a specific purpose.

a. Communication c. Media
b. Information d. Technology
12. This comes from the Greek word techne which means art or skill.

a. Communication c. Media
b. Information d. Technology
13.This type of communication uses behavior to convey a message.

a. Oral communication c. Verbal communication

b. Nonverbal communication d. Written communication
14. Radio and Television are examples of what type of media?

a. Broadcast media c. Print Media

b. New Media d. Social Media
15. Books and magazines are examples of what type of media?

a. Broadcast media c. Print media

b. New media d. Social Media

Additional Activities
Directions: Answer the following questions based on your own experience.

1. What is your favorite social media platform and why?

2. How do you think your favorite social media platform influence the way you communicate
with your friends? Is it good or bad? Why?
3. When doing a research, which is more convenient for you, going to the library or surfing
the net? Why?
4. What information do you frequently access from the internet? Give at least 3 examples.
5. Which do you prefer face to face communication or online communication? Why?

Answer Key
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. D What's More
5. A
7. D
1. A and B
8. A
2. C
9. D
3. A
10. B
4. C and A
11. B 5. B and C
12. D
13. B
15. C 1. true
2. false
3. true
4. true
5. true
6. false
7. true
8. false
9. true
10. false


Magpile C. (2016) Media and Information Literacy. The Inteligente Publishing Inc.

Gonzales E. (2016) Media and Information Literacy. JFS Publishing Services


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